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Laura and Greg Ch. 03


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"It's your and your wife's decision. Garrison," I added. "Does that man's wife know your son is her husband's?"

"Of course, she does."

"I can just imagine how that is when you all get together."

Garrison laughed.

"We don't get together as often as we used to. He and Lydia get together once a month and have their fun. She no longer likes sharing him with me. Which is fine as she lets me watch her fuck the man who cleans our pool. It's so cute how she has him think they are alone, and I am watching from behind the two way mirror. She makes sure I can see him penetrate her and shoot his cum in her."

My mind was reeling from all this information. What we would say now; TMI.

"And you?" I asked. "Do you have other lovers? The wife of Karl's father, do you still see her?"

"I do occasionally. She likes acting all proper and such. But under her veneer of charity events and social propriety, she does have a special place in her for me. Considering I gave her a daughter she would probably not have with her husband."

"Fuck!" I said in surprise.

"Oh, there was a lot of that Greg. Our foursome trip to Europe years ago was epic."

"My parents went there a few times. They seem to have fond memories of it."

"I bet they did." He replied with a snicker, then added "It's a memorable place."

He smiled at me and I politely smiled back. But I had a feeling he was smiling about something I wasn't privy to.

"Garrison, two questions if I may ask. One, what do you suggest I do with Laura and two, who was the man and woman you traded children with?

"You and Laura first. The hard part. The other question is just... let's leave it for last. So, you and Laura. In the end son, it's what you and Laura decide you need from each other and what you can only get from others. From what I understand, she has not told you who the man is she found memorable and you have not told her about your lover?"

"No, I can't tell her. And so long as this man and her are not in love, I don't need to know who he is. I mean I do, but I have a feeling it will ruin what chance we have of fixing our marriage."

"How so?"

"I'll have to kick his ass."

"I see," he said tilting his head harrumphing. "Well, keeping your kids under the same roof as you and finding an accommodation between you and Laura is the most important thing. Even if it means you and she are not exclusive to each other."

I made a non-committal gesture then that he noticed.

"That boat my boy has sailed. You do know that don't you?"

"Yes Garrison, I certainly do. Its why I reached out to you. I'm just having problems forgiving Laura."

"Even though you pretty much did the same thing. You do see that you did, don't you?"

"I know, but..."

"But what Greg? Are you angry with her that she fucked around or that she did it first? From what you tell me, you didn't realize it was another man's cum she fed you until your lover fed you some and you had an epiphany. Before that, you had no proof she was cheating. Surely you realize you cheated on her just as much as she did with you right?"

"I know you are right Garrison. But why am I still mad at her?"

"Because SHE, and YOU, betrayed each other Greg. Instead of talking to one another, you both cheated and lied. Both of you."

I had been smug in my blame on Laura for our problems, but the fact was Garrison was right. I was as responsible as she was. In not talking to her about our problems and in cheating and lying. I was feeling like shit then as he continued.

"You can say my Lydia cheated as well. But the poor girl can't help herself when it comes to sex. I knew it when I married her, wondering when she would break down and fuck someone. She keeps it under control so long as a man doesn't touch her but can't help it once they feel her up. Then her engine goes on overdrive. She is lucky I am understanding and loves me for it."

"I have to admit Garrison, it felt good to fuck this woman today. It felt better to have Laura see me fuck her. I certainly enjoyed that. And I don't think it was just to punish her. Hard to explain."

Garrison gave out a nervous laugh.

"You're an exhibitionist; admit it. You are just now finding out?"

"Maybe I knew all along. I just never had the opportunity to fuck in front of an audience. And my wife of all people."

"My friend. Trust me. I have been there and know how good it feels. Lydia's lover watched from just feet away as I got his wife pregnant. He had me stay in her until I got soft and then raised her legs and hips to let my sperm settle in her womb. Would you believe Lydia placed his hand over his own wife's cunt to hold the sperm in?"

Again, I was shocked at that image, and he smiled at my expression nodding with a semi evil smile.

"I wish we had video to show you. But that act by him and Lydia was like sealing the deal. The two of us are linked forever." He said almost in a dream like fashion. "But getting back to you and your lovely wife Laura. She is definitely a special girl you have there, Greg. You do realize it don't you?"

I nodded looking down but admitting it just the same.

"You love her Greg. Admit it." He said reaching for my shoulder.

"She is the mother of your children and owns your heart. The other woman is just a fuck buddy. You may fuck her for years on end Greg. But you will never love her like you love Linda. I know that feeling.

"Now, the question is what to do? My answer to you is accept that you both love sex and having it with others. And most of all, that you love each other."

He stopped and saw I still had doubts.

"Greg let's face facts. Someone. No, actually more than one man has fucked your wife's pussy. Some probably more than others and maybe one stood out. But even after that, Laura is back to you feeling guilty and willing to debase herself over and over until you forgive her and love her again."

Yeah, he was goading me. Trying the shock route.

"I mean all that dick she got! All the orgasms she had! All that cum shot in her pussy," he leaned in raising his eyebrow, "...and her ass. Let's not forget that part. And still, she loves you and your children so much she will let you fuck other women for a month! A whole month!

"Then. Then she is willing to let you fuck seven more women for perpetuity as swingers from now on! How do I get that action?"

He stopped berating me and waited for an answer. I had to admit, I was starting to see his point; as painfully as he had to present it. The bastard. But it still hurt. Her betrayal still hurt when I thought of it. He noticed.

"So, tell me," he said siting back with that same smirk. "How good is that side pussy you are getting. I mean Laura had to go to multiple dicks that didn't do much for her obviously. Not if she is crawling back to you. What is this sweet thing made off that you can't let her go?"

I sat there uncomfortably as he berated me. It was bothering me to no end that he was right. Here I had come to him for some understanding and all I was getting was him telling me I was too uptight and focused on what Laura did.

"Don't tell me who she is, and I promise I won't try to find out." He continued. "But what is the attraction?"

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth twice before speaking.

"She is a relative."

For the first time, I saw shock in his face and then amusement

"Fuck me!" Garrison said smiling. "Boy, I can't top that. How close a relative?"

"Not the immediate family," I replied.

"Oh," he laughed, "and I had visions of you plowing your mom."

"Garrison!" I finally said annoyed at his lewdness. He just chuckled at my response.

"Well my boy, all kidding aside. I suggest you forgive your wife and take the deal that couple is offering you. You will have fun for years and stay married to the woman you love. Again, I want to hear it. Do you love Laura?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then say it like you mean it."

"I love Laura."

"I LOVE LYDIA!" he said yelling looking up at the ceiling.

We both laughed as the door opened and the lovely and gracious Lydia walked in. The woman was stunning. She looked not a day over forty... something. Must be nice to live at the gym, I thought.

"What are you two doing?" she said with a smile when she saw me. "Greg, why is my husband yelling he loves me so I can hear him down the street? You didn't profess your gay love for him did you?"

Garrison and I both laughed as she stared at us pointing to the bar.

"Does a woman so loved have to get her own drink?"

Garrison jumped up, gave her a kiss and went behind the bar without asking what she wanted. Long marriage does that. You get to know one another's preferences.

"How was your evening my love?" he asked.

She looked at Garrison, then me and back to her husband.

"Did you tell him?" she replied ignoring his leading question.

"Not yet. I was getting around to it. We had other things to talk about."

"I see. More important than... "It was her turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Kind of yes Lydia. But its confidential until Greg tells me otherwise."

"I understand." She said feigning irritation. "Boy talk."

"But I'm glad you are here," Garrison smiled at her. "Greg is about to find out who you were with tonight and who Karl's biological sperm donor is."

Lydia closed her eyes briefly, then came to sit next to me taking my hand in hers.

"And does he know what you did to my lover's wife?" she said to her husband.

"He does. All by the identities."

"Well, I guess we knew it would come to this Greg," she said now looking at me. "But you have to promise. You can't tell anyone. And I mean ANYONE."

The woman may be a nympho, but these was a deep intelligence in her and also a good heart. I had grown up with this woman always in the background of my parent's circle. Yet I had never realized how caring she was. I could feel a warmth in her that even my parents never exhibited.

"Who is it Lydia?" I asked now bursting at the seams to know.

"Promise first. On everything you hold dear."

"I promise on everything I hold dear."

"Greg." She said quietly. "My lover... is none other than your father."

I think I almost passed out at that.

I know. Some of you figured it out. That philandering asshole was the prime candidate. But to be honest, realizing what lifestyle my parent's circle apparently had, it could have been anyone. The congressman living down the street included. Or the church pastor.

But what shocked me was the realization that my mother... my MOTHER! Of all people. The charity and good order queen of propriety had been part of their depravity and had let Garrison impregnate her with his seed. That meant that my SISTER! Sweet Deborah was Garrison's daughter!

"Greg," I heard Lydia say. "Are you OK hun? Garrison, get him a glass of cold water."

I sat there in shock as Garrison brought the water and passed it to his wife. She in turn brought it to my mouth and made me drink slowly. The cold water did help a bit. Not much.

"That means," I said trembling. "That Karl is my brother?"

"Well, half-brother," Garrison said. "But yes."

I was still stunned.

"Not what you thought you would hear coming over tonight was it?" Garrison said.

Lydia chuckled padding my hand and smiling at me.

I just shook my head. This woman who was sitting next to me had been with my father just until a few minutes before. There was a good chance she still had his... stuff in her. Hopw could she?

"I wonder if I am his son," I said. "I mean not you Garrison."

"You are," she said pointing to a picture of her and Karl next to each other. "Come on. You have to notice the resemblance between you and Karl don't you?"

"Now that you say it I guess there is a resemblance."

Garrison sat across from us.

"Greg, you have learned a lot today." Lydia said. "But again, you cannot repeat it to anyone. Your sister does not know and neither does Karl. Now that you know, we will talk to your parents about telling the two other kids. But I know they are not going to be for it. We have discussed it before, and they are against it. So, keep it to yourself."

"It won't be easy for you to see them and your sister when you all get together." Garrison added. "But you are no longer a child Greg. You are a man with children and responsibilities. So, man up and do what you have to do. Keep your family together and enjoy life with Laura."

"Everything OK with you and Laura?" Lydia asked with concern.

"No, I mean yes," I replied looking at Garrison who gave me a barely noticeable approving nod. "Laura and I have been having some problems and are sorting them out. I came to get some advice from Garrison."

"You poor thing," she said and hugged me. I have to admit, the woman had sensuality to spare. Even now in her mid-sixties she still does. I forgot she had just fucked my old man and found myself getting hard.

"Easy Lydia." Garrison said. "One Hansen man per night. You already had his dad."

We all giggled nervously, and she pulled back. She gave me a squeeze before she let go and stood.

"Greg, I would tell you to stay longer, but this is my time with Garrison," she said walking away. "Come on Garrison. Greg, close the door behind you please. Nice chatting."

She said all that as if we had just talked about the weather. I felt like I was in a twilight zone episode.

"I'll be right up dear," Garrison said to her.

"Don't be long," she replied on the way up the stairs.

"Greg," Garrison said as he walked me out. "Do not do anything stupid like file for divorce before you talk to me."

The look he gave me was stern; one he rarely gave me. One that I knew I would not ignore.

"Yes," he continued. "Laura made a mistake. If I can forgive Lydia and have a great life with her, so can you. And to be honest, I think you can have a better, more fun life together than you did before. Think about it. Don't let your emotions get the best of you. Think it out. If I ever gave you any advice that you should consider, this is the most important one. If she was running off with someone, divorcing you or lying that she is not fucking around, you would have true cause. But she is trying Greg. She's come clean. So please, think this out. OK?"

I nodded and shook his hand.

"Thanks for the time and the talk Garrison. You gave me a lot to think about. And yes, I'll talk to you before I decide on divorce. I promise."



I was worried sick after Greg left for Garrison and Lydia's house. In my mind all kind of scenarios played out on the outcome of his visit. What would Garrison advise him to do? Greg ate out of the palm of that man's hand sometimes.

I watched some TV and drank a bit too much wine after having beer. Not having eaten much, it went to my head. Before long, I passed out where I was sitting. I tended to drink under stress. Something that had been a part of my fucking around days. I had stopped going out with men, but I still drank here and there at nights to calm me down. But like most women know. Booze is for women is either female Viagra or a relaxant.

My dreams were scary and sexual in nature. There were cocks the size of telephone poles that I ran away from. I almost fell in a hole that turned in to Angela's cunt with her laughing at me. Joe stood above me with a monster dick saying, "I'm next. I'm next." I think I jumped up in fear.

"Easy," Greg said kneeling next to me on the couch. "It was a dream."

"Are you OK?" I asked and hugged him.

Surprisingly he hugged me back.

"Yeah, I'm good. We need to talk," he said and gave me a reassuring smile as he looked at me. Oh, my Gawd! Could it be? I didn't want to have false hopes.

"Can I take a shower?"

"Sure, let's go," he said and helped raise me up.

I followed him upstairs like a puppy. We checked on the kids really quick and went to our bedroom. Our bedroom! That sounded so good to me in my head that I almost cried. But I kept it together as my husband undressed me and let me undress him. He felt so good. He smelled like some exotic soap, but I didn't want to ask from where. I was just happy to be holding him again.

He took me to the shower and washed me all over before kissing me against the tiles. I fell on my knees again expecting to suck the pussy off his dick again, but he was clean as a whistle. I may have looked up at him puzzled, but his eyes were closed as my tongue worked his dick. I encircled it with my mouth and took as much of him I could in my throat. Greg is thick, so I barely got his head in my throat. Last time he had forced it in me. So, I pulled back and asked him for help.

"Can you face fuck me? I need you to force it in my throat. I have trouble doing it by myself."

The surprise on his face was one for the ages.

"I need to do this," I said anxiously. "Other women can do this already. I need you to help me get used to it."

Yes, I did say that and meant it. I wanted to be my husband's slut whore to use as he wanted. I wanted to give him everything other women could and learn to be better at it. I had been so proud of him when the fucked Angela. Any jealousy I had then was gone, having had the time to think of it. Angela was just a woman like me. The difference was that she knew more and was more confident. The same with the other women.

I was great looking and young. All I had to do was learn. Learn how to be a better lover. I was a power achiever. I had been a top runner in high school and a dean's list student in college because I was driven. I would learn as much as possible about sex and make sure no other woman ever topped me with Greg. My Greg. I had to fight to keep him. And to do that, I had to share him. And pray he came back to me every night.

Greg did face fuck me but took his time; unlike the time he was angry. He was still deliberate and forceful but gave me time to adjust with small jabs past my tonsils. His dick would push in my throat and pull out until my throat got used to him.

"Think you can take it in by yourself?" he asked.

"Let me try," I replied and took his cock back in my mouth. This was my husband's dick. MY dick I thought. I would not let another woman deep throat him without gagging while I had to be forced into it. I became determined to not stop until I had him fully in my throat with my lips kissing his groin.

"You keep that up and I'll be cumming soon," he said.

That made me more determined if possible. I am Laura. I get things done. Deep throating my husband was not going to beat me. Next time I took him in my mouth, I felt no gagging when I swallowed him. I actually did swallow him as if he was food. It wasn't planned, but it worked, and he slipped all the way in! Realizing I had found the key to the Holy Grail, I did it over and over.

"Oh... I'm going..." That was all Greg managed to get out before I felt his shaft pulse and he groaned. I never tasted his sperm or felt it in my mouth. The sensation of cum in my throat was... different. I knew it was shooting down my esophagus from the warm fluid sensation. I just swallowed it all until Greg rubbed my head with his hand.

"Holly shit babe," he gasped. "Where did you learn that?"

It hurt that he thought I learned that from another man. But I deserved it. Still, I wanted him to know the truth and pulled my head away.

"Nobody. I had to figure it out on my own."

I saw a look of disbelief in his gaze.

"I didn't do this with anyone before Greg. I just worked it out just now. Remember how I gaged when we were with Angela?"

"Yeah, come to think of it you did."

"I swear Greg, I had to be forced in to deepthroat before tonight. This time I forced myself to not gag and do it right. I want to be able to do everything other women can do for you. I don't want you fucking them and saying she's better than my wife."

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