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Laura's Choice Ch. 03

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The new girl rocks Laura's world.
10.6k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/14/2018
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Author's note: I hope you enjoy this chapter or at least find it intriguing. If you are new to this story I suggest reading part 1 and 2 first. Thanks for reading.


Looking at the captive girl lying on the floor, her wrists tied together and her feet bound, a hundred thoughts went through my mind. The one that finally surfaced was that she looked so young, just a child. Ignoring the 10 minute no talking rule I brought my gaze to Xavier's face and quietly asked, "Xavier, did you buy a child?"

"Laura, we don't deal in children. You should know that. She is eighteen. Her nineteenth birthday is in two months. I insisted on seeing all her documentation before completing the purchase. She is legal."

I snorted at that. Yeah, legal to be captured and sold into slavery. The next thought was much more personal and not so noble. Was he becoming bored of me and this was his answer. Was I being replaced? A conflict erupted in my mind, that I should be happy if he took his sexual pleasure out on someone else and left me alone. But another part of my mind was shaken by that. I knew I wouldn't be released but I had come to enjoy the sex with my owner, or at least saw it as a diversion from the expanding but still limited world that I lived in.

I had to ask, "Is she your new sex toy? Am I not enough?"

He shot me a stern look. I knew I was pushing it but the circumstances had moved me off my base and I was still reeling. He looked at me directly and said in a low monotone, "I am giving you a lot of slack Laura, but you know the limits and the rules. For now I will tell you that I didn't buy her for sex. I will provide more detail later. For now I would like you to take Arie and get her cleaned up and into bed. Until we can do some rearranging in the house and probably some renovations she will stay in your room and you will sleep in mine."

I decided to back off and replied subserviently, "Thank you sir for the information. Could I ask about her bindings. Will you take them off or should I to allow her to shower?"

Instead of answering he turned to the girl on the floor who had been silently eyeing us while listening to the exchange between Xavier and myself. He then spoke to her, "Arie, Laura will help you settle in. I will remove your cuffs and leg bindings if you promise that you won't do anything stupid. Please know that there is nowhere on the Ranch that you can run to. Do you understand what I am saying?"

She sat up and looked at him steadily. She didn't answer his question but instead held out her hands. Xavier studied her for a minute and then said in a low but determined voice, "Arie I expect you to answer my questions promptly and civilly."

"Why? I have no idea who you are and I don't really care. Untie me and let me out of here."

I shuddered at what she had just said. If that had been me mouthing off to him I would get the belt until my ass bled. Surprisingly Xavier just walked around her and looked out the window for a few minutes and then turned to her and said calmly, "Arie, I realize that this is difficult for you to comprehend but you are now my property. I bought you and paid a lot of money for the privilege of having a snarky girl who has no appreciation for what I saved her from. You may not care much about me but let me tell you, if one of the other two men who were bidding for you had succeeded in your purchase you would be in a very much worse place than you are here. I didn't really want another girl but I was unwilling to see one of those men have you."

She seemed to consider this for a moment and then said in a mock contrite tone, "Thank you sir for saving me from those even worse bastards, now can you untie me and drop me off in the nearest town." And then she added as an afterthought, "Please and thank you."

Xavier turned to me and said shortly, "Laura, I will unlock her hands but not her feet. Take her upstairs and out of my sight. I expect her cleaned and in your room in 45 minutes. I will have Mrs. Lawrence bring up some dinner for her. You will dine with me later." With that he pulled her hands up and unlocked the cuffs. He turned and left the room in the direction of the kitchen without saying another word.

Watching the door close I warily moved over and offered my hand to help her up. "Arie, lets go upstairs and get you a shower. You'll feel better."

"Fuck you too! All I want is to go home. Can you at least help me get out of here?"

In a flash I saw myself five years ago. The reality of having been abducted, caged and then sold to the highest bidder was beyond what my mind could comprehend at the time. At first it had seemed like a bad dream that I would awaken from and I would be back at my residence in college. I had no immediate family, with deceased parents and no siblings but I was sure the college would search for me and it would be just a matter of time before I was free from the thugs. It didn't happen. I was sure there was some alarm raised by the school, but with no parents I don't think the search would have lasted long. I believe the traffickers looked for girls and some boys who were like me, almost alone in the world. I wondered if Arie fit this description.

"Arie, will there be anyone looking for you?" I asked tentatively.

"Of course, my girlfriends will be searching."

"How about parents or brothers or sisters?"

"Nope, my dad split from my mom and I years ago and mom kicked me out of her house several months ago. My brother took after his dad. I have no idea where he is." This confirmed my thoughts, that the traffickers profiled girls who could disappear without a whole lot of scrutiny.

"Okay, so lets hope they find you soon. How about cleaning up and getting some dinner while you wait." I didn't want to create false hope but I didn't know how else to approach this. I reached down again and grabbed a hand and helped her up. With the ankle cuffs and a foot and a half of chain she could only hobble up the stairs.

As I led her to the bathroom she asked, "So, are you his wife or girlfriend?"

I turned and looked at her for a few moments trying to think of the best way of answering that question.

The whole situation was so bizarre that I decided on the truth because I had no idea how best to help her understand the gravity of her situation. I answered, "Neither, I'm his kept possession, a slave if you will."

"Bullshit! There is no such thing as slaves in 21st century America. You must be playing his game for some reason."

"Do you want a shower or a bath?" I asked not rising to her statement and leading her into my bathroom.

"Really, I would like to understand what's going on here. So if you're a slave as you say, what do you do for him. Do you sleep with him?"

"I'm going to start the shower for you and get you a towel. And yes I sleep with him. That is my main purpose here."

"And you're okay with that, being some sort of sex toy. Have you tried to escape?"

"Arie, please start getting cleaned up. When he commands me to do something I have to obey or I am punished. So please, could you just get in the shower. I'll go get you some clean clothes to wear."

She stripped the simple shift the traffickers had put her in. Underneath she had no bra but a simple pair of cotton panties that she couldn't take off because of the hobble. I told her to get in and I would ask Xavier to unlock her leg shackles. I ran down stairs and explained the situation to him and he thought for a few seconds and then stood up and went over to the table where a set of keys rested. He pulled one off the ring and handed it to me without a word. I went back up and unlocked her ankles to remove the cuffs and then her panties. She stepped back in and continued her shower with a perfunctory 'Thanks' directed at me.

While unshackling Arie and before leaving the bathroom I took a good look at her. She was very thin but lithe in an athletic sort of way. Her breasts were small and firm as far as I could tell and her hips were slender but with a nice curve that led gracefully into a small but pleasantly rounded rear. She was also very short, probably four inches less than my five foot six frame. Her long black hair framed a face almost pixie like in her small but pleasant features. I had yet to see her smile and probably wouldn't for some time but I sensed her face would be very radiant with a bright smile. All in all she was much more slender than my curvier frame and I wondered if Xavier was attracted to smaller girls like Arie. Was she really just his new sex toy to replace me or an addition to me. That was just one of the many questions I had about this unsettling turn of events.

Hearing her step out and turn off the water I walked back in with a fluffy yellow towel and handed it to her. I placed a small nightgown on the vanity and then directed her, "Arie, I was instructed by Xavier to take you into the room I usually sleep in. Your dinner will be brought up by Mrs. Lawrence, the housekeeper."

"What about you, where will you sleep?"

"I'm not sure. There are other guest rooms but he may want me in with him."

She snorted at this and muttered, "Figures for a sex slave that he wants you close by to fuck,"

I don't know why but her comment bothered me even if it was the truth. I shot back, "Arie, if we're to get along please don't make fun of my situation. I'm not proud of what I am but I've come to terms with my situation."

"I'm sorry but really I don't intend to be here long enough to get along with anyone."

I had no answer to that so I led her into the small windowless room that was mine. Before my submission Xavier locked me in at night but now he trusted me with the run of the house as long as I didn't venture outside after dark. It was a small thing but I valued not being locked up at night. I was sure Arie would not handle that well. I didn't blame her.

Mrs. Lawrence arrived shortly with a tray and I introduced her to Arie. She knew of Arie, presumably having been filled in by Xavier. If having another captive girl in the house bothered her she didn't really show it. She welcomed Arie to the house with a smile and set her dinner down on the bedside table. She then turned to me and said Xavier wanted me down for dinner in ten minutes. I was handed the key to the room and instructed to lock the door when I left.

Arie watched this exchange with dismay on her face. After Jean left she spat out at me, "So your other role is jailer to abducted girls it seems."

I looked at the key in my hand and my mind reeled at what I was asked to do. Was I now colluding in the abduction and confinement of young women? I thought for a moment and then replied evenly, "Arie, Until two or so hours ago I had no other role but to satisfy him sexually and help out a bit around the house. I have agreed to obey him in every way but when I made that agreement this," I said gesturing to the key, "was not part of the job description. However, until I sort out how I respond I am risking a severe punishment for breaking my agreement to obey his every command. And frankly, other than the sex, I'm not really asked to do much else and my life has become almost enjoyable aside from having strict rules set for my movements. This is something totally different but please try to understand my situation and help me out. In return I may be able to help you out in some way."

"How can you just stay here like a prisoner, kept just to provide sex for some egomaniac's pleasure."

"I know how this looks but there is a story about escaping and the aftermath that I will tell you when there is more time. I just can't explain it in ten words or less."

"Thanks for the offer, but no thanks, I just want you to tell me how to get out of here."

"Okay, I'm leaving now and possibly after talking to him I will know more about what his plans for you are and that info I might be able to share. Please eat something and I will see you in the morning." The last part was a guess as I had no idea where I would be for the rest of the night and it possibly might be sharing the room with her, a thought I wasn't happy about. Closing the door, I took a deep breath and placed the key in the door and locked it. My gut told me that doing so put me on the wrong side of this evil.

As I walked into the dining room I noted the three places set at the table, a good sign. Still I knew I had to kneel beside him and wait to be invited. He looked at me on the floor and motioned towards the chair. Sitting down in the chair I quietly helped myself to dinner from the serving plates and listened to the conversation between Jean or rather Mrs. Lawrence and Xavier.

He was updating her on the arrangements. "Arie will have to stay in Laura's room as it is secure. When she is up and moving about the house we will now have to remember to keep the outside doors locked for the time being. I'm really hoping she settles in quickly and we don't have to worry about her running away."

Mrs. Lawrence smiled warmly and said, "I do hope she enjoys being part of our household. She's understandably a bit upset but I'm sure there is a sweet girl underneath the frown. Laura and I will be careful to lock the doors when we leave the house. Will she have a collar soon? Perhaps with that we could take her on our walks into the meadows and pines."

"Good point. Her purchase was unexpected so I really didn't have the time to make proper arrangement for a tracking device," he replied, looking over at me and adding, "Laura, I will remove yours and use it for Arie for the time being."

If the conversation was about a new puppy it would have been entirely rational but we were talking about another human. If I lived with him for the rest of my life I will never understand why both Jean and Xavier could so casually talk about keeping women in captivity. For Jean, I believe she simply felt she owed Xavier this support for what he had done for her in the past. She really didn't seem to have an evil bone in her body and she just wanted myself and now Arie to be happy in Xavier's home. "Yes sir," was all I replied.

After I finished my meal and helped clear the table he sent me upstairs to his room.

I waited there, kneeling on my designated waiting spot until he came upstairs to join me. His strange mood continued into the bedroom as he undressed and climbed into bed, resting on his back sitting up against the pillows. He finally looked at me and then directed, "Laura, undress and come into bed." After I slipped out of my clothes he pointed to the space between his spread legs. I dutifully placed myself on my stomach with my head in position above him. Surprisingly though he stopped me from taking his cock into my mouth and held my face up. He then asked, "So what do you think of Arie as a potential friend?"

I had to think quickly for a few seconds as to how to answer this question. In his mind, I believe, he thought that in some way purchasing Arie to be my friend was an act of generosity on his part. I also thought he was out of his mind to think this was acceptable practice but then again what part of purchasing and keeping women against their will was ever going to be acceptable. But in this context, no matter how bizarre, owning another women was accepted practice, and I had agreed to be part of it, if only indirectly.

I took a breath and said very neutrally, "She seems to be intelligent but its early, if you don't mind me saying so, to form a solid opinion."

"She is younger than you by some years. I know you mentioned someone your own age but would that be a problem."

I was somewhat surprised that he even cared about such details. I answered carefully again, "No sir, I don't think the age difference would be an issue." And then I added my real concern, "Her accepting her role in this household could be a bigger issue for becoming my friend." I didn't want to come out and say that she was probably scared shit less of what was happening and that any concept of friendship with anyone in the house was probably the furthest thing from her mind at this point.

I raised myself up on my elbows as it appeared we were going to have a conversation and not sex, or at least for now. In fact his penis was flaccid and lying on his lower tummy. I flashed the thought that perhaps I had lost my edge in turning him on. Maybe that had something to do with the purchase of Arie. I decided to probe. "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, do you find her attractive? I think she is very pretty and has a lovely body."

He smiled and looked me up and down and then reached over and swatted my rear. "You know that I love your ass. Its perfect so don't be concerned about what Arie looks like. You are my pet and my favourite toy," he said with a chuckle. With that his cock twitched and he took my hands and wrapped them around it. I began a slow massage of his stiffening member.

He then added, "But, your job is now to make her feel comfortable and welcome here and to become her friend. It will take time for her to settle down into her role. You know I didn't plan for this to happen, but it has so lets enjoy having Arie here. She was expensive to buy."

Oh god, was I supposed to commiserate about the high price of young women these days. Getting snarky could get me into a world of hurt so I said quietly, "I'll try to make her feel at home sir." With that I took a few tentative licks of the underside of his cock.

"And I want you to explain to Arie the rules we live by."

I couldn't stop my mouth from opening and asking the question foremost in my mind, "Sir, will she need to adhere to rule three?" I asked in reference to the requirement for complete sexual submission. I then trailed little kisses down the underside of his cock and then to both testicles as I waited expectantly for his reply.

It came with a small hiss, my ministrations having their intended effect. "Rule three applies to her as well when I choose to have her."

I looked up not totally surprised by the 'when I choose' part of the reply. His eyes met mine and he saw the questioning in them. I didn't blink though as I slowly moved the flat of my tongue around his sensitive head.. He chose to elaborate as he held my face back from his penis, "Yes, I will have sex with her. She has to understand her full role in the household. While you are really all I need to be satisfied," he began with a small chuckle and continued, "you with your delightful mouth and tongue. But she needs to understand her purpose in addition to companionship for you. Another person in the house will be enjoyable for all of us but she will need to satisfy me and in turn she will need to be sexually fulfilled in order to really settle in. I would never make her celibate."

Yeah, I thought, how thoughtful that he would think of her sexual needs. What a sacrifice for him. However my self discipline buried the sarcasm. I didn't want to distract him from his musings so instead I said as enthusiastically as I could, "Sir, I believe she will come to enjoy sex with you as much as I do."

"Really Pet? You've never expressed your enjoyment in quite those words before."

I sensed I was about to hit the ball out of the park so with that comment hanging out there I plunged my mouth over his cock and sucked and licked furiously while staring deeply into his eyes. He stiffened and then groaned and began to thrust his hips up into my feverish blow job.

I thought I was going to blow him until completion but with a great sigh he stopped me and pulled me up to straddle his hips. I took the cue and settled his cock deep into me while continuing to look into his eyes. They looked soft and intense at the same time. Was this the look of affection in a slave owner like Xavier? Whatever, I was going to make this the best I could.

My hips were rising and falling rapidly on his shaft while I clutched his shoulders. Suddenly he gripped my waist firmly and slowed me down. I looked for guidance into his eyes. Did he not want me to fuck him?

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