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Laurie in Bangkok

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Laurie's advneture in Pat Pong.
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Way back in the Seventies....pre AIDS days....

I returned to college (on the advice of two very close friends) where I picked up a degree and a wife. I was struck immediately by quite possibly, the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Framed by long, loose coils of dark wavy hair, her face looked "cute" tilted one way and quite beautiful when viewed at another angle. 5"6" and 125 pounds of soft curves over a very fit body, Laurie has wonderfully firm breasts, a flat stomach leading to a very sparse feathering of light brown, over long dancer's legs.

After dating a few months, Laurie met my friend George; leading to the first time she let me watch her. A year and a half later, we were married. I have been watching her ever since. This is another true adventure in our journey.

After teaching school for several years, I went to work for a company who moved us to Taiwan. After three years, I changed companies and we moved to Hong Kong. My traveling around the region increased, and I wound up spending about ten days a month in Bangkok.

I was very friendly with the local plant manager, and he lent me his car and driver when I was in town. In return, as I learned the city, I helped "entertain" visiting executives when I was in town. So it was no big surprise that I "learned" all about Pat Pong - the infamous red-light district of Bangkok.

Full of bars and the now-famous massage parlors (where the girls sit behind large glass windows) up and down two small private roads, each about two blocks long, with several alleys connecting them, Pat Pong attracts everyone at least once; some folks just keep coming back. Because I knew I would be returning, my friend's driver advised me to pick one club, make a relationship with the "mama-san" and bring all the visitors there. After taking an appropriate survey, I decided on a club called The Queen's Castle.

After a friendly negotiation with the beautiful young woman managing the club, I promised her that I would steer my visitors her way. In exchange for all this business, the "mama" promised that my visitors wouldn't get ripped off on the drinks and she would make sure they got "clean" girls (if they wanted any.) And me? Well, I got to know a few of the girls (including Mama) pretty well, myself.

During the rainy winter, about six months after we moved from Taipei to Hong Kong, I was on one of my regular trips to Thailand. Early Thursday evening, I had just gotten back to the Siam Intercontinental, my regular hotel in Bangkok. I lit a very thin joint (Surin, the driver, was well connected) and called Laurie in Hong Kong. I knew she was going to be a little upset when I told her my trip needed to be extended.

"That's just not fair! Shit! should just come home anyway...not fair at all..."

I took another hit and let my darling wife go on like this for another minute or two. "Honey, I said, you know that I'd come home if I could...but this is business...I love you..."

We both went on for another minute and then Laurie, in a now excited voice, exclaimed, "Baby, if you can't come home, then I'm coming to see you. Call me later; I'm calling the travel agent now. I'm coming tomorrow, okay?"

"Just pack light," I told her when I called back. "It's really hot here. Surin will meet you when you pass through Immigration and bring you straight to the hotel. I'll see you for dinner."

Laurie caught a morning flight and was poolside at the hotel shortly after lunch time. Dressed in a sarong, she was led by an attendant out to a lounge chair. She told me the tall, thin Thai boy looked so cute in his white shorts and shirt uniform; he just stood there looking her in the eye as she peeled off the sarong, leaving only a string bikini bottom covering a suddenly very damp pussy. My wife, giggling as she told me later, said she handed him the scarf and he folded it perfectly, handing it too her with a big smile.

"If Madam needs anything..." he said and backed away, eyes now locked on her growing nipples. But at that point, Laurie was more interested in getting warm from the sun. So she oiled herself up, not even paying attention to anyone around her, and spent the afternoon bronzing herself.

When I returned from work, I found Laurie napping in our room. I walked to the bed and pulled back the cover. Against the white sheet, her skin was a warm, dusky pink, her breasts lighter in color, her nipples getting hard from the air conditioner blowing on them. She opened her eyes, smiled, and told me to shower.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked from the bathroom. When I couldn't understand Laurie's reply, I walked into the bedroom. Leaning back against the headboard, my wife was softly rubbing one breast with her palm, motioning me over with her other hand. I got close, and she used her hand to guide me between her upraised knees.

"Baby, you can eat me for dinner," she said. "You've probably had enough Thai food already." I started to lick her, and she told me about her afternoon at the pool. Laurie really started getting into the attention she had been missing, going on about how the boy stared at her tits, how close he got, how exciting it was to be topless again in public (not allowed in Hong Kong), when we were both startled by a knock on the door.

"Who is it I yelled over my shoulder.

"Me, sir." I heard Surin reply. I got up.

"Just a minute, Surin," I said, pulling a towel around my self. I opened the door and saw Surin holding a file I'd obviously left in the car.

"I thought you might be needing this, Sir."

I thanked him as he handed it to me through the doorway.

"Will you and Mrs. be needing the car tonight?" he asked. I backed away to see if Laurie wanted to stay in or go out. Surin moved closer into the doorway. He made some small noise as he saw my wife, looking very different than she had at the airport. As she was making no attempt to cover up at all, still hot from the pool episode, I continued the conversation.

"Well, darling," I asked Laurie, "would you like to go out?" My wife was watching the driver very intently; Surin stood there, flicking his eyes boldly between her breasts and her slightly swollen pussy lips, and I had to repeat the question. She finally looked back at me and hissed yes. Telling Surin to return in an hour, I almost had to pull him away and out the door.

After a furious fuck, Laurie pushed my head down between her thighs, holding my face to her cunt while I licked her clean and then started to circle her clit with my tongue. As I started drawing circles around it, building up speed while making the pressure lighter, Laurie "caught up" for the time I had been away, cumming harder than she had in some time.

I helped her into the shower and gently washed her off under a warm, gentle spray. While drying her off, I repeated my initial question about dinner.

Expressing an interest for good Thai noodles, Laurie said she wanted to stay casual and comfortable for the rest of the evening. I agreed and we started dressing. I threw on Dockers and a golf shirt, and watched as Laurie slid on an off-white satin blouse, sleeveless with buttons down the front over a long patterned skirt. I looked more closely, and saw the skirt was really an oversized scarf, wrapped around once and tucked in at the waist. As my wife moved to the mirror, I could just see the barest glimpse of the shiny satin front of her string bikini panties.

My heart started rocking as I watched Laurie finish her hair and makeup. She was totally hot. She brought all the color of the sun out in her face, and she unbuttoned her blouse enough to show all the top of her chest. Although her breasts were hidden, the satin lay over them like a second skin, clearly outlining their shape and size.

When she moved under the air conditioning vents again, her nipples almost poked through the soft material.

"What's that place you take everyone to?" Laurie asked as we slid into the car. As Surin held her door open, Laurie made no attempt to avoid touching him several times. "Pat Pong? Is that it?" Surin started laughing softly.

"Yes," I answered. I asked Surin to take us to a place near there for dinner. It was a typical Thai restaurant, like an outdoor garden in the middle of the city. When he let us off at the door, I asked him to go over to Queen's Castle and make sure that "mama-san" was there and everything was cool.

We ate slowly, enjoying the tropical smells and the warmth of the evening along with the food. It was quite warm and humid. Combined with the hot spices, we both started to sweat a little. On Laurie, the sheen made her skin glow against the cream blouse, the satin molding completely to her breasts. After one last glass of wine, I paid the bill and Laurie and I started walking the two blocks over to Pat Pong.

People were walking four and five abreast down the sidewalks, trying to avoid tumbling into hawker stands, or walking into each other. Blond European and Australian tourists, Arabs and other dark skinned men in turbans and flowing robes, Africans black as night all crowded the sidewalks and narrow street. And of course there were plenty of Thai's; men and women who either worked the clubs or in the shops nearby. Most of them seemed to be smoking, and the air was heavy with moisture and all kinds of tropical odors.

We both became increasingly aware of the attention Laurie was getting as we got closer to the club. The bright club lights up and down the street had made her scarf wrap-around virtually see-through, and it was coming open more with each step. Her tits, though completely covered, seemed totally exposed. Laurie liked the attention, and was smiling and chatting with everyone as we walked. I was watching her from a few feet to the rear and off to the side. The lights were so strong, I could see their colors reflect on the satin panties covering her firm asscheeks.

Surin, waiting for us, emerged out of a doorway near the club. He stayed on one side of Laurie as I moved up to the other, and together we guided her off the street and into the club. We entered through very thick, old curtains behind the door off the street. Two Thai 20-something boys started smirking at Laurie until they recognized me. They smiled and lifted their hands in a traditional Thai greeting and led us through another curtain and into the club.

My friend the "mama-san" greeted us with a smile. The disco music was so loud we couldn't have heard her anyway. She led us to an empty spot on a raised bench against the wall, near the closed end of a horseshoe bar. There was a large stage in the middle of the bar, stools against the bar, about a 3 foot aisle and then the raised bench seats against the wall. In front of the benches were narrow tables, big enough for a drink and an ashtray.

The place was jammed packed. Probably about 100 customers and 50 bar girls drinking and watching the various sex acts being performed on stage. The bar girls are the real attraction here. From about fifteen to twenty-two or three, they are the cutest collection of women I have ever seen. If they are not on stage dancing or performing, they walk around the bar, chatting with customers and trying to get some business for themselves.

From club to club they dress a little differently, sometimes all in matching bikinis and sometimes in lingerie or "baby doll" pajamas. Sometimes, like at the Queen's Castle, the girls will stroll around every way from fully dressed to only a thong panty. That night, most of the girls seemed to be wearing bra and panty sets.

We ordered drinks from the mama-san, and she returned with two beautiful young girls to "help" us during our stay. One girl sat on Laurie's right, I sat at my wife's left, and the second girl sat on my left. They introduced themselves, then immediately started complimenting Laurie on her beautiful skin and blue eyes.

Laurie, a little overwhelmed by the loudness of the music, was trying to take the whole thing in. Looking around the room, as her eyes got used to the flashing lights cutting through the smoky darkness, Laurie tapped me on the thigh, pointing to a small doorway. She was looking at a steady stream of men and women going in and out.

"What's that?" she asked. The girl next to her started to giggle, and moved her face closer to my wife's ear. She told Laurie that is where the girls take customers for sex if they don't want to "buy" the girls out of the club for the night.

The act had changed on the stage. Two slim girls with long, shining black hair started kissing each other and slid down to the floor in time to some more loud, pulsing music. The lights dimmed a little as they pulled off each others panties and started to make love on the stage. Laurie started breathing a little deeper, focusing on the stage now instead of the crowd around her. The girl next to her, though, had removed her bra and was trying to get Laurie's attention back from the stage.

"Do you like my breasts?" she asked my wife. "Aren't they cute?" Laurie turned to look at her, a little surprised to see her new friend like that.

"Yes," she said, eyes darting from the girl's chest to her eyes and back again, "they are very beautiful." Laurie's breathing was a little ragged. The whole atmosphere was getting very unreal. Not to be outdone, the girl next to me peeled off her bra, leaned across me, and asked Laurie what she thought of her breasts. My wife smiled and told her they were just as beautiful as her friend's.

The girl stayed in front of me, leaning into Laurie, until she wiggled across my lap and "butted" me out of the way so she could sit next to my wife. I got up after a minute and excused myself to the men's room.

When I returned a few minutes later, the stage show had ended and the house lights went up a little bit. Laurie was laughing and giggling with the two girls, who had remained topless. Shortly after I sat, the finale was introduced. I had seen it many times, and I was anxious to see the effect it would have on my wife. The house lights were killed and the room was momentarily black until a blue light started shining on the stage. It got just bright enough to illuminate the stage and cast a nice shadowy light on the rest of the room.

A Thai couple danced gracefully on the stage, and as the lights got just a little brighter, you could see he was about 5'10" and very well built. Wearing only a pair of briefs, his muscles moved gracefully as he danced his partner around the stage. She was about 5'2" and gorgeous. Her hair fell to her waist over beautiful light-brown skin. Her breasts were high and round, nipples jutting straight out as she slid across her partner and lowered herself to the floor.

He leaned over her and started sliding her bottoms down her legs. Although the music was still quite loud, the club seemed pretty quiet. The dancers had everyone's attention, and the room was getting steamy.

The two girls sitting by Laurie continued to whisper to her about their breasts, her eyes moving from the action on the stage to each of the girls' chests and back again. Her breathing was getting deeper again, a sure sign of her growing excitement. By this time, the boy on stage had knelt down and removed the girl's panties, spread her legs and started giving her long exaggerated licks up and down her slit.

The stage floor started to revolve, treating everyone to a clear view of her spread thighs and gaping pussy. Laurie's eyes stayed locked on the stage even after the viewing angle changed. I heard one of the girls tell my wife that she was prettier than the girl on stage. Laurie turned her head and smiled at her, then looking back quickly toward the stage.

I continued to look at Laurie and the girls, and in the pale, dark light I saw the girl on the other side of Laurie move her small hand up to the front of my wife's blouse and slowly start unbuttoning her shirt. The girl between Laurie and I started to whisper softly in Laurie's ear, helping her friend with the last of the buttons. Together, they peeled my wife's blouse off to either side, leaving her breasts totally exposed, bathed in the reflected blue light of the stage.

I almost stopped breathing, I was so excited. My heart was pounding so loudly it seemed to drown out the music. Laurie's breathing was getting even more ragged now as both girls were now openly massaging her breasts. My darling wife kept eyes straight forward as the stage came back our way. This time, the young girl was sliding her head up and down over her partner's fully erect cock. It looked a full 8" long and quite thick. Laurie kept staring at the stage, while her new friends moved even closer, giving her small kisses and then, at the same time, each took one breast and started licking her nipples until they were rock hard and standing straight out.

Seated in front of us at the bar during the show were several German men (I could hear it when they spoke) dressed in business suits, drinking beer and chatting with some of the Thai bar-girls. Having turned around several times earlier, they had all seen Laurie and were aware of us during the show. Now, the one directly in front of my wife turned around and, seeing what the girls were doing to her, stopped dead still, staring with open mouth and wide eyes. Laurie dropped her gaze and caught her admirer staring, not two feet from her. I heard my wife moan softly, bend over to kiss each of the girls fully on the lips, and look up again at the stage.

The boy was now on his back, and his partner was raising and lowering herself over his erect cock, swaying back and forth and snapping her hips to the beat of the music. The lighting changed to a strobe effect for the fucking on stage, making the room seem out-of-phase, changing perspective as the lights flashed. The audience seemed to be breathing in unison as nearly everyone was caught up in the great fucking going on up on the stage.

The German kept facing towards us, making no effort to hide either his interest or his rapidly swelling cock. He stood up and took off his suit coat, laying it across his bar stool. Two strides brought him within six inches of Laurie's erect nipples, open to his gaze as the two girls giggled and moved out of his way. He caught Laurie's chin with his finger tip, tilted her face up, and kissed her slowly but firmly on her lips.

He broke the kiss, telling Laurie in heavily accented English that she was so beautiful, and dropped to one knee, bringing his head level with her flushed and heaving breasts. As he moved closer to her, my wife brought the stranger's head to her breast. As he started to suck on her tit, Laurie leaned over to kiss me.

"I can't believe this," she whispered to me, "this is making me so wet."

"Do you want more?" My voice was breaking and my heart was pounding from the excitement. "Do you you need to get fucked now?"

"Yes," she breathed into my mouth. "He's chewing my nipples and it feels so good." Laurie was moaning into my mouth as the German pulled her rock-hard nipples away from her tits with his teeth. "I want to go into the room where the girls go....oh...she ... she's rubbing my cunt, baby."

I looked down to see the girls had found the slit in Laurie's scarf, and were intrigued by the strobe flashing on her shiny satin panties. Their small fingers were dancing patterns in the light over Laurie's mound and down her moist slit. Suddenly, Laurie sat straight up, pushing the German guy away. He started to look a little confused, but Laurie just needed room to stand up. Leaving her blouse unbuttoned, and most of the scarf pulled away from her front, she grabbed his hand and started walking quickly to the door at the other end of the room. I followed closely to keep an eye on the proceedings.

We went through to find a small room, divided into even smaller curtained-off areas, each one containing a small cot with a bare mattress. Even in the dim light, you could see the mattress had been there a long time. With her blouse still falling off around her, and the long scarf trailing on the floor, Laurie pushed her friend on to the cot, fumbling with his belt and trousers. He stretched his legs out to and lifted his hips off the bed, allowing my wife to get his pants off, and that pushed me out of the cubicle.


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