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Leaders of the Pack Ch. 05


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When she got inside she was shocked to see Devon, a were she recognized as one of Rafe's least favorite lackeys. He was what Rafe had called a "failed experiment". When Jenna first decided to change herself she was looking through the notes that Rafe left behind. She found and ignored a number of write ups Rafe had done describing the different things he attempted to do before deciding on what he would do to himself.

Devon was a mix of snake and lynx. Rafe had been trying to create an assassin comparable to vampires. It didn't work out quite the way Rafe wanted. Reptiles simply didn't mix well with mammals. Devon had brown black scales punctuated by scattered tufts of hair all over his body no matter what form he was. He looked diseased. It would be exceptionally difficult to blend in with the human population and act as an assassin when you look like a circus side show. Additionally he wasn't able to completely shift. According to the notes only parts of his body changed and when they did he seemed to be deformed. At that time Rafe had abandoned a number of other trials he planned involving birds or other non-mammals. Devon had been one of the mixed weres left behind at Tairneach manor the night Rafe died.

Jenna noticed a few other odd looking were combinations. They seemed to be standing guard at some doors to rooms on one wall. The main body of the group which was milling about the building or playing sentinel on guard in various locations were armed men in army green uniforms. Jenna wasn't sure if Devon was in charge or if there was someone else around here that he answered to, but at the very least it wasn't Cadifor.

One of the men in suits who had brought her here snapped her out of her assessment of her new situation. "Come this way. There are a few people who would like to speak with you."

Brennus was seething in the back of her mind. You're about to find out that you were tricked in to coming here for someone else's agenda. Jenna was led over to Devon and a small lanky mousy looking man wearing glasses and a white lab coat. They were staring at what appeared to be copies of some familiar looking paperwork.

"Jenna, it's good to see you," Devon sneered.

"Somehow I don't think you were very being very sincere," Jenna cooed and reverted back to her simpering temptress mode. She generally believed all men were malleable if she batted her eyed, flashed her cleavage and gave the distinct impression that she wanted to be in their bed.

Jenna could feel disgust and frustration emanating from Brennus. She still believed that she needed some kind of back up before going after Aislinn and Brennus believed that they were short on time and these men weren't remotely trustworthy.

"So why exactly do you need me here?" Jenna could already guess what they wanted.

"First we'd like to thank you Jenna for recruiting those druids to translate the majority of these notes. They did a nice job of making quite a few things more clear than we could have possibly determined on our own."

Jenna smiled at him. "What are you after Devon? Since when do you work with the human government?"

"Since none of the other groups involved in the current political mess would be willing to help me find an antidote to what Rafe did to me." He glared harshly at Jenna.

"What have I done to earn such venomous looks from you Devon? I wasn't the one who turned you."

"Maybe not. But somehow I fell a distinct kinship to the freaks you created on your own, following in that lunatic's footsteps. You have no idea how long I worked to get my hands on this information," he said and picked up a pile of papers that he threw at Jenna. "First Rafe and his insanity and then you got in my way. Now it seems that no matter what we do there is something just not quite right here. So, I was wondering if you could shed some light."

"You know I didn't make them Devon," Jenna smiled stepping up a bit closer to the man and running her hand up his chest and over his shoulder. "The druids did that. I only ordered it."

Devon brushed Jenna's hand away. "I'm not asking you to help with the formula. That angle was already approached with unfortunate results. In fact the only reason you are standing here right now is because I let the feds funding this think you were the one who got to those useless druids. Lucky for you my plans coincided with something they wanted."

"So you're not really working for them." Jenna riffled through some of the papers on the table.

"I'm working with them because some things I need happen to be similar to some things they want. If all goes well then they will be able to make or unmake whatever kind of were they want. For my cooperation I get to unmake myself and all the rest of the freak show weres you and your predecessor created. The humans and I have a very clear understanding. Unfortunately I hear that my notes are incomplete. The one piece of useful information my men retrieved from the druids before they died was that you with held some crucial notes and information."

Devon nodded to someone standing behind Jenna. She hadn't event realized that the man was behind her. One of the men from her lengthy ride here put a large meaty hand on her shoulder and a gun prodded her back. "Now Jenna I'm tired of failures here. I want whatever it is you have hidden and I want it now."

Aislinn had yet to decide if she liked coming to the reservation. It was beautiful. The forest and the manor held so many terrible and wonderful memories. She could look at a spot on the ground and remember a body being there or making love to Cullen on that spot. It was disturbing contrast. She prayed that one day soon she would be able to forget all the death and destruction and merely have a happy life with her children and her mate.

She placed a concerned hand on her stomach. Rissa saw the gesture and placed a reassuring hand over Aislinn's. With Drake and the other betas in tow they walked the path toward the standing stones in silence. The plan was for her to speak with Brinah and then they would immediately go back to the Madadh-alluidh Saobhaidh. It would make for a long day of driving but everyone was intent on that being the best plan.

It seemed like each time Aislinn came back to this place she felt the power here more intensely. It was as if she was becoming more attuned to it. The thought scared her a little. She still wasn't completely comfortable with that part of herself. "Well here we are," she said nervously as they all stopped outside the stone circle and stared at it as if it might come to life at any moment.

"Alright," Drake said clearing his throat. "Please be quick about this. Is there any way at all you can let us know if you need help?"

"I don't think so Drake," Aislinn smiled wanly. "Even if there was I don't think there would be anything you could do about it."

Drake heaved a heavy sigh and the other betas grumbled about how much pain Cullen would cause if something happened here.

Rissa was the voice of confidence in the situation. "It's gonna be fine," she smiled with forced cheer. "You're going alone. Brinah will be the only one there. It's not like you're taking Jenna in there with you this time. It will be fine. Now go and get it done so we can all go home." She hugged Aislinn and kissed her cheek then shooed her toward the stones.

Aislinn took a deep breath and walked between two of the large run covered monuments and toward the stone slab at the center of the ring. Instantly she vanished from the other's view.

It wasn't difficult to bring Brinah here this time. Not only was she getting better at controlling her own thoughts but she was so determined to speak to Brinah that truly there would have been no way for her to focus long enough to bring anyone else.

As before the air stilled, the woods surrounding the circle went silent and a ghostly figure of her grandmother appeared before her. Brinah smiled lovingly at her granddaughter. In her arms she held a beautiful shining light.

"I wish I could hug you." Aislinn couldn't help the tear that rolled down her cheek.

Brinah reached out a hand and cupped Aislinn's cheek. Cradling the light in her other arm. Aislinn thought she could almost feel her touch. But when she touched her cheek where Brinah's hand appeared to be there was nothing there. She let out a deep breath and decided that she need to move on to why she was here.

"Do I need to tell you what I've been dreaming or do you already know?" Aislinn couldn't help remember what her grandmother had said to her before her honeymoon. There was something that Brinah didn't tell her then.

Brinah shook her head. "How are you feeling child?"

"I feel find. Rhona says that the twins are fine. Except I know I'm not fine. Tell me what's wrong."

"Aislinn," Brinah began and then stopped. She was obviously struggling with what to say and how to say it. "In all we teach the essential concept to learn is the uncompromising nature of balance. The Fates allow nothing free. If I were to attempt to return your plane of existence something would have to be given to this plane in exchange. No soul can exist on any plane out of place."

As Brinah spoke Aislinn couldn't help but stare into the brilliant light nestled in her arms. Something she had been coming to understand all along suddenly solidified in her mind and tears began to run unheeded down both her cheeks as she stared at the light. She reached for the glow and fell to her knees distraught that could not even touch it.

Aislinn began shaking her head. "No, Brennus couldn't. He doesn't know how to use the stones or alchemy or anything else."

"Brennus had nothing to do with it directly. All power begins with thought. Brennus was brought to your plane because both he and Jenna needed each other so badly at that moment and their need was stronger than the attachment of a soul to an unborn child. I do not believe they knew what they did."

"How, what can I do? Is my child lost?" Aislinn heard herself speaking but did not wish to believe what she said.

"No, it's not lost. We need to return Brennus to this side in exchange for your child."

"How? I don't know where he is. Cadifor can't find her or him or whatever they are." Panic surged through Aislinn as she contemplated how close she was to giving birth. "If it's not done before they're born," she asked slowly and quietly as to almost be a whisper.

"Honestly child I'm not sure. I don't believe the child will live without a soul. I'm surprised that Jenna's body can exist with two. That cannot be a good joining of consciousness. I believe that Jenna and her father have come to know far more than either ever wanted."

"If they die will that be enough," Aislinn tone became deadly. "Do they have to be here?"

"If you want to bring this soul back to the child in your belly then a soul must be exchanged at this place."

"I'm frightened and furious. I was trying to help them."

"I wish I could help more."

Aislinn looked up at her grandmother. "I have very little time. Is there any more that I need to know?"

Brinah shook her head. "Nothing that I can say now."

Aislinn didn't want to leave. She could not believe that she was standing there staring at her child's soul in the arms of her dead grandmother. She felt more tired than she had ever felt in her life. She began to think this was more than she could handle.

"I believe this is enough for now child. You're friends grow increasingly concerned. There is no more you can learn here now. I will wait for you to return. Take comfort in the knowledge that your child is not alone."

Brinah suddenly vanished from view and the clearing began to move around Aislinn again. She felt dizzy and disoriented. Leaning forward she caught herself with her hands and threw up on the ground.

Rissa ran to her side and helped her to sit back. One look into Rissa's face and Aislinn lost what little composure she had left. She buried her face against her friend's shoulder sobbing.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Name Change

I thought the one you're calling Tor now, was named Trey before?

SmallwandaSmallwandaalmost 12 years ago
Yippeee your back

Great to see you back, difenitly a first draft. But it has good bones, love to see more.

And won't say no to seeing the next draft.

sherrylee1015sherrylee1015about 12 years ago
Need some help

You need to do more to seperate the ending of one scene and the begining of the next. It is a little harder to follow. In the previous chapters my mind would insert words that seemed to be missing, but it was harder to do with this installment. Well on to the next.


MizTMizTover 12 years ago
Playing Catch Up

Hopefully it won't take me to long. I'm glad you chose not to leave this story unfinished. I look forward to catching up and following this story.

bowlerhatbowlerhatover 12 years ago

I must be getting slow in my old age. I didn't connect Mira at all until Makeda explained, even though I had read the story.

willieonewillieoneover 12 years ago

I have never really been a fan of the whole Ais being able to go meet her gran who I didn't like in the first place and the whole Brenner now being with Jen is to much, now we have all this with her child loosing his soul because of it is just to crazy.

I love Cul and think you gave Ais to much power. That is just my humble opinion don't get me wrong I love this story and 99% of the characters are wonderful. LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
An extremely interesting story, but ---

It saddens me to read your biography tab and discover that we are reading your first drafts and are, in effect, guinea pigs for a professional writer. My future votes will take that into account as I can no longer consider you a very talented amateur.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Wow welcome back secretme!!!

i do so love to reread your series: leader of the pack. now you've returned to write again for as if you've never left. and its a cliffhanger ;p

traecedarkbanetraecedarkbaneover 12 years ago
Thrilled to see you back!

As always, you pick up right where you left off, leaving us dangling and begging for more. It is wonderful to see you writing again, keep up the great work!

willieonewillieoneover 12 years ago
After such a long wait

you leave us with this! We are no wiser than when you left of with Ais going to the circle of stones. We knew that B wanted her child so he could us it for his soul.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 12 years ago
Wow... what an unexpected return.

I held out hope for the first year and a half. Then I gave up. I'm glad you're back. It took me a while to get back into things, so I wasn't moved to tears at the end. What Brinah said wasn't a surprise. But it was nice to see the characters again and get back into the story.

For future chapters, clearer breaks between scene changes would be appreciated. Sometimes you changed scenes or perspectives quickly and it took me a few sentences to figure out where we were and who was talking. There were also some editing things that could have been improved.

Regardless, I was happy for another chapter and I hope you post regularly now and don't leave it another 3 years.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I am so happy to see that you are back. AND I AM SOOOOOO LOVING THAT Mira & Rillian have met up with Aislinn & Cullen! WHO KNEW these stories could intertwine. Really, I purchased both stories in 2008 and this is a fascinating continuation. GOOD ON YOU!!! I am intrigued!!! Jenna & Brennus are killing me. There are truly people that have overstayed their self-fish life spans. These 2 are it. Amazing that the one doing the killing is trying to undo himself. But he is double dealing and that does not bode well for him because daddy and daughter want separation and power so they definitely cannot be trusted. Aislinn and Cullen want their family, they can and should kill to protect theirs and damn the Council, the gov't agencies... WHOOH?! You have created DRAMA!!!! I LOVE THIS AND I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS. AND THEN YOU HAVE ROGUE MUTATED BEINGS. WOW!!! I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE BACK!!! I hope all is well with you and I cannot wait for more. BTW - Did this story appear some days back and then disappear? I swear I saw it, but it was early in the morning, I did not have on my glasses and I was not sure. Maybe I am psychic and I was wishing I saw it. If that is the case then I am happy that it came to fruition. I am looking forward to this complex continuation. And what's up with the Druids?! It's one thing to leave things to fate, but if you are helping with something, why get cowardly all of a sudden? Do you really think the fates would want your discovery and destruction. I am having a problem with entities that seemingly have no backbone. Listen to my on my soapbox. HA! Like I said I cannot wait for this!!!!

little_piggylittle_piggyover 12 years ago
So glad to see you back!

Did a double-take (and a little happy dance!) when I saw your name on the list of recent stories. Can't wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Thanks..omg your back!!!!!!

Thank you, thankyou , thankyou!! So happy to read something new from you. Thanks so much. Sending you much love and hope for future chapters...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Finally !!!

what took you so long ???




welcome back

gobalgobalover 12 years ago

Welcome back!!!!!!!!! Hope u finish the story. I bought your book! Love it!!!!

donaldedonaldeover 12 years ago
welcome back

and what a way to come back with this excellent chapter i am so looking forward to reading more of your excellent stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
ScouriesWorld would like to welcome you back...

It's been far too long since we've seen a story from the pen of the brilliant secretme. All LITEROTICANS will be overjoyed that you've rejoined us.

Hopefully this will only be the first of many new chapters/stories from this wonderful writer.

An here's a suggestion - why not write an original story for the upcoming A.I.R. Sexy April/LITEROTICA Earth Day contests? Good luck!

Jacqui O

Miami Beach

LadySilverNovaLadySilverNovaover 12 years ago

Tell us the next chapters are least in scattered outline form. I so love this series.

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