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Leah, Locked Ch. 03

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Leah meets Amanda's wife Olivia and they get acquainted.
6.1k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/22/2023
Created 04/30/2021
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Chapter 3 is here! Apologies for the delay if you've been waiting for more. These characters hadn't really told me anything until now, and I know that may sound weird. But I start typing and then somehow they decide how the story's going to go and sometimes I'm surprised how it ends up. The last third of this chapter is like that, I was surprised at what happened. But I think it's sexy and fun. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! And trust me, I have a feeling that there's going to be a lot more of Leah and Amanda playing in the next installment (or two, who knows?).


The butterflies in my stomach were back with reinforcements. I had made two decisions since leaving the hotel room where my fellow caged sissy Amanda and I had fucked each other to mind-blowing sissygasms and heading home. The first was that I couldn't wait to meet Miss Olivia, Amanda's mistress wife, and so I was going to meet that night them as we had discussed.

The second was that I was going to sort of split the difference in between the choices I had been offered. Instead of going over there in total boy mode and changing when I got there, I was going to wear a fairly androgynous top with an understated skirt and shoes. I had packed more openly feminine clothing so I could change into something more girly when I got there if I wanted to.

I had opted for another androgynous choice for my wig, and while I was wearing makeup it was very subtle. If I got into an accident or got pulled over the last thing I needed was a potentially closed-minded officer of the law finding some way to make my life difficult.

The garage door started opening as I pulled into the driveway at the address they gave me. I pulled in and shut off my car but waited for the door to close all the way before opening my door. I grabbed the duffel bag from the passenger seat and got out.

True to their word there was a space off in a corner that couldn't be seen from outside the garage. I walked over to it and there was a note on the chair that read: "Leah, please feel free to use this space to change in private if you choose to. Regardless of which side of yourself you choose to share with us we want you to feel comfortable and free to be whoever you are. Just knock on the door and one of us will let you in."

Such a thoughtful and kind note! Between how Amanda and I had interacted and how they were presenting themselves I was impressed. And hopeful that this would work out.

Taking a deep breath, I made the decision on what to wear, which dictated which part of me they saw first. They were going to meet Leah proper. I had planned on wearing my fresh lingerie that I had changed into after I got home from playing with Amanda no matter what, but I also had brought a dress and some low heels. I kept my semi-androgynous wig and makeup application so it was quick to change. They had helpfully provided a full-length mirror and I liked what I saw. A fairly pretty girl who was dressed for a casual time at home or with friends or out.

Taking several more deep breaths after I put my things away in my car, I walked up to the door and tried to screw up the nerve to knock. After several moments going back and forth in my mind, I just said to myself, "Fuck it!" and knocked.

I heard a muffled, "Coming!" from somewhere on the other side of the door. I thought it sounded like Miss Olivia but I couldn't tell for sure. After all, I had only ever heard her voice through a cell phone speaker.

The door opened and there she was. I was standing a step down and in three-inch heels and I was still slightly taller than she was. What I'm saying is that who I was assuming was Amanda's wife and Mistress Olivia was short. I later found out she was five feet, one-and-a-half inches tall.

She was remarkably curvy for a woman her height, though. Just laying eyes on her at all showed quite the hourglass figure.

"You must be Leah! Welcome," she said with a warm smile and stepped back to allow me to enter.

In my best feminine-sounding voice I replied, "Thank you. You have a lovely home."

"This hovel? keeps the rain out most of the time," she quipped with a grin.

I chuckled, still nervous as hell. She closed the door. "Would you like something to drink? We've obviously got water but we also have several craft beers, a couple of types of both red and white wine, and Amanda can be quite the barmaid with cocktails."

"Umm..." I answered in my most eloquent way. "Two fingers of bourbon with an ice cube if that's not too much trouble," I clarified.

She cocked her eyebrow. "Good choice. Amanda!"

"Y...Yes?" I heard from a few rooms away.

"Bourbon, two fingers, one rock!"

"I'll have it ready in a moment! Who's here?" Normally an odd question, but since they didn't know how I'd present myself it made sense.


"Oh, good. I'll um...get that drink together and meet you both in a few!" she called, sounding a bit deeper than Amanda had earlier in the day.

"Girls, right?" the woman in front of me joked.

I chuckled again, and held out my right hand. I had painted my nails but only with clear polish to make it easier to not be made in boy mode if I had needed to. "Leah. It's a pleasure to meet you!" I said.

"Where the hell are my manners? Olivia," she replied, taking my hand but pulling me in for a quick hug. "I'm so glad you decided to come over so soon! We're both excited."

"Thank you, I am, too," I replied. I cleared my throat and added, "I also have to admit I'm nervous as hell. You're only the fifth or sixth person on this planet to see Leah."

She arched her eyebrows in that way women do when they say, "Aww!" and replied, "Thank you so much for coming, then, Leah. I'm sure it's intimidating but as you can imagine being married to Amanda, you won't get any judgment from me. Love is love, you are who you are, and everything else on that sign people put on their lawns. Thank you for sharing yourself with us."

I misted up a little at that. "That's very kind, thank you, um...Olivia."

"That'll work for now. We can work out who calls whom what as we go, right?"

I smiled. "Sounds good."

"Please, follow me!"

"Drink's on the counter in the kitchen!" I heard Amanda's more feminine voice call from somewhere in their house.

I followed Olivia into the kitchen and couldn't help but check her out. As I said, she was short. I don't know if "stacked" is the right word, but she definitely had some curves. The first thing that drew my eye was her butt. It was a really nice ass. Clearly very muscular, in a feminine way. It wasn't huge but she definitely had sizable hips to go with it, and thighs and calves like a runner in her leggings. She had a fairly narrow waist, too.

We reached the large kitchen and I couldn't help but exclaim, "Holy shit!" I immediately blushed and clapped my hand over my mouth. "I'm so sorry, that's so rude!" I tried to apologize.

Olivia laughed her musical laugh again. "Shit like that doesn't bother me, honey." I was betting that she had quite the singing voice.

The reason for my impromptu profanity was not just the size of their kitchen--it was huge!--but with also how well done it was. If you've ever seen the reveal on any of those home improvement shows on TV, you can imagine something like what it looked like. A high ceiling, massive amounts of counter space, cabinets galore, plenty of space, and an incredibly well-thought-out layout.

"This is gorgeous," I couldn't help but remark.

"Thank you, we had it redone a couple years ago. It cost an arm and a leg but with her lawyer salary and my web design company we do alright, so we decided to have it done. I understand you're in your twenties?"

"Yeah, I'm twenty-six," I said automatically, still gawking.

"You'll get there," Olivia reassured me. "I can tell. What do you do?"

"To pay the bills I work in a distribution center warehouse, but I'm trying to get a career as an IT professional off the ground."

"Really. What's your specialty?"

"So far just whatever side work I can get my hands on, so mostly friends and friends of friends needing basic desktop support. But I'm working on taking some exams, for certifications," I explained, getting into more detail.

"Fascinating! We'll have to talk more, I could use a smart young tech at my little outfit. Oh, shit. You must think I was raised by wolves. Here's your bourbon," Olivia said, handing me a double-walled glass with the remains of a single ice cube floating in it.

"Nice," I said and took a sip, hoping to quell my nervousness.

"She makes a mean drink," she said.

It's difficult to add to bourbon, but I thought I detected a hint of vermouth. "Yeah, she really does. Thank you."

"You're welcome. And welcome to our home, and possibly our lives."

"I really can't tell you how flattered I am that you both invited me over and are even considering what we talked about earlier today," I said. "Honestly I had no idea Amanda was married when we first started talking online and I was ready to bail right away when she told me that she was before she explained that you had given her express permission to play."

Olivia smiled. "So you respect those kinds of boundaries, too, huh? I like you more and more the more I get to know you."

"Same here, honestly. You both seem like very fun, cool people."

"Thank you, that's very kind of you. We do our best."

"That's all any of us can do," I agreed while taking another sip. "Is this Bulleit Rye?"

A new voice that I had heard earlier answered, "It is. It's all I have for bourbon."

I turned and saw Amanda walking into the kitchen. She looked fantastic, like a very well put-together businesswoman ready for a nice dinner with some friends at a middle- to high-end restaurant. "You happen to have picked my favorite bourbon by accident, then!" I said, setting the glass down and giving her a hug.

"You're welcome," she said with a wink, giving me a peck on the cheek. I tried to will the butterflies in my stomach to calm the hell down. I wasn't that successful.

"How much do you like Caesar salad?" Olivia asked. "With grilled chicken?"

My mouth watered. "It's definitely my favorite salad." It was the right time of year for it, so I asked, "Grilled as in cooked on a grill outside?"

"Yep! The kind with actual fire," Amanda confirmed, preening like a sissy while somehow acknowledging and showing pride in what's normally considered a "manly" skill. "I'm pretty handy with our grill. It's only gas, but I don't have the patience for charcoal."

"I'm sure it will be delicious," I said. "Just please, one thing."

"What's that?" Olivia asked.

"For the love of all that's holy, please no anchovies on mine!"

They both laughed. "Deal," Amanda said.

After that dinner went off without a hitch. They were so good at making me feel at ease that I forgot it was Leah at dinner and it was just us at dinner. Later on, I looked back and realized that that night was the first time Leah became a real person.

"So," Olivia said after a pause in the conversation. "All of us know what happened with the two of you earlier today."

I flushed, feeling like my face was going to set something nearby on fire. "Yeah," I whispered.

Amanda looked uncomfortable but in a completely different way, rubbing her legs together in a way that suggested her cage was getting uncomfortable. I know mine was.

"Yes, Mistress," Amanda acknowledged, her demeanor completely different. She had gotten so submissive, the difference was striking.

"And you both know that I love that, don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress," Amanda answered at once. "I can still taste your arousal on my lips."

Now it was my turn to surge in my cage. "I have always loved the idea of um," I stammered. "I have dreamed of finding a dominant lady like you to keep me caged and submissive," I breathed. It was the most difficult sentence I had ever spoken aloud, and I found myself trembling at the thought of the implications.

A kind hand on my stockinged knee and a sweet, kind, caring smile greeted my eyes. "Honey, you're already invited. I'm sure you're nervous but please believe me, you have nothing to be nervous about."

I met Olivia's eyes, blurred from tears. "I know, it's just...I have never had this kind of acceptance of this part of me," I blubbered.

"Oh, honey," they said almost in unison as they embraced me, pulling my vulnerable head to their generous bosoms.

Once I had finished weeping with relief I was handed a kerchief and the opportunity to freshen up. My running makeup repaired, I returned.

"Now that you have that out of your system, are you ready to talk about this?" Olivia asked, holding Amanda's hand with a kind smile.

"I can't promise no more waterworks, but I think so," I breathed.

"Good. So for starters, Amanda, my sissy wife here, and I, are in a D/s relationship. You may know some of these terms, but I'm going to spell them out so we all know that we're on the same page. I'm her domme and she's my sub. I keep her caged and so as part of the dynamic her orgasms are under my control. Right?"

An expression of devotion I hope to earn someday was on Amanda's face as she squeezed Olivia's hand as she said, "Yes, Mistress."

Olivia smiled back and squeezed back. "Good girl. Now, Leah, you and she showed each other one hell of a good time earlier today if your stories can be believed, right?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Leah, you should know that I have not only ridden Amanda's face to three towering orgasms but I have also jilled off a couple other times at the thought. Fuck," she sighed, her thighs rubbing together, "the thought of the two of you fucking like that is so hot. Anyway! The idea of controlling not only my caged sissy bitch wife," she said, staring directly into Amanda's eyes then looking at me, "in addition to a young sexy caged sissy like you has my panties soaked." This time she ended the sentence looking directly into my eyes. I blushed, surged in my cage, and shifted uncomfortably.

"Here's what I'm proposing: I am offering to be your keyholder, Leah, if you should choose me to be. I know that that's an incredible amount of trust, so the offer is there whenever you want to take it up, should you want to."

I couldn't speak for several moments. She seemed to take that as an opportunity to add, "We have a contract and it would be no different with you. We may have to tweak it a little since we don't live together, but I'm sure it wouldn't be too much for my Juris Doctor sissy Amanda here." Amanda blushed a little again.

"Maybe not today, but I'd love to do that soon," I managed to squeak out. "The thought of it's making me...kinda uncomfortable," I admitted, shifting in my seat. I would have given quite a bit to have my key with me so I could whip it out and jerk off at the thought.

A predatory look that I hadn't seen before appeared on Olivia's face. I blushed even harder, and she said, "I love the thought of a cute sissy like you straining in your cage."

"Thank you, ma'am," I whispered.

She seemed to hesitate for a few seconds before saying, "I know this is pretty forward, but...can I see it?"

Now my face was on fire. "You want to see my cage?"

Her face was reddish but it looked more from being flushed with arousal than any embarrassment. "Yeah. Of course, if that's moving too fast for you you don't have to," she added.

With my heart thundering in my chest I stood and raised my skirt up above my waist. "I think you're going to see it sooner or later," I said in a quiet voice.

She let out a low whistle. "That's one of the cutest caged sissy clits I've ever seen."

I blushed even harder while my clit tried like hell to break out of its prison. "Um...thank you. Ma'am," I replied. "Do you want me to pull my panties down?"

"I wouldn't bother," she answered. "Those are so sheer I can see everything. Would you mind stepping closer?"

"Okay," I said, and did.

"May I touch it?"

I whimpered. "Of course, ma'am."

She caressed me with a tender touch and I tried even harder to get, well, harder. It didn't work.

"Is this turning you on?"

"I'd be completely hard if I wasn't locked, ma'am," I admitted.

"And how big are you when you're out?"

"About seven inches, ma'am. I'm fairly thick, so finding the right cage that I could wear for more than a few hours was a struggle, especially since I'm not circumcised," I explained.

She made an approving sound while using her fingertips to trace over my sac, making my knees go weak.

She giggled. "You're leaking, aren't you?"

"I am, ma'am. Being accepted by you and Amanda is a turn-on all by itself, never mind what your fingertips are doing to me."

Olivia gave my denied clit a tender kiss and then sat back.

"Thank you for showing me yourself, Leah," she said quietly.

I let my skirt fall, still blushing, and sat back down. "Thank you for giving me the opportunity, ma'am."

"It's a very pretty clit, and I love the solid cage. Cleaning isn't a challenge?"

"It is, and I wasn't one hundred percent truthful when I told Amanda earlier that I had been locked for seven weeks straight," I admitted. "Right now I have to take it off once a day to clean, but I never play with myself, it's only to clean, and then I'm right back in it."

"Good to know." She turned to Amanda. "Honey, you're about the same size, aren't you? And you're uncut. Do you think we might have a different cage she could try?"

Amanda thought for a second. "I'm not sure but I think so." She turned to me and asked, "Would you want to maybe try a different cage? We went through a LOT of them before we found one I can wear without having to do the same thing."

I was speechless for a moment. "I...uh...I-I guess so," I stammered.

"No pressure!" Miss Olivia was quick to say. "I was just thinking that if you didn't have to unlock every day it would just be easier to live being caged."

"I'm flattered," I countered. "Wait, how long have you been locked up, Amanda?"

"Only a couple of weeks this time, since the last time Mistress wanted to use my lady parts the way nature intended. But before that I was unlocked for what, four and a half months?"

"Five even," Olivia corrected. "And she's also uncut like you, so we might have something you can use that's easier to clean. Are you interested?"

"I think I am, as long as it's not too much trouble."

"And if this is moving too fast for you say the word and we drop it unless and until you're ready. Okay?"

", I mean, Amanda's already gotten to know me pretty intimately," I replied, clearing my throat. "So I don't see why it would be too fast now, I guess. Ma'am."

"Why don't we go take a look, then?" She stood, which I took as my cue to stand and follow her. The three of us made our way into their bedroom and we spent the next half hour mulling over the options, finally settling on a black plastic cage that, while still fully encasing me, had a bunch of tiny holes all over it for better cleaning. It also had a ridge inside the cage that would help keep my skin pulled back, so I wouldn't need as much cleaning, either.

"What do you think, Leah?" Miss Olivia asked, "Do you think this will fit?"

I took it from her hands. It was pink plastic, probably 3D printed, was covered in holes and wider than it was long. "I don't know," I answered, having forgotten for a moment that we were discussing the device that would keep making it impossible for me to touch my genitals. "I think I'd have to try it on." The troubleshooting part of my IT person brain was now driving.

"Of course," Amanda said. "The bathroom's right over there."

"...The key's still at my place," I answered.

"Ah," was Olivia's response. "Well, it's got the same lock type so the barrel lock would work in it, too. Amanda, do you see any others that you think might work?"


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