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Leaving the Shell Ch. 01

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Room 209?
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/28/2021
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"Is this room 209?" Claire asked as she opened the door to a crack.

"Yes, Welcome," Mary greeted. She got on her feet and quickly shuffled over to the blonde girl. She swung the door open and gestured her hand across the room, "This is room 209, are you Claire?"

"That's me," the girl said as she took a step in and Mary closed the door behind her.

"The Dean told me about you, roommate..." Mary said with a smile "my name is Mary Blackroot, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Mary, I'm Claire Oldfield," the blonde introduced herself and offered her hand for a shake. Mary grabbed her roommate's hand and noticed how delicate her skin was. It felt soft, almost magical.

"Can I give you the tour?" Mary offered. Claire shook her head, curious to know where she was going to live for the coming years.

"Great, so welcome to room 209. You got the best deluxe suite Groves College has to offer. This place was designed to house six people, but a mistake in the design led to it being a two-bedroom suite." Mary started her explanation.

"Lucky us," Claire joked.

"You have no idea," Mary smiled as she started walking around the large living room the girls were in, "This is our living room. Feel free to use all the appliances or bring your own."

"Are they yours?" Claire wondered.

"Nope, they belong to the college, so no smashing the microwave into the big screen TV, okay?" Mary joked.

"I'll try my best," the blonde winked.

Mary walked her new roommate to the kitchen next. Another big room that seemed fully equipped, "We can make our own food or order for the restaurants, we do have to clean the dishes, I suggest we take turns."

"Sounds fair," Claire approved.

"Cool, the dishwasher is behind the far left door, super easy to use." Mary demonstrated before moving back to the living room, she stopped before two doors. The one on the left was closed, while the one on the right was open and revealed a large bedroom.

"You'll have to forgive me, my room is a mess, so no tour there," Mary explained the closed door, "I gave you the bigger room, all yours to use."

"Oh, so we have communal restrooms..." Claire said, a pinch of disappointment in her voice.

"Yeah, you have a communal restroom with showers for the whole floor," Mary said.

"Well, you can't win them all..." Claire's voice had a clear tone of disappointment, "I hoped the deluxe suites would have a bathroom of their own..."

Mary's face filled with a devilish smile, "Cheer up, there is a communal restroom for the other students to use, but room 209 was designed for six. We each got a private restroom in our rooms, including a huge shower."

Alice's eyes sparkled with joy, and she jumped up and down, "Yes!" she called, excitement evident in her voice.

Mary tried her best not to judge people by appearances. Aside from noticing Claire had long, blonde hair, she tried to ignore her figure and focus on her personality. It worked fine until Claire started jumping with joy. Her massive bust began to bounce with her, threatening to rip her orange sweater apart. Mary's breasts were considered huge at an F cup, but Claire's knockers somehow dwarfed her.

Mary did her best to ignore them, "Want me to help you unpack?" she offered.

"If you don't mind, that would be great."

Mary and Claire walked out and started grabbing boxes from Claire's car. The two used the opportunity to chat about life and get to know each other a little better.

"My major is English Lit," Mary said as the two worked on unpacking and she started opening another box, "it's not the most exciting thing to learn, but there are-"

As the box opened, Mary froze in mid-sentence. Her face turned red and she felt the room temperature climbing by a million degrees. She was so shocked talking became a severe challenge.

"Oh, you found my collection," Claire said, "I thought writing 'for Claire' on the box was enough, but I should have given you a heads up," she walked over to the box before Mary. Reached in with both hands and pulled out a giant, blue dildo. The thing was over a foot long and as thick around as Claire's wrist. The blonde walked over to one of the shelves in the room and placed the dildo on the far left end.

"I hope you don't mind sexuality. I specifically asked for an open-minded roommate." Claire pulled another pink dildo from the box. It seemed even bigger than the blue one.

"I apologize, Claire, I'm open-minded," Mary said as she came to her senses, "I was just caught by surprise."

"I understand," Claire said with a smile as she pulled an even bigger green dildo out of the box, "Can we talk about it for a bit? If we're going to share a room, we better clear the air..."

"Oh, okay," Mary was more of an introvert, but if her roommate wanted to talk about sexual inclinations, she was willing to listen.

"Do you know what a hyper is?" Claire asked.

"People who are born with organs which can function far better than regular folks," Mary offered her definition.

"Good enough," Claire agreed, "I have a hyper pussy, simple as that. If this is too much for you to handle, I'll ask to move a room."

"Let's slow down, Claire," Mary offered, feeling the subject was sensitive, "Can you tell me about that? I want to understand it better so I can respect your needs."

Now it was Claire's turn to be surprised. She was so used to defending herself when the hyper pussy subject came up that she immediately went on the defense. "You probably noticed my boobs," she tapped her wobbly bust with a free hand, "I need big cocks to feel satisfaction. That is why I have a dildo collection. I can handle all of them with ease. I have a heightened sex drive which means I sometimes go on sexual rampages. I am also super sensitive to cocks..." Claire explained.

"I understood everything you said except being sensitive to cocks. What do you mean?"

Claire took a deep breath and processed the smell of the air, her nose collecting hidden information from the particles that filled her lungs, "You have a boyfriend. He's really hung," Claire declared, "he is quite a sex machine, the air is flooded with his pheromones," Claire took another breath, "and the guy is a fountain of cum, sounds like a nice toy I'd like to try out..." she finished her declaration as her red tongue licked her lips.

Mary's face was burning red. It seemed Claire's analysis was spot on.

"Like I said, super sensitive." Claire boosted as she unpacked the last dildo and tossed the box aside.

"Wow, Claire, that was amazing. You got it almost perfectly," Mary said as she got on her feet.

"I promise I won't make a move on him. Just a fair warning, if you see my panties on the closed door handle, know that I'm having a sex session in here." Claire seemed more relaxed now that her roommate didn't run out of the room, screaming in terror.

"While we are talking about things so openly, can I say something?" Mary's face was redder than red.

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" Claire wondered.

"About my boyfriend, you couldn't smell him because he doesn't exist..." Mary paused and took in a deep breath before letting it out in a sigh, "what you smelled is me, I'm a futanari..."

Claire smiled. It didn't seem like having a futanari roommate bothered her at all. She casually walked over and sat by Mary, "Turns out we're both special. I won't pressure you into anything, but just know that if you are what I smelled, I am willing to give us a go..."

"I'm not sure," Mary lowered her voice, "I mean, I don't know if I want a girlfriend..."

Claire looked confused for a moment, "Girlfriend?" she asked before it clicked for her, "oh, no, I wasn't clear. I meant just sex..."

"Just sex?" Mary wondered herself.

"Look, let's be reasonable, I need a lot of sex, and if my guess is right, you're about as active as me. We can help each other out..." Claire explained.

"I... Not... " Mary started to stumble in her speech.

"Don't worry, Mary, I have an idea," Claire said as she got on her feet and opened another box. She rummaged through it and pulled out something, "I don't want this to be uncomfortable, take this."

Claire offered her hand, exposing a pinkish shell no bigger than 2 inches, "Take it, this is a sex shell. If you ever decide you want to give us a go, return it to me, no strings attached."

Mary took the shell and examined it. It had an alluring shine to it. She placed it in her pocket and noticed the room felt calm, as if talking with Claire somehow cleared the air. The girls spent the rest of the day unpacking and talking about life.

The following morning sun filled room 209, warming the large living room. Mary woke up early, creeping out of her bed and sneaking into the kitchen. She wanted to give Claire a proper welcome to Groves College. Quietly, she picked up a bowl and started collecting what she needed. A cup of flour, a tablespoon of sugar, some milk, the list went on. Before long, Mary placed a pan over the open flame and poured a cup of pancake batter.

As the pancakes cooked, she reached into her pocket and found Claire's pinkish shell. It still gleaned under the sunlight. Mary examined it as her thoughts drifted. A part of her wanted to take Claire up on her offer, the last time Mary had sex was over two years ago. With Claire being a hyper, she could probably handle Mary much better than her past lovers. Another part of her feared the possibility of getting hurt, or worse, hurting Claire.

Mary still had the wits to remember she should flip the pancake, and so she did. Soon enough, the room smelled of pancakes, and Mary felt it was time to slip out of her PJ and into something more normal. She went into her room and closed the door.

Even though Mary's room was the smallest, it was still bigger than most apartments on campus. It had a king-size bed, a study, and a fantastic view of a grass field. Mary tossed her PJs aside and examined her figure. She was short, a little over 5 feet, her frame was not as slim as Claire's. She loved how her black hair framed her face, it reached a little below her shoulders. Her eyes were her favorite asset, shimmering orbs of hazel that glistened under the sunlight.

Her breasts, while not half as big as Claire's, were still huge for any normal girl. As her eyes drifted down, her cock came into view. It reached down to her knees, dormant. The thing was bigger than what most guys were erect and as thick around as a can of soda. Below it was a sack as large as Mary's fist, her cum factories.

Mary was not ashamed of her body, she liked most of her features. The issue was her hyperizem, she always felt she needed to apologize for being this way. Mary recalled the first time she messed around with a boy, back when she was more naive. Mary felt so bad when she realized she was bigger than him. She wanted to die when she understood the magnitude of her orgasm compared to his.

The sound of movement from Claire's room brought her mind back. Mary tossed on a shirt and skirt, both light pink, not bothering with a bra. She hustled to the kitchen, and by the time Claire's door opened, Mary was ready with a delightful breakfast.

Claire poured out of her room in an almost godly fashion. Even though she clearly just got up, she looked like a supermodel. Her breasts left the room long before her, braless. They didn't sag at all, defiant of gravity. Her blonde hair was shiny and had a haze of temptation to it.

"Good morning, Claire," Mary greeted and gestured to the living room table where she set shop.

Claire's eyes lit up, "Wow, you shouldn't have," she said and sat down, "I am famished."

"Wanted to give you the proper Groves welcome," Mary said with a smile and the two started to eat, "I have an easy day for us today, we are both exempted from our courses thanks to the Dean and we have the day to show you around."

Claire looked at Mary with her glorious blue eyes, "Thank you so much, Mary, you are a wonderful roommate."

"Pleasure is all mine," Mary smiled back.

"I don't want to sound rude, but can I have an hour or two to myself before we start our day?" Claire asked.

"Oh, is everything okay?" the black-haired futa wondered.

"Yeah, everything is fine," Claire said as she finished her plate, "it's just your pheromones. I could smell you all night."

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Mary apologized instinctively.

"Not your fault, girl," Claire explained, "I just need a little time to calm myself or I'll rampage. You can watch if you want."

"I don't know..." Mary dodged the question.

"Suit yourself, girl," Claire smiled, "no strings attached..."

"I don't want our relationship to feel awkward. We are roommates after all..." Mary admitted.

"Watching me get off isn't awkward, my porn incident was what you call awkward." Claire giggled.

"You did porn?" Mary almost screamed with shock.

"Calm down," Claire couldn't help but giggle at her roommate's reaction, "I tried a few months back, didn't work out."

"You felt bad about being exposed like that?" Mary wondered.

"I don't mind, as I said, I'm open-minded," Claire reminded Mary of their talk yesterday.

"So what happened?" Mary was clearly curious.

"I was teamed up with an actor called The Impaler, some top-notch pornstar," Claire recalled.

"The Impaler?" Mary wondered. She heard the name while browsing the net.

"Guy is some kind of alleged hyper, has a 14-inch wang and can cum a lot. We did it for the camera and it was mostly going well." Claire smiled as nostalgia washed over her, "after two hours, I made him cum four times and we were still going strong."

"Sounds amazing," Mary imagined.

"It was. I was starting to enjoy myself when the director asked us to reach the final orgasm so we can wrap the movie up."

"Okay, that's fair..." Mary thought out loud.

Claire slammed her hand against the table, "No, it wasn't!" she declared, "Finding decent sex is so hard, Mary, you're a hyper, you should be able to understand me."

Mary didn't speak. Instead, she just nodded in silent agreement.

"I refused to stop. I screamed at the director to shut his mouth and keep filming while I did the Impaler until I was satisfied."

"That doesn't sound so bad..." Mary whispered.

"It took me two days to feel satisfied, squeezed the Impaler for everything he had..." Claire concluded.

"We all have our bad times, Claire, don't beat yourself over that," Mary tried to cheer her up.

"I'm okay, #hyperproblems, I guess." Claire shook it off, "Anyways, if you want to watch, you're welcomed, just knock on the door, no strings attached..."

"I'll think about it, and you go do what you need." Mary approved with a smile, "but in two hours, we are going out through this door, okay?"

Claire got up and a smile filled her face, "You're the best roommate ever, Mary, thank you."

And with that, she went to her room and closed the door behind her. Mary couldn't get herself out of her chair. Her roommate's attitude towards sex was so different from hers. Mary was so shy she rarely took the initiative; her partners started almost all the sex she had. Claire, on the other hand, seemed like the most sexually active person in existence.

As Mary's thoughts drifted, a low moan of pure delight filled her ears. Claire was going at it in her room, and by the sound of it she was going at it hard. Mary's cock shifted in her lap, as if asking for permission to join the fun.

Mary sighed deeply, hoping it would calm the fire her shaft was stirring up. "No, not yet," she whispered, "We just met yesterday..."

Mary's body calmed down, she got the fire under control. She decided to take a quick and cold shower while waiting for Claire to take care of herself. A shower proved to be the right thing to do. Mary dried her young and shiny skin with a towel and got ready. She picked a long, blue dress and a matching blue T-shirt. Closing her room behind her to keep the mess in, she walked into the living room and checked her watch. A little past the two hours mark, "Claire should be out soon," she said.

As if on queue, just as the words left Mary's mouth, the doorknob to Claire's room turned and the door opened. Mary was caught entirely off guard, not even closely ready for the smell that flooded her nostrils. It was hard for her to describe its properties, a magical mixture of honey, flowers, freshly cut grass, first rain and cookies that just came out of the oven. It bedazzled Mary's senses as the room was filled to the brim with the smell.

Out of the room floated Claire, fully dressed in green. Mary was unsure what perfume her roommate used, but it was doing things to her. Her cock started getting hard as a flame in her core exploded into a raging wildfire. The growth was explosive, far faster than what Mary even imagined was possible. In a fraction of a second, her rod escaped the confines of her panties and started tenting the dress. In the space of a minute, her chin was on level with the exposed head of her snake.

The veins that ran along its length bulged obscenely and the rid throbbed furiously. Claire floated next to Mary and observed the futa's bodily reaction. She serenely watched the size, almost as if a 20-inch beast was a normality for her. She followed it to the base, where a pair of hefty balls were nestled in her overstretched panties.

"Nice size," Claire commented as a side observation.

"What the f-" was what Mary managed to produce when suddenly, a rope of thick, pure white liquid jumped from the rock-hard cock. The stream of cum flowed out of Mary's slit and formed an arch that ended on the floor, creating a growing puddle of cum.

"Oh, nice," Claire added, like a girl who saw a toy and was now learning about its extra features.

The stream went on and on as more cum came out of Mary. This was an alien experience for her, she came a ton of times in the past, like all futanari do, but it never came out in a continuous stream, it was always blasts of cum. But what she didn't understand was the why. Why was her body doing this? It didn't feel like the mind-shattering orgasm she knew.

Instead, this was something her body did on its own, as if on instinct.

After about three minutes of peeing cum the stream stopped. Mary didn't feel out of breath like after most orgasms, instead, her body wanted more, she wanted to have sex. Had Mary not been so confused and embarrassed she would have probably gone into a sexual frenzy.

Claire was still by her side. A smile filled her face as she looked around the room. Her eyes came to rest on the massive puddle of Mary's cum and she licked her lips. "I was spot on, looks like almost a gallon."

"Excuse me?" Mary whispered, unsure what to do or say.

"I was right about you, Mary," Claire said with a smug smile, "you cum like a fountain, and your cock is big AF."

"What just happened?" the futa asked as her eyes jumped between her still erect cock, the cum puddle on the floor and Claire's charming face.

"I think they call it an orgasm," Claire teased, her words ringing in Mary's ears, "and I think this is called cum," her finger pointed to the puddle.

Mary's face turned red, "hilarious Claire, I mean why did it just happen all of a sudden? It was totally out of the blue. One minute I was enjoying this amazing smell that filled the room and the next, this was happening."

"Oh, I see. Did it smell nice?" Claire wondered coyly.

"Yeah, it was like honey and flowers-" Mary recalled as a smile filled her face.

"And cookies just out of the oven?"

"Yeah, just like..." Mary's smile faded, "wait, how did you know that?"

Claire gave the sweetest giggle and blushed lightly, "It was me, it's a pheromone mix my body gives when I orgasm. Probably made a lot these past two hours and it reached you when the door opened."


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