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Lesbian Seductress Ch. 01: History Teacher

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Teenage seductress seduces her beautiful history teacher.
8.8k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 08/06/2022
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Lesbian Seductress: The History Teacher

*The seducer here is Lynn Bowman, a stunning 18-year-old high school senior with long brown hair, piercing green eyes, and movie star looks. She has full, firm breasts, a tight ass and exquisite dancer's legs; in short, the entire package. Many teens are sexually active and like to be fluid in their choices of partners, just like many adults today. But she is mature beyond her years. Her skill at seduction is unmatched. She is flirtatious, erotic and promiscuous. The way she moves, speaks, dresses and the feelings you get when she looks at you, draw you in. When she turns it on, she can be irresistible not only to men and boys, but to girls and women. She has a voracious sexual appetite and exudes sensuality.

Although she enjoys her heterosexual relations, she gets most aroused when she uses her obvious assets to seduce straight females into pleasuring her. Up until now, she has used her skills on pretty girls her own age. They are so much more attentive to her needs than are boys. She makes them her willing servants, not through domination, but with sensual persuasion and an amazing, curvaceous, irresistible body. Once she has you in her sights, the result is inevitable. She can make a girl submit to her the first time they meet. Now that she has turned eighteen, she has decided it is time to set her sights on beautiful women.

The History Teacher

My name is Mary Collins and I teach A.P. History. I am thirty years old and married to John, my husband of six years. People say I am quite attractive, and I still luckily have a great body thanks to my workout regimen. Men turn their heads when I walk by. I still consider myself quite desirable. On the other hand, at the time of this story, sex with John was infrequent to say the least. He was either away on business or, when home, was rarely in the mood. His work put a lot of pressure on him, and sex was not a top priority.

I found myself sexually frustrated most of the time. I was in the prime of life and needed that closeness. I ended up pleasuring myself, but it was not like the real thing. I was longing for intimacy and real sex. In short, I was horny as hell! I was a straight, married female. The only sexual relations I ever had was with the opposite sex, until I met Lynn Bowman, a student in my A.P. History class. That brought me to an unexpected encounter that almost immediately changed my life. From the first moment I met her, I was under her spell. Let me explain.

The school where I teach was on a two-semester schedule. It was the first day of class for my last period A.P. History. There were only eight students, which was ideal. More attention for each student is essential for that type of advanced class. You will later see that I paid much more attention to one student, and it had nothing to do with history. As I checked my student list, I noticed the name Lynn Bowman. I didn't really know her since I had only seen her from a distance from time to time in the halls. This was the girl many teachers, both men and women, would talk about in the faculty room. They described her as mature for her age, very intelligent, popular, and a raving beauty. One teacher compared her to a young Jennifer Connelly in the 1991 movie, "Career Opportunities", in which she plays the gorgeous, spoiled daughter of a wealthy businessman. One of the male teachers said she was a flirtatious goddess! I would soon find out that she was all that and so much more.

As the class entered, the students took seats and I started to read their names for seat assignments. "Lynn Bowman", there was no response. She had not yet arrived, but I saved her a seat: first desk, row one. I seated the remaining seven and I stepped out to the hall to close the door. As I stepped out, this stunning, brown-haired beauty appeared walking by herself down the now vacant hall. She was as gorgeous as faculty members said she was. She was around five foot seven; truly goddess-like stature. She wore a short cheerleader type skirt that swayed when she walked showing off her shapely, tanned legs. As she got closer, I noticed her ample breasts pressing against her blouse. And that face, those piercing green eyes and beautiful lips were so alluring. To sum it up in one word, breathtaking.

"Hi, Mrs. Collins. I'm Lynn Bowman. Sorry I'm a bit late", she said with a much deeper and mature voice than most students her age.

I was so taken with her, I paused for what seemed to be too long, still drinking in the beauty of this young teen. I couldn't take my eyes off her. As I shifted my gaze from her face, I noticed her nipples pressing against her blouse. I pretended to look down to check my class list not letting her see me take in the view. Her blouse was sufficiently open so that I could see the swell of her breasts. She then slightly arched her back and pushed them out just a bit. Was she aware of the attention I was paying them and giving me a better look? I wasn't sure, and didn't care, so I continued. While my eyes were still riveted on her breasts pretending to read the class roster, she broke the silence.

"Am I on your list?", she asked moved next to me to look at the roster. She leaned in to check for her name and lightly pressed her left breast against my arm. It felt so firm and full. She was now so close I could feel her breath on my neck and smell the scent of her perfume. Was this beauty teasing me? If so, it was working. As she read the list, she placed her hand on my wrist and gently squeezed. "There I am", she said. "I'm so happy to be in your class. They say you are the best, and so beautiful to boot."

"Why thank you, Lynn, so are you." What the hell was I doing? She had me so flustered. Was she flirting with me? Was I reciprocating? I was so hungry for someone to pay attention to me since my husband had no interest in doing so. She made me feel appreciated, but it was more than that. She was so sensual it stirred up feelings in me I hadn't felt for so long, sexual feelings. It was then that I became obsessed and would never get her out of my mind.

Then still holding my wrist, she placed her other hand on my lower back, looked into my eyes and said in a low, almost seductive voice, "I really couldn't wait to meet the sexiest teacher in school. I'm so looking forward getting to know you and you me", as she continued pressing her breast against my arm. That's when I knew that she was aware of the attention I was giving her.

"That would be nice. Now let's get inside before they think I got lost!"

I couldn't explain it, but I felt a tingling between my legs. I was so sex starved and she was so beautiful with the body of an angel. I couldn't believe I had such an immediate attraction to her. I told myself to calm down. It was probably just an innocent conversation with an overly friendly young girl, right? But what if I was wrong. What if she was coming on to me? What would I do? She was my student, for God's sake! I had never thought about being with another woman, let alone a young girl and one of my students. I couldn't explain it, but she was turning me on and in the state my sex life was in, I was vulnerable.

I finally snapped out of it, and we then entered the classroom where she took her seat, last seat on the right. Since there were only seven eight students, I had them seated across the front of the room, each having the first seat in each row. This will be relevant later. During class, I noticed her casting her glance my way, and when she caught my eye, she smiled as if she knew what I was thinking. She would sometimes cross and uncross her long legs, showing much of her well-tanned thighs. I was finding it difficult concentrating on teaching. She was becoming a distraction. I gave the class the last twenty minutes to begin their reading assignment.

I sat at my desk writing some notes, trying to gather myself. After about five minutes, I heard a pencil drop to the floor. I looked up to see all the students concentrating on their reading except for Lynn. She had stood up to retrieve her pencil. As she bent over, her short skirt rode up. I was drawn to her again, but this time it was her exquisite, long legs. I couldn't help but stare, hoping she would bend a little more so I could get a glimpse of her panties. Suddenly, still bent over, she turned her head and looked behind her directly into my eyes. She then gave me a look that told me she knew I had been watching. She bent over even more to give me a look at her panties. It was no accident that she dropped her pencil. She was trying to get me aroused, and it was working. That made her even bolder. I wanted to see more.

As she sat down, I noticed that she allowed her skirt to gather behind her. She pretended to concentrate on her homework assignment, but it seemed that the only assignment she was interested in was me. Occasionally, I would look up to gaze at those beautiful legs, imagining what was under that skirt. She was putting on a show and I was the eager viewer. When I thought it couldn't get better, she lifted her skirt on the left side, out of the view of the other students. I could now see her beautiful thigh clear up to one side of her pink panties. She placed her hand under her skirt, running her fingers up her inner thighs and slightly spread them so that they were clearly visible. Then she ran her fingers over her pussy. It was so erotic that I started touching myself. I had never been aroused by any female, but this girl had my head spinning.

She was wasting no time coming for me and I was making it easy for her. Just then the final bell of the day rang interrupting the show, and the students began to file out, except for Lynn. She had closed the door, which had auto lock, and approached my desk. I noticed that her blouse seemed unbuttoned more than when we first met.

"Mrs. Collins, I'm so sorry I was late. It won't happen again."

I patted her on the shoulder. "Not to worry, Lynn. You are forgiven. I'll see you tomorrow."

Seeing that her blouse was even more open, I couldn't help but look. I didn't care if she noticed me staring. The way she was teasing me during class told me she loved the attention I was giving her. I couldn't explain it, but this incredibly sensual teen had me under her spell and I didn't want her to leave. I knew she sensed that, then took it to another level.

"One more thing, Mrs. Collins. What is that perfume you are wearing? You smell sooo good." Before I could answer, she slipped behind me and leaned in to get a whiff. I again felt her breath on my neck, but this time I also felt her lips lightly touching me. "Mmmm." She was so close that I could again feel her firm breasts against my arm. My knees felt weak and once again I felt a tingling. My nipples were so hard and could now be seen protruding from my dress. She then slipped around to face me. She couldn't help but notice my excitement. This sensuous teen was turning me on, and she knew it.

I nervously answered, "Chanel."

"Thanks. I'll have to get a bottle. I'll bet that gets your husband aroused. It's certainly does it for me", she teased as she looked down at her blouse. I followed her eyes and saw that her excited nipples were clearly more prominent than they were when we first met. And, yes, she did undo another button and I now got a much clearer view of the swell of her breasts, restrained by only her sheer bra. From the look of them, she didn't need one. I continued staring, watching them rise and fall with each breath she took.

There was an awkward silence between us as I found it impossible to look away. I was sure she sensed my interest and raised both her arms up to pretend to fluff her hair. Her breasts heaved up slightly, enhancing her cleavage. I wondered what her next move would be. I was so aroused. It was all I could do to not reach out and touch them. I felt urges I'd never felt before; urges to make it with another female. But this teen was no ordinary female. She was a lustful, sexy temptress, experienced far beyond her years. My guess is that she could have had anyone she wanted, male or female, and at that moment, I wanted to be had. I continued staring at her exquisite breasts. Her skillful seduction had me in a trance. She then broke the silence.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I see you've noticed that my blouse came a little undone. Looks like you are getting quite a show, Mrs. Collins."

I was and was hoping the show would go on. Repeating my name was her hypnotic way of controlling me.

"This bra really doesn't cover much. Seems like a waste. I'd much rather go braless. Do you think I should go braless, Mrs. Collins?", she asked as she thrusted her breasts out.

I looked down at that amazing pair and said exactly what I was thinking.

"I really can't say, Lynn, but they do look firm. You are a lucky girl to have such beautiful breasts. I bet all the boys drool over them", I said not believing I was having this conversation, but unable to control the surprising way she made me open up to her. I was becoming even more attracted to her. Her response got me even more aroused. She continued the conversation in a hypnotic, seductive voice as she ran her fingers across her now hard nipples.

"And the girls." Then she stepped back just a bit to face me and undid another button on her blouse. "I see the way you are looking at them right now. And women, especially beautiful women like you, would know how to treat them. Would you know how to treat them, Mrs. Collins?"

"I...I" I wanted to tell her yes, but I couldn't respond. She had me off balance as if I were in a trance, my eyes still glued to her tempting breasts.

"I can button back up if they distract you. But by the look of your hard nipples, that's not what you want, is it, Mrs. Collins?", she teased.

Again, I didn't speak as I kept my gaze on her amazing globes. She knew the answer. She then moved so close I could feel her breath on my cheek.

"You've been watching me, haven't you, Mrs. Collins?"

"You know I have, Lynn."

"Did you like the show, Mrs. Collins?"

"Yes. You know I couldn't take my eyes off you."

"Did my bending over excite you, Mrs. Collins?"

"It did."

"And when you watched me touch myself, did you touch yourself, Mrs. Collins?"

"Yes." She was getting me so hot; I could feel myself again getting a tingling in my pussy.

"But you want to see more, don't you, Mrs. Collins?"

"I do."

"My breasts, Mrs. Collins. Would you like to take them out?"

"You know the answer, Lynn", I answered, my eyes still glued to her breasts, my heart pounding with anticipation. "They are so tempting. I love how they rise and fall with each breath you take."

My eyes remained glued to them, waiting for her next move. I was so aroused at this point. I felt a little wetness in my panties. This incredible vixen was pushing all the right buttons. I wanted more.

"Why don't you undo the rest of the buttons for me, Mrs. Collins", she said, again thrusting her breasts out to me.

I reached out and undid another button, my fingers lightly touching her heaving mounds. I felt my pulse quicken as now I could see how full they were straining to escape her bra, which just covered her nipples and the bottom of her breasts while leaving so much cleavage bare. It was perfect for showing them off, and I was taking it all in.

"I have had girls pleasure them for me, but they've never experienced a beautiful woman's touch." I undid another button, my fingers lightly brushing against her nipples while exposing more of those delicious breasts. "Beautiful, aren't they, Mrs. Collins?"

"Yes, Lynn", I answered, eyes still fixed on her breasts.

"Would you give them the attention they need?"

"Yes, for as long as you wished."

"You are making me wet." Then she lifted her short skirt and exposed her panties. My gaze shifted down, taking in her beautiful legs and then up to her pink panties, where I noticed a small wet spot.

"Are you wet, Mrs. Collins?"

"So wet."

"Do you want to feel my pussy, Mrs. Collins?"

"Yes, but first I would run my hands up those beautiful legs, then to your tight ass." She had me so aroused. I couldn't believe my response, but I had lost all control. She had me saying exactly what I was feeling. I wanted to ravish the brown-haired beauty right there.

"I'll want you to lick it, Mrs. Collins."

This was all happening so fast. I was primed to have sexual relations with another female, something that had neve crossed my mind until this beautiful, sensual creature brought out urges I never thought existed in me.

"I'll do anything you ask, Lynn." My urges were now even stronger. My eyes again drifted down to her breasts as I undid the last button. She started running her fingers over them, gently rubbing her distended nipples. My God, they were so tempting, and she was so hot.

"I knew by the way you looked at me today that you would be mine, Mrs. Collins. I wanted you to want me from the first moment our eyes met," she said as she pulled her blouse away from her breasts so that I could now see how big and full they really were, her nipples clearly visible through her sheer bra. They were magnificent! The way her bra gently lifted and enhanced them. I wanted her to set them free. I wanted to devour them.

"God, you are so beautiful", I declared.

"As are you, Mrs. Collins. Do you want me right now?"

My pulse was racing, my heart pounding as she drew closer. The point of no return was here, and there was no doubt what I wanted. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. This vixen had me so aroused. I was so starved for sex and intimacy. I was powerless to resist her. I wanted to take her right there and then. How was this possible? I had just met her! I didn't care that we were in my classroom. I didn't care about my marriage. I was ready to tell her I wanted to tear her clothes off. I knew the door was locked and everyone was leaving the building except for administrators.

"Yes, Lynn."

Then just when I thought she was giving herself to me, she leaned in close, her breasts again pressed against me, and softly said, "Soon you will have all of me, Mrs. Collins, but now is not the time. I will let you know when. Until then, I want you to think about how you will please me. I'll need you to be ready to submit to me when I ask. Do you understand, Mrs. Collins?"

"I understand, Lynn."

She took a step back and gave me one more look at her stunning breasts before she buttoned her blouse. Then she turned and left. And there I was, all tuned up and no way to satisfy my urges. I wanted it to continue and didn't care where it would lead. But she was going to make me wait. She was a skilled seductress and knew the effect it had on me. She had brought me to a point where I was ready to do anything she asked. Now all I had left was my imagination. I left school frustrated, so aroused that I couldn't wait to get home to relieve the tension.

When I got home, I ran up to our bedroom and quickly threw off my dress. I reached down to find my panties were drenched. I then began to rub myself, imagining tearing off her blouse and bra and burying my face in those amazing breasts. I envisioned running my hands and lips along her beautiful, tanned legs then squeezing her tight ass. I thought about kissing her and licking her pussy. All these erotic thoughts were running through my mind. That led to one of the most incredible orgasms I ever had. No woman, or man for that matter, had ever had such an effect on me.

After taking a shower, I sat down and tried to collect my thoughts. The dominant thought running through my mind was, "What the hell just happened?!" I was ready to have sex with a student, no, a female student in my classroom! We could have been caught! Then I get home and bring myself to climax thinking about what I would do to her! I told myself not to let this obsession interfere with my marriage and career. I tried to convince myself that I had things under control. Today was just a brief fantasy trip. But the more I thought it was, the more I knew I was fooling myself.

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