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Lesbian Slave Island Ch. 08

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At last we arrive on their island!
6.7k words

Part 8 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/25/2010
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Preparations for the island included calling my family members and friends. I was uncomfortable when one of my sisters said she'd love to visit for a week. After that discussion, Helen and Sassa conferred and said my family and friends should visit, and during those visits, it would be up to me how much I wanted to share that I was in a lesbian relationship - and/or that I was a willing bdsm slave. My sister and a chosen friend or two were still thinking about whether to visit when it came time for us to leave for the island.

At first I enjoyed being dressed for the journey to the island. It was a brief break from the constant submissive orgy, ogling and exposure. I was surprised how quickly I began to miss being naked... and the feeling they actually owned me. Of course I obeyed commands during the trip, but wearing clothes brought me back into a certain psychological equality. And I knew that I could excuse myself from all of it anytime up to taking my clothes off on the island. Helen had said that only after I did that would I continue to be their owned property.

On the airplane, I frequently fantasized what it would feel like once naked and again under the slave contract, but this time on the far-away island, from where there was no escape. It was scary. There would be no limits - Helen was nice, but would total power corrupt her? Sassa was already harsher than Helen - would the remoteness of the island and total ownership lead to her forgetting that she must not harm me permanently? Her erotic tortures of me might continue for hours, or even days.

But I knew I must do it, live my fantasy. How could I back out? This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Being so utterly and always naked, vulnerable, so completely and really OWNED by these two arousing and beautiful sisters was too exquisite to let go.

Yet, to be really owned and so far away from civilization, where things could get out of hand, was scary. What if Helen left me alone with Sassa for a week, and Sassa got carried away? Or what if she fell asleep while I was tied and slipped and couldn't breathe? I could truly suffer, maybe even die.

On the airplane, Helen sat in the aisle seat to my right, and Sassa by the window to my left. We often chatted as if we were all simply friends. Sometimes however, Helen and I would whisper lovingly to one another. We discussed my deep desire for utter submission and humiliation, but only erotic humiliation of the kind that highlighted that I was totally owned. , not personal humiliation. Things like being hand fed, kept always highly aroused, the only person nude, displayed, wearing nose rings and collars, being trained, posing, prancing like a pony, kneeling, licking hands and feet, obeying commands. The only one being disciplined, and "tortured" for erotic purposes.

Sassa started whispered conversations with me. These exchanges became more loving as the flight continued. The highlights for me were when she admitted how hot she was for me, and when we discussed my deep longings for a fully real erotic experience. Sassa promised to fulfill this dream. Of that I had already had little doubt. So, the more incredible part for me was near the end of the flight, when Sassa almost pleaded for me to follow through with this, to totally submit to ownership. I looked at her with a delighted but surprised smile. Seeing my expression, Sassa blushed and whispered she wanted this badly as well. I beamed in bliss.

We reached their island after two boat rides, the first a ferry, the last was their boat - only we three were on it. Helen drove it as Sassa helped navigate. I was suddenly overcome with nervousness, not looking at the sisters, only out across the water and the passing unfamiliar tropical beaches and trees.

Tired, I began to imagine the worst. I became afraid. I felt panicky. Helen noticed my expression and appeared empathetic.

When we disembarked, as Sassa tied up the boat, Helen whispered to me "Are you OK?"

I whispered back, "I admit I'm afraid."

After a while she got it out of me. Helen and Sassa caressed my shoulders and hair lovingly and said they would be careful never to endanger me truly. They reminded me that my sister, sisters or a friend or two might visit. That of course provided a way to escape if after a while I somehow did not like being a total slave.

I could feel their earnestness, and I smiled. I still felt shaky and nervous. Sassa led the way up the stone stairway while Helen climbed behind me, perhaps to comfort me, perhaps to ensure I didn't stumble in the fading light, perhaps to ensure I didn't panic and run. Of course, the only place to run to was the boat, the key to which I did not have.

Flowers surrounded the stairs. As we climbed, I saw the sea below in the evening light. What a feeling of calmness nature can provide... the moonlit, ever-moving waters were mesmerizing. At the top, we stepped onto a veranda with pots of flowers around the perimeters - two sides facing sea, one a walled garden, and the other a very charming villa.

Sassa turned and smiled and watched my reaction as she slide open the doors to a beautiful living room. She kept sliding doors until the entire villa-wide room was open to the warm sea air.

"Wow! You really are wealthy..."

Helen smiled. "Yes. While our slave, you will never need to worry about money. And the longer you are, the less you need to worry about money if, at one of the contract milestones, you ever choose to stop being our property."

I could not help but smile. I had felt unsafe just moments ago, and now I felt safer, in their hands. While money could not buy them my love, it allowed for conditions and time for bliss. I took advantage of the fact I was not a slave at that moment to ask whether their parents or they themselves controlled most of the money, and whether their parents or others might visit us by surprise.

Helen reminded me about the trusts that continue to release funds as they get older. She also said we should know about visitors well in advance, and in enough time to move to the other island, where they have a small cabin. Sassa added that they did not expect their parents to visit at all this summer. And if anyone did, it would more likely be their mother with their sister and maybe a cousin or two. But unlikely - they had other plans. Helen held my gaze meaningfully as she told me that perhaps we would not have to move out for certain special visitors. My eyes widened in both excitement and fear.

Helen laughed softly. "Do not my love, you will be the decider on that." She kissed me softly.

"But we should buy or build another villa on this or a nearby island, where you would be always be our 100% sex slave. Our totally owned private paradise with our totally owned private love slave."

The villa was not that large, but the more interior rooms were more luxurious than the exterior sea-facing rooms. As we moved deeper inside, the walls, for example, went from wooden to fabric-covered.

We got some good exercise unpacking the boat. We placed the boxes of slave equipment in a closet that could be more easily accessed to take them to the boat, should we choose to vacate. We ate some cold food and drank one glass of red wine each on the veranda overlooking the ocean. I became sleepy and Helen led me to a bedroom of my own.

She joked, "Don't take off all your clothes, unless you are ready to commit to being my totally owned property!" she winked with warm eyes and smile to assure me. Goodnight my love...we will all sleep apart and alone tonight. Tomorrow morning you can decide, showing me by being nude. Or you can wait until later. Or even until the day after tomorrow or later in the week. I want you to be certain."

With a peck on my lips she left and closed the door.

The traveling and the wine helped me fall asleep quickly. What also helped me fall asleep were positive thoughts and images of Helen and Sassa's beauty, their essential inner goodness, and I admit, the comfort of their wealth. And by being their slave, I could decide to go free someday. But I looked around: why would I want to leave this place? At least, no time soon.

When I awoke, Helen was dressed in fashionable shorts and a sleeveless white shirt and sitting on the veranda enjoying coffee and the view. I joined her, dressed in the same clothes I wore traveling and sleeping, because they were my only clothes here. She smiled, she stood up, kissed my lips, and got me some coffee too. We talked for awhile, resulting in my believing she was my girlfriend and love still. Though the slavery would be real, she and I were still girlfriends and during those visits, if any, and those contract breaks, I would be free. Free, and free to choose to live my fantasy as their property again, or choose to be free.

Helen showed me around some more. A beautiful and safe place...

Eventually Sassa awoke and a pretty 30-something maid came with groceries and helped clean up. The maid kept focused on her tasks but looked at me with curiosity a couple of times. I smiled and introduced myself. Her smile lit up the already bright sunny day... I had awkwardly waved and put out my hand to shake, but she made it all seem fine. In a Spanish style accent she said she was Gabriela. Wondering why Helen had not mentioned her, and whether she might be surprising us during my naked slavery, I asked if she lived nearby. She grinned and said no, she only visits every couple of days to check on the property, deliver groceries, take away trash and clean. Helen walked over and smiled, saying Gabriela was totally cool. Gabriela smiled - I am not sure if in a knowing way or not...

After Gabriela left on her small boat, we three enjoyed an outdoor very healthful lunch. Helen said Gabriela was a single mother who could be trusted to take care of things - and Helen nodded to me - and Gabiela could keep secrets.

"If I do become your slave," - at the word "if" Sassa and Helen glanced slightly worried at one another - "would Gabriela see? Have you already explained me?"

Helen smiled re-assuredly.

"Not yet, but I happen to know Gabriela is bi and accepts everyone as they are, including their sexuality."

I could not help but smile back, suddenly relishing the idea of Gabriela seeing me naked... and as I thought more, I knew I was excited by the idea of her seeing me as a totally owned naked sex slave. I could not help it.

Surprising even myself, I kept my clothes on all day. I began to enjoy Sassa and Helen flirting with me, complimenting me and my body, and being so nice to me, obviously wanting to ensure I would not change my mind. I enjoyed my power, and I was quite touched by their clearly strong desire to own me as.

Both Helen and Sassa reminded me at different times that day that when I took all my clothes off, the contract would engage. I smiled each time.

They showed me around the island, including the trails. The island had several small sand beaches among the mostly tropical forested shores. Two of them were quite sheltered from view from the sea. The villa was at the top of a low hill with views in all directions. There was a neat modern shed, in which were tools and boat things. A rather large cart was in there too.

Sassa said, "Ooo, that reminds me of the chariot idea. You could be harnessed to it if we turn it backwards. Wouldn't you love that?"

She smiled so nicely to me, as if offering some wonderful toy or present. I began to nod, and grin, and we all laughed. It was then I realized there had been tension. I thought it charming that Sassa was trying to persuade me, and funny that she was persuading me to do something that most people would not want to do. I really liked Sassa.

After dinner and while all three of us cleaned, we chatted about our families and friends and movies and TV shows. Helen and Sassa seemed to want to start our game, but I read their expressions and said it's best if we all get one more night of solid sleep. I smiled shyly, looking down, and mumbled that I would probably start things off in the morning...

I ended up not sleeping as well as I had hoped I would, but well enough. I felt I would do it, but thought to myself I could still put if off another day...

MORNING I was up first, made coffee and washed fruit. On the veranda, it struck me that my clothes needed washing for sure. I also felt it would be wonderful to enjoy this view and the coffee naked. So I did it. I dropped all my clothes in a tiny pile in the corner of the veranda.

The breezes and perfect temperature felt absolutely perfect on my nudity. Paradise indeed. I looked down at my hairless lean body, and began to be aroused. I was alone a surprisingly long time... and walked around the veranda. I thought how lovely and sweet Helen and Sassa are, yet so totally passionate and erotic. I knew then I could not put my clothes back on. In fact, I wanted no access to the clothes. I threw them as far as I could from the edge of the veranda into bushes.

I was doing my abs workout on the veranda when both Helen and Sassa walked out. Again I was the only one nude. I jumped up, sweating and panting, and faced them. They were smiling. I smiled back.

"Well, I guess I am yours!" I smiled.

They surprised me by hugging and kissing me lovingly.

I told them I had imagined it would be some serious stripping ceremony, and this seemed more loving. Helen nticed a bright article of clothing on a bush, and mentioned how committing siuch a gesture was. I nodded in agreement.

"No clothing for me, my owners, unless of course you order me to wear some."

Sassa beamed. "Now that's the slave I remember!"

Helen then made things a bit more serious again.

"The ceremony is a good idea."

I nodded, saying it would put it into all our minds that this is real.

"Sometime today. For now, I would like us to sit for breakfast and talk a bit."

Once breakfast was served - we each got our own - and we were sitting, I resisted the urge to cover my perky breasts. While I just loved being the only one naked, and our sitting and talking while I was naked, as if it were normal, my heart began to race. I admit I so very much loved being naked while they were not.

Helen guided the conversation toward the contract and fulfillment of deep longings. Discussing the contract reminded me how owned I was now, since I had taken every stitch of clothing off.

Discussing our fantasies began to make me blush, and feel aroused.

Sassa asked me: "What made you feel ready to be owned by us again?"

Still standing as if I were free, except for my nudity, I looked at Sassa to answer thoughtfully.

"Well, I had a good sleep, and I just wanted to be naked. Clothes felt uncomfortable. And besides, they were getting dirty. I don't have a change of clothes."

Sassa smiled, "you could have remained a little bit covered."

I nodded, lowering my gaze.

"Yes, mistress. I wanted to feel the air on all my skin, and... " I turned to Helen, self-consciously looking for sympathy. "and, I want the feeling of being owned. I simply must take this chance to live my dream."

I glanced again at the smiling Sassa.

"And it is a chance of another kind - taking a chance. I am a bit afraid."

Helen gently caressed my bare shoulder.

"I love you and I would not let anything really bad happen to you. But, if you were not at least a little afraid, it would not be so real, either. You do want this to be real? To be really, actually owned as our property?"

I nodded energetically.

Sassa interjected, "she's so cute... even nodding her head like that is sooo cute."

I shot a pleased smile toward Sassa.

Helen appeared slightly annoyed that her sister was ignoring my trepidation, but Sassa continued undismayed.

"Her agreeing so much that she wants it as real as possible is so sweet, so adorable. I love our little slave girl!"

Sassa grinned in happiness and enthusiasm. I studied her expression to see any clues of romantic Love, or whether she only meant love with a small "l." If I had to guess it would be the latter but I wasn't sure.

Helen continued seriously.

"Then, give in to this. Surrender to the reality and relish it. This will be real.. It is already now real. We actually own you. You are our slave. You are our property. Ours."

My eyes shone, staring into Helen's eyes, hearing her say what I inwardly craved to hear.

"Yes, my owner." I nodded again. "You two are perfect for owning me. I am so attracted to you, and I trust you, yet I know you will treat me as your actual property, and fully use me for your arousal and pleasure without inhibitions. This couldn't be more perfect. If I don't do this now, I never will."

I glanced at the still grinning Sassa, who said,

"Yes, NO inhibitions AT ALL." The way she said that, with such joy, staring confidently and meaningfully into my eyes, made me literally wet down there.

I looked back and forth to my owners.

"Yes, my owners, I am fully yours now. Your property. Keep me lustfully sex-crazed and completely own me. Use me fully. I want to keep you always aroused and pleasured."

Helen nodded.

"That's the spirit, Lisa. You are officially our real slave. We actually OWN you. How do you feel?"

"Ohhhh, my owners, I feel delicious. Scared, but thrilled. Thank you for making my dream come true."

I looked gratefully at them, staring into their eyes with multiple conflicting emotions. Helen started smiling again too.

"I just know you will love this. Even when we are being cruel - what will seem cruel to a stranger who doesn't understand, but to us this is eroticism."

Sassa and I nodded.

Helen continued. "I know that when you are treated as a truly owned sex slave, serving as our lust object, forced to demonstrate your submissive status, your property status, your owned status, when you are humiliated and exposed, you love it. You might be whimpering or crying or even actually wishing pain and utter humiliation to end, but overall you love it totally. You crave it. Am I correct?"

I felt heat in my cheeks.

"Yes, I do, my owner. You are correct."

"That was not loud and clear enough. Tell us more, and look us in the eyes as you say it."

Helen's expression was a fascinating combination of caring and strictness.

I suddenly felt I must obey, and throw myself into this. Though sitting in the chair, I snapped up to a perfect posture, shoulders back, chest brazenly out. I looked each in the eyes.

"I do love it. I do crave it. Make me yours. Keep me utterly aroused and use me as your sexual muse. My job is to keep you aroused and pleasured. Force me to do that. Treat me as the total sex slave property I dream to be. I am truly your property now, with no escape."

I paused, pleased with the facial reactions of my owners, whose eyes seemed to be filling with desire and passion.

"Keep me naked, shaved, enslaved, owned, disciplined, aroused, humiliated, loved, lusted after."

"Wow," smiled Sassa. "That was HOT! I love it when you talk like that."

My voice suddenly huskier from arousal and self-consciousness, so blushingy aware of my boldly upthrust nude chest, I looked at Sassa.

"Thank you, mistress."

Helen smiled. Sassa grinned. "There is something about you calling me 'mistress' that is just so hot."

"Yes my owner" I almost smiled as I said that, but my heart was thumping.

Sassa laughed. "Yes, 'my owner' is even hotter."

Sassa leaned over to caress my hanging hair.

"Oh yes, so hot. You make me so hot, slave girl. Owning such a luscious, pretty slave girl is the best. I love this."

Sassa's fingers stopped at my lips, so I kissed them. She held her fingers still, so I began to lick and suck them.

Helen smiled and said "I'll be right back."

Sassa and I looked into one another's eyes as I slavishly licked and sucked and kissed her fingers and hand. I felt so humiliated and aroused as we kept staring at one another. As she said "I own you" her eyebrows rose to communicate that she meant it very seriously. I found myself nodding.


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