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Let tomorrow be tomorrow


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Then with a grin, "Maybe it was from your comment earlier on how much you liked small boobs. And then you said that you were going to show me how much of a fan you were of small breasts... If I wanted you to.

"Well, the answer is that is, YES. Yes, I so want you to do whatever you want to my little mounds... my nipples. The way that you looked at me a few minutes ago when I pulled off the T-shirt sent shivers down my body. Nobody has ever looked at me like you did just then. I think that if I was still standing there you'd still be enjoying yourself just looking at me. And not looking at my eyes."

Looking up at me with a grin, "God knows that I'd be enjoying myself. To just let you look at me."

I couldn't help it. I just leaned in and lightly kissed the top of her head.

"I never thought too much about what they call, 'Friends with Benefits'."

Alex's one hand going up in an 'air quote'.

"It always seemed like it could get messy. That somewhere along the line one partner would want more than just the physical stuff. Someone would get hurt."

Quiet except for the wind and snow against the window.

"I've never thought too much about that either. I mean, why would I? Just thinking. If we do this. And just so you know, yes, I want to. I think that it will be different than between two people that are close in age. I mean, let's face it, it's not like we're not going to fall in love and get married."

Alex giggled, "Yeah I can see that now... Dad here is the guy that I'm going to marry."

"And me introducing you to my sons as their future step-mom. I can see that that going over well."

That lightened the mood tremendously. I had one more comment to share.

"But Alex, that doesn't mean that we won't form a personal connection. I mean, just the time that I've spent with you here in my bed, I've felt a connection forming. And it's not just because your warm, sexy, and naked body is right here against my warm and naked body."

A giggle.

"You're right. Baring my soul to you a few minutes ago, I can say the same thing. And I don't have a problem with that... a connection forming. Because I am pretty sure that you won't hurt me. Call it woman's intuition."

"And Alex, like you said, the day will come when you'll find that special one, and you will. Because, like you said, I know that there's some guy out there looking for a girl just like you. Just know that I'll be happy for you... maybe a little sad to have to give up my favorite 'Friend with Benefits'. But it'll happen. All I ask is that you invite me to your wedding. So that I can meet the lucky guy."

That earned me a soft kiss on my chest. Then with a grin.

"So, 'I'll scratch your itch, if you'll scratch mine'?"

"I may have lots of places that need scratching," Alex grinned.



"You'll have to remember... I'm old."

"Well, maybe having your itches scratch will be like the Fountain of Youth".

"One can only hope."

More silence besides the howling wind.

"Alex, just a final serious thought... let's make a simple promise to not hurt the other. I think that if we are open and honest with each other it may help prevent either of us from hurting the other. If you want to slow things down, for whatever reason... or just cease what we are doing and just be friendly when I do my shopping, I'm fine with that. I just don't want to ruin or lose our friendship. In fact, I'd just like to make you dinner sometime, if you want to. Just dinner."

"I can live with that. All of that... And it goes the same for you. If you want to slow things down. Talk to me. And one more thing... Please don't fall in love with me. I know that you're lonely and it would probably be easy for you to do. We both know that we couldn't do anything about it. OK? And you making me dinner sometimes sounds wonderful. Especially if your dinners are anything close to how good your soups are."

"Alex, I understand. But, I'm going to love you when we're together. I'm going to make love to you the only way I know how to.... Slowly... tenderly and with passion."

"I can live with that too. And I'm going to love you when we're together like we are right now, and in a few minutes, if you want to. Or we can just lay here and enjoy each other's warmth. Each other's closeness. It's been a long time since I've felt this type of closeness."

"No, Alex. I want to make love to you. It's been a long time. I know that things still work, although it may take some coaxing."

Alex giggled, "I think coaxing can be fun. Let's just have fun, now and whenever we get together. Just you and me. Let tomorrow be tomorrow."

"You've brushed your teeth. I need to brush mine before I kiss you... and I so want to kiss you, and kiss you... and kiss you all over... everywhere."

"mmm... I'd like that," as Alex planted another light kiss in the middle of my chest.

Standing in front of the mirror as I brushed my teeth and taking a moment to look over this 'ancient' body... Not too bad. Some gray chest hair. No beer gut, maybe a little pouch. No man-boobs. Well, maybe a little flab. No love handles. Turning. My butt looked decent.

Then looking down at what would have Alex's attention in a bit. While the hair on my head and my chest had turned a silver grey. My pubic hair still retained its youthful dark brown. I guess that part hadn't gotten old yet. I kept it trimmed just because... and I kept my ball sack shaven smooth. Yeah, when I watched porn it felt nice.

Looking at my cock. I think that it was beginning to realize what was about to happen, and it wouldn't be my hand that would be doing the playing. Hanging down a nice five inches, nestled between my hanging scrotum with a testicle framing it on each side. Each orb was clearly defined against the smooth pink skin. The left one is lower.

Standing alongside the king-size bed, it was Alex's turn to shamelessly take in my ancient body. She held my gaze for a few seconds before focusing on the object of her desire.

"Oh my. Is that for me?"

"Yes... it's for you... if you want."

"Does he want to play?" Alex grins playfully.

Returning Alex's grin, "If you can convince him to play, I'm positive that he will enjoy himself."

"I can't wait to see and feel him when he's all ready to play... and play... and play."

I had to laugh... "Don't get your expectations up too much... I'm old."

"Well, then, we'll just have to wait until he's ready to play again... I'm sure we can think of things to do in the meantime."

"Alex. Not to break the mood, but I don't have any condoms. Not that I think that I'm making any swimmers anymore."

"You don't need any. I know that you're safe. I haven't been with anyone in a long time so I'm safe. Besides, I'm on the Pill. It helps my cycles. And thank you for thinking of me. A lot of guys would just dive in. If something happened it would be my problem."

I had to grin at Alex's candidness.

Slipping back under the covers, my slightly cool body was met by Alex's warmth as I lay partially on top of her young body. My lips hovered over her soft lips... so close we could feel each other's breath. The gap closed as our lips gently met. Lightly and unhurriedly my lips pressed and slowly nibbled. Tasting the sweetness of her lips. The tip of my tongue lightly traced along each soft lip and then lightly between them before gently pressing asking for permission to enter. Alex's lips parted and my tongue lightly brushed against the wetness. Soft cooing sounds filled the quiet cool room as Alex's hands roamed over my back.

"mmm... Bill. I've never been kissed like that. Kiss me again."

Another kiss... slow and tender. Never rushing. Each of us enjoying the intimacy that can only a tender kiss can bring.

Extending her neck, my lips nibbled on the softness before planting a series of kisses on her tender flesh as part of my journey to her awaiting nipples.

A prolonged and soulful moan as my tongue did a full stroke of Alex's engorged nipple from the base to the pointed tip. More soft sounds of the pleasure that her body was receiving filled the room as the tip flicked the pointy peak back and forth. Engulfing the soft flesh of her little breast, Alex arched her back as if to 'feed' me everything that she had. Both of her hands were now on the back of my head and were directly my attention to the so far, neglected nipple. As I nursed, my fingers toyed... teased her still slickened rubbery nub.

Alex sighed a disappointed sigh as my tongue left her swollen nipple only to gasp as she sucked in a lungful of air as my tongue returned. Sometimes to the same nipple and sometimes to the neglected and awaiting one, as sighs, groans, and moans once again floated through the cool room, as I made love to her through her highly sensitive nipples.

Alex's breathing was laboring. Her mound was pressing upward. I could feel that little soft tuft of hair pressing against my stomach. She was reaching a point of 'no return'. Her body jolts followed by little three sharp yelps.

Pulling me up. Alex's lips frantically sought mine like a newborn frantically seeking the nipple to nurse on. Alex held me in place as her lips locked on mine. The slowness and tenderness of a few minutes ago were gone. This was a kiss of a need of a hunger. Until it wasn't as it slowed as her lips sensually made love to mine.

My face was inches from those soft light-brown eyes.

"My gosh... What did you do to me?"

"You like?" I grinned.

"That's never happened to me. But then nobody has ever taken the time to do what you just did."

I just grinned, "There's more. I'm just getting started. I'm just getting you started."

"Me... I've been started from the moment that I watched you looking at my body. It was a look that nobody has ever given me. A look that I will never forget. And then looking at your body as you stood there, your beautiful cock and balls. I'm started all right. I can't wait to finish."

"Patience my dear. I have a whole list of things I want to do to, and for you. Like I said... I'm just getting started."

"Do any of those things involve that talented tongue of yours?" she grinned.

Kissing her lips one more time.


"Oh god. I think that I've died and gone to heaven."

More kisses down her body. Planting a reverent kiss at each flattened breast and erect nipple, my trek continued. Alex knew where I was going and what I had in mind.

"Bill. You don't have to do that... go there."

"Shhh. How can any man not want to show his total appreciation of his lover in the most intimate manner possible? To breathe in her fragrance. To taste her arousal. Any man who would deny himself those simple pleasures is not worthy of being called a 'lover'. So lay back and let me take you to Nirvana."

Alex had propped her head on a pillow to watch, but mainly for our eyes to connect.

Swirling and probing the tip of my tongue in her cute belly button caused Alex to giggle at first which was followed by a comforting sigh. The tuft of her brown pubic curls felt soft against, my chin and then each cheek, and finally my nose before planting a gentle kiss in the middle of that soft bed.

Alex's legs had parted a bit as I was making my way down her body. Nibbling on the soft and tender flesh of each of her inner thighs caused them to involuntarily open further, opening, exposing, and offering up herself to the pleasure that she was about to receive.

It had been a long time since I last found myself in a position to fully appreciate a woman in a manner so intimate. I couldn't help it... I was captivated. Alex's young womanhood had opened and blossomed like a fragrant rose in the early morning sun. Each inner lip was soft, thin, and pink that came together at the apex of her sex where her tiny pearl of pleasure lay hidden for the time being. Breathing in a lungful of Alex's youthful essence warmed me to my core. She was going to taste divine.

Looking up, my eyes caught Alex's. If she was nervous, or anxious, about being in such an open and vulnerable position, she didn't show it. There was only a look of total relaxation. Of trust, as she gave herself over to her lover.

A broad stroke of my tongue from the bottom, through the open valley, and ending with the tip gently probing at the top coaxing her little pea of pleasure to come out and play, brought a low guttural growl followed by, "Oh my god."

Alex's legs opened further, as my tongue probed and flicked that little pearl that had swelled and had emerged. Looking up as I pleasured her button, I couldn't help but smile. Alex's head lay back against the pillow, her eyes were closed, and her delicate mouth in a relaxed 'O' of pleasure as her little chest rose and fell as she climbed Mount Euphoria.

One finger entered her inferno, probed, and gently swirled around that sensitive bundle of nerves... Alex's G-spot twisting like a little snake. The effect was instantaneous.

"Oh god!!" as she sucked in a lungful of air.

Her legs opened as wide as humanly possible. Giving herself over to everything that her young body and senses were receiving.

"Don't stop... Oh God... don't stop... Pleeaasse don't stop," she wailed.

Her breathing was laboring. The sounds coming from Alex were unintelligible. As she closed in on the end of her journey Alex held me exactly where she needed me to be.

Watching in amazement; the veins on her neck bulged, her chest arched, and what started as a silent scream transformed into the cry of unbridled bliss as Alex plunged into the warm abyss of orgasmic paradise.

It never ceases to hold me spellbound at the power and intensity of a woman in full orgasm as waves upon waves of complete bliss surge through her body. Levels of pleasure that only a woman can experience.

Suddenly the power came on as the furnace kicked in.

"Wow. See what you did Alex. You fixed it. We should have done this earlier."

Alex chuckled for a moment and then.

"Bill... Get up here... now."

Our lips come together in a heated passion.

"I've never tasted myself like this. You've spoiled me. I want more."

"There's a lot more where that came from," I smiled.

"I can't wait. But, right now, I want... I need you inside of me. I hope that you're hard, or close to being hard."

"With what I just witnessed it won't take much to get me how you want me... and where you want me."

Alex giggled when her hand cupped my smooth scrotum, and said, "This looks like it's going to be fun. I've never played with smooth balls before."

What Alex may have forgotten in technique, she more than made up for it with her enthusiasm.

I almost lost it the moment Alex's little tongue licked that sensitive inverted 'V' valley on the underside of the crown. And then her warm mouth engulfed the mushroom head.

"Oh god, Alex. That feels so good. It's been so long."

Alex looks up and smiles.

"So sexy. Such a nice cock. Such nice balls. You're going to feel so good inside of me."

Alex's tongue swirls through the edge of the glans and over the head. All the while her little hand is cupping my balls and gently massaging.

"So tasty.... And it's getting bigger... harder."

Looking me right in the eyes, Alex turned my hard cock to the side and did a slow lick along the entire length, over my smooth nut sack, and sucked my left-hanging nut into her warm mouth.

"Oh god, Alex. Do the other one," my words barely a whisper.

Never losing eye contact, Alex wrapped her wet lips around my right testicle and gently pulled back her soft lips gliding over the slickened orb. Planting a kiss at the base of my cock, Alex's tongue traveled back up along the other side. She gave me a wicked smile before engulfing the entire pink plum. I groaned as I watched her soft pink lips glide over the shiny crown. And then the tip of her tongue probed the oozing opening... Alex smiled and placed a reverent kiss on the tip.

My cock glistened and was ready for the main event.

"mmm... Look what I made. See, it's not broken," she grinned and planted a series of soft kisses along the shaft and then over my hairless scrotum.

Sitting up totally uncovered. My hard and wet cock was still in her hand. Five little words that I'll never forget, "How do you want me?"

"Oh, Alex. I want you in so many ways. Can you just let me watch you ride me for a little bit? Then we'll switch."

Grinning, "You just want to look at my little boobs."

Grinning back, "And your point is?"

Sandwiched between her swollen and wet labia, Alex slowly moved along my length lubricating my cock with a combination of her arousal and what was still there from my mouth. Rising a bit and reaching behind and grasping my cock by the base.


"Oh Alex. Please, take me inside of you. It's been so long. Let me watch and feel myself disappear into your sexy body."

Alex grinned as she rubbed the sensitive tip across the portal to her sexual being. Locking our eyes. Alex slowly took into me her warm and tight passage.

"Oh shit, Alex. You feel so good... so tight... so warm... so wet."

"Oh, Bill. You feel so good. So big. So full. So very deep. I love feeling how you stretch me so nicely."

"Alex, can we just sit here, like this for a bit? Let me look at you while I'm inside of you. Put your hands behind your head. Pose for me."

That brought a gentle smile, as Alex struck the pose that I had requested. My cock throbbed. She grinned.

"You really do like my little boobs, don't you? Even like this, where they've pretty much disappeared."

"Yes, Alex. I really do like your sexy little breasts."

That got me a genuine smile as Alex leaned down and brought her soft lips to mine.

Alex began a slow ride while in the pose. It was like nothing I had ever seen. Reaching up, my hands cupped her little mounds. Sam groaned as my fingers rolled each erect nipple and then gasped as the tips of my fingers 'flicked' each pink gumdrop.

"Oh god, that feels so good. Pinch 'em harder."

A bit more pressure. Alex's eyes were closed, as I very firmly rolled each nipple producing sighs of contentment.

After a bit, I wanted to try something with her. Something that I hoped she would like.

"Alex, bring your legs up here and sit on my cock."

Repositioning her legs on each side of my head, leaning back, and resting her hands on my shins, Alex gasped as the last bit of my erection filled her and lightly kissed her cervix. The view from my side of Alex's delicate pink lips wrapped around my hard flesh made my cock throb.

"Oh god. I've never had anything so deep inside of me. This feels so good. Especially when I do this."

Alex moved her hips side-to-side. I could feel the tip of cock lightly brushing her cervix as my hand rested on her mound and pressed that underlying button of pleasure. Her breathing labored, as she pressed harder against my embedded cock and my hand.

Alex cries out, "Oh god," as her head flops back and the walls of her vaginal ripple along my length.

Sitting up with a gentle smile, "I just came again. I've never done that."

"Here, let me sit up. I want to hold you. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss your nipples while I'm inside of you and then we'll switch if you want to."

Alex purred as she ran her fingers through my hair while holding me against her little bosom as I nursed on each of her cherry-ripe nipples.

"Oh, Bill. The things you do to me. We definitely have to do this again."

Looking up I gave her a look. She knew what I meant.

Grinning, "I don't mean in the next few hours. I mean the next time we get together. Maybe I could spend the whole day, right here in bed with you. I've never done that... spent the whole day in bed with a lover... Probably because I never had a real lover. Now that I know what a real lover is like."

"Well Alex, that sounds like fun. I've never done that either. I think that I'm going to have to get some super vitamins... maybe see about the magic Blue Pill for rounds two and three, since you seem to have things working fine."

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