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Letters to Nicole 19


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I smiled at this question, remembering I told Robbie a little something about that. "With that cock of his? I could get into a nice, hard fuck with him...for sure!"

"Do you have a lot of sex, Nancy?"

"Pardon me?"

"I asked, 'Do you have a lot of sex?'" Her smile had a good deal of wistfulness in it now.

"Ms. Finch, why do you want to know that?"

She didn't answer immediately. Instead...she got up and came around to my side of her desk. Standing right next to me, she laid her hand on my shoulder and caressed it for a moment. "Uhhh...when I was watching you and Robbie, I thought that perhaps you might be the one."

"The one what?" I wasn't sure yet where this was going, Nicole...but I thought I would like it!

"Before I answer your question, I need you to answer a few for me. If you don't want to it's okay. I realize that what I'm doing is not very professional, but when I heard you swear Robbie to secrecy, I thought that I could be honest with you and you'd keep our conversation private. Will you?"

"Course I will, if that's what you want; you have me so curious now! And to answer your first question...Yes, I have quite a bit of sex; I really love it!

"You do? I only ask that because you don't seem to have a regular boyfriend?"

"Oh, yes," I giggled, "I have lots of friends! But actually, I've only slept with three guys in my life."

"Ms. Finch giggled too, but then she caught on to something, "Three guys doesn't seem to be a lot, Nancy, but the way you said that...there seems to be something more. Do you have sex with some of the girls too?"

I wasn't sure I wanted to reveal this yet, but now I had no choice. If I was going to hear what Ms. Finch had in mind, I'd have to tell her, "Well...yes! You know I really prefer guys, but lately, it seems I've been having a lot more sex with girls. I'm pretty horny most of the time...and it's a lot less complicated."

Ms. Finch nodded, "Yes, I thought so. You and Felecia have sex together, don't you?"

I grinned at her, "Wow! You know all the answers, Ms. Finch! I don't need to answer your questions!" That got us both to giggling again.

"Since I know them all...you must be on the pill. You're much too smart for otherwise!"

"Right again! But now...I don't want to answer any more. You're gonna have to tell me what it is you want."

She ran a finger along my collarbone and then trailed it down to just inside the neckline of my t-shirt, teasing the sensitive skin there. I felt my nipples harden, rubbing against the cups of my bra as they swelled. Her intentions were obvious and my pussy twitched in anticipation.

"Then I guess I better tell you...umm...," she hesitated.

"Ms. Finch, if you're worried about the teacher/student thing...don't be; I'm eighteen and I make choices now. My mother knows all about most of it. And no one will know, either! You're not forcing me, are you?"

"Oh, my goodness, noo!"

"Then don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anyone. Most of the guys in the school think you're totally hot...and a few of us girls too!"

I can't remember ever making a teacher blush like that, Nicole. But I could tell my compliment pleased her. She sputtered for just a moment and then said, "Thank you, Nancy...That means a lot, although I must admit," and here she hesitated for a split second, "that...that I've never been with another woman before." She blushed, redder than before!

I took her hand (which had moved back to my shoulder) and slowly, but firmly, guided it down to my right breast. I felt her hand twitch as I pushed it against my boob, but she didn't pull it away; on the contrary, she reached underneath and cupped it, squeezing it gently and feeling the weight. God...was I ever horny now!

"You're gonna love it, Ms. Finch; I'm going to make you feel soooo good!"

Her eyes glazed over as she watched her fingers curl over the swell of my tit. My nipples were so damn hard...I was sure she could feel it, and when her middle finger started making circles around the hard teat, then I knew she did for a fact!

"You're a very naughty, little girl, Nancy! But you already knew that, didn't you!" It was not a question, but a statement.

"Yes...actually, I'm not only naughty...I'm fucking dirty! I'm a dirty little girl and I can't wait until I can lick your wet pussy!"

Ms. Finch groaned audibly and pulled my face into her tummy. My right hand dove between her legs and I thumbed her pussy right through her pants and my four fingernails scratched at her ass cheek.

"Oh, my Goddd...my Godddd..." she moaned! "Stop, Nancy...Oh, my Goddddd!"

I quickly stood up and looked into her face, "What's wrong? Didn't that feel good?"

Her chest was heaving as she replied, "Mmm...too good! But I just can't do this here...I can't...be caught here."

I rubbed her arm sympathetically, "Oh, I know...it's okay...we can get together later."

Ms. Finch looked at me, "Oh, no...Nancy...I don't think you understand. I need to tell you something."

"Oh? What?"

"This is not just for me."

"It's not? Who then?" This was a new twist!

"Oh, I'm sorry...I should have said this sooner. You see, my husband Gene and I have been talking for months about doing something new in our sex life."

"Ohhh, I see" I smiled, "you're looking for a third, I should have realized!" This wasn't going to be any problem at all, Nicole. I had met Mr. Finch on several occasions and he was quite a hunk!

"Yes, and next week Friday is Gene's birthday. I thought it would be special for that...and for me too! I've wanted to be with another woman for quite a while."

I took her by the hand, "Why me though? I mean it would have been safer to approach someone older than me."

"I thought about that, believe me. I thought about it for a long time. But if I'm going to let my husband fuck another woman, I don't want it to be with someone he knows very well...and I don't want to compete with her. You're perfect Nancy...you won't want to take him away from me, I know that!"

"You'd let your husband fuck me, Ms. Finch?"

She looked at me for a long few seconds. "I would...could you do it?"

"I could if you were there! But I have to warn you, If we're gonna do this...I'm gonna let myself go completely! Is that okay with you?"

"Perfectly!" She squeezed my hand. "We'll have fun...won't we, Nancy!" It was another statement.

"Oh, for sure!! I've been in threesomes before..." Ms. Finch's eyebrow shot up, "and they are so hot!" I glanced at my watch, "Oh, Goddd!! I have to get going; I told my mother I'd be home by 6:00!"

"You run along then, I'll talk to you about the details later. But Nancy?"


"When we meet outside of school? Could you call me Amy?"

"God, Ms. Finch, that'll be hard...but I'll try."

So Nicole? For the rest of that week we got insanely busy trying to get the paper ready for Tuesday. There wasn't even any time to have some fun! Except, that Sunday night, Felecia, Megan and I were able to get together and go to the movies. Afterward, when we were sitting in McDonald's, C.J. and Jon came by and we spent an hour laughing and goofing around. C.J. and I sneaked outside and stood behind the big oak tree at the back of the parking lot. We talked and made out and touched. God...his cock felt so good in my hand. He pulled my tank top down and sucked on my tits for a while...sending me into orbit. But it was late and the first day of the new semester was starting in about seven hours, so we stopped before it all became too heated and went home. I laid in bed and got myself off two times before I fell asleep.

I wanted to tell Felecia what was going to happen on Friday night...soooo bad! The worst part of that was on Thursday afternoon. We stood in the parking lot for a few minutes, talking about some unimportant thing or other. I glanced over her shoulder and saw Ms. Finch walking with her husband out to their car. At first I thought they didn't see me, but when Gene Finch got into the car, Ms. Finch immediately turned and came toward us.

"Hello, Nancy! Hello Felecia!" She greeted us warmly.

"Hi, Ms. Finch," Felecia rejoined. "How was school for you today?"

"Oh, it was wonderful, as always. I don't think I have either one of you in a class this semester, do I?"

"Unfortunately...no," Felecia replied, "we both have McCarthy instead. I hope he's better than what other kids are telling us."

"Oh, girls...Mr. McCarthy is fine. Never agree with opinion without forming one of your own first."

"You teachers," Felecia said in a teasing manner, "you always stick up for each other!"

Ms. Finch smiled, "And the alternative is.......? Felecia was speechless, and that didn't happen often! I giggled at the perplexed look on her face, but the teacher ignored it. "Felecia, may I borrow Nancy for a minute, she'll be right back."

"Meet you at the car," I threw over my shoulder...following Amy.

When we got to their car, Amy suggested that I get in the back seat. Gene was smiling warmly at me from the driver's side. "Hi Nancy, it's been a while!"

"Yes it has, Mr. Finch; How're you?" God...he looked good, Nicole! His dark hair was perfect (like an executive's) and his white teeth flashed at me. I indulged for a moment in a short fantasy where that face was between my legs, licking my pussy and sucking my clit. That got me tingling!

"Oh, I'm just fine...and you look very good today! But you're going to have to call me Gene. Mr. Finch makes me feel old!" We all laughed...he was far from old! I felt his eyes scanning me. They lingered for a moment on my chest and then followed the line of my waist down to my hips. The smile lingered at the corners of his mouth.

"See her face, Gene? I got the same look when I told her to call me Amy!" That brought more giggles and chuckles.

"Okay, well...Happy Birthday, Gene," I said, "How does it feel to be old at...what will you be? Thirty-two?"

I was feeling very comfotable with them and Gene recognized it, "Yep," he admitted, and raising one eyebrow he added, "but all the equipment still works, right Amy?" That brought on even more giggles! Between the front seats, I watched Amy reach for Gene's cock. She stroked it for a moment, then looked at me and smiled wickedly. Mmm...I could just tell we were gonna have some fun!

Amy leaned over the backrest at me and whispered loudly, "I try to encourage him; he's almost over the hill you know!" Gales of laughter exploded all over the car, and it was tough getting a measure of control back. Gene was red-faced laughing and every time I looked at him, I lost it again.

Finally he said, "Nancy, I think we're gonna have a good time. Are you looking forward to it?"

"I think we'll have a great time...Gene...but I do have one request?"

"What's that?" I think I surprised him with a request, Nicole.

"I don't want this to be about me; I want this to be about the two of you, okay? I don't want this experience to be a problem in your marriage."

Amy looked at her husband and said, "I told you Nancy was a sweet girl." She reached around and took my hand, "Don't worry, Sweetie! We're just going to have fun. As I told you before; this is one of the reasons we asked you to be a part of it."

Gene smiled, "I have just one request of you, Nancy, do you swear that this will just be our secret? Amy loves her job and you understand what would happen if word got out?"

"Mr. Finch...I mean, Gene...I swear, of course; I haven't even told Felecia."

"Great!" Gene handed me a piece of paper, "Here are the directions and Amy's cell phone number. Oh...and we're going to have dinner as well. You could come hungry! How does 6:00 sound?"

"It sounds fine," I started to get out of the car. "I'll see you then..Oh...anything in particular you want me to wear?"

Amy answered, "No, just something comfortable...whatever you want is fine."

I was going to leave but then thought I might start setting the tone immediately. Tapping on Amy's window, she opened it. "Amy?"

"Yes, Sweetie?"

Glancing at Gene, I said, "Did you tell your husband about Robbie and me?"

Amy Finch blushed a deep red and glanced at Gene, "Ummm...no!"

I looked seductively into Gene's eyes, "Well...you could, you know. I just want you both to know...I luuuuuv sex, God, I love it...and you're gonna love it even more after tomorrow night!" I swear, Nicole, Gene's face twitched and Amy shivered visibly. "See ya at 6:00!" I quickly walked away.

"What was that all about," Felecia asked, even before I got settled in the car.

"Oh...just some stuff about typing a few extra articles for the paper. It was nothing."

Felecia looked at me. "You're a horrible liar, Nance!" she giggled. "You have this 'shit- eating' look on your face ya' know!"

I laughed and slapped Felecia on the arm, "Stop that, you little bitch...I don't have to tell you every secret in my fuckin' brain!"

She playfully shoved me back and said, "Nooo...you don't, but I'm thinking that I might wanna know this one!"

I pointed the way out of the parking lot, "C'mon, drive the car, I need a coke...maybe I'll tell you later." Felecia drove out, and every four or five seconds she glanced at me, wondering if I'd break and tell her. But I wouldn't, Nicole...I might have been a naughty, little slut back then; but my word was good!

We picked up some cokes and a few snacks at the Seven-Eleven and headed to my house. As I told you before, with the ton of homework we had there wasn't much time to spare. We had a lot of calculus and physics to get through and Felecia was gonna have to tutor me in French.

Speaking of French? When we took a break around 8:30...we did spend about twenty minutes having a little fun. I felt Felecia staring at me and when I looked at her, those dark brown eyes were glassy and the tip of her tongue was whetting her lips. I reached over and touched her lips with my forefinger. "You're horny aren't you?" I asked.

"Oh, my God," she whispered, "I was trying to make it obvious; how'd I do?"

"C'mere..." I said, and...grabbing her shirt by the shoulder, I pulled her into my arms. Our mouths fell open and our tongues tangled immediately. They flicked and swirled together for a full minute and then Felecia forced me onto my back. Our lips crushed together once more and I sucked her tongue so deeply into my mouth, I think I hurt her.

We were whimpering and sucking and tonguing and I dragged her on top of me and took her by the ass cheeks and hugged our pubic bones together. God, she was so sexy...my senses were quickly overwhelmed. Felecia pushed up off the bed on her hands and ground her mound into mine right through our jeans. With a groan I let go of her butt and drew her shirt and bra up over her tits. We were still kissing, but in this position, as her pussy rode me, her soft tits swung just above mine. I pulled up my shirt, grabbed the sides of my boobs and pushed them toward hers so that our nipples rode together as well. When Felecia felt that, I heard her grunt and groan low in her throat. Sucking at my lips, I heard her say, "Ohhh, FUCK! Nance...Ohhhhh, My Godddd...that's so good...Ohh Shiitt!"

I was going crazy from the nipple stimulation and the seam of my pants was digging into my slit now. I couldn't know how wet she was...but I knew I was soaked! When she got tired from holding herself up, she rolled off and immediately started undoing my snap and zipper. Her hand plunged down the front and her middle finger dove into my cunt! "Mmm...Ohhh... Uhh..." I cried out! "Oh yesss...you dirty, little slut...finger me! Finger-fuck my pussy...yess! Ohhh...fuck it! Oh, my God...FUCK IT..."

Her finger and hand were now popping into my hole quick and hard! I pushed my hips at here for more and she added a finger. Her lips surrounded my left nipple and she sucked it in like she was gonna nurse from me, and when I cried out even more sharply, she bit the teat hard and I had to stifle a scream! "OHH, FUCK...BABY! YESSS!

An explosive orgasm tore through me and my pussy walls clenched around her fucking fingers! Felecia giggled around my nipple and licked it tenderly as the aftershocks rippled through me. "Ohhh...Godddd...Mmm, that was sooo good!" I moaned, clutching her head with both hands.

We laid there for a moment. With her black hair spilling over my face, she was trembling with eagerness, but there was no way my lover was gonna rush me. Felecia's leg was draped over mine now and I let my hand drift down her back and then inside the back of her jeans to her ass crack. She pushed up on her hands again and let her tit swing toward my mouth. With just the tip of my tongue, I teased the hard point, twisting and twirling my tongue around it and fingering her anus until she was quaking with desire. My tongue licked down to the curvy underswell of her boob, and Felecia gasped repeatedly at the sensation.

"I need your pussy in my mouth," I finally whispered, "I want your cunt...I want to eat your sweet, fucking cunt!"

"Oh, Goddd," she groaned, "You nasty bitch...you want me to cum on your face?"

"Yesss," I hissed, "Do it...cum on my face...Hurry!"

"Goddd, yesss!" Felecia practically sprang off the bed. She did it so fast that I giggled at how quick she was. She unsnapped and unzipped and peeled her jeans down in a flash. She was in such a hurry that when she pulled her right leg out, she didn't even bother with the left leg! I was lying fairly close to the edge of the bed and she grabbed my right arm and leg and dragged me over to the edge, swinging her bare leg up and over my head. With one foot on the floor and the other knee on the bed, she reached down and spread her labia with her fingers. "Oooo, Baby...eat me!" My sexy friend lowered the pink flesh into my mouth and I immediately shoved my tongue straight up her hole! "Ohh, MY GOD!" she yelled!

I grabbed her clenching ass cheeks and helped her by pulling them apart and when Felecia felt my tongue rim her asshole, she squeaked and began a little grinding motion. She rubbed her clit against my nose as my tongue alternated lashing her vagina and anus. "Oooo, Nancy, you fucking little lesbian...God, YESSS! Eat my pussy, c'mon! C"MON you dirty little clit-sucker...SUCK MY PUSSYYY!"

I took several long, flat licks from her juicy slit. Felecia was in heaven; she'd sucked her stomach in and from where I was lying I could see her watching my tongue work on her. After about the fifth big lick, she started, "Oh, Goddd...OH Goddd...OHHH, MY GODDDD! SHIT YEAHHH! OHHHH GODDDDDD, YESSSSSS!"

Right then I let her have it...Sucking her clit hard, and shoving my finger up her ass to the first knuckle, I teased her frantically like that until she blew! Felecia froze above me for a full five seconds, and then with a shuddering groan she sat full on my face and came like I had never seen her cum before! "Uuugggnnnngggghhhhh!"

I held her ass and let her sit on me, but it wasn't long until I couldn't breathe. Just as I was about to push her, she rolled off and collapsed in a fetal position right next to me. She laid there, holding her forehead and purring. "Was it a good one?" I asked, resting my head against her shoulder. She looked at me out of the side of her beautiful face and smiled, "Ohhh, I'd say so!" We both giggled and kissed softly for a minute. When I sat up and saw her jeans wound around her ankle, I giggled even more.

Felecia rolled over and looked right up at me. She reached for my hair and let her fingers clear the tresses out of the way. Our eyes locked...we both felt it. I wanted to say it first, but she beat me to it! "I love you, Nancy..." she sighed, "I..." She couldn't say anymore; her eyes were welling up and so were mine."

"Oh, Felecia! I love you...soooo much!" It was hard to say it, but when I did, it felt so good! That hug was special.

I looked at the clock. It was very hard to believe that all of that only took twenty-two minutes, but it did. We slowly got our clothes back on and finished our homework, but I don't think we did it very well. I didn't care.

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