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Lie to Me

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Black stepdad helps stepson explore if he's straight/bi/gay.
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Trigger warning: This story could have been categorized under: incest / taboo; interracial; gay; crossdressing / transgender; non-consent / reluctance; erotic couplings; masturbation; first time; anal; romance; mind control; how to; or humor. Arguably it should have been categorized under "pathological liars / cheating spouses", but Literotica has inexplicably omitted this important category.

If any of these categories might offend you - stop reading. Or don't. I'm not your boss or supervisor.

All characters are 18+ years old.


My mom wheeled her carry on suitcase to the front door, her blond ponytail and big booty bouncing in rhythm as she walked. She kissed my new stepdad goodbye. "See you in two days. Love you!"

"Have fun at your conference. Love you too!"

She rolled her eyes. "A fun conference? That's an oxymoron." She glanced at the time on her cell phone. "Shite, gotta run! Bye Hunter!" She blew me a kiss and dashed out to the waiting Uber ride.

My stepdad, Jamal, strolled to the fridge and got two Shiner Bock beers. He's tall, perhaps six foot four, with a heavily muscled body, a handsome face, and skin the color of dark chocolate. Except for my height - I'm just over six foot one - we're almost physical opposites. Like my mom, I've got fair freckled Celtic skin, blue-green eyes, long ash blond hair tied in a ponytail, and a slim physique except for a disproportionately large round booty. I dislike having such a soft feminine ass, but I can't change it no matter how much I work out. So I've come to terms with the occasional teasing and comradely playful slaps I get from drunk guys seeking to feel it up, but with plausible deniability.

It's given me empathy into what good-looking women must endure from horny guys on a regular basis. Though that veers dangerously close into feelings and sharing and bonding and stuff, which I've been sternly warned is a leading indicator of possibly being Teh Gay TM, along with good personal hygiene and grooming. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

But I digress.

Jamal popped the tops on the beer bottles and held one out to me. In his slow rich Southern drawl, he said, "Hey Hunter, let's have a drink together, get better acquainted."

"Um... I'm eighteen. Not supposed to be drinking."

Jamal slowly and ostentatiously scanned the room. "Hmm. Don't see no beer poh-leece here." He scratched his tightly curled black hair, adorned with a touch of distinguished grey at the temples, feigning bafflement. "Maybe they're hiding in the closet, ready to pounce on me for corrupting a minor?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Beguile me into a life of crime, sir." I took the proffered ice cold beer. We both took a long swig.

"Soo..." Jamal said. "Does it feel weird having a stepdad?"

"Not nearly as weird as being a little kid watching my mom get beaten up by the sumbitch who preceded you in her affections."

"Tell me how you really feel."

"He set a low bar for parenting greatness. All you gotta do is be chill and not an arsehole, and we'll get along fine before I head off to Huston-Tillotson in the fall."

His eyes narrowed in amusement. "You goin' to the black college in Austin?"

"Like my mom, I'm attracted to melanin enriched people. When I visited the campus, H-T was chock full of smoking hot women."

He held out his beer, and we clinked the bottles together. "Mah MAN."


We were halfway through the last two beers of a six pack when Jamal said, "Tell me the strangest thing that's happened to you recently."

I looked at him shyly, feeling more than a little buzzed. "You first."

"Marrying your mom and moving from Atlanta to this tiny ass rural Texas town. I mean, for fucks sakes, when I first got here, I went to that one room tourist info building. When I asked their lone employee what's the best things to do here, she said, 'Buy some smoked sausage and get outta this hellhole.' Granted, the highs were over 100 degrees that whole month." He looked off in the distance, thinking, then swung his gaze back. "I mean, it's aiight. She's a wonderful woman. Just -- never thought I'd fall in love with anyone. Be a playa all my life, yeah? Then it snuck up on me. Boom. Total blindside." He narrowed his eyes. "Took a lotta work to overcome her -- baggage." His Atlanta drawl stretched 'baggage' out to three, maybe four syllables.

"If by 'baggage', you mean the weirdness caused by marrying a seemingly nice guy who turned out to be a wife-beating sociopath -- yeah, I'd be gun shy too. I mean, literally gun shy. Guy had an armory."

"Well, she had the good sense to divorce his sorry ass when she realized he wasn't gonna change."

"Like she says, being a single mom beats being beaten."

He nodded, waiting. Finally he said, "Your turn. If you want to share, that is."

I looked down shyly. "It's -- it's kind of personal. Borderline TMI."

Jamal perked up. "I enjoy the hell outta borderline inappropriate stuff. Now you GOTTA tell me."

I looked in his handsome dark brown eyes, weighing him.

"I'm great at keeping a secret," he said. "What gets said here, stays here."

I finished off the last of my third beer. What the hell. "I've been having this recurring dream about sex."

He waited. Finally -- "That's your big reveal? That you have erotic dreams? Welcome to being a guy. C'mon. Details."

I took a deep breath. Exhaled. "In these dreams, I keep getting seduced by men who tell these blatant lies to trick me into doing -- stuff. Except the lies are so obvious that they're just a way to let me rationalize what I'm doing." I pause. "So, I'm wondering if I'm maybe gay, having dreams like this."

His eyes twinkled with amusement. "Son, dreams don't make you gay. Having gay sex with men, and liking it, means you're gay. Or at least bi. So, in the dreams, what do you do?"


"As in..."

"Jacking off together. Oral sex. Anal sex. You know - everything."

"You the top in these scenarios? Or the bottom?"

I blushed. "Always the one taking it."

"So, you do any of this in real life?"

"Nah. Never."

"You only have sex with women, and you're wondering if your dreams make you gay? Seriously?"

I blushed even more. Looked down.

Jamal reached out and squeezed my shoulder. "You're a virgin? Good looking guy like you? Seems like you'd be drowning in pussy with even a little effort."

"I -- I'm really shy around women. Can't fucking help it."

"Sooo... you have no idea if you're straight or bi or gay, because you've never tried it."

I steeled myself, looked him directly in the eyes. "I've been thinking about trying it with a guy, but what if whoever I approached told the whole fucking town? A conservative rural town in Texas like this, that might fuck up my whole summer before I go to college."

He polished off his beer, thinking about it. "How about we role play how you might entice a guy, but with plausible deniability?"

"Uh... sure. But, you gotta promise to keep this a secret. Don't even tell mom."

"Don't worry. Not gonna out you, Mister Maybe I'm Gay Boy." He stepped closer, almost uncomfortably inside my personal space. "So, pretend I'm a guy you feel is attractive, and we're alone in a room, just chatting. If he makes you laugh, touch his shoulder."

I nodded yes.

"Step closer. Touch my shoulder. Now."

I stepped uncomfortably close to him, gently squeezed his shoulder, my eyes shyly downcast.

"Eyes up. You can't gauge his reaction if you're looking at the floor."

I looked up. He was staring at me. Judging me.

"Now -- and this is the crucial part -- keep holding his shoulder like that, even if it starts feeling uncomfortable and awkward, and wait for him to react. If you get a What The Fuck reaction, laugh and release and say, 'Messing with you, man.' "

I kept holding his shoulder waay too long, gazing into his warm brown eyes, noticing the laugh crinkles around the edges. Oh, wait. This is so weird. Uh...

"Now -- if he touches you back, anywhere..." He reached out and touched my wrist. "Escalate. Slide your hand down from my shoulder. Yeah, like that. Gentle. Slow. Be ready to bust out the Messing With You, Dude card if need be."

My hand kept traveling down. Touched his elbow. My heart was pounding. Holy shit, this feels real.

He reached down. Put a hand on my hip and tugged me close. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, with a husky, sexy voice, "If you think you've got their consent, time to slide your hand near what you want to touch." When I hesitated, he took my hand and put it on his upper thigh, then slid it a tiny bit closer to his crotch. "Like this. Tease him."

I slowly began kneading and rubbing around his growing bulge, not quite touching it.

He slid the hand on my hip behind me. Squeezed one of my buns, then the other. "Do you want to touch it?"

"Isn't that a bit... gay?" I whispered.

"Nah. Being curious ain't gay."

I tentatively began touching and squeezing his hardening shaft through the fabric of his jeans.

"Reach inside. Feel it for real."

I searched his lustful eyes.

Well, fuck, I thought. OK. Still just role playing, yeah?

I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. Cautiously slid my hand inside his underwear. Lightly rubbed the tip of his circumsized cockhead, feeling a bit of wetness. A little pee? Precum?

"Cocktease," he said, his eyes narrowing in amusement as he undid my belt and unzipped me in return. I gasped in shock when, in one swift motion, he grabbed the hem of my underwear in both hands and yanked it down to the tops of my thigh. He squeezed my ass with warm hands, then trailed his fingers inside my ass crack.

One of his fingers touched and then pressed on my hole.

Wow. That feels reeeal good.

"Fuuuck," I said, my cock twitching and stiffening. I retaliated by wrapping my hand around his black cockhead and a bit of his shaft, squeezing it.

His finger circled then probed my hole, pressing lightly as if to suggest entry as I puckered up.

"Uhh... Jamal. Dad. Umm... don't. Please. Not inside..." My prick had a contrary view of these events, getting embarassingly stiff.

He whispered in my ear, his breath hot and steamy, "You seem to like it, boy." He reached in front with his other hand and kneaded my erection. "At least your little head does."

"Uh... is this still role playing?"

"Of course. Showing you how a gay guy might put the moves on you. You gonna roll with this, stay in character? Or do you wanna call this off?"

"Uhh... no. Let's keep going."

He kneaded my prick and then my balls while doing delightful things between my butt cheeks. I played with the lovely soft helmet on his cock, rubbing and squeezing it, lubricating my fingers with his precum.

"Fuuuck," he said, then made a guttural lustful growling noise. He whispered in my ear, "Bet you like pleasing a man, yeah?"

"I -- I've never..."

"You a virgin?" he said, a touch of incredulity in his voice.

"Well... you know..."

"You ready to take some cock?" It was statement of fact thinly disguised as a question. He put his hands on my shoulders. Pressed down. "On your knees."

"I... what? N-no... I'm not gonna..."

In a stern voice he said, "Down. Now." He pushed my shoulders harder.

To my surprise, I found myself obeying his command. "No, please," I said, as I sank down until I was looking directly at his hard black prick, perhaps eight inches long. And thick.

Fuck, his cock is huge.

"Please don't make me suck it."

"I won't. I promise. Wanted to establish you like... giving. Cause no top would ever obey a command to sink to his knees."


"Yeah." He put his hand on the back of my neck, kneaded my tense neck muscles. "It's OK. Most guys, no matter how straight they think they are, are a little bi."

I relaxed, and sighed. His massaging hands felt wonderful. "Feels good. Don't stop."

"Long as you're down there... go ahead and jack me off a bit. If you're curious, that is."

"You're not gonna make me... you know... suck it?"

"I promise I won't."

I sat there, staring at the black stiffness inches from my face. Tempted.

"Go ahead. Touch it. You're curious - that's OK. That's not gay."

I felt my butthole clench and release, remembering how... sexy and intimate... it felt when he touched me there.

Fuck. Why is my cock so hard?

I reached up and gently stroked his shaft with one hand, and his shaved balls with the other, wondering at the heat and soft texture over the underlying firmness. He started running his hands through the hair on the back of my head. "Yeah, that's it, boy. Get your man ready."

Ready for what?

"Get a better look," he said, his hand pressing me closer, until his cockhead filled most of my field of view. A drop of precum oozed from the slit.

"I'm just gonna rub it against your lips. If you're straight, you won't have any trouble resisting the temptation to open your mouth."

"What? You promis..."

His cock slithered side to side on my lips. I belatedly realized talking meant opening my mouth, was an invitation for him to push inside. So I quit protesting and took it. Let him tease and tempt me. Test me.

"Hmmm. Maybe you are straight. Whole lotta allegedly straight guys would be opening wide for this meat."

I blushed, my dick fully erect now. Somehow, kneeling with my pants bunched around my thighs, sporting a hard on while a hard black cock rubbed precum onto my lips... it didn't feel very straight.

"You know... you look so much like your mom in this position."

Aaaargh. I reaaalllly didn't need to hear that.

"Aiight. You passed that test. Now, let's really test your ability to resist temptation. I'm gonna put just the tip on your tongue, and you try to resist the urge to envelope it with your lips. Ready?"


"Stick out your tongue."

"Hell no."

He lightly slapped my cheeks with his stiff cock, one slap per word. "Stick. Out. Your. Tongue."

My mouth opened and my tongue slid out, as if I was hypnotized. The fuck?

"Aaaah. Good boy." He slapped his cock on my tongue, then against my cheeks again. "Wow, you're showing admirable restraint. Gonna really tempt you now. Just the tip in your mouth. Try not to suck on it for 20 seconds, 'kay?"

My eyes widened as his cockhead slid halfway past my opened lips. Then stopped.

"Hold it. Hold. You're doing really good, barely bi at all."

I sat there, stunned, just the tip inside my mouth -- well, half the cockhead anyway -- my tongue and lips not daring to move lest I turn him on. How the fuck...?

"Three. Two. One. Time's up!"

I looked into his lustful eyes, waited for him to withdraw.

"OK, since you passed, let's see if you can resist temptation even more. Just the head now. Lick and suck, but don't -- DON'T -- take even an inch of shaft. Because just sucking the head on my command is curious, but bobbing your head down, all on your own - that might be a bit gay."

Oh, hell no, I thought, trying to pull away. But his hand was firmly pushing on the back of my neck, and the velvety warm cockhead slipped inside.

No way am I gonna lick or suck it. I'm not THAT much of a sucker, I thought, as my betraying lips and tongue ignored my thoughts and went to work. His precum tasted a bit like sourdough batter on my tongue.

Jamal grasped my head with both hands and held me firmly in place. "Good boy. Oh, fuck, that feels good. Right there, lick right there... yeah. Yeah! Ooooh, god..."

I knelt there, pleasuring him, a bit horrified at the deception I'd fallen for, my prick as stiff as it had ever been.

"Knead my balls, boy."

I did. I took my other hand and stroked my own shaft, edging myself - trying not to cum, feeling ashamed and dirty and so turned on.

"Oh, Jesus. Feels so good. Fuuuuck, I gotta..." He started thrusting the head in and out, short strokes, to his credit not sinking the shaft inside. I wrapped my lips over my teeth, like I'd seen in porn videos, and gave in to the pleasure of feeling my lips bump over the lip of the glans on the instroke, then the rush of it almost but not quite retreating from my mouth. I kept my lips pressed tight to give him a ring to penetrate, my lips contracting then expending with each thrust.

I felt a rush of blood to my head, leaving me blushing and lightheaded as I got facefucked.

Jamal ran his fingers through my hair. "You're such a good cocksucker. You're a natural."

I felt a thrill from this praise, an electric buzzing in my head. God help me, I wanted to make him feel goood.

"You like this, boy?"

I nodded 'yes', my mouth too busy to reply other than to lovingly lick the slit in the head and the underside of the helmet. He groaned. "Goddamn. Yes. Like that."

I kneaded his balls, feeling them twitch, ready to cum soon. My other hand wrapped around his shaft just below the cockhead fucking my face, forming a backstop to keep the shaft out. Because that would be gay, yeah?

"Time to take just an inch of the shaft. Just so you know what that's like. You're curious, yeah?"

I shook my head 'no', but that just rubbed his cockhead against the inside of my cheeks. He pressed the head against one of the cheeks. "Tap it from the outside, son. Aaah. Oh. Fuck. Stop or I'll cum."

He slowly pushed forward with his hips while holding my head motionless. "Here comes the shaft. Just an inch, baby."

I strained my neck muscles, trying to stop the momentum, but he was too strong and his shaft slid inside an inch.

He'll stop now, yeah?

No. No!

His shaft kept slowly coming, ignoring his promise to give me only an inch, deeper and deeper until it hit my clenched throat muscles. I tried to tighten them, stop the advance.

"It ain't gay if you get it in your throat just the once. Just to try it out."

I was making whimpering and pleading noises. It hurt, the cockhead pressing harder and harder. He was trying to take my throat virginity, shove past the sphincter.

"Yes. Clench your throat for me, baby. Make it tight for daddy."

I stopped resisting, a show of defiance. Not gonna make it tight for my stepdad. Not going to give him that win. But, fuck. Jesus. He's way too big. I'll choke. It can't possibly fit. I started panicking a bit.

He grunted and groaned and thrust savagely.

I surrendered.

I let him take me. Take my throat. Do whatever he wanted. I felt so submissive giving in like that. Like I was a girl giving her body to her man to use as he pleased.

He got the last couple inches inside. Held it for a moment, balls deep, his pubes musky and dank and oh so sexy smelling while I frantically tried to breath, stuffed full of cock.

"There. Now you know. You like it, son? You like having daddy's dick shoved all the way inside your slutty throat?"

He pulled out.

I gasped for air, then said, "You lied."

"You were curious. You wanted to try deepthroating. Now you have. That can never be taken away from you. You'll have that memory always. I guar-an-damn-tee you that you'll jack off to the memory over and over."

I wanted to argue. But I suspected he was right. Hell, I wanted to jack off to it right now. But that seemed morally wrong. He deserved to cum first - I needed to submit, and cum later. Give him this moment to enjoy, unsullied by my needs.

He saw the submission and acceptance in my eyes. Softly: "I gave you that gift. Want more?"

"No. Please daddy. Don't throat fuck me again. I'm can't take it. You're too big." My protests might have been more convincing if my voice wasn't pitched so girlishly high. Role playing for him, making it feel hot and sexy.

"Yeah. You don't fool me. I see it in your eyes. You want to be my cumslut." He stuffed his cock back inside, just the head plus an inch or so of shaft, rapidly mouthfucking me. "Be a good little bitch now and take my cum in your slutty mouth. Uhh. UH! Oh god. Gonna come, baby. Gotta come. Take daddy's load. Take it in your hot mouth!"

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