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Life and Time of Lady Vargos Ch. 05

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Lady Vargos is spared nothing.
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Part 5 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2018
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Chapter 5

"A Spa Education"

Martin had been through a very traumatic week at the so called spa he had been taken away to. He cried himself to sleep most night wearing only ultra feminine nighties with loads of ruffles and lace in various colors of lavender and sapphire blues, black and even a rather childish looking very short nightie in hot pink. He had been forced to wear in front of a couple of counselors before he went to bed for their amusement while they teased him. This was to help him to be able to ignore the snickers and embarrassing ridicule of the opinionated people who would see him in public as he fulfilled his daily duties as a lady. He was having what was left of his male identity and his outlook on the world torn away from him and reshaped.

Over the span of seven days the realization that he was going to be used and treated as a woman in a permanent relationship with the Baron slowly began to take hold. His emotional breakdown over the matter was closely monitored but was being allowed to happen.

"I don't want a husband. I'm not a woman. Straight men don't have husbands they have wives. I'm a straight man. This is not normal. I'm a sexual slave and prisoner," he had stated with determination to the counselors when he first started his sessions.

After six days at the spa Martin's outlook was now changed. He seemed different, more docile and compliant. What he had been put through had caused him to at least verbally acknowledge his new status in life as a woman and spouse, but his soul ached to be a man again and get out of here eventually.

"Mrs. Vargos you've been here almost a week now. Do you feel more comfortable living as a woman now?" the counselor had asked at Martin's last session.

"Yes," he had said very softly.

Martin sat in a straight back chair wearing a green dress with bright floral designs. His padded D-cup bullet bra gave his male frame a the illusion of a big busted woman. His feet were in a pair of green strappy 4" heel sandals. His red toenails flexed back and forth in a nervous movement. His ankles were strapped to the legs of the chair.

His hands demurely folded in his laps as he looked at his red fingernails while he was being questioned.

"With what we have taught you this week, do you feel it is better for you this way?"

"Yes," he said meekly with his eyes cast down utterly ashamed of the words he was saying.

"Do you like dressing as a woman Mrs. Vargos?"

"No, not really. I find it so humiliating."

"You do agree though that your husband has the right to insist that you dress like a woman under the circumstances?" she asked him seeing how uneasy he was in the chair. He was rubbing the long nail on one of his fingers as if the bright red nail polish might somehow come off.

"I don't know, I guess so," he said his voice almost giving way to his desire to breakdown and cry again.

The thought of these people holding his legs apart and vigorously tapping a wooden spoon on the sides of his hanging balls for a prolonged period of time for a wrong answer was foremost in his mind. His balls still ached from all the times they had held him down and done this to him only then to make him immediately try again.

"Even to the point of holding your husband's desires that you be a beautiful feminized man. Regardless of the public's opinions and reactions at seeing your feminized appearance and your own since of embarrassment while being dressed as a woman?"

She looked at him without blinking waiting for an answer. There was a noticeable pause.

Martin shook his head unable to say it. His eyes full of tears. He didn't want this. No man should have to say yes to such a question, but a man would say yes to keep his balls from being abused again.

"It's ok Mrs. Vargos," she said in a sympathetic tone, "I promise you that in time the embarrassment you are feeling now while dressing as a woman will subside, and you will become comfortable in your new lifestyle." She looked at him sitting there with his hands in his lap holding a handkerchief, his head down.

"Look at me Mrs. Vargos," she said requiring him to look her in the eye now.

"You will be leaving here tomorrow morning to go back home to be with your husband. You have come a long way since you arrived. Don't you feel much better about yourself and your situation than when you arrived? she asked with a smile.

"Yes," he said to where she could barely hear him. His groin throbbing from the last time he tried to answer these questions.

"That's very good. You have a wonderful feminine side Mrs. Vargos and you should allow yourself to express it. We are here to assist you in that."

Martin's head dropped again and his shoulders shook as he sobbed using the lace handkerchief in his hand to wipe the tears as was required when he cried.

"If you find you have any problems or questions, or need a refresher course we will be glad to assist you. The spa is here for you anytime you need it," she said with a stern smile.

"We will bring you back Mrs. Vargos, if we need to," she said bluntly and with a finality. She lay the wooden spoon on her desk. "Do we understand each other?"

"Please don't," was all he said drying his eyes.

This was obviously no spa at all. Martin had been secreted away to a secluded place to coerce and force him to cooperate in his role of a woman and loving wife. A retreat where he was the only client.

Though technically Martin was to be known as a feminized man in the public eye, he was to be so feminine in his appearance and actions that it had been decided that training him as if he was to actually be a woman was the only way to approach this.

Martin sat in the room alone now. Still strapped by the ankles in the straight back chair. Remembering what Dorothy had talked to him about in the garden. The efforts his father and those around him had forced Dorothy to go through to try and get him to accept his place as a male wife in an arranged marriage.

Dorothy had refused to concede his male identity and never accepted his place as a feminized bride, but in the end did pretend to do so to stop the blatant feminization his body was being forced to endure and so that he could get some revenge.

Martin's father genuinely loved Dorothy and so wanted Dorothy's affections in return. He even agreed with Dorothy to secretly have Martin's marriage to the woman he was married to annulled with money and allegations of his infidelity. Then Martin's father, with much reluctance and guilt, had his own son Martin placed in an arranged same sex marriage with the Baron. He knew all along his son would soon be feminized and forced to be publicly humiliate having to dress as a woman for the rest of his life.

They had done so many things to Martin this week without explaining why they were being done. Martin's own imagination was scaring him. He said what they wanted to hear and pranced about in his charm classes when instructed to do so. But they had put plastic suction cups on his nipples before bed and pumped them so the flesh was pulled so far into the cup it hurt. Then he was left to read or do what ever he wished till it was time to take the cups off. His nipples discolored turning red then purple.

"Why are you doing this to me?" he asked the woman while she put the 1" diameter cups on his nipples when it all started. He was not given an answer.

"Please. These hurt," he whined by the third night now knowing the routine. His words were always ignored by the woman attaching the cups to his nipples. She worked purposely and methodically, ignoring Martin's concerns and questions. She pumped them quickly and though Martin expressed his discomfort she left him this way. She looked the suction cups over and when she was satisfied she gave him a smile and left the room. Martin's hands were secured behind his back for these treatments so all he could do was sit their and endure it.

He looked at himself in the mirror. His nipples stretched into the cups turning color again.

"My god, what are they going to do to me?"

It was late evening on the eve of Martin's departure, with all that had happened during the week, Martin was still fixated on the deal his father and Dorothy had made that gave his life away for this new feminine life.

"Those fucking bastards," Martin thought to himself through tears gripping the sheets with his feminine red polished fingernails digging in deep as he twisted the sheets in his hands. Martin wasn't sure who he hated more at the moment, his father for agreeing to this initially or at Dorothy for suggesting it to his father and now seeing it through and making sure it all happened even after his father's death.

He didn't want to make the Vow of Chastity. It would be the ultimate humiliation but he felt he had no choice now. He just couldn't do this anymore. His husband was scheduled to leave on another business trip soon. A ten day trip and Martin would be left with male concubines at night. Young men with big dicks and permission to use them. Martin use to plead with these guys but now he was just an involuntary participant who allowed them to have their way. He couldn't stop them. He had tried many times before unsuccessfully.

Taking the Vow, Martin would be accepting one more humiliating ceremony in public as a princess and having his sexual activities publicly celebrated again, but the concubines would be history. It had suggested to him by the counselor during a session that he might be able to have his erections back eventually if he took the Vow, since his penis would be in a chastity device at all times anyway. It was only suggested, there were no guarantees, but it did make the option of taking the Vow of Chastity seem more appealing.

Martin's eyes squinted shut now as his deep blue heavily made up eyelids closed and his face grimaced once again. He grunted in a rhythmic muted tone. He was told the Baron had been so concerned for his emotional well being while being away alone for so long that he had sent him six dozen roses and two male concubines for his last evening at the spa.

One of the well hung young men had mounted him and was now thrusting hard and deep in Martin's tight lubricated bottom. The stretching Martin's butt hole took to accommodate the huge cocks that entered his ass, was quite uncomfortable for Martin to say the least, but his well lubricated orifice and the muscles squeezing so tight in an involuntary support of his butt fucking was like heaven to the concubines cock.

As Martin was receiving his butt fucking the other concubine crawled up on the bed in front of Martin and forced his large erection between Martin's trembling red lips. His head was held steady as the young man gripped Martin's hair above his ears on each side of his head while he pumped Martin's face brutally. Martin's swollen lips tight around the man's cock also providing involuntary pleasure to the second man. The concubines had been instructed that Martin liked it rough.

Each time Martin put his hand up to stop the pull of his hair and get some relief from the face fucking his hand was pushed away. Martin squealed a muffled protest when felt the man mounted behind him push hard and held him firmly. The concubine's orgasm was an intense one.

Martin cried some more as the concubine pulled his spent erection out of his anus abruptly and lay on his back next to Martin on the bed while he was still being face fucked. The man smiled as if he had just had a wonderful experience. The man removed his condom and laid it on the nightstand next to the bed.

The face pumping halted and Martin felt such a great relief as the grip on his hair loosen. The man pulled his cock out slowly and Martin allowed it slowly leave his lips.

Through painted red swollen lips an almost despondent Martin said to himself quietly as he stayed in the doggie position with his butt high in the air.

In a confused state Martin lifted his head and mumbled to himself.

"Dorothy had female concubines. Why can't I have female concubines. Why was he allowed to have erections and sex with women. Why didn't he have to have sex with different men too? It's not the same. It isn't fair..." he blubbered lowering his head as it was pushed down while the concubine came around the bed now to mount him from the rear.

Fair? Martin's mind was now comparing the lives he and Dorothy were forced into for fairness? It was as if he couldn't get to the exit of his ordeal and was giving up hope, but he needed to sit closer to the exit door. Anything that would better the life he was in now. Even being allowed to wear 4" high heels versus 6" high heels now would seem like a victory and an improvement in his life. Martin drifted off into uncontrollable sobs again as he awaited the concubine to mount him from behind.

Martin didn't move from the pillows. His mind ached at the fact he couldn't change the direction his life was tumbling in. Nobody seemed to care about his mental anguishing over all this, since the new direction in his life is where everybody felt he would be better off. The counselor had made it quite clear over his week stay that those who had control of his situation and his family felt he would be better off living as a woman. The long sessions his testicle took with the spoon reinforced what his penis and balls were good for, at least as far as he was concerned. Not to mention the degrading and humiliating charm classes and social graces he participated in while nude.

If being male and having a penis was causing Martin's anxiety in his new feminine lifestyle, then his maleness would get the attention that it deserved. He was told that the thing he should understand most about his penis was that he had one, and to get over it. A penis does not decide who one is or who one is to become or how one looks. It is just a penis.

The concubine laying on the bed rolled over to face Martin. He had a smile of satisfaction on his face, while the other one got in position to mount him from behind.

"Please, no more tonight," Martin said in a soft cracking voice.

The concubine never said a word. He reached out an caressed Martin's hair and gently rolled his nipple in his fingers. Martin flinched at the show of affection from this man. This was a concubine he had never met before. A man he lay eyes on for the first time less than an hour ago.

"I'm going to take the Vow of Chastity with my husband when I get back tomorrow you know," Martin said staring off blankly waiting to be mounted again, and the man laying next to him smiled.

"He'll like that I think," Martin said in an emotionless resigned voice as his hips were adjusted on the pillows by the other concubine.

Martin felt his butt cheeks being spread wide apart again. He felt the head of the young mans hard cock touch the tight anal entrance.

Martin tried to envision himself as the head of the manor. Dictating the new rules he would have put in place and those that would either have to agree or be fired. In that powerful of a social setting and wealth, he would surely be able to find somebody who would take money to help him exact some kind of revenge and satisfaction.

It was only seconds into his thoughts before the concubine entered Martin aggressively, sinking his shaft full length on the first lunge.

Martin screamed at the sudden deep penetration and his red fingernails once again dug into the pillows. Though the emotional aspects of being forced to have sex with a man was still much more painful for him than the physical aspects of actually having anal sex, this penetration was more painful. The worst part of it all was when Martin had to sign the checks, with his Marcia Vargos signature that paid the concubines for their services.

Yes he would take the Vow of Chastity tomorrow just so he could end nights like tonight. He would not fight the Baron's advances anymore. He would dress like a woman for him if that was what he had to do for now. He would resign himself to the fact that performing for the Baron would be preferable to the life he now lived and to save himself from the degradation of two men he had never seen before crawling in bed next to him and having sex with him, so he wouldn't feel lonely and miss the Baron's affections, but that would be tomorrow. Tonight he was having sex with his concubines.

Tomorrow he would be going home. After being here for a week he knew the perimeters they had set for him and the one thing he now feared more than sex with his husband the Baron was, that his husband might decide he wanted him to have breast implants. Dorothy had forcibly received breast implants to help him be more cooperative with his husband. It would be a fine line for Martin, but he had to prevent breast implants at all cost while he quietly pursued some way of getting away from all this.

Martin put his face into he pillow as he cried louder.

"I don't want breast," he squealed. Martin was humped for another ten minutes vigorously before they all rested for a while. Unfortunately for Martin it would start again later in the evening.

In the hallway while Martin was being entertained by the concubines, Dorothy was talking with Jessica the head counselor.

"You told him the concubines were from the Baron, right?" Dorothy said looking seriously at the woman.

"Of course I did," she said grinning. "Don't worry he'll take the Vow."

There was a loud squeal from Martin from inside the room.

She looked at Dorothy. "Sounds like you picked a couple of good ones," she said giving him a seductive look.

"Big dicks can change minds."

Jessica looked at Dorothy's red high heels and painted toes, then up into his eyes.

"Are we still on for the evening?"

Another squeal broke the silence.

"I'll see you then," Dorothy said turning and walking off. He put something in his purse as he walked away.


Constance lay in her luxurious bed propped up on satin pillows reading a cheap romance novel. People of her stature and social graces didn't read such trashy things, but she liked them and kept it her fun little secret. Her husband was sitting in a chair at the end of the bed. The chair had a very high back. The back was turned to the bed so he could have some privacy and Constance wouldn't have to watch what was happening. He was receiving a blowjob from a young whore that Constance had hired to do the deed. After all she didn't want his nasty penis of his in her mouth.

It was not uncommon that some of the wealthiest of couples used professionals for such sexual deeds. Constance always said it was a physical thing not and emotional tie or love. She had made many appointments for her husband Leo to have his dick sucked.

That is when Constance received a text saying that Lady Vargos intended to ask her son to accept his Vow of Chastity.

"Leo Darling. That fag of a man that is married to my Anthony is going to ask him to accept his Vow of Chastity. I thought he wanted out of this marriage."

"I don't know dear," the heavy voiced man said as he tried to focus and enjoy the expert manipulations of the young girl as her bobbed up and down quickly in his crotch.

"Anthony is sly. He wants to get me to concede to his desires before he admits this whole thing was to get me to change my mind in the first place. How can he stand being seen with a man that dresses like a woman in public and tell the world he loves him. Do you think that's it?"

"I guess so darling," he said now panting near orgasm as he groaned uncontrollably.

"Vow of Chastity huh. That gives me a great idea. Especially if this little faggot wants out of this marriage, I just may be able to accommodate him. It would be so nice to be rid of this public embarrassment and stain on our family honor. Don't you agree?"

"Oh yes!" he groaned as he began his orgasm. He gripped the chair arms and his legs stretched out straight and his toes involuntarily wiggled in an embarrassingly fast manner as he emptied his balls into the girls mouth. The girl very expertly spat the semen in a handkerchief while Leo's eye were closed savoring the moment.


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