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Life and Times of a Horny Housewife Ch. 01

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Wife takes on a younger man and likes it..
12.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 12/10/2010
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Let me start out by telling you a little about myself. My name is Sally and I'm married to Danny. We have been married just about 14 years. We got married at 18 and we are both 32 at this time. We have no children due to the fact that Danny has a very low sperm count. Trust me over the years we have tried and tried to make babies. It just has never happened. My stats are as follows, 5'5", 108 lbs., and 34B-24-33. I have bottle blonde hair that is just below my shoulders at this time.

You can see my photo if you go look at my writer profile. I have a few stories on this web page and others, but never any about myself. Most of my passed stories came right out of my sick little mind. So I hope you like this one and give me a good vote.

And I do reply to any mail that people send me, good or bad. For that matter, that's how this story came to be. So feel free to e-mail me.


At first our sex life was like wild fire. We fucked from sun up to sundown. But as the years go by our sex life dropped to one or two times a week. Then down to once a month and so on.

A few years ago Danny got this vibrator for me that looked a feels like a real mans penis. He used it on me a lot of times. It would always bring me to the best and fastest orgasms.

I wasn't into masturbation all that much at that time in my life. Then one day Danny was at work and I was really horny. I needed something and couldn't wait for him to get home. I went in the bedroom and got the vibrator out. I turned it on to a low buzz. I was playing with it and making myself very wet and horny as I held it in my hand. Before I knew what was happening I stripped all my clothes off, got some KY Jelly and got in bed.

I rubbed that KY all up and down it like I was jacking it off. Once I had it all slicked up I held the head of it right on my hard and wet clitoris. It didn't take but maybe ten seconds before I was moaning out that I was cumming. After a very short rest I started running the head up and down my wet slit. Once I had it lined up to my wet hole and gave it a little push and it popped right inside me.

This was the first time that I ever fucked myself with a vibrator. And it was not to be the last that's for sure. It felt so good that I couldn't stand it. In no time at all I was cumming again. Then after another short rest I started pumping it in me again. I closed my eyes and started thinking of other men fucking me. I put my girl friends Husbands face in my mind and it felt like it was really him fucking me.

This was all very new to me at the time. Sure I've masturbated before. This was the first time with a sex toys. I was even thinking, who needs Danny any more, now that I have this rubber cock to keep me happy?

I ended up naming it my joystick. Any time I needed joy I would get it out and then stick it in. Oh yes I did all this behind my Husbands back. I was thinking, who in the world would do something like this in front of their mate?

I was maybe 25 or 26 at the time. In my mind I was thinking that I was the only woman in the world getting herself off with a rubber cock. So I kept this to myself, not even telling my best girl friend Marsha.

Next the computer age makes it to our house a few years ago. Danny would use it for work at night. I would be on there all day learning all I could about the Internet. How to find stuff and get around on the net. Once you learn all that stuff you have it down pat.

So this one day I was looking up love stories. I like to read love stories. Well my search came up with tons and tons of places that have love stories. This website you're on now is one of them. I wasn't sure how to get around the sight so I clicked on slut wives and all these stories came up.

I picked one and started reading it. I almost fell out of my chair as I was reading this story. And I was surprised how I couldn't stop reading it. It like sucked me in and wouldn't let me move on. As I went on reading I felt myself getting turned on. My nipples got hard as rocks and I was getting very wet. Before I knew it I had my hand under my top and inside my bra playing with my hard nipple. As this story went on, it kept getting me hotter and hotter. Before long I had my shorts open and my hand down inside my panties. I was slowly rubbing my hard wet clit as I was reading. Before I got to the end of the story I had a great orgasm in my computer chair.

Then I'm thinking what kind of a pervert have I turned into? I didn't care I loved reading them stories and loved what they did to me. So anytime I had a few minutes alone or even in the middle of the night as Danny was sleeping, I'd get on there. It even got so bad I would take my joystick with me as I was reading. This made for some great reading and fun.

As time went on my dirty story reading and masturbating got deeper and deeper. I started having all these wild dreams about having sex with other men. Even two men at once, you name it. I would wake up to find I was having an orgasm, right next to my sleeping Husband. My fingers and panties would be all wet. So I knew I was fingering myself in my sleep.

Right then got me thinking. One of my long time fantasies has been to see a man masturbate himself to an orgasm with no help from me. Maybe I could write one of these dirty stories and turn guys on the same way they have turned me on. So that's how I got my start writing these stories. I would have these sexy dreams and try to recall them the next day and put them on paper. Again if you look at my profile you'll see I have a lot of stories that I have written. None of which are true stories.

I just love the e-mails from guys telling me how much they loved my stories. And what they did to themselves as they read them. This has turned into a big turn on for me.

After I had a few stories posted I got this e-mail from a guy named Jerry. From that first e-mail I knew this guy was just not a normal dirty story reader. He would tell me how much he and his wife liked my stories. Then he started telling me a lot of the things that they are into. I'll not go into all that right now. That is for him to tell if he would like everybody to know. So Jerry and I started e-mailing each other every day.

We talked about our sex lives, what more I needed in my life and all that. Jerry seemed to me to have it all together in his life. Then we both got Yahoo instant messenger to talk in real time. This made it real easy to chat like face to face. Then we got into some cyber sex. Oh boy, the way Jerry would put some things into words, really got me hot. He said that I did the same for him. One time he told me that he had came so hard he got cum all over his computer keys. I would even go so far as to dress up for Jerry. He didn't like the fact that I have all my pussy hair shaved off. He said he likes a hairy bush, and mine is all clean-shaven. We would meet on-line after my husband would go to bed. Or even in the mornings after he left for work. Our HOT cyber sex turned into a real friendship.

Jerry always talks me into doing new fun things that I'd never have done before. One of them was that Jerry likes to eat pussy after it was just fucked. So he would like me to have sex with Danny. Then after he had when to sleep get on line and tell him how full my pussy was of cum.

Then he would go on to telling me how he would lick my pussy clean. This was always a fast orgasm for me, just thinking about that happening to me. Jerry told me about a lot of stuff and I told him a lot of the stuff I needed. Jerry even offered to meet in person and masturbate for me. Then he told me to do it in front of my husband to see if it would turn him on.

Well I did as Jerry said. Danny and I went on a short trip out of town. In the motel room one day I started masturbating when Danny was out of the room. He came back in and seen me in the bed fingering myself. At first he had a look of shock on his face. Then he got in bed and watched me bring myself to an orgasm.

Once I came he was very fast to sink his hard cock inside me. And this time we both came together. "I asked Danny if he would masturbate for me, that I'd love to see that"? He said, "hell no, I did that a few times when I was a kid, but not now days".

So again Jerry told me that Danny was full of beans. That all guys jack-off and a lot of them do it a lot. But I had to give up on seeing my husband do it for me.

Jerry and I would keep our little chats going from day to day. I would dream at night about him and his friend Larry fucking me until I couldn't walk. And even about Jerry licking me clean after he was done. This was driving me wild thinking about this. God, I'd love for this to really happen to me sometime.

But then on the other hand, Jerry would ask to call me or meet me and I always ran away at this time. I just couldn't get myself to go over that line. I would do everything Jerry asked me to do. I would have my vibrator with me as we chatted. I would dress in anything he asked me to wear. It was like Jerry had a spell of some kind on me. And all this time I'm turning into some kind of a sex nut. All I think about is sex and more sex.

Well, in the summer time a group of our friends rent this big house in Michigan right on Lake Michigan. It has like 10 or 12 bedroom, three floors and a great place to party for the weekend. We all try to rent it about ten weekends a summer. I love to just lie out in the sun so it's great for me and most the other girls. The guys like to fish and play in the water. We have fires at night, get drunk and tell stories and just have a ball.

Counting us there is six couples that rent the place. Most of the time it is just couples no kids. But sometimes the kids have to come along. It's not a big deal the kids being there. Not a thing goes on between any of our friends or in front of the kids. It's just a fun get-away place.

Things got a little out of hand this summer up at the lake house. This older couple that goes had their 19-year-old son with them. He is real cute and nice as can be, his name is Ben. I could tell that he was bored being there, no one his age and all. He was like a 5th wheel so to speak. So I spent a lot of time just talking to him about school and some small talk. At the time he had just got in a fight with his girl friend so I did my best to cheer him up. Ben was happy to lay out with me in the sun most of the day. He was really good for running after cold drinks, as we needed them.

Later on that night, all the guys started drinking shots of rum. Then as the night went on somebody came up with the bright idea of sleeping on the beach. I think everybody was drunk. Well not everybody, Ben was too young or I'm sure he would've been also.

All of us girls said we are not going to sleep on the beach. So the guy took their blankets and pillows down to the beach at around ten o'clock. All us girls got our PJ's on and were sitting around talking.

I saw Ben in the other room watching TV all alone. So I went in to talk to him a little bit before I went to bed. I saw that the sun had got him real good today. I touched his shoulder and asked him, if it hurt?

He said, "Yes it burns a little".

I told him, come on to my room and I'll put some lotion on it for him. His bedroom was right next to our bedroom. So on the way he threw his shirt in his room and closed the door.

In my bedroom Ben sat on my bed as I looked for the lotion. When I turned around I saw that his eyes were locked on my legs. I was wearing my floral print little baby-doll pajamas with little white lace bikini panties. All covered up with a short white rode.

I sat down on the bed behind him and started rubbing the lotion on his back. After I was done I had him turn around and I rubbed it in his chest and around his forehead.

Then out of the blue Ben said, "Man Sally you sure have nice boobs".

I wasn't sure he just said what I was thinking he said. I looked down and the tie belt around my robe was undone. My robe was all the way open; giving Ben a good view of my lace covered breast. And the way I had my leg crossed under the other one he also had a good view of my lace-covered crotch. I started to cover up but with all the drinks I had had I was thinking I would just tease young Ben a little.

So I asked him if his girl friend has nice boobs.

"Not as nice as yours are", he said.

Then he asked, "Would be okay if I felt your boobs"?

Don't ask me why but I reached over and swung the door shut and said, sure go ahead and feel them.

Ben took each of my breasts in his hands and started felling them up right through my PJ's. He rolled my now hard nipples around with his thumbs. I moaned and covered his hands with my hands. God it felt so good to have someone other than my husband feeling my breasts.

Then Ben pushed the shoulder straps off my shoulders and both my breasts fell free for him.

He moaned, "Motherfucker these are some nice tits, can I kiss them"?

I couldn't stop him at this point. I fell back on my back on the bed and said, go for it.

Ben then kissed one nipple and then the other. I could feel them getting harder as he kissed one and then the other. I was holding his head in my hands as he moved from nipple to nipple driving me wild.

Then told him just how I liked my nipples sucked on. Oh my, he took turns sucking on them until I was ready to be fucked.

I ran my hand down to his lap to find he had a big old hard cock in his pants.

I then asked him if he had ever had sex with his girl friend.

He said, "a few times, but she doesn't care for it all that much. Why are you going to let me fuck you"?

I laughed and said, maybe so, if you have a condom?

Ben then jumped up and said, "I got a rubber in my wallet, I'll be right back".

He ran to his room next door as I took off my robe and lay back on the bed waiting for him to return, my breasts still free from my PJ's.

Once back in the room Ben then said, "Are you ready"?

I put my finger to my lips and said, "Sssshhhhh we have to be quite or your Mom may hear us. Now lock the door and drop them pants".

He locked the door and turned to me as his pants and underwear when down his legs. I was surprise to see that his cock as about the same size as Danny's, it felt so much bigger in his pants. I pulled my panties down and kicked them off.

He got his first full view of my shaved pussy. His eyes got real big as he said, "you have no hair". Then he ran his finger up and down my wet slit and said, "Fuck is it ever hot".

I moaned get that condom on and get over here. By this time I was just as horny as he was.

He couldn't get the condom to roll down. He was screwing with it and screwing with it until I said, "let me help you". I took his hard cock in my hand and gave it a few strokes. I then sat the condom on the head.

Just then he moaned out and started shooting out a ton of white-hot sperm. I pumped his cock up and down milking all his cum out. I looked at him and said, "It looks like you have been saving this up". His hot cum had covered my fingers.

Ben smiled and said, "Shit that felt good, can I fuck you now"?

I laughed and said, "Sure if you can get it up again".

I couldn't believe that it was getting hard in my hand again, and so fast. As it was getting harder I rolled the condom down over it. Once it was in place I laid down on my back and opened my legs.

Ben got over the top of me and started kissing me. Next he moved down and gave my hard nipples a working over. Then he lined his hard cock up to my wet pussy and filled me right up.

I moaned out as I pushed my hips up to meet him. This is the first hard cock that I've had inside me other than my husband in over 15 years. And I was going to enjoy this. I started working my pussy lips around Ben's hard cock.

He started pumping in me real fast so I had to have him slow down some. I said, "Make it last baby; we are not in a race".

Just about that time my orgasm started deep in my belly. I was pumping up to him going wild. I grabbed his ass and pulled him as deep inside as I could. I tried not to yell out that I was cumming, but I was. I was working my pussy up and down his cock as I kept cumming and cumming.

Just as I was ending Ben moaned, "Oh fuck, then I felt his cock jerking inside me and knew he was there also". He pushed as deep inside me as he could as he filled the condom with sperm.

Ben then pulled out of me and we laid there talking, hugging and kissing for a little bit.

Ben then asked me if he could fuck me again.

I smiled and said," Do you have another condom"?

He then said, "Well, this one is still good", as he pointed at his again super hard cock.

I looked to see that he still had the condom on and that the little end thing was full of white sperm. I said, "Yes I think your right that one should work again".

I took his hard cock in my hand and started stroking it. I was thinking to myself, how can he keep getting so hard and so fast?

Ben moaned then pushed me over on my back. He moved between my legs, lined his hard cock up to my hot wet pussy and slipped right back inside me. I moaned out, "OH YESSSSSSSSSS", as I locked my legs around his back. The only thing on my mind right then was cumming again with this kid's hard cock deep inside me.

Ben started driving his hard cock in me as he bent over and took turns sucking on my hard nipples. I was in need of a good fucking and never dreamed it would come from my friend's son. And at that time I didn't care. All I knew is that it was hard, it felt very good and that I was going to be having another great orgasm in no time at all. I started moaning out more, "YES, YES, DON'T STOP". God it felt so good, I was out of my mind, "OH YES FUCK ME, FASTER, YES, YES, FASTER, OH GOD YESSSSSSSSS". I never ask Danny to fuck me faster or things like that. It just felt so dirty letting Ben screw me, I just went wild like off the deep end or something. All I knew is that I needed to cum again and Ben was going to have me there very soon.

Then it happened, my orgasm took over my body. I pushed up to Ben taking all of his hard cock as deep as I could. I more or less yelled out, "OHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSS I'MMMMMMM CUMMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG".

My orgasm wouldn't stop. I just kept on cumming and cumming. I think I even passed out for a few seconds it felt so good.

Then Ben fell down on top of me and moaned in my ear, "UHHHHHH I'M CUMMING".

Again I felt his cock jerking inside me as he pushed deep inside me and started cumming. After he pumped his last drop of cum into the condom he rolled off me with a loud suction sound as he fell on his back next to me.

I looked down to see that the end of the condom was over full with his hot sperm. The entire head of his cock was covered with cum inside the condom.

As he was trying to get his breath he said, "Motherfucker that felt good".

I kissed him and said, "Yes it did thank you".

Then after ten minutes of hugging and kissing I told Ben that he better go to his room. Who know if Danny was to come to the room or his Mom go checking on him.

He wasn't happy but said, "okay" as he gave me a kiss and got up. Ben pulled the full condom off his now soft cock and dropped it in my trashcan.

I told him, "hey don't leave that thing in here, get it out of there and go flush it or something".

Ben laughed and said," you're right, sorry". He picked it up, gave me another kiss and left the room.

Now in my room all alone I started thinking. What the hell did I just do? I just let my friend's 19 year old son have sex with me, not once but two times. And I loved it, God what a whore I've become. I went to sleep that night a very satisfied woman. More satisfied than I've been in years.

The next day things were not the same with Ben and me. Any time no one was looking he would give me a little pat me on the ass or give one of my breasts a quick feel. He even asked me to sneak out in the woods with him for a quickie.

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