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Light and Dark Ch. 02

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A witch's life and love.
9.8k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/27/2010
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Warlocks, werewolves, banshees, ah Demons. I pulled the book from the shelf and sat down at the massive mahogany desk. It was amazing how many books you could find on evil. People tend to dismiss them as lunatic rantings but they were usually true. An individual person is smarter than the society to which he belongs. Well I at least would like to believe that. Most humans weren't ready to accept what happens in the shadows. Blissfully ignorant, they continue on with their lives.

I flipped on the desk light and opened the book. This particular book I purchased from a gypsy clan in Romania. They had been happy to have me with them for a few days to help them vanquish a Grimlock who was blinding their children. In return they helped me with my empathic powers. Gypsies are really good with empathy. Chances are if you've ever gone to a psychic, palm/tarot card reader, or a crystal ball reader it was a gypsy.

Flipping through the pages, I looked at every demon. Nothing. Well this was something new. I flipped to the index page and scanned for water demons. Four. I turned to those specific pages. None of them resembled the lady I saw. Hum. Maybe she was a water spirit. I rose and walked back over to the booked clad wall. The clock in the downstairs hallway chimed four. Damn! Sunrise would be in a half an hour.

I ran down the front staircase and headed right. "Open!" I yelled at the altar room door. The doors slid open and I jumped over the threshold. Potions. I needed a good all-purpose vanquishing potion. I opened the glass china cabinet again and looked to the back this time. I've been trying to work on keeping as many potions handy as possible. You never know what you might be facing and having to go to the store for herbs, then brew the potion wasted precious time. Toward the back in black glass bottles were a few that were stronger than the three I has used earlier with the fire starters, so I grabbed four. I turned and walked to the weapons chest. I grabbed an athame, strapped it to my calf and headed back out the doors and to the hall closet. I decided I should wear the long pea coat, it would be a little nippy out and I really hated being cold. Gun? What the hell, I slid the shoulder harness on quickly, then the jacket. With the potion bottles in my pockets I stood at the door. I really hope this is enough.

I centered myself and concentrated on the man in my vision. I reached my mind out and felt his. Good, nothing has happened yet. I focused on his location and with a swirl of wind I was there. I was standing on the dock looking up at shore. The fisherman was walking down the dock and heading to his boat when I appeared. I glanced quickly at the water and found that the bubbles were starting to form. Crap.

The man I was here to protect brought me back to the present by yelling at me, "Why are you here?" But the last half faded out as he saw what was going on in the water. I turned toward the fisherman but he was already at my side.

The bubbles became more frequent and then came the lady. I reached out with one arm holding back the fisherman and with the other grabbed one of the potion bottles out of my pocket. Just as she was crowning the surface I threw the bottle. It cracked on the surface and water exploded everywhere. The fisherman and I were both thrown back onto the dock. I jumped up quickly, glanced at the fisherman who was unconscious and was ready when I saw the woman rising through the water as if nothing had happened. Oh crap. I grabbed two more bottles and swung them both at the creature. Her eyes opened and caught a glimpse of the potions heading toward her. With one wave of her trident she sent them both flying back at me.

"Shield!" I held up my hand and a blue light of a shield formed a square in front of me as I kneeled to avoid the bottles and keep her in my line of sight.

The bottles hit the shield and the force threw me back on my butt. Damn those are strong. The lady was rising out of the water and stepped out onto the dock. I jumped up as fast as I could, but she was already standing above the man with her trident. I called for her trident and directed it into the water. She turned toward me and opened her arms. This was defiantly not good. A wave of water surrounded me and I was trapped. I couldn't move. I tried to teleport, but that was blocked too. Great.

She held up her hand the trident came to her and she shoved it into the chest of the fisherman. Blood trickled down his chest and onto the weather beaten wood of the dock. His eyes opened as he regained consciousness and he tried to shove her off. His eyes, they were black. My god he was a vampire. What the hell was going on? Why did I receive a vision to save a vampire? Better yet what was she doing killing a vampire?

She surrounded him in the same manner I was trapped and started to speak in a language I didn't understand. A green glow started to surround the man as his soul was sucked into the trident and then the body turned to dust. Her hands gripped the trident as hard as she could and she then absorbed the man's soul into herself. The only thing worse that dying is having your soul sent to the void. It is a horrible place where everything ceases to exist. Even for a vampire, I would not have ever wished that on someone or thing. I wanted to move, to call for his soul.

She must have sensed my torment, because she was walking over to me. She was dressed scantly in a toga type outfit. Both of her arms were clad with gold bands and her hair was braided with seaweed. She held out the trident toward me, but spoke first, "You silly little witch. You cannot stop what has been set in motion. We will have our revenge and we will return to our rightful thrones." With that she threw her arms in the air and water filled through the boards of the dock and carried her back to the ocean. The wave of water dropped to my feet and I could move again. I dropped to my knees and then remembered the vampire. I got up and ran to the pile of dust. I tried to get a vision or, well I was hoping for anything to explain what had just happened. Nothing. I waved his ashes into the wind, "I am sorry." God I was going to have to talk to Nicklas, if he didn't already know, about this. Boy this day is starting off well.


When I finally teleported myself back home it was going on six o'clock. I had to be at the library to open in an hour. That didn't leave me much time to clean up. I was sopping wet and I was pretty sure I was going to have a bruise on my butt the size of a Buick. I went up the stairs to my bedroom. I walked directly into the bathroom and stripped. I carefully hid the athame and last potion bottle in my adjoining closet as I just didn't have time to get to my altar room, I knew I would stay there and try to figure this out. My housekeeper would be here at eight and I didn't need her questions.

I hopped in for a quick shower. The hot water felt good and I let the water take with it the negative energies that the battle had caused. I had lost an innocent, I think, and I was no closer to finding out who that woman was. My mind was racing and I felt exhausted. I got out of the shower and toweled off. This was going to be a long day. I dressed quickly in a dark green skirt with matching jacket and a silk ivory shirt. The library wasn't very formal, but it made a better impression on people if you looked decent. I might have been going overboard, but I figured what the heck! I braided my hair quickly and let it hang down my back. I sat at the vanity and looked at myself in the mirror. I was attractive. My long brown hair, when worn down, accentuated my high cheekbones. I looked as though I was born a Grecian, even though my mother was Scottish and my father hailed from Essex. I was tan, lean and muscular. But then I had to be athletic. Couldn't fight the forces of evil if you had to stop and catch your breath. I had a perfect body, but I did have to work to keep it up. I practiced yoga three times a week and took a karate class on Thursday nights. Well I only actually get to go every once in a while. Demons aren't very cooperative with schedules. My eyes were my favorite feature. I had my father's same vivacious green eyes. They were the perfect shade of emerald. I sighed and slipped on my dark brown sling backs.

I headed out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. Mrs. Cooper would wander why my bed hadn't been slept in. I walked over to it and turned down the sheets. I tried to scrunch them up a bit and then headed down the back stairs to the kitchen. I picked up the phone on the wall and dialed Rodger. He was a co-worker who owed me a favor. He answered the phone quickly. "Hello?" His voice was clear as a bell and then I remembered he hardly ever slept. "Good Morning Rodger." He paused briefly then perked up, "Alexis! Good Morning. What can I do for you?" He was always so cheerful. He was an older man with a potbelly with hair that was white and full. He looked like Santa Claus. "Rodger I need a favor." He chimed right in, "Sure. What?" I just kept going, "I need you to open the library. I have something that just came up and I am going to be about an hour late." I tried to sound as desperate as possible and it must have worked. He answered with out hesitation. "Sure! I'll be there in fifteen minutes." "Thank you Rodger." He hung up and I did the same. Good. Now I can get this over with before I have time to change my mind.

I walked to the hall closet and grabbed my long brown pea coat. It was mid- December, and quite chilly out. Although it had yet to snow, the wind chill made up for it. I wrapped the coat around me and buttoned it all the way up. I grabbed my gloves and was ready. I opened my mind and focused on Nicklas's house. I was outside his main doors instantly and just as fast his guards were almost on top of me. I threw up a force field and they hit it and fell back. Evil can sense good and likewise with me. I can feel their aura, as I'm sure it works similar for them. I was hoping this was why I was being attacked.

Keeping it up I spoke, "I am here to see Nicklas."

They stood, shook themselves off and walked slowly toward me. Taller, barrel chests and mean faced, they just looked horrible. I didn't recognize either of them. Which was probably a good thing, but I had known most of the vampires that worked in and around Nicklas's houses. He must have gotten new guards, which then made me wonder what had happened to the others.

One of them spoke with a thick southern drawl. "We know who you are witch! He's busy. Now leave."

They started to walk a little slower upon approaching the blue shield that separated us. I looked up to both of them only to find them black-eyed, close to the blue line that separated us and started to claw through my barrier with their long bony fingers. You know, I would love to have one day where I could go with out using magic. Better yet, one day where I didn't have to deal with pricks like this.

"If you know who I am, then you know you're going to lose this fight." My voice was dry.

They were really starting to piss me off. It seems as thought I have a very short temper. I've been told this in the past, but am unable to understand why people would think this. I react to situations, maybe a bit hastily, but I react accordingly.

The same southern boy spoke again, "We know what to expect from you."

They kept walking toward me, eyes gleaming black. Great. What a day. Leave it to Nicklas to use men who kill first and ask questions never, to be guarding his door. They jumped to attack; I dropped the shield and froze them in mid air. "Ha! Weren't expecting that were you!"

I walked under them, up the four stairs to the entrance and knocked on the door. Why, I don't know, I wasn't really feeling like another fight. Everything in me was telling me to just give up, go to the library and email Nicklas. I sighed to myself, I don't think there was ever a day that went by when Nicklas and I were dating that some sort of fight didn't ensue because of our relationship. His clan leaders all opposed it, quite openly in fact. It was unheard of for a Master to date a mortal, let alone a High Priestess. Not that the coven didn't disapprove, but they supported me. I think Madison was the only one who encouraged me completely. Hum... Vampires, demons and so forth weren't exactly known for their docile nature, but Nicklas was different. Or so I thought.

I was brought back to my current situation by the door opening and a tall, skinny man answered. He was Nicklas's right hand man, Charles. He handled all the affairs of the business and was one of the most brilliant businessmen I'd ever met. He greeted me warmly, yet I could feel his distain at my presence. "Alexis. Please come in."

I stepped over the threshold and into the house. It was just as large as mine, but Nicklas's had one of the few century homes that remained in the area. Over three hundred years old and it looked spectacular. Although when you have unlimited funds, anything is possible. Plus this was only one of seven 'major' homes he had across the continent. Charles held his hand out to me and I shook it.

He glanced out the door and smiled, "I see you've met the help."

I smiled back at him and took my hand back nicely. "Yeah. Great conservationists. They should be okay in a few minutes."

He laughed and shook his head. "It is hard to find good help these days."

He led me to the closed doors of the conference room. This room, I assume had been the parlor, but Nicklas had turned it into a state of the art conference room, complete with all of the audio visual equipment necessary to run his business from here if he had to. I know he held his weekly meetings with his head clan members. He had a little hierarchy that seemed to be working well for him. Honestly I wasn't sure why he was still here. His headquarters were in Toronto and the only reason why he had even bought the house was because I lived near here.

"May I take your jacket?" Charles touched my sleeve and I could feel his curiosity as to why I was here.

When the 'dark side' found out who I was and where I came from, hell broke loose. An uprising started and Charles had asked Nicklas not to have me here anymore, not that I was ever in his homes. It was more of an out of sight thing. He agreed and took care of the rebels. I didn't want to know what 'took care of' meant, but I'm sure it wasn't anything I would want to know.

I slid my hands into the pockets. "No thank you, this won't take long. Is he in a meeting?"

He nodded, "Of sorts" and opened the doors.

On the other side, Nicklas was sitting at the head of the enormous oak table. To his left another body guard and to his right was Mona. Mona was one of the only female vampires that he had ever given a 'status' in the clan. Most female vampires were only out for sex and power and he felt that it was distasteful. Amazing, I know, but Nicklas truly was a gentleman. Master or not, he had manners. As for Mona, I knew they had a history together and I had always been curious as to what it was, but I didn't ask. I was afraid of what the answer would be. When the man you're dating is over eight hundred years old, he's going to have a long list of past lovers. I didn't want to know. Mona was almost as old as he, but I knew he hadn't sired her. I wasn't quite sure what her place was in his entourage, but, again, that wasn't my business. She was very mother like to the rest of them and very protective of him. So naturally she hated me.

Upon my entry to the room, the muscle man was up, heading toward me with Mona right behind. Dear god! This was getting tiring, plus I wasn't wearing the right shoes for defending myself. The sling backs were going to take a beating. If I was going to have to go through this any time I needed to speak with Nicklas, maybe I should reconsider talking to him at all. I threw my arms up and trapped each of them in a force field bubble. Holding them there, I looked to Nicklas. He was still sitting, arms across his chest. "Nicklas, How about you call them off. I'm only here to pass on some information."

He didn't move, but spoke, "Now you want to talk?" his face was blank, but I could feel his anger.

"Dammit! I'm here as a professional courtesy to you. Besides you came to me last night."

Mona turned in her bubble and spoke to Nicklas, "Is that where you were last night!"

Well now, maybe I had underestimated their relationship. Nicklas of course ignored her, and I turned my attention back to holding the bubbles. They were trying to claw their way out of the force fields and it was clawing at my powers. I wasn't going to be able to hold them up there much longer.

Nicklas had uncrossed his arms and threw them into the table. "A professional courtesy? From you?"

He was quite upset with me. Part of me didn't blame him, but part of me was getting tired of his macho facade.

I stepped out of my heels, to get a better stance and I was ready to fight now, "Fine!"

I dropped the force field bubbles and they started at me. I turned to the bodyguard first. He was the closet to me now. I concentrated only on him and flicked my hands at him. He froze in mid air. Containing my excitement I turned just in time to see Mona's fist hit me across the face. I stumbled backwards but found my ground. I could taste blood. She had split my lip in the bottom corner. Now I was really upset. I put up a force field, as she was about to hit me again. Her fist hit the blue light and threw her back against the wall to the right. I wiped the blood off my mouth and quickly healed myself. Damn that hurt. She was up again and launched at me. Well at least she was persistent. Nicklas wouldn't have expected less.

Speaking of him. He was still sitting in his chair. Just watching. What the hell was he trying to prove? I wandered how far he would let this go on before he did something. I knew I could vanquish them, but they might take me out with them and that wasn't in my plans for the day. Mona.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught her jumping at the force field again. Right before she was about to hit me, I waved a chair at her. It caught her off guard and it hit her in the torso taking her down. She grunted and I knew I had hurt her. She turned over to face me and this time her eyes were black. Great she had been holding back before. Fine I won't hold back either. I looked back quickly at the frozen guard. He was still frozen, but just incase I put a force field around him. Mona was on her feet and ready to jump. She spoke, "I won't let you get away with that."

I hadn't ever noticed the Scottish accent before. Hum. She was snarling at me. This was going to get interesting. I jumped up onto the table and she followed. I didn't have a game plan, but what the heck. I teleported behind her and shoved her with all of my power. She flew across the room and smashed into the other wall. She slid down, stumbled and stood.

I looked around the room for any options. Again, I looked to Nicklas. Nothing. The wanker still hadn't moved. Why I had come here unarmed, I'll never know, and then I had an idea. I held my arm extended outward and used my hand to focus my empathy on the frozen vampire. I had only tried this once before with a fear conjuring demon and it had worked giving me his powers temporarily. A black mist started to form around the vampire and found it's way to my hand. I could feel the vampire's strength flow over me in a black cloud of cold. Mona jumped at me again; I stepped forward and caught her in mid air, grabbing her by the throat. I focused all of the borrowed strength on her. She was clawing at my arm. Frighten now, her eyes turned back to brown and she was whining.

Nicklas was out of his chair and on the table next to me. "Okay, you win. Let her go."

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