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Lonesome Moon Pt. 04


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"D...aniel..." I puffed out as I stretched and groaned from my reclined position.

The look on Daniel's face...It was odd. He looked...focused, but I had no idea why. In his hands was a big metal bracelet, but upon closer inspection, it was more like a manacle or shackle, and I stupidly stared at, wondering why he had it at all.

He grabbed my outstretched right arm and snapped the heavy metal manacle, a shackle of some kind, around my wrist.

"Wha..." I started to say.

My right hand thunked to the wooden floor along with the shackle around my wrist. It hurt when my hand hit the floor, and I cried out from that pain, but that pain was not what bothered me. What bothered me was the incredible weakness that spread up and through me, starting at my right wrist to flow all throughout me like a virulent poison.

"Uhhhnnnn..." I whined as I laid back down upon the floor.

I could not get up. I felt so weak that I was like a newborn babe, my muscles atrophied in sensation, and I couldn't even open my mouth to complain about it. All I could do was just whine a little through my lips and gritted teeth. I peed a little without meaning to, and that was humiliating, but not as humiliating as lying in a fetal position, whining like a whipped dog.

Daniel knelt over me and held up a small iron key to my face. I stared at it and studied it, and it was just a small, plain, iron key with a little circle on the end of it, so my eyes fixated on that, because there wasn't much else I could do except whine and piss myself.

Daniel held up my head in his hands and turned my vision toward the shackle clamped around my right wrist. This thing was just a circular metal band of partially tarnished silver, but its design was so archaic that it was like something you'd see in a dungeon from out of the Dark Ages.

"This bracelet is one of my dad's most prized possessions," he said quietly. "It's a shackle made of pure silver. It weakens lycanthropes somehow, but I don't know how it works. I just know that it does."

He pushed the small key into the large and heavy manacle on my right wrist, turned that key, and the bracelet/shackle popped open. He removed it from my wrist, and it was like an enormous weight being lifted from me, a heavy cloak of invisible chains being pulled up and off me.

I sat up and stared at his handsome face in surprise, but that surprise swiftly changed to righteous and justified anger. Cute or not, this boy had pissed me off this time. Between him injecting me with a tranquilizer and now this...Oooh, was I pissed.

"Don't do that again!" I yelled, and he backed away at the fury in my voice. "Motherfucker! You son of a bitch!"

Daniel gave me a look of shock at my sudden outburst, but Goddamn, he shouldn't have done that. I swear, he's as smart as a fucking pop can sometimes. It's like the boy just does shit and doesn't think at all before he does it, you know? What the fuck? Why doesn't he just torture me with silver knives next? Oh, hey, look how this works on werewolves, Saoirse! Doesn't that hurt? What the fucking, fuck! What in the hell goes on in that little brain of his?

"I...I just wanted to show you..." he started, but I cut him off.

No, I was pissed this time.

"Just don't," I said as I turned my head away from him. "Don't fucking touch me...What the fuck!"

"Saoirse...I was just..." began Daniel.

"Shut up!" I said, but my voice was a low growl. "Asshole."

I looked up into his blue eyes, and I could see the hurt in them. I think I'd made my point a little too well with my tantrum, but...he just...he's so...Sigh...I stared down at my hands and thought about this, because I needed a mental breather.

Okay, I was being unreasonable, an unreasonable, angry little bitch. I think my loss of that battle for control last night pissed me off, and now I was taking it out on Daniel. It angered me that I was defeated so quickly, angered me that I was still a submissive little bitch to my monstrous lover, but...I knew I shouldn't have taken it out on Daniel. I think he was only trying to help me, so...I needed to be...gentler...with him.

"Okay, okay," I sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just...You just...You have to warn me before you do something like that, okay?"

I looked up at him again, and he swallowed once before giving me a quick nod.

"I...just wanted to show you the bracelet," he said.

"And you did," I said as I stood.

I groaned as I stretched out, fully nude in front of him,'d seen me naked so many times that being nude in front of him was par for the course.

I had little bit of pee running down my left leg, but I ignored that. I needed to address this situation with this 'bracelet', though it looked like a shackle to me. Felt like one, too.

"That thing you put on me leveled me," I said unhappily. "I couldn't move at all. I even pissed myself because of it. You can't just do something like that and expect me to be thrilled about it...Is this some kind of...What is this for? Are you trying to help me somehow?"

"Y...yeah," stammered Daniel. "I want to use it on you tonight."

"What!" I asked in slight anger. "Why?"

Daniel placed the heavy silver manacle down upon my oak-tree coffee table and then turned to address me.

I was still angry at him, a little bit, anyway, but I decided to work off that anger with a more positive activity. Thanks to my lycanthropy, I was pretty strong now for a girl my age, time. Goddamn, these urges, I swear...

I ignored what he was going to say and unzipped his coat, intent on undressing him until he was all bare skin. He talked to me anyway, he, himself, intent on telling me his plan.

"Tonight is the fifth moon," he said anxiously as I pulled off his coat. "The fifth moon is the strongest in conjunction with the cycle of the werewolf, so I think you're going to change tonight."

He did not know that I had already made a partial change last night, and that I'd been getting jackhammered by the very same werewolf that bit me...I really didn't want to tell him, either. I liked Daniel, and he was just trying to help me, but...I wanted to be a werewolf now. I wanted Daniel, but I also wanted the beast...Is that wrong? Jesus, I don't know. I don't fucking know anything anymore. All I wanted to do when my dad left for town was to smoke weed, drink whiskey, and masturbate a lot. That went south in a hurry.

I unbuttoned Daniel's light-blue work shirt, pulled it off him, and threw it to the floor. He didn't fight me as I pulled up on the hem of his white tank top and pulled it up and over his raised arms, tossing his tank top to the floor as well. I wanted him naked for obvious reasons, but what I didn't want was to wear that shackle again.

"I'm not putting that thing on," I said firmly.

"You have to," said Daniel unhappily.

I ran my right index finger across his firm and delicious pecs, running the tip of my finger over his right, reddish brown nipple. He had a dark patch of black pit hair under each arm, but my pit hair had also grown back, probably on account of the fact that I was a right horny she-wolf bitch now, but that was beside the point. The point was that I could smell Daniel's heady, musky scent, and I wanted that, wanted to fuck him for all he was worth.

"Why?" I breathed out.

"I'm going to have to tell my dad about you soon," said Daniel, and his breathing picked up as I undid his belt and unzipped his jeans. "If he knows I've been keeping you contained, then..."

I pushed him backwards, forcing him back until he fell into my dark-brown comfy chair. I undid the laces on his boots, pulled them off, tossed them aside, and then I pulled off his white winter socks, first one, then the other.

"I understand," I said, my voice husky, my breathing heavy.

"Good," said Daniel uncertainly. "It's for your own good. You won't hurt anyone if you''re uhhh..."

I pulled off his jeans and smiled at the very visible bulge in his red-checkered boxer-briefs. His little soldier was already standing at attention, and I wanted me some of that. Mmmm hmmm.

"I know," I breathed. "I'll put it on tonight, right before the moon comes up."

I had no intention of putting on that fucking thing. However...I still had a use for it.

I knelt before the comfy chair and pulled down on his briefs, revealing the small patch of black pubes above his thick, circumcised meat, and I practically yanked off that underwear before pitching it to the side and out of the way.

I took the bulbous head of his cock into my mouth, tasting precum, and slurped up and down that thick shaft, feeling the familiar sensation of wetness drip between my legs.

"I should do it," gulped Daniel as he closed his eyes. "I should put it on you."

I popped off his cock, leaned back, and stroked his hard phallus up and down, up and down, up and down.

He was not getting that shackle on me. No way.

"No, I don't think so," I said firmly. "I'll do it, because...because I need to get used to having that discipline. If you hadn't noticed, Daniel...I'm kind of a hedonist. If I don't discipline myself, then I won't have any control at all when I change. Do you understand?"

"Y...yeah..." he stammered.

"Good," I said. "It's time I took some control back. I need some control in my life right now."

Yeah, that fight last night wasn't a fight at all. It was a humiliating spanking, and I really needed to feel some control again. I had an idea, a plan of sorts, but I needed that shackle, and I needed Daniel out of here before the moon came up for its fifth time. He could not be here for what I was planning; he'd just get himself killed.

I took his meat back into my mouth, slurped up and down the shaft, pushing the mushroom head to the back of my throat before sliding my lips slowly up the shaft to pop off of it again. I took his big balls into my mouth, gently sucked on them, relishing that flood of Daniel's natural musk over my tongue, and then I released his balls to take his cock back into my mouth again.

"You...You have to...ooooh..." moaned Daniel. "You have to do it, or...or you might kill someone."

I popped off his cock again, that shaft wet with my saliva, and I joined him on the chair, straddling him so that I could take his meat into my own wet hole.

"I'm not a murderer," I breathed out as I slid onto him.

I kissed him lightly on the lips as I slid up and down his shaft, my knees on each side of his legs. I leaned backwards, arched my back, closed my eyes, and raised my face up toward the ceiling as I fucked him slowly, gently.

"I'm a hedonist," I breathed out. "I like the pleasurable things in life, the sensations in my body, and I enjoy that, and I freely admit it. There comes a time, however, when a hedonist has to slow down and take some responsibility. I don't want to kill anybody...ever. I just want to enjoy my life to the fullest...and right now that involves my pussy and your cock."

"But..." started Daniel.

"But nothing," I said firmly.

I opened my eyes, leaned forward, pressed my forehead against his, and stared directly into his own blue eyes.

"The beast needs to be controlled, and I get that," I said softly. "That is why you are going to give me the bracelet, that shackle, before you leave today. I'll put it on when I'm ready, and that will be before the moon rises."

I wasn't going to put on that shackle, but he didn't need to know that. No, I had other plans for it. For one thing, the damned thing actually worked on me, so that meant...Oh yeah, I had a plan.

"Well, you have to," breathed Daniel. "My parents have to see that you're not a threat."

"Yeah," I replied. "I know."

I pushed off of him, feeling his cock slide out of me, and that stiff wet organ plopped onto his dark pubes. I got down from the comfy chair, arched my back a bit, and then reached forward to grab a nice chunk of his short, black hair. He gave a short hiss of protest as I pulled him up out of the chair by his hair, but his slight pain was not my concern. My only concern was getting him to my bed.

"Come on, big boy," I said firmly. "You're mine for the time being, and you owe me, anyway. Let's go to my bedroom. We'll finish our 'conversation' in there."

I let go of his hair, spun him around, smacked his tight, muscular ass with one good hit of my right palm, and he jumped a little before taking a few steps forward toward my bedroom door.

"Hustle, cur," I commanded.

Yeah, I may have lost that fight last night, but I had this cute boy wrapped around my little finger. That gave me a high, just what I needed to lick my wounds and move on.

I rested my hands around Daniel's abs and pushed him forward, and we walked into my bedroom, my hands still locked around the smooth skin of his waist.

I looked down at his luscious ass and felt my mouth water.

"Oh, I don't have a dick," I said with wide eyes, "but if I did, I'd so fuck that tight, hottie-ass of yours."

"What!" asked Daniel in audible concern.

I laughed as I practically tossed him onto my bed. Yeah, he was four inches taller than me, and he was all-natural muscle, but I had the strength of the moon on my side. Oh yeah, this was going to be fun.

He lay on his stomach as I straddled the back of his legs, and I stared down at that juicy, incredibly hot, tight, tight ass of his. I stuck my right index and middle fingers in my mouth, got them wet with saliva, and then thrust them into his tight little butthole.

"Saoirse!" he cried out, but I only giggled at his protest.

"Ooooh, that's a tight little hole," I snickered. "Better hope you don't end up in prison. You'll be a squealing little bitch...Oh, yeah."

I moved my fingers back and forth in his butt, in and out, in and out, feeling him squirm underneath me. I enjoyed this for a few seconds, and then I pulled my fingers out of his butt, leveraging myself above him. I giggled, then turned him around to face me, so that he was laying on his back.

"Have some ass, little cur," I said as I plunged my two fingers into his mouth.

His expression was hilarious. I don't think he liked the taste of his own ass, but that didn't matter, because I wasn't giving him a choice.

I pulled my fingers from his mouth, grabbed his thick cock, and slid onto that fully erect dong, filling my wet tunnel once more. I positioned my butt upon his bare crotch, moved side to side a bit to rub my small pink clit across his dark pubes, and then I prepared myself for the absolute pounding I was about to give him.

"Get ready for your desecration, Mr. Christianson," I said with a wicked grin.

He looked at me in both slight horror and surprise, but this only made me giggle.

"Saoirse?" he asked meekly.

That was my cue to let the real fun begin. I let my inner beast loose upon him, because, Goddammit, he deserved it.

I placed my hands on his muscular shoulders, dug in my nails, and moved my ass up, sliding his cock through my happy wet tunnel. I dropped back down upon him, and then I pounded my butt up and down, a SLAP, SLAP, SLAP as my bare ass slammed into him over and over again, the bed rocking as if we were in a storm on the ocean.

"Ooooh, yeah, choir boy!" I cried. "Oh, take it, yeah! Oh, I'm gonna fuck that big dick! Fuck it till it squirts, yeah...Mmmmn...Fuck that big, juicy piece of meat until it squirts!"

I reached back and behind myself to pinch the narrow base of his balls between my right-hand fingers. I pulled hard on his balls, reveling in his squeal of pain as I continued to fuck him without mercy.

"Yeah, give me those balls!" I snarled. "Give me those big balls, choir boy! Mnnng...Nnnng...Fuck your big dick...Mnnn, yeah...Fuck that big dick and pull these big balls..."

I pulled hard on his balls again, listened to his squeal of pain, slapped his balls once with my open palm, enjoyed that squeal, and then I gripped his shoulders as I started into my full-on-fucking once more.

"Oh, I'll teach you a lesson, you little shit," I growled. "Mmmn, yeah...Teach you not to drug me...put a magical shackle on me...leave me alone here...Nnnng...Fucking little cur...Mmmng...Fuck your big dick...Yeah..."

BAM, BAM, BAM! I fucked him, slamming my bottom into his crotch over and over again, feeling the head of his thick dong hit my cervix again and again. Oh, it felt so good, like winning-the-Goddamned-lottery good.

I pulled off his cock and straddled his chest, smacked him across his left cheek with my right hand, and then positioned my wet, hairy snatch directly over his face. I stroked my clit hard and fast over his face, taking time to rub my whole pussy in between those furious strokes.

"Can't cum in my pussy, little cur..." I growled. "Can't cum in my wild, hairy pussy...Nnngg...Not going to...cum in me...little cur..."

I reached down with my left hand and gripped his jaw, squeezing so that his lips opened, his mouth a yawning hole right beneath my pulsing cunt. His eyes were round like blue-china plates, and he stared directly at my wet snatch as I stroked my clit and hood hard and fast.

"Fucking little shit..." I snarled. "Mmmmn...You can taste my pussy, you little shit...Nnngg...Drink from my wild, hairy pussy...Oh...Oh, you can...Mmmmn...Drink from...Mmmnnn...Nnnng...Oh...Oh, fuck...Oh, fucking shit...Oh...Oh...OH...OH...OH...OH MY PUSSY OOOOOOWOOOOO!"

I howled as I came, my juices spraying from my pee hole into his open mouth. I sprayed my own magical love juice all over his face, reeling from the contractions in my own happy wet tunnel. I shivered and shook and trembled in this physical ecstasy, something I was still not used to, because none of my pre-lycanthropic orgasms were ever like this, not like this.

Goddamn. I have some pent-up frustrations, you know? What the fuck?

I backed up off his chest to straddle his bare legs again as he sputtered, spat, and wiped at his face. I took his cock into my mouth, slurping up and down it at top speed. Oh yeah, I was wild and unleashed now.

I sucked his thick piece of meat with such force that he sat up and gripped my head, pulling slightly on my thick, curly brown hair.

"Oh, shit!" he hissed through gritted teeth. "Saoirse!"

I sucked up and down his cock, and I was not gentle. He squirmed in my assault of his private piece of heaven, clutching my head while digging his fingers into my scalp.

"Saoirse!" he moaned. "Oh, it's too much...Oh...Oh, my God! Oh...Oh...Oh...Oh...Fuck!...Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK, FUUUUUUUUUCK!"

Burning white semen exploded in my mouth, filling me with that rich, salty taste. I gulped it down this time, savoring every last drop of his delicious, ivory seed.

Daniel dropped to my bed and lay there, panting. I pulled off his cock, but not before licking the tip clean, my tongue pressed flat against that round, mushroom head.

"Mmmm..." I purred. "Woof, woof, Daniel. That's what I like. You're delicious. Better hope I put on that shackle tonight. Otherwise, I might come find you and take some chunks out of your tasty ass."

"Yeah," puffed Daniel. "That's what I've been trying to tell you."

I leaned backwards, arched my back, and felt my spine pop. I let forth a rumbling growl from deep in my throat as I stretched my arms over my head and brought them down to plop my hands onto his belly. He jumped a little and gave a slight 'oof' as my hands impacted upon him, but...what can I say? Stretching after fucking felt goooood. Really relaxing.

I leaned forward, my long curly brown hair over my face, and peered through those thick curls to look down at Daniel, but he looked...freaked out.

"You...You're getting worse..." he stammered.

"Really?" I asked, slightly confused. "Personally, I thought I was getting better."

"You're out of control," said Daniel.

His shocked face was sopping wet with my juices. It was even in his hair...Hmmm...Okay...Maybe he has a point.

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