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Long Overdue Time Away Ch. 07

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An engagement party to remember.
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Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/05/2018
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"We'll paddle over to this inlet over here. You know we are in the right place by all the boats that are here. I guess the word is out that the salmon run is good this year. I count twenty boats here. And more will likely come. Luckily we can fish some of the spots that are harder for them to get to."

This was Karens first time in a kayak. She said she wanted to go with me. I had been talking about wanting to trying my hand at catching some salmon up here.

We were enjoying the weekend after a week of overseeing the start of the demo work being done at Sanches's. Karen had spent the last couple of weeks here with me as I was getting Sanches's work started. We spent the evenings relaxing at Karens house. She loved this town. It had many memories of her childhood spending the summers here. And as much traveling she did for business, this was as close to being home as any place was.

"Are you sure we are going to be able to catch enough fish for the engagement party tonight?" Karen said watching me get the fishing rods set up.

"If we don't, I'll go into town and pick some up. I told the caterer I would drop some by before noon."

I told her handing her her fishing pole. Karen dropped her bait down first as I got my pole ready.

"AAAAAAAAAAh! I think I have one!" Karens pole was doubled over. I paddled over and coached her until it was close enough to net. I netted her fish and took a picture of her sitting in her kayak holding the fish including a few pictures of the fish almost getting out of her grip resulting in her holding onto the fish in a bear hug. Dropping down again resulted in another fish, and then another. That's how the morning went, with Karen catching all the fish and me netting them. Even the boats that were around us noticed she was catching all the fish as there were lots of congratulatory thumbs ups and plenty of ribbing me for not catching any.

Karen paddled over to me and and I could see she had something on her mind. "So are you sure you are ok with getting married at the little church here in Port Oreford? And not in Southern California?

"Absolutely!" I told her everyone on my side is fine traveling to come to the wedding. "The location I think means more to you than me. We will just want to come up with a date that works for both of us."

"How do you feel about being up here most of the time? Like this being our base? I am in the process of hiring a couple of CEO's to handle the day to day stuff and that is going to free up much of my time.

I have lived my job for many years and I have a reason for changing that now. I will still need to work some, but not near as much. How do you feel about slowing down some? There is plenty of money, you aren't going to need to work at all if you want to retire."

"I love my work. And I want to see the renovations at Sanches's through. To be honest I'm excited about it. When the improvements are finished I see my self managing the brewery myself. By then I can have my obligations in Southern California done and then be able to spend the majority of my time here. Really that sounds to me like a good retirement. I don't see myself sitting around watching daytime TV, I'm not cut out for that."

"Also you need to know, the board members are encouraging me to have you sign a prenup..." Karen didn't like saying any of this it was evident by the look on her face.

"I will sign anything you need me to...I'm not in this for money. I hope you can see that.

"I'm not sure where we will settle on all of it yet. I do need to listen to them to a degree. However these are my companies. And I don't have a need for you to sign one. But there will likely be some sort of a compromise. Something along the lines of, as the length of time that we are married increases the less a prenup means. Eventually there will be none.

If it were up to me completely, we wouldn't have one at all." I'm hoping you are ok with all this."

"You do what ever it is that needs to be done. Don't go to battle over this. I am secure in my finances.

While I obviously don't have anything close to what you do, I am fine with what I have. Don't stress about what I will need to sign. Listen to your advisors they are going to want to protect you, let them."

"All of this is what I mean when I say I'm not sure the wealth is worth it. I hate having to consider all this."

"Well, don't let any of this worry you. You have good instincts you will navigate through this just fine. And don't worry about offending me by asking me to sign something. I'm not at all worried by it, and you don't be either. We do however need to start paddling in, we are going to need to drop off all the fish YOU caught. And check on some other things. Chris and Ron and guys will be here in an hour or so. I gave them directions to the marina to pick up the key. Nancy is coming in this morning also. We are going to have a party tonight, lets just focus on having a good time."

All the guys from So. Cal arrived at the same time and there were hugs all around, these guys really know how to embrace their friends and their friends spouses. All of us at one time or another have had the unfortunate times when we were gathered to morn the loss of a friend and the opportunity to support their spouse in their time of need as well as share in their grief. So when one of us was getting married it was a celebration and reason to party.

Nancy was enjoying all the attention she was getting from some of the single guys as were a few of Karens local friends. Having the party here a Sanches's was a good idea since it would no doubt go late and we would likely want to sneak out at some point.

"Hey Jim can I have a quick word with you? It will only take a second." Steve was standing there when I turned around.

"Sure Steve" we moved over a few steps away into a corner.

"I owe you an apology. I was wrong the other night when I accused you of making the wrong decision at the airport. The truth is it would have been a bad decision for me. I don't have your training. I didn't consider who you were and what you know. I hope you will forgive me." I could see Steve was sincere and not just doing what Melinda was making him.

"Steve the important thing here is that I know you are looking out for Karen's best interest and it means a lot to me that she has friends like that. So don't give it another thought. It's not a problem."

"Congratulations Jim!" Beth wiggled between Steve and I and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. It was obvious she had enough beer to lower her inhibitions a little, it was one of those chest to chest hugs and Beth had her large breasts pressed firmly between us and she wiggled them side to side as she hugged me. I looked over her shoulder at Karen and this hug wasn't going unnoticed. I mouthed the word 'help'. Karen made her way through the crowd and grabbed my hand and said something about dancing as she led me out onto the dance floor.

We barely started dancing when Chris tapped me on the shoulder. And asked to break in. I knew that I would be hard pressed to get another chance to dance with Karen as Chris would be the first of many. All these guys would take the opportunity to both get further acquainted with Karen but also make a point that we were family. There was nothing these guys wouldn't do for us and they would want Karen to know that. Nancy came over and put her hand on my shoulder and asked if she could rescue me from standing on the floor by my self. It was the first time since Karen and I were engaged that I had talked to her. We laughed at the fact that she had completely set me up with Karen. The song ended and I asked if I could get her something to drink. She asked if there was a beer on tap that was good for someone that wasn't a big beer person. She followed me to the bar and I asked Susie the young lady tending for a "Chai Tea Cream Ale".

We sat and talked until Ron came over and whisked her over to the dance floor. I ordered another beer from Susie and talked to her while I watched Karen dance with the guys. Beth was taking the opportunity of a slow song to grind herself against Ricky who had been in my unit. Brad didn't seem to mind as she was kind of dancing with both of them. I commented that it looked like Beth was having a good time and Susie rolled her eyes and said "trust me they are all going to have a good time."

"It looks like they are now I laughed. Beth was in the middle of a Brad and Ricky sandwich as they both had their crotches pushed against her. Ricky in front with Beth's arms over his shoulders and Brad behind her against her ass as she did a slow gyration to the music.

"I'll be surprised if they make it out of here before clothes start coming off Susie laughed."

"Whew!" They are wearing me out!" Karen said sitting on the stool next to me. "This is so fun! I haven't danced like this in years."

"Don't let them wear you completely out." I said in her ear as a leaned over to kiss her.

"Oh I'm worn out! I will need a massage to recover." Karen said back in my ear. Susie beamed smiling at both of us. I'm sure we talked too loud over the music and Susie's ears were young.

"I'm going to the little boys room." I put my hand on Karens knee as I got up and left her at the bar.

I made my way through the crowd. The place was still hopping. People were dancing and talking in small groups. The crowd thinned as I got closer to the men's room. As I passed a utility room I could hear The unmistakable sounds of sex. The door wasn't closed all the way and it was dark in the room but I could see Beth bent over facing me with her dress up around her waist with her legs spread getting pounded by Alex behind her, his eyes were closed as he rhythmically slapped her ass with his hips as he drove his cock into her. Ricky was in front of her with his pants down getting his ten inch black cock pleasured by Beth's mouth. With every thrust of Alex it drove Ricky's cock further down Beth's throat. Her big tits swung in circles slapping each other every time they met. I tried not to linger too long as I did slow down passing by. I went into the men's room and pulled my simi hard dick out of my pants and closed my eyes while trying to pee. It took a minute to get my penis unready for action and start peeing.

After finishing up I went back into the hall way and passed the utility room. As I passed by the scene was almost the same but Alex and Ricky had switched positions and Ricky was giving Beth all ten inches and it looked like Alex wouldn't last much longer his eyes were fixed on his wife's pussy being ravaged by that big cock.

"Well you called that one." I said to Susie as I sat down next to Karen at the bar. Susie looked at me with a puzzled look. "The dirty dancers." I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh my gosh, here?" Susie was blushing. She had grown up in this little town and all of this was quite a shock I'm sure.

Karen however didn't look surprised. "Oh, Beth." she commented in a low voice.

As anticipated the party raged long after Karen and I left. We anticipated drinking and Al was kind enough to be our designated driver for the evening. After He dropped us off we showered together and washed each other as we often do. I told her what I saw on my way to the men's room and she told me she wasn't surprised, and how the two of them used to go out a lot when she was in her rebellion years. She said after her first marriage she settled down but Beth decided to make it a lifestyle. They were however still friends and saw each other when Karen was in town.

After going to bed Karen reminded me I owed her a massage and I was happy to comply. I didn't rush, running my hands from one end of her to the other paying attention to each of her tired pretty feet and back up to her athletic thighs. I could tell my hands on her naked body was making her horny, I rolled her onto her back and payed as much attention to her front side. She opened her legs when I got to the top of them, slipping my hand to just above her clit I gently pushed down in circles It didn't take long and her hips started to circle opposite my hand. Kissing my way down from her lips to both breasts paying attention to her nipples that were hard by then I sucked on them and flicked them with my tongue. By the time I got to her cute belly button she pushed my head down between her legs and spread her legs wide. She wanted me to get to it as she lifted her pelvis to meet my mouth.

I reached up to pull a vibrating dildo she had in the night stand and turned it on a low vibe as I teased her opening with it, my mouth went to work on her clit and before long I increased the vibe and pushed it into her. The bulbous head of this vibrating cock found the right spot and with both hands on the back of my head she was bucking against my tongue and hand as I was plunging the soft rubber dildo in and out of her with an increasing tempo. Her moans went from soft to, there are no neighbors to hear me.

She pulled my head away from between her legs the sensation was getting to be too much and I knew if I kept it up I would have her squirting. She didn't say anything pushing me on to my back and her hand found my balls she gave them a squeeze as her other hand stroked my shaft. At first her lips kissed the tip and then increasingly more of the swollen head until her head was bobbing from the tip down half way and back again. She stopped squeezing my balls and I knew why when I felt the vibrating tip of the plastic cock part my cheeks. It was slippery and easily found my hole and she knew it was in the right spot when I moaned and spread my legs wide as I felt thick head pop past my tight opening she worked it in and out bumping my prostate as she did. I started to shake and I was cumming, the dildo didn't stop and her mouth was milking me. Prostate orgasms are the most intense for me. I was cumming continuously for minutes. My cock slowly oozed until I was dry. We showered again and then fell asleep with me spooning her naked body.

We woke the next morning and talked about the night before. And how much fun it was. We talked about how Nancy and Ron seem to be getting along since they met at the bbq we went to in SanDiego.

I asked about Beth and Alex and she said what I saw wasn't that unusual for them. I didn't ask but I got the impression Karen at one time partied with the two of them. She didn't hide the fact that her "rebellion years" were adventurous, and I know she has known them for many years.

"How do you feel about a boat?" Karen looked at me smiling.

"What kind? I mean how big are you thinking?

"I'm not sure, It looks like a lot of fun. I liked being out on the kayaks but it scares me a little. And there is no place to pee."

"Maybe the thing to do is go out on a couple of them and figure out what we want out of one, and what features mean the most to us. And if you are still serious we'll look at them."

"My father used to charter one for vacations sometimes. Those are fond memories, I loved being out on the water. Sunsets were beautiful and the cook would grill fresh fish with veggies. I'm sorry I'm not much of a cook, it's one area I never focused on. But you are a fantastic cook. And It looks like you enjoy it."

"It's a deal, you catch all the fish and I'll cook them!" Karen got a good laugh out of my comment.

The renovations at Sanches's were in full swing by now with several trades on site at the same time. I made arrangements for a brewery in an adjacent town to contract brew for us while the brewery was being moved to the old cannery building. We still needed to satisfy our distribution obligations even though the tap room and brewery would be down for a few months. The restaurant improvements were happening while a five barrel pilot brewing system was going in adjacent to the dining room.

"I cant believe this is happening so fast. There are lots of people here every day." Karen mentioned as we walked the pier talking about possible future improvements to the marina. If the brewery and town attracted as many as we thought might come by boat, there was going to be a need for additional slips. An Inn on an adjacent property was also being talked about.

"The town council has been very easy to work with here. Permits haven't taken long to get and inspections have gone like clock work. The local crews are welcoming the added work. We are going to be ahead of schedule." I was pointing out some of the highlights as we walked.

I had taken the initiative to set up a couple of demos on a few boats and Karen and I went out on them. It seemed like it might take a little while to decide what we wanted in one so we decide to hold off on a purchase until after the wedding in a few months. We flew to San Diego and chartered a 65' sport fisher for a 3 day tuna trip. I wanted to see how Karen would do out on the open ocean. She did great, my worries of her being sea sick were alleviated. Even in rougher weather she did fine. She even showed her grit landing a seventy pound bluefin tuna. I think this fishing stuff was catching on with her. She even gaffed a few fish of mine. The deck hands we had on the boat were impressed.

"Ok, this is a bigger fish than that 70 you had on yesterday." Greg, one of the deckhands told her. I was strapping on one of the fighting belts around her waist so she could use her legs.

"You are strapped in, the reel is clipped to the belt it'll give your arms a break. Just lean back against the fish." The line was screaming off the reel and we were well into the backing. Greg was showing Karen how to kneel down with one knee on the deck and brace the rod against the railing while the fish ran to conserve her strength. I held onto the back of the belt. A fish this size could pull her over board. Her 110 lbs. was a miss match on this one. Two hours into the battle I took the rod from her to give her a break. It didn't take long, soon she was back from the head and wanted to finish the fish herself.

"I'm seeing deep color." I called up to Jeff the captain. "We're going to need your help on this one."

We had a smaller crew than would normally be on the the boat since it was just Karen and I as fisherman. I was guessing this fish at over a hundred lbs. and it would take the three of us to gaff it and pull it over the rail. Jeff threw the boat in neutral and ran down the steps to lend a hand.

"As soon as you get the first gaff in I'll let go of Karen and stick it again the three of us should be able to get it over the rail" I told Greg. With three gaffs in the fish the three of us were struggling to pull the 150 lb. fish over the rail. Karen put the reel in neutral an set it in a rod holder and ran for another gaff to help get it over rail. When the fish hit the deck she beamed. I think she liked this.

It was a workout, and exciting. She was spent though and needed a break. We decided on the next fish I would land it. There were four big fish on that trip and several smaller ones.

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chytownchytownover 3 years ago
Nice Chapter****

Thanks for sharing.

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