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Lori and Jonah: A Seduction

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A sexy student decides to go after her tempting teacher.
10k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 01/17/2010
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Author's Note: This is not a quickie, so if you want instant gratification, this probably isn't for you. This is longer, and a little more about anticipation than quick satisfaction. I hope you enjoy. If you would like me to write more, tell me so please. Feel free to vote or leave a comment. Thank you and happy reading!


Today is a typical Monday in Honors Biology. Who cares about punnett squares, recessive genes, and phenotypes? Not me, at 18 I care a lot more about my social life. I like Fridays much better, at least then I get to look forward to the football games. Don't get ahead of yourself though, I'm no cheerleader. I'm on the dance team. It's not as glamorous, but it's something. Who doesn't like sequins?

Anyway, back to my story. Biology is boring, but what I failed to mention is that my teacher is totally hot. He runs marathons and jogs every day to stay in shape. He's sexy as Hell and completely ripped. I've had a crush on him since the beginning of the semester. I sit and fantasize about him to entertain myself during class. Such a deep, rich voice would be of much better use in the bedroom. And those bedroom eyes... Mr. Blackbrook is definitely every girl's wet dream.

His hair is a silky black; his eyes are like melted chocolate. He's tall, dark, and handsome. I'm tall for a girl at 5'8", but I was still 4 inches shorter than my hot teacher. My eyes are grin and my skin is pale, but somehow I ended up a brunette. Go figure. It doesn't bother me too much though; the boys seem to like it. Today I'm wearing a tight pair of ripped jeans that hug my legs and ass. My bright pink shirt showcased some of my cleavage. I'm a happy 36C.

So I'm sitting in the back of the classroom, caught in a fantasy. In my fantasy, I'm in a mini-skirt on my knees with Mr. Blackbrook's cock in my mouth. It's big, hard, and it tastes delicious. My lips slide over his erection and my tongue swirls under the head of his cock. I moan and the sound vibrates around his dick. He wraps those strong hands in my air and closes his eyes in rapture.

"Lori." He moans my name. My full name is Lorena, but everyone calls me Lori. It sounded best coming from those full lips. I slide his cock into my throat. "Lori." He repeats my name even louder. I move my mouth even faster, careful not to scrape my teeth over the sensitive skin.


I jump in my seat and blush. I feel slightly guilty, but I'm so turned on. I just wish I didn't look like such a ditz in front of the rest of the class. I tuned my attention back to the real Mr. Blackbrook, not the Mr. Blackbrook of my fantasies.

"Are dimples a dominant or recessive trait?" he asked me. What the fuck do dimples have to do with anything? I paused for a moment, trying to remember the answer. Obviously I took too long. "A dimple is an indentation on the surface of the skin. They're most often found on someone's cheeks. Is the trait for having those dominant, or recessive, Lori?"

"Recessive?" I answered. I figured I had a 50/50 chance.

"No. It's dominant. Pay attention.

Wow, I guess luck and I couldn't be friends after all. Of course I couldn't have chosen the right answer. Why do dimples matter anyway? Oh well. At least he should leave me alone to fantasize for the rest of the day.

Despite the embarrassment, I still feel horny. My panties are soaked. He looks so fucking hot standing in front of the chalk board. I bet he has a chiseled stomach and a thick, long cock.

As I'm staring at him, his eyes lock on mine. I wonder if he can tell what I'm thinking. I wonder if he could possibly be thinking the same thing. What a tempting thought. I lick my lips slowly and sensually. I'm rewarded by seeing him swallow hard. He pulled his eyes off me as if they were glued to my lips. Oh boy, let the games begin.

The next day I wore a jean mini-skirt, like the one from my daydream. I also wore a low-cut emerald green sweater with a pair of knee high boots with stiletto heels. I felt totally bitchin' and knew for sure that I had to be on Santa's naughty list. I could hardly wait for sixth period today. I wanted Jonah (aka Mr.Blackbrook) to stare at me and want me. Oh yeah, and how do I know his first name? I found him in the yearbook. I think the name suits him.

After suffering through the first five boring classes of the day, I was excited to take my seat in Bio. The lights are off and the TV was in the front of the classroom so it must be a movie day. I'm trying to figure out how to work this to my advantage.

The movie started and Mr. Blackbrook sat in the back, a few seats down from me. What's that one saying? Ah, yes, so close and yet so far away. The movie was talking about DNA and the double helix, but my mind could only think one thing: I'm hot for teacher.

I crossed my legs, not only because I was horny, but so that my skirt would ride up a little higher. I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw his eyes dart down to my thighs and then back up. I arch my back and tug my shirt down so that a little of my bra is showing. I want his eyes on me again; it makes my entire body feel like it's on fire. Soon enough, I realize I'm so horny that I have to do something about it, whether he's watching or not. One hand drifts up to cup my full breast. The other hand drifts down to the edge of my skirt. I fondle my breast and stroke the strip of skin between the hem of my shirt and the top of my skirt. I bite my lip hard to keep a moan from escaping. My back arches like a taut bow and I wiggle in my seat. My heart is pounding and all I see when I close my eyes are Mr. Blackbrook's brown bedroom eyes.

My hand slips under the waistband of my skirt, and my fingers find wetness. I stifle another moan and caress my creamy pink pussy. I flick my clit with my fingernail and imagine it's Mr. Blackbrook's hand under my skirt. My mind paints a picture for me and the sight has me cumming in my chair. I bite my lip so hard to keep from moaning that I taste blood. I struggle not to buck as the strongest orgasm ever ripples through me. I can hear my breath panting out between my lips. Once my pulse calms down, I slide my fingers out of my pussy and stick them in my mouth. I lick every last bit of my juices from them.

Suddenly I remember that I'm not alone. My eyes dart to my right where my teacher is sitting. Part of me hopes that he saw, and part of me hopes that he didn't. My one hope is dashed when I see his eyes staring at me and a muscle in his jaw working. I can't tell if he's aroused or angry. It hits me that he could go tell the principal and then my parents would figure out I had fingered myself at school. I DEFINITELY didn't want my parents to find out I masturbated at school. I straighten my clothes and look back at Mr. Blackbrook. My face is scarlet and my eyes search his face. I can't read him at all. On an impulse, I looked down and saw a distinct bulge in his khaki pants. His hands were clenched in tight fists. Well, whether he's pissed off or not, he's definitely horny. The bell rings; the class gets up to leave.

"We'll finish the video tomorrow." I hear Mr. Blackbrook say. His voice was deeper than I've ever heard it before. That rugged voice sends shivers down my spine. He glances over at me one more time before rising from his seat and leaving the room. I panic slightly and remember my fear of him going to the principal. I tell myself he wouldn't do that. I get excited when I realize that it's more likely that he's going to the restroom so that he can jack off. I smile to myself and leave for lunch to meet up with my friends. For the rest of the day all I could think of was the bulge in his pants and the deep sound of his voice.

The remainder of the week went mostly the same except for the masturbating in class. Every day I wore something that was sexy without being too slutty. I watched him, and he watched me. I could see his struggle, but I know he wants me even if he won't admit it. I don't know exactly when, but I made my mind up. I had decided that I would seduce Mr. Blackbrook, and I would make him admit how he felt.

Finally Friday came. As usual, I was looking forward to sixth period Bio. Today there was a home game, so I got to wear my tight dance team outfit. It's basically a green, white and silver spandex body suit. It hugs me like it's painted on. My ass looks firm and round, and the scoop neckline makes me rack look huge. Even the shoes are cute: little silver ballet-type shoes. Add to that some sultry makeup and I felt ready for war.

Fifth period rolls around, and I'm sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring. I want to see my sexy Biology teacher. At last, the bell rings. I jolt out of my seat, almost sprinting to my next class. I sit in my seat out of breath. I scan the room for Jonah. There's no sign of him yet, but soon the object of my fantasies will be here.

Disappointment weighs down my shoulders when I see a familiar substitute teacher walk in. My mood immediately plummeted. My mind starts working overtime. Is he okay? Is he avoiding me? I hope he didn't quit his job. I don't think he would. It sounds juvenile, but by the end of class I was near tears. Instead of having lunch with my friends, I went to the bathroom and cried.

What the Hell am I doing? I must be crazy for wanting to lose my cherry to my teacher. He's hot, but everyone is always talking about how you should wait until you get married or until the "right" guy comes along. I'm just so sick of being a good girl. I get good grades. I only party a little, and I never do drinks or do drugs. I deserve a little fun, don't I? I'm sick of all of the immature boys that I go to school with. I don't want to be with a boy, I want to be with a man. I want to lose it to someone who can make my first time amazing. I know that Mr. Blackbrook would be a great lover, and that I would love fucking him.

Hours later, I'm out on the football field warming up. My mood is slightly better; I LOVE football Fridays. On the field I stretch for about ten minutes. I'm extremely flexible. After that the band, flags and dance team headed for the bleachers to wait for our half-time performance. On my way to the bleachers, I thought I saw a familiar face in the crowd. Oh my God! Mr. Blackbrook was at the football game! Wait. It didn't make sense. Why would he come to the game if he wasn't at school earlier? I wondered. Oh well, I didn't care. He was here and I got to see him tonight after all.

I took my seat on the bleachers and was constantly trying to find in the crowd. I couldn't spot him. Did he leave already? Why would he only show up before the game and then leave? Could he still be here? I waited until half time to find out.

When half time does come, I strut out to the field. I hope that Mr. Blackbrook is watching. From the field I look for him once more. I was a little surprised to see him standing at the front rail of the bleachers. His eyes were only for me. Or at least that's what it felt like to me. My heart beats faster and I start to get nervous. I take a couple deep breaths and remind myself that if there's anything I know how to do, it's dance. I've been taking ballet lessons since I was four years old, and hip-hop lessons since I was ten. Going from ballet to my high school dance team is a breeze.

The band starts to play and my adrenaline starts pumping. My hips roll and my feet barely touch the field. I move it like I'm afraid to lose it. Feeling his eyes on me while I dance is making me wet. My eyes only leave his face when I turn around. I tell myself that I'm dancing just for him, like we're in a bedroom alone. It's just the two of us and I'm giving him a show. I know my cheeks must be red and my eyes are sparkling. My body moves and bends like I'm making love. I feel hot and ready to pounce. A few more minutes of glory and it's all over.

Third quarter, yes! During third quarter, any members of the half-time show get to go fraternize with the crowd. Well, as long as you weren't bad. I've definitely been a naughty girl, but they don't know that, so I get to go fraternize. I just hope I can find Mr. Blackbrook again. Thinking of him, I turn to the stands just in time to catch sight of him striding away. I said a hurried goodbye to my friends and rush after him. He heads behind the bleachers and toward the field house. When I do catch up to him, he's in the shadows behind the field house. He's leaning on the brick wall with his eyes closed; he looks exhausted.

Thus far I've been careful to walk quietly so I wouldn't startle him. The night is silent and we're the only ones in sight. However, my foot slips just as I step in front of him. Smothering a shocked squeal, I pitch forward. Strong arms catch me as I head toward the ground. I find myself up against a hard, warm chest. My eyes are level with Mr. Blackbrook's chin. Startled, I look up at him with big scared eyes. I can't really see his face in the shadows.

"Lori?" He asks, our bodies still pressed together.

"Jonah," I whisper, breathless.

I can feel his warm palm against my spine, holding me to his body. His other hand cups the back of my neck; his fingers slide into my hair. I can feel his hot breath fan across my cheek as he leans his head down. I hope he's going to kiss me. His lips look so soft and full. My own lips part and my breath comes out in short pants. My body melts in his arms as I let my weight rest against him. His mouth is inches away from mine. I feel sure that he'll kiss me. Our lips touch. At first he's gentle and slow, teasing my mouth with his lips and light flicks of his tongue. Experimentally, I run my tongue slowly over his bottom lip. He tastes so good that I know that I want more. I hear him groan, low and raw, and then his tongue is in my mouth. I still feel a bit shy, but then my tongue is dueling with his in a hot and steamy kiss. I press my breasts into his chest and feel the hard length of his cock against my belly.

Without warning, he breaks the kiss and pushes away from me. I stumble slightly but manage to find my footing. I blink rapidly, trying to clear my foggy mind. I look at him with hurt eyes and see him panting. I can't tell what he's thinking. He looks away, and then he looks back with a new intensity in his eyes. I start to reach a hand out but pull it quickly back. Taking a couple steps closer to him, I stop before we touch.

"Why are you doing this Lori?" He asks me. I don't know how to explain it or what to say, so I say nothing. I feel how wet the kiss made me, but I don't know if I should say that. I would feel stupid explaining my fantasy of seducing him. It even sounded like a stupid idea, except for the fact that my lips are still swollen from his kiss. I kept silent.

"Why are you taunting me?" He grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "WHY LORI??"

"Because I want you."

He pulled his hands from me and began walking away.

"Jonah," I called softly. He didn't even turn or acknowledge me. Before I could even consider going after him, he was gone. It hit me that third quarter must be almost over and that I better get back to my spot in the stands before someone came looking for me. I held back my tears and trudged back. The rest of the game passes without my notice, and my weekend passes the same way. I dread going to class on Monday while the rejection still feels so fresh.

Monday came slowly. I'm sitting in fifth period English, again, sympathizing with the heroine in whatever Kate Chopin story we were reading. I look at the clock and pray that the bell won't ring, but of course it does. I consider skipping Bio, but I think it's best to just face the music and get it over with.

I take my seat in Mr. Blackbrook's classroom, grateful tat he isn't there yet. Almost the entire class is seated before he arrives. He starts the lecture and I allow myself to get lost in my own thoughts. I drift through the entire class in a haze, trying to ignore everything around me. The end bell rings and drags me back to reality. I gather my books and move to leave the room, unaware that everyone had already rushed out. I'm almost to the door when I feel a hand on my arm. I don't turn because I know it's him. I feel ashamed.

"Lori." He says softly. I still can't bear to look at him. He takes my jaw in his hand and gently turns my face to him. I close my eyes. Tears begin to well up under my lashes so I break from his grip and flee the classroom. I hide in the bathroom and cry, yet again. I think about his gentle touch and think that maybe he cares. I tell myself that I'm wrong. It's all a stupid idea and I should have given up sooner.

The night comes and goes. Tuesday comes and I endure it like a zombie. I make sure I arrive last to Biology and leave first. I avoid looking at Mr. Blackbrook at all costs. On Wednesday I try to figure out how I'm going to endure Bio for the rest of the year. It's not even halfway over. I get to sixth period, making sure I'm not the first student to get there. Today is a lab day. Lab days are decent I suppose. I get to work with Jess, Cody, and Jennifer. Cody is kind of cute. He reminds me of Taylor Lautner. Jesse is a ripped football player, dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He's very pale compared to Mr. Blackbrook, but still hot. Jennifer is a preppy bitch. She's only in band but acts like a cheerleader. It's a horrible combination.

Jesse is sitting next to me. He's a little closer than he should be, but he's a hot distraction. I'm not going to complain. He smiles at me and I can tell all of his attention is on me. I smile back, my first real smile in days. It feels good to be around someone that makes me feel cute and desirable. Part of me hopes that Jonah is watching.

"Do you think he'll actually grade this?" Jesse asks me.

"Probably, but I don't feel like worrying about it. I'll just copy it from someone later." I reply, still smiling and feeling flirty. I see Jen look over at me with a dirty look and feel a small amount of satisfaction. I can see Cody checking me out from across the table. I'm glad I chose to wear a cute blouse today. I had left the first couple buttons undone to provide a tempting view. No guy likes a girl that wears sweats every day. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Jonah looking at Jesse and I. He doesn't look happy, but then again he rarely does when I'm around him.

The class passes by quickly and I leave without one word to Mr. Blackbrook. When I get home that evening I fall back onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. I wonder what I should do. Do I like Jesse? Yeah, he seems nice and he is hot, but there's no comparison between him and Jonah. Have I given up on Jonah? No, I still want him; I'm just hesitant because I'm not exactly sure about how he feels. I haven't given up though.

I remembered that this Saturday is the homecoming dance. How could I forget about Homecoming? I know how: Jonah. A couple guys asked me a couple weeks ago, but they probably gave up because I waited too long. What was I going to do now? Maybe I wouldn't even go, or maybe I would go stag. Maybe Cody or Jesse would ask me. I haven't heard anything about them having dates. And maybe, just maybe, Mr. Blackbrook would be there as a chaperone. That was a tempting thought.

On Thursday Bio was pretty much the same as the day before, except today wasn't a lab day, and Jesse flirted with me even more. Football players are such flirts. I wondered why he didn't have a girlfriend. He had dated a girl named Rachel. She was a stupid cheerleader, of course. She's blonde and blue eyes, definitely my opposite. Too bad for her, because he's single now and he's flirting with me. What else matters?

From me behind me I hear a creaking noise. Jesse's leaning forward from the seat behind me. He whispers in my ear while MR. Blackbrook is talking at the front of the room.

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