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Love of Horses Pt. 02


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"Hey take some photos first, the light's fading." Kate said, a little breathlessly.

"Oh yeah," Gary said in the tone of a guy who was being drawn away from something important to do something of insignificance.

They walked along the track and he took some shots from vantage points and then asked Kate to return quickly for Chocolate Ice and ride across the bridge and then return slowly and stop and go at his hand signals.

"Why the Paint?"

"She'll show up in the fading light. Ride with your Stetson off."

Gary climbed the bank above the right angle exit off the bridge and took shots of Kate on Chocolate Ice from four positions and was finished.

As they rode back with their headlamps picking up reflective markers placed about every forty feet on both sides of the trail, but closer together at bends, Kate said, "Would you like to sleep with me tonight?"

"I was waiting for that invitation," he said. "Let's not stay too long after dinner with Anne and Ralph."

"I'll break the news to Anne and an hour after dinner she'll ask you to escort me to my apartment."

Gary thought that was a great idea.

Their best sex came at dawn when Gary nudged Kate awake with his erection.

"Hi, oooh."

"Hi I have half an hour if we hurry. I told Anne I'd be home in time for breakfast with the official party."

"Give me three minutes."

Kate returned from the bathroom and soon found herself engaged in her best sex ever.

They were both hungry for it and began with a frisky sixty-nine that ended in a boisterous climax for them both and they then slipped into a horsy, er doggy, at a trot and they went over time but it was worth it.

It wasn't romantic sex but Kate didn't mind. She was used to having hard workouts early morning on fresh horses.

Much the same really. She suspected she'd never see Gary again, well not in bed, and so that came to pass.

As he was leaving her said, "I'll say my real goodbye now. I'll leave this afternoon to go south to stay with my fiancée and her parents. I hope you didn't mind me withholding that information until now?"

"No, riding frisky horses I'm quite use to surprises."

Kate said that with a smile but she really was in no mood for laughing. There was no way she'd trust a guy who acted like that. She needed a guy she could trust and with whom she could build affection.


Romance came unexpectedly for Kate. She was in the nearby town having lunch when a guy with a loaded tray came up to her table and asked did she mind if he shared the table.

Kate, never a loner by preference unless she was wilderness riding, looked around pointedly at the nearby three empty tables and smiled at the stocky guy with ginger hair and said no of course not.

"I spot you about periodically Miss John. "I'm Robbie Macdonald."

Kate avoided saying the obvious how did he know who she was. She said hi, and told him to call her Kate.

"I'm taking this opportunity to ask a favor."

Sex? Well that would be an original pick-up line if that were what he wanted.

She asked was he a reporter?

"No I'm one of the horse vets at Patrick."

"Oh I thought Patrick's vets were Reggie, Dirk and Mary?"

"Well there are eight of us and those three were assigned to look after the needs of your equestrian unit. Dirk has asked for a transfer to the breeding program but there was no vacancy and so I volunteered to swap places with him. That takes effect in a fortnight. We have a problem and when I saw you here I thought I should consult with you right now."

"Oh I thought you were attempting to date me?"

Robbie showed considerable dental white as he grinned and asked would she consider than as a possibility.

"I might. It depends on whether you are married or tightly hobbled."

He colored and said, "This might not sound very flattering for me but I have not had much success in the two years I've been here. It appears females find my stocky built, red hair and freckles less that attractive."

"What about grace, humor, intellect and social connectivity?"

"Kate this is a university campus not a marital hunting ground. The focus of women here it appears is sex and the ability of the guy to stimulate prolong screaming climaxes."

"Oh yes of course. You will have associated closely with female artificial inseminators."

The poor guy coughed a piece of steak from his sandwich halfway across the table and was most apologetic.

"I feel an affinity with males I can shock," Kate said straight-faced, and Robbie was obviously wondering what the hell did that mean.

He laughed and Kate realized he was struggling with her and said, "And I like guys who recognize I have a sense of humor. You are rather appealing Robbie. Are you going to ask me for a date?"

He wiped his mouth and said, "Kate may I take you to dinner on Saturday night, um dining locally here in town?"

"And then what?"

He bit the bullet under provocation. "And then sex."

She smiled and said, "Robbie yes, that sounds like my kind of night."

He looked pleased but said, "Huh, do you have sex with everyone you date?"

"Not with my girlfriends and I only date guys I like Robbie so I have no problem."

"At what?"

She smiled and said, "With being screwed."

His face flamed and said he'd thought she'd been talking on the higher intellectual plane.

"I'm sure the intellectuals screw Robbie, even on airplanes."

Robbie appeared shell-shocked. Kate put that down to shyness.

The problem they had was with a new horse over at the breeding unit that was funded by industry to genetically improve stock of the most popular riding breeds with the ultimate aim to breed out undesirable traits and improve rates of reproduction, health and longevity.

Robbie told Kate about the 6-year-old Guinevere that had been purchased in Ireland for selective breeding. She was a 16.1 hh golden dun yet to be placed in foal. She'd come with four other mares and had been the only one not to have handled the airplane flight from Ireland well, ending up being very difficult to handle and had to be stabled alone because her wild behavior disturbed other horses.

He said, "We understand you have a wonderful way with horses and you prefer fiery mounts."

Kate shrugged and said, "Ride her over and I'll take a look at her."

"Ride her, are you kidding? She had to be tranquilized during the flight and tranquilized in being transporting here. Our rules don't permit horses being tranquilized to permit them to be more rideable."

"I should think so. God very few horse are unrideable."

"Well we hope you can do something. Guinevere has been kept in a semi-darkened stall to keep her calmer. Will you try to work on her?"


"Oh excellent. How do you wish to handle this?"

"I will come and get her and lead her back here. I should think I'll have her sorted within ten days to two weeks."

"I'll get our dean of research's written authority allowing you to do this. Guinevere is highly valuable to us and is insured for $100,000."

"I treat all horses the same, which is carefully, irrespective of their perceived valued. I'm prepared to meet your director if required."

Robbie smiled and said he didn't think formal negotiations would be necessary. "Over at our outfit you have gained quite a name. Someone nicknamed you the Equine Kid and we have film clips of some our your coaching performances and you making that record jump and out racing with Anne Hall."

"Why the hell would people want to watch film clips of me?"

"The word is out that you'll train the rider who'll win Patrick's first national championship in intercollegiate riding competition."

"God don't you people have anything better to do?" Kate laughed, feeling very flattered.

They parted with nothing more than smiles with the date for Saturday confirmed and Robbie taking Kate's email address to send a copy of the authority for her to take Guinevere into her possession.

Later that afternoon when returning to take training, she briefed Ralph Hall about the proposed transfer of Guinevere. He said good, they'd owed the university's equestrian school and its veterinary unit many favors.

"Just make sure you don't touch that horse until we have formal notification."

"An email?"

"I said formal notification."

"Oh right," she said, and called Robbie. Late that afternoon someone from admin at the school handed Ralph the letter and Kate called Robbie and arranged to collect the mare."

"Come early and look through our school and barns and have dinner with us."

Kate accepted the invitation and went as soon as she'd finished her training sessions. She rode across on Chocolate Ice, calling Robbie when on her way, asking him to meet her and take her to a suitable place to leave her horse.

Kate was impressed with the facilities and met the dean of research, a former vet who became a professor of equine studies. For many years he'd been a dressage judge at national level. Carl Kennedy said it would be wonderful if Kate could return the mare to her former well-behaved state because she would be handled a great deal by researchers and it was necessary to have her put to a stallion for natural conception for fidelity in research recording and of course for thoroughbred registration.

As they left Robbie said, "What Carl didn't say was we don't want our choice of stallion injured."

As they went in for dinner Robbie said in surprise, "Gosh this first dinner sitting is usually less that half full. We'll be lucky to find a table."

The dinning room supervisor said hi to Robbie and virtually curtsied when she said, "Good evening Miss John, and a warm welcome. My two daughters, young riders, think you are the cat's whiskers. Please follow me. You and Robbie are at the dean's table."

"But the dean rarely eats here."

"Don't be rude Robbie. Well he is here tonight for this lecture dinner."

"Lecture dinner? Who's the guest presenter Faye?"

"Miss Hall of course."

Robbie looked aghast. "Kate, honest, I know nothing about this."

"It's okay I think," she said nervously.

Carl greeted them and introduced Kate to his wife and three other high-ranking officers at the school and their wives. Kate was relieved to note everyone was informally dressed.

No one left as people began finishing eating and the Carl rose and said the school was delighted to have Western-trained rider and noted horse whisperer Kate Hall, Patrick's assistant equestrian riding coach, as a special guest.

He asked her to stand and there was polite applause.

Kate sat and Robbie whispered, "I'm sorry there's been some kind of giant mess-up. You're not a horse whisperer are you?"

"No of course not and have never claimed to be."

"Someone has got their wires crossed."

"Would everyone please turn to view the screen," Carl said, and sat.

Someone had joined all film clips involving Kate, linking them with short bits of text and all the clips had been edited and enhanced and a commentary added. As the screening began of Kate's film clip supplied when she applied for a position at the university she recognized the commentator's voice; it was Anne Hall.

The short presentation included film clips Kate had not been aware had been taken of her at training sessions and at her first horse show, and it ended with the filming of her and Anne Hall's brother racing to the entrance to the new equestrian trail.

Robbie whispered, "I know nothing of this, I swear."

"I accept that assurance. This is the work of Anne Hall, the devious bitch," Kate giggled.

The filming concluded with Kate making her record-setting jump at Patrick University of 6 ft.

When the credits began rolling some people stood and applauded and soon the entire room was standing and people had turned to face Kate to applaud her.

"Take it steady Kate," Carl whispered. "These folk know horses and riders and they are acknowledging your horsemanship and your amazing flexibility and accomplishments for one so young."

As people began sitting Kate rose and said thank you.

Carl then told her to remain standing and led her to a lectern Kate had not noticed and was now spot-lit.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Patrick University, principally of the Equestrian School," Carl said. "Kate Hall will now address you and please remember she'd only eighteen and not a seasoned lecturer. She hasn't been given a subject. Kate is free to chat about whatever she wishes."

"Good evening everyone and greetings from Patrick's equestrian riding facility. I'll chat about my love of horses and my overriding commitment to excel in horsemanship. Will I make history for Patrick University in reaching new heights in intercollegiate horse riding success? Of course I will along with others I'm associated with because we, as a team, have a plan in place to boost performances to reach our goals. But on the day, it will be our riders on horses they are allotted in a draw who'll perform to triumph for Patrick. Yes we know other universities and colleges have similar aspirations but we are preparing a two-year assault on titles, not a one-year bid."

"Now could someone please run this small clip on DVD on your screen please. I hadn't expected to be invited to speak to you but I brought the DVD along in case there was any doubt of my ability to handle tough horses."

A woman took the disk to load it into the player.

"The clip will show our top riders doing extra training by invitation and it's voluntary because it's tough and can be rough and a bad fall could leave them with horrible injuries of unthinkable severity. These riders know this and before being admitted were shown film clips of riders spilling so heavily their riding careers ended."

"Right here we go. It's called barrel racing training and at this stage my trainees are limited to learning techniques. Essentially barrel racing combines the horse's athletic ability and the horsemanship skills of a rider in order to safely and successfully maneuver a horse through a clover leaf pattern around three barrels placed in a triangle in the center of an arena. In training I request our riders to ride at comfort speed. Although we see three barrels set up students will only turn around the first two. They riding my Paint called Chocolate Ice. Horses have to be specially trained for barrel racing and this horse is as tough as they come and almost sulks when this eventing concludes."

"Right here were go with Claire Kennedy who'll win big in Western Reining. In this event riders have one hand one the saddle horn and on the reins. Guess what this training does to hone that girl's reining control?"

The audience watched Claire ride and then Rick Flavell and Maxine Dunlop who would compete in English riding jumping events. Kate had said Rick had excellent all-round riding ability but needed to push himself in training to be able to compete at the very top. Maxine was a brilliant rider and potentially could bring home the national title for intermediate equitation over fences. Equitation basically means the rider was judged and not the horse.

Kate then said, "I conclude practice by riding as if riding the full clover leaf against the clock to show them how it's done and to satisfy Chocolate Ice we are not horsing around with her."

The entire room yelled and hollered as Kate made her ride, the horse sliding around the barrels at what appeared to be impossible low angles and so fast compared with the trainee riders.

"I don't want them taking those risks but I want to build the impression within each of them that they can do it and when the going gets tough they know they can pull out at least one more stop. And now I'd like to chat around my love of horses that for me began when I first became aware of what a horse was which I guess in living on a ranch with lots of horses would have been before I was eighteen months old. But I wasn't allowed to ride alone until I was four and I could canter for as long as the horse was willing by the time I began grade school."

It was a brilliant presentation and people in the audience learned things about horses they hadn't known although they too had been riding since a young age.

When she finished she received a standing ovation.

Later Robbie stood with Kate and the barn manager outside Guinevere's stall.

"Right I'll take it from here," she said. "Robbie could you go and Larry would you lead Guinevere out and hand the lead to me when I mount my horse."

Robbie said, "Then I'll say goodbye."

"Yes and thanks for your company. Kiss me and properly."

He ignored Larry and kissed Kate firmly and as she pulled away she said "Oooh" and Robbie turned away grinning and left.

Kate then asked Larry to tell her everything he knew about the mare.

He was very cooperative and when he finished Kate said, "You are welcomed to come across and see her and I'll email you a nightly report."

"Oh thanks Kate. I am so anxious about her. We believe we've tried everything."

"Only patient handling will bring her right Larry. I could know within a couple of days if she is bonding with me."

"I am so grateful and so hopeful."

"The Irish are always a little different Larry, and perhaps so are their horses. I intended taking her back in the dark like this hoping she will be at her calmest."

Two days later Kate emailed Larry with news that delighted him: 'Guinevere has bonded to my Paint. I have them in adjoining stalls. I know within ten days Guinevere will be back to normal again."

On the fifth day Larry received another email: 'Come over at 5:30 today and ride the new trail with me if that's convenient. Kate'.

Larry arrived at the barn where he found Kate with two horses saddled.

"Hi Larry," she smiled, lifting herself on to Cool Lady. Jump up and we're off."

Larry looked dubious but he was no chicken. He mounted Guinevere and they rode off sedately.

"How on earth...?" he said."

"I stayed in her stall for two hours that first nigh, grooming and crooning to her and got bumped around a bit and was back again for another hour at dawn and the next evening I believed I was experiencing a breakthrough and so put her in a stall next to my Paint, Chocolate Ice. Next morning she seemed eager to contact me and so I saddled up and walked her around but she became unruly whenever I went to mount and so I just backed off. That evening I had a groom ride alongside her on Chocolate Ice and got him to trot off. Guinevere attempted to go after them. I held her back and then mounted and she was off after them at a lope and has been just fine ever since. After we return from the trail I'll follow your vehicle back to your barn on my horse and lead Guinevere home."

After their first and very successful dinner date, Kate and Robbie began seeing each other every second evening for companionship and sexual relations became part of that. She learned he'd been raised 250 miles from Patrick and his father, a vet, had immigrated from Scotland as a young vet, recruited to become a lecturer at Patrick. Robbie had a sister older than him and a younger brother. He was twenty-seven, having graduated fully as a vet the previous year and his father had secured him a place at Patrick, his dad being a long-standing member and former president of the Patrick Alumni Association.

Dean Kennedy called Kate to thank her for her outstanding success with Guinevere and asked her to visit him at her earliest convenience. A suitable time was set and Kate went expecting to be presented with a silver decorated bridle or something similar. Instead it was a meeting with researcher Carl Kennedy, the Equine School's academic dean Elizabeth Holst and the university's head enrolment adviser Peggy Miller.

After being introduced, Kate looked at Carl for an explanation, and got it.

"Kate we wish to ensure you don't leave here without academic recognition for the outstanding contributions that you already have made to this university. Over to you Elizabeth."

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