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Loving Ms. Case

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Teenage motocrosser meets the mom next door.
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I was fourteen when I first saw her. The girl that lived next door to the house my parents moved us to was my age. Long blond hair, long dark smooth legs, and the face of an angel, that is if you could quit looking at her breasts in her tight sweaters, t-shirts or sports bras. Julie was a knockout... and a complete and total bitch. Once I met her, her looks didn't make up for her total lack of respect for others. The universe in Julie's world rotated around her and her only. I was afraid to see what her parents were like.

Julie's sister seemed nice enough though. I saw her once in a while. To be totally honest I saw her as often as I could. From the apartment over our garage, I could see her lying out in their back yard almost daily during the summer working on her tan. I would peer through the window at her just dreaming of that one time she would sit up and then put her top on. I just knew her breasts were Playboy beautiful.

One day after peering at her from the upstairs window, and not getting lucky again, I went down to the garage and started tinkering with my dirt bike. Putting on a new rear tire wasn't nearly as bad with her fresh in my mind. I wondered if she had seen me riding wheelies up the street and been impressed. When you're fourteen you're absolutely convinced that doing sixty down a residential street with the front wheel of a motorcycle two feet off of the ground makes girls want to get naked for you. I feel embarrassed now for those guys who never grew out of it.

"Honey... Kevin." My mom called from the door. "Are you in here?"

"Yea mom, I'm over here."

"Watcha doin' sweetie?" She asked before looking.

"Putting the tire on my bike. Thanks for getting it for me. Can I race this weekend?"

"Sure, you can race." She said. "Well I came in here because you have a job offer."

I stopped turning my wrenches. "A job offer?" I didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

"Yes. Ms. Case just came over from next door and wanted to know if you would be interested in mowing her lawn for the summer."

"I guess." I said. "Did she say how much?"

"No, she asked and I said that I would send you over to see her if you were interested."

"Sure, I'll talk to her. Hopefully she pays better than Mr. Moorhead did."

Mr. Moorhead was our last neighbor. He was an old rich guy that lived next door to us at our last house. He thought that I should mow his lawn for no charge because I was a kid and he was an old guy. It was supposed to build character that in his opinion 'kids lack these days.' Mr. Moorhead grudgingly paid me a third of what he should have. My parents thought it good to keep the peace. They increased my allowance to reflect the shortcoming of his graciousness. My parents called it a maturity bonus.

As I walked next door to see Ms. Case I was hoping that Julie was not there. Hopefully she was out making someone else's life miserable. I did hope to get a peek at Julie's sister though. I stepped up onto the large porch area and rang the doorbell. It was only a few seconds before the door opened.

"Hi, I'm Kevin Baxter from next door, is your mom home?" Damn! It was Julie's sister. Wow!

She looked at me and smiled before speaking. "Pardon me?" She asked.

"I'm Kevin Baxter from next door, I'm here to see Ms. Case about mowing the lawn."

"Oh. Okay." She said still smiling. "Are you trying to flatter me?"

"Ma'am?" I asked.

"I am Helen Case... Ms. Case. Come on in Kevin."

Ms. Case opened the door and stepped behind it so that I could come in.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I've seen you but I thought you were Julie's sister. You don't look like a mom." It sounds stupid now but when I was fourteen that is what I said to her. It seemed good at the time She didn't look like a mom though. Ms. Case was hot. She was wearing a bikini top and a wrap around her waist to cover her bikini. She was better looking than Julie I thought.

Ms. Case closed the door and led the way to the kitchen where she offered me a drink. I accepted because it would keep me there longer. My thoughts of Julie had disappeared.

"So Mr. Baxter, you're interested in mowing my lawn for me?" Ms. Case asked.

"Mr. Baxter is my dad ma'am, you can just call me Kevin." I hated being called Mr. Baxter.

"Being called Mr. Baxter probably makes you feel like I do when I'm called ma'am."

My face reddened.

"Okay Kevin, I'm Helen."

"Yes ma'am... I mean, uh Ms. Hel..." I had to take a deep breath. My reddened face felt like it was on fire. "Helen." I said.

And that was how I met Helen. I ended up mowing her lawn every summer after that, and she paid well. I also seemed to get luckier after that as well when it came to watching her from the apartment over the garage. Sometimes I would see Helen sunning herself in a thong bikini and small top that barely covered her nipples. Other times she just wore a regular bikini.

Ms. Case would also have me do odd jobs around the house like moving her heavy plants or cleaning the garage. I even took apart a bed for her in one of the couple extra bedrooms she had so that the furniture could be moved out and the room made into an office, which didn't make sense because she had an office downstairs already. I didn't care though, I got to watch her come in and out of the room in her shorts and t-shirt which were one of the hottest outfits I had ever seen her in. I don't think she was wearing a bra. I noticed how the t-shirt stretched over her breasts and her nipples were unmistakable.

I think I was seventeen or almost seventeen at the time. We had grown comfortable with each other as much as I was at her house. It was a little weird when Julie was around because she was being nice to me in front of her mom but we both knew how it was when her mom wasn't around. I think Helen saw through it too.

On the day I was disassembling the bed though Julie wasn't there. Helen was bending over picking up something that had fallen off of the bed and I was looking at her. The way her shorts slid over her ass when she bent over or the way her breasts pressed even harder against the t-shirt. I was visualizing her bending over with nothing on. Helen turned and looked in my direction as she began to stand. I was so busted. It was obvious that I was ogling her. I did the only thing I could think of at the time.

"I'm sorry." I said and went back to my task.

"What do you mean you're sorry?" Ms. Case asked pointedly.

When all else fails, like the ability to make up a good excuse fast... tell the vaguely as possible.

"You saw me looking at you, I didn't mean any disrespect, I'm sorry." I said truly ashamed.

"Kevin Baxter!" She said with that smile on her face. "You've been looking at me for how many years now?"

Helen now turned and sat on the mattress facing me.

"What do you mean?" I asked. When you're a kid you never admit anything.

"Ohhh let's see." She said with that same coy smile on her face. "I don't think I've laid out in the back yard for a week straight without you checking me out at least once from your parents apartment."

My heart was pounding. I knew I was really really busted.

"I think you've watched me around the house here ever since you've been helping me out. You're sorry you've been caught is what you're saying."

"Yes." I admitted it with just that single word.

"Do you like what I'm wearing Kevin?" Helen asked bending down from the bed to me on the floor.

I just nodded as I glanced up at her.

"I'm flattered Kevin. I don't mind you looking if you want to."

I returned a smile to her and lightened up a little. "It would be creepy if I just stared at you wouldn't it?" It was meant as a rhetorical question.

"You just look all you want Kevin." Helen said bending down further. She placed her lips on my forehead and kissed me.

The quietness of the room and her lingering fragrance added to my feelings of euphoria. I stood facing her and said nothing.

"No Kevin." Helen said drawing away. "We can't do this. We can't."

"Why not?" I asked.

"I want you too Kevin, believe me I do too but you're under age."

"I don't care Helen, I'll be eighteen in a few months anyway."

"It's the law Kevin, it's not worth the risk. I've gone too far anyway."

"Kevin, I hate to do this." Helen began. "It's probably best if we don't see each other for a while, at least until your eighteenth birthday. It's better that way."

"Why? I want to see you Helen..." She cut me off.

"I want to see you too Kevin, that's why. I'm afraid something might happen and we can't let that happen."

I felt like I was going to panic or maybe I was deep inside. Now that it was all in the open and Helen said that she liked me that way she was pushing me away. I didn't understand.

"Let's wait and see after your birthday, please."

The look in her eyes stopped my argument. She was so soft and beautiful.

"I'll give you the best birthday present I can give you, I promise."

Helen led me down the stairs by the hand leaving the bed unfinished. I opened the door and turned back to her. I think our eyes said everything we could say. I walked out the door without either of us saying goodbye. The sound of the door striker clicking in place sounded much louder than it actually was. That was it.

I turned eighteen three months later. It was more than six months before I saw Helen again. The last time I saw Helen was on a Saturday. I raced the next day, Sunday. I had a new motocross bike. I had started racing the 125 class at the beginning of last season. My dad bought me a used two stroke, a Yamaha YZ 125 to begin the class on but this season I was on a brand new Honda CR250F four stroke. It was a beautiful bike. It had loads of power. I had practiced on it several times and was able to clear some bigger jumps much easier than I ever could. I took second place in my first moto. I only took second because at the last minute, #24 risked it all and tripled the finish line section for the win. That jump had to be over a hundred feet, I doubled and singled it like everyone else had been doing, except for the 250 pros.

#24 and I came around the corner bar to bar on the last lap, he was freakin' fast. It was obvious he was going to take his triple again so I was too. I knew he had cleared it once nicely so as long as he stayed on the throttle I would know for sure I was going fast enough to clear it as well.

It didn't happen the way I thought it would. We were probably doing fifty to sixty as our front tires rolled onto the jump. At that speed you're committed. If you're going to abort a jump it has to be done way ahead of time. My bike sputtered on the face of the jump. Nothing big, a person listening wouldn't have heard it but at that speed and a jump like the one I was now committed to, a disruption of power, even one so fast that you can't hear it, you can only feel it, spells the difference between kissing the trophy girl and kissing the dirt. My bike soared into the air and I adjusted the throttle and tapped the brake to level the bike. I was fifteen feet in the air and before I even left the ground I knew it was going to be bad. Once a bike is air born there is little that can be done to change your fate good or bad.

I quickly saw that I was going to face the third hill. This meant that I was not going to land on the hill like an alpine ski jumper would. I was going to hit it on the back side. It would be like running into a brick wall. And that is what I did. My bike came down and my front tire impacted the hill directly in the center. As far as I was concerned it was lights out. I was told that my front wheel and forks folded under the front of the bike and broke. I was launched from the bike and sent though the air like a rag doll. In the air my bike flipped like a field goal kick and after more than four rotations, it landed on top of my lifeless body. My helmet was split in half from the impact of the swingarm to my head.

I regained consciousness two days after my birthday. I had been in a coma for over three months. That is a weird feeling. It was no different than being knocked unconscious and waking up a minute later. After waking three months later it felt the same as ten seconds. Three months just wiped away.

I stayed in the hospital for another two months while the doctors drained fluid from my head, my knees and my shoulders. There were rigs around my knees that were holding everything in place with pins that were drilled through my bones and screwed in place. The pain was fantastic. That's the only word to describe it. Searing white hot throbbing grinding splintered pain. There was a first place trophy sitting on the nightstand across from my bed. I tried to speak but nothing came out. Just a click in my throat and a choking sound. The pain wouldn't let me speak. My mom went and got it. She brought it to my bedside. "It's yours honey." She said with tears in her eyes. You and the other boy crossed together. He wouldn't let them draw. He said you won. There was a check attached for $500.

My mom told me of the countless people who had visited. I was listening for one name. Ms. Case. Ms. Case had visited with her daughter Julie. She said that several houses on the block had ribbons on the trees for my recovery, Ms. Case included. It was overwhelming.

I went home in a wheel chair but I felt pretty good. When my dad rolled me into the house I was faced with I think everyone on the block cheering and clapping. There was a cake and decorations and a lot of tears. I felt myself becoming emotional at the outpouring of these people. These were the people who would have been at my funeral had I not lived. I wiped the tears from my eyes as best I could and that was when I saw Helen standing in the back of the room with tears streaming down her beautiful face. She was trying to smile for me but her emotions were too much to overcome.

Six months from the day I crashed, I walked into my parent's house without any hardware sticking out of my body. I felt good but was weak. My mom and dad were taking the trip that I had to argue with them to take. They had been though a terrible ordeal with me and needed time away. They were going to the Caribbean for two weeks. I had to convince them that everything would be fine. If I had any problems, the neighbors would help out or I would call them personally.

Helen came by the day after my parents left and brought me a plate of cookies. I invited her in. She always looked so good.

"You turkey, do you have any idea what you put us through?" She said trying to be playful.

"I didn't mean to do it. I'm just glad I was out of it so I didn't have to feel any more pain than I did."

Helen just shook her head and smiled at me.

I placed my hand behind her head and drew her to me. We kissed softly like we had so many months ago.

"Can you come over?" She asked in a lover's voice.


Helen bit at her lower lip obviously thinking about something. "Can you come through the back yard, I don't want the neighbors to see anything."

"Sure." I said.

"In about twenty minutes."


That was the longest twenty minutes I had ever experienced I think. I went into our back yard and around the pool to the back where there was an access for the meter readers and slid through. As I approached the patio of Helens house she came out. Helen was dressed in her short shorts and a tight t-shirt... and no bra, just as she had been the day that I left her. I looked at all of her without worrying about her seeing me look at her.

When I was close enough she spoke. "Happy Birthday Kevin Baxter." I just drank her in with my eyes. "Do you like your present?" She asked.

I led her back in through the open door. "Yes."

"Open it." She said

I pulled the t-shirt out of the band of her shorts and pulled it up over her breasts. Helen's breasts were full and round and beautiful. I lowered my mouth to her breast and sucked it into my mouth. My hands went to her ass and slid under the legs of her shorts as I did.

Helen's hand went to my crotch and pressed against me. I pulled the front of my jeans open for her. Her soft fingers wrapped around my shaft and stroked it. That was all it took for me. I pulled open her shorts and slid my hand inside.

"Do you want to be here or upstairs in bed?" She asked.

I had to decide on the bed. As much as I would have enjoyed fucking her on the dining room table or the floor or the counter top, my knees weren't up to it.

"I want you in bed like we were."

Helen and I made our way upstairs to her bed and we quickly found ourselves in the same position we had been in the day we had to call it off. Helen and I were pressing our hips together in a mock fucking session. My hand caressed her breast as we pressed and kissed.

"Will you undress for me Helen?" I asked. I didn't have the strength to undress her myself on the bed.

Helen stood and faced me and pulled her shirt over her head. Her breasts were so gorgeous. She placed her thumbs in the band of her shorts and slid them from her hips to the floor along with her panties.

"You are so beautiful." I said trying to look at all of her.

Helen moved forward and lowered my pants to the floor.

"Let me suck you Kevin." She said in a whisper.

"Not yet Helen. I want to make love to you."

I lowered Helen to the bed and then myself on top of her with my hips between her spread legs. I could feel my body touching her wet flesh. With our arms around each other I only had to slide forward and into her. We both breathed deeply in a shaky sort of sigh. Helen's body felt like nothing I had ever felt before. She was not only beautiful to look at but beautiful to feel as well. Our time together making love for the first time was the most intense sexual experience I had ever had in my short love life.

When I finally released, my body shuttered and tensed. Helen pulled herself to me and held me tight.

"Come in me Kevin." Helen whispered.

I ended up staying at Helen's for most of the week. We made love to our hearts content. Our every desire fulfilled. The fact that she was 45 years old or that I was 18 made no difference at all. We were just two people that wanted nothing more than to satisfy one another and be together.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great story but...

The sex part only lasted one short paragraph with barely any description. Bit disappointing.

amann52amann52over 14 years ago

I enjoyed it greatly. Wish there a little more focus on the sex, but the build up was great

NeoRocketNeoRocketalmost 15 years ago
Very Good

You have writing chops! Make this part One. Write a part Two occurring more than 3 months later after rehab for that time. She could even assist in the rehab. The daughter could suspect something (she would be jealous the "bitch!"though she didn't really want him, with girls like that it's all about them being center). Finally thank you. For no great obligatory suck & cunnilingus or anal! That can happen (no big fan of ass sex anyhow) later but the first time is all about penetrating slowwwwly while gazing into your lovers eyes intimately watching the effects of the tortuously slow penetration below. Well written.

NeoRocketNeoRocketalmost 15 years ago
Very Good

You have writing chops! Make this part One. Write a part Two occurring more than 3 months later after rehab for that time. She could even assist in the rehab. The daughter could suspect something (she would be jealous the "bitch!"though she didn't really want him, with girls like that it's all about them being center). Finally thank you. For no great obligatory suck & cunnilingus or anal! That can happen (no big fan of ass sex anyhow) later but the first time is all about penetrating slowwwwly while gazing into your lovers eyes intimately watching the effects of the tortuously slow penetration below. Well written.

don87654don87654about 19 years ago
Good, but could have been better

Inasmuch as Kevin had had the accident and was nearly killed a very erotic part of this story would have been that Helen wanted him to impregnate her just in case he ever had an accident again where he did die, that way she would always have had something of him to love.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
longer ;)

The sex part should have been longer but the begining was well good

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
could be longer

you should have elongated the sex

VikingboyVikingboyabout 19 years ago
Very good

Great story...lovingly told....The only flaw was the coma... a three month coma most often results in moe damage to the mind than you should. I understand the purpose of getting by the 3 months, but I think you could have used a different vehicle, so to speak.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Beautiful MILF story.

This is a great MILF story. Very well written.

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