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Lucky Ep. 01

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Lucky meets his new owner.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/25/2017
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Lucky's New Owner

The world had changed for the better once the men were taken out of power. Or at least that's what the history books said. Hundreds of years ago men were downgraded from members of equality to something more akin to pets for the women who had taken over power. Men still had jobs for sure, but those jobs were delegated by the women in power and choice was not a luxury handed to men anymore.

The naming system had altered throughout the years as well. The governments of the world originally had a number system for each man and that's what they had to go by, but there were too many soft hearted owners who wanted to give their pets personal names. Eventually the leaders caved on the subject and the men were named by each owner on adoption day.

The man standing against the wall alongside the other men inside the adoption center still remembered his first adoption day. He had just turned twenty when the center decided to show him off to the shoppers. A group of women, looking to expand their pets came into the room to pick the best pet for their purposes. He had been picked by a woman who had already owned twelve of her own. He was her thirteenth and so she decided to call him lucky, as a play on the old belief that thirteen was an unlucky number.

She was a cruel owner and when she lost all of her money in the market, Lucky was one of the first to be sold off for cheap.

So here he was again. Standing against the wall and awaiting his new owner. Maybe he would be able to keep his name. The adoption center seemed fond of it, for they normally make a habit of changing names as soon as they received used goods and yet they decided against it for him.

His thoughts left his brain as the door opened and fifteen or so women stepped inside to view the men for sale. All of the women walked by each man, pinching, poking and squeezing various body parts as they inspected the properties.

Lucky was an impressive specimen due to his stacked muscles from working labor his last ten years of life. Many women stopped at him and read through his profile card, which hung from a chain around his neck.

One woman approached, studying him. Her long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and her angular facial features always seeming to be in a pout. She looked directly into his eyes, which caused him to look away. Many women seen it is as a challenge if you looked them in the eyes, so men were discouraged from allowing such a thing to happen.

He felt her hand pinch under his chin and lift his head up to look her in the eyes. He met her ice blue eyes and a small smile stretched across her face.

"I'll take this one," she said, not moving her eyes from his. "You're name is Lucky?"

"If that suits you," he stated quickly.

"Lucky it is," she said before stepping away and stepping into the room in the back with his profile card in her hand.

Moments went by before the woman finally stepped back and gestured for him to walk up to her, which he did. She reached up and placed a black collar around his neck that contained an ownership chip inside.

"Let's go Lucky," she said before turning from him and walking out the door of the adoption center.

As hard as he tried, he couldn't figure out what he was in for this time. He was never very good at reading people. He didn't know if his new owner was going to be ruthless with her tactics or if she might be a nicer owner like the ones he had heard about from other men while working labor.

He had heard tales of women treating their men nicely and even asking for opinions of different matters.

The woman stepped in the back of a black car and scooted over to the other side, where she patted the seat next to her.

"Come on in Lucky," she said with a soft and yet pleasing voice.

"Yes master," he stated as he hopped into the car and set still and upright, trying not to displease her.

"Cheryl," she said with a chuckle. "Call me Cheryl and close the door."

Lucky was shocked for a moment. He never thought he'd be able to call a woman by her name without fear of punishment before. He must have taken too long in shock because Cheryl leaned over him, grabbed his door and pulled it shut.

"I'm sorry," he said, feeling ashamed that he was already giving a terrible first impression.

"There's nothing to be sorry for," she said with a small laugh. "You must have come from a pretty harsh home."

He could see her staring at him from the side of his eyes for a moment, probably waiting for a response, but he didn't know what she wanted to hear. Women never allowed men to speak in negative light on another woman, even if they disliked the other woman themselves and yet lying was a terribly punishable sin as well.

"You are my first," she said with a sigh, "I've never felt the need for a man. Never really had time for one, with my career and everything."

Lucky slowly turned to see that the woman had tapped the button on her phone for the car to drive them to her house.

"I'm not sure what I even want with a man, but I figured it was time," she said as she turned to look him in the eyes. Lucky began to quickly turn his head from her out of fear of making eye contact, when her hand guided his head back. "I don't want you afraid of me."

He held his gaze on her for a moment until instinct caused him to look away slowly.

"What was your job with your last owner," she asked with a tone that suggested she was giving up on the eye contact for now.

"Mainly labor," he stated as he glanced out the window to see that he was heading further into the city than he had ever been before. "I was charged with building houses for new neighborhoods."

"And your owner collected all of the money from the labor that you performed," the woman said with what sounded like disgust in her voice, causing Lucky to look over to her in curiosity.

"I never thought about it," he stated. "I only do what I'm told to do."

"Well, I have no interest in having you do jobs that I don't do myself," she stated matter of factly. "Some women are just lazy. I'm not one of those women."

He wanted to ask what he would be doing on her behalf then, but knew better than to freely ask a question. She seemed to know exactly what was on his mind and smiled.

"I just want company mostly," she said as she looked down at her phone. "I don't have many friends, due to my work schedule and thought it would be nice to have someone to come home to."

"I'm here for your demands," he quickly added.

"Well, that's good," she chuckled. "For now let's just get you use to your new home."

Lucky was beginning to think he had made out pretty good with this new owner. She seemed nice and seemed to care more about him than his previous owner ever did.

The car pulled up to a one story house and stopped.

"Here we are," she said happily. "First thing's first. You need to wash that adoption center off of you."

She opened her door and walked around to open his. He managed to meet his eyes with hers before saying, "thank you."

Once she opened her front door, he stepped inside and looked around. The house wasn't nearly as large as the massive three story mansion that he was living in, but it felt more personal to make up for the lack of size.

"The bathroom is right over there," she stated with a quick point. "I don't have any clothes your size, so I hope you don't mind wearing a robe while I wash your cloths."

"I don't mind at all mas... Cheryl," he couldn't believe he had just called a female by her name. It was something that felt taboo to him at this point. She seemed to notice his hesitation and smiled at him.

"Good to hear," she laughed. "Now go and take a bath while I cook us some dinner."

Lucky found the bathroom easily and found that a bath had already been drawn for him. His new owner seemed to have everything hooked up through her phone, which was an extreme convenience for both him and her. He closed the door behind him, not locking it, for men were never to lock doors unless they wanted to be perceived as distrustful.

He pulled his clothes off and stacked them beside the door before stepping into the bath. The hot water felt amazing as he sunk down into it. Once he had lathered and washed his entire body from head to toe, he laid his head back and closed his eyes. His exhaustion must have been worse than he thought, because the next thing he knew, he had fallen asleep.

A knock at the door caused him to jump in alarm.

"You okay in there," Cheryl's voice called from the other side.

"Yes master," he gulped in shock. How could he have been so dumb as to fall asleep when a task had been demanded of him. What task? He racked his brain to think of what he was told to do before seeing the bathrobe hanging on the wall reminded him.

He jumped out of the tub and started drying his body off with a nicely folded towel as the door opened. Cheryl's eyes widened as she seen her new pet in the nude. He didn't know what to do or say so he just dropped the towel and stood straight for her to inspect him.

"I'm sorry," he spit out quickly. "I fell asleep in the bath. It won't happen again."

"Well," she cleared her throat as her eyes shot back to his face. "That's probably a good thing. You could drown doing that. Anyway, dinner's ready."

Lucky put on the bathrobe and followed his owner into the dining room, where she had his and her plates setting across from one another at the small table.

"I hope you like pasta," she said, with sound of concern in her voice. "I didn't even think to ask."

He thought it was bizarre that asking him what kind of food he liked was even a thought to her and wasn't sure what to say. He had never even thought about liking for disliking food before.

"I like pasta a lot," he stated as he sat down at his plate across from her. "Thank you."

"You did it again by the way," she said with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry," he stated, unsure as to what he had done.

"Do you even know what you did," she asked as her smile disappeared.

"No mas...," then he remembered calling her master before in the tub. "I called you master."

"My name's Cheryl," she stated as she looked into his eyes.

"Yes Cheryl," he copied.

He sat in silence as he ate the food on the plate. She would occasionally attempt some form of small talk, but Lucky had no experience in such conversations, so he wasn't much help. Once they had both finished their food, Cheryl showed him his toothbrush and items for bedtime rituals before showing him to his own room.

He looked around and couldn't believe that the entire room was for him. He had never had his own space before. The bed looked large and comfortable and he even had his own closet, what good that was.

"Well, I'm off to my own bed now," she said as she stood at his doorway. "I'm right across the hall so just knock on my door if you need anything okay?"

"Yes Cheryl," he said as he looked over to her with almost a smile on his face. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me Lucky," she called before closing his door.

He didn't know what he should do. He didn't know what to believe. He even felt as though he could wake up from this dream any moment and be back at his old master's house. He dismissed all thoughts from his head and slid into his new bed.

The small humm from the ceiling fan had him almost asleep when foreign sounds caught his attention. It sounded as like cries coming from another room. He set up in bed as he heard it again. Moans and cries were carrying into his room from somewhere else.

He shot out of bed to head in the direction of the sounds. It sounded like Cheryl. She could be in trouble and it was his primary objective as her pet to see to it that she is safe. He slowly opened his door and could hear the moans coming from the door across from his. Fright and loyalty shot through him as he swung open her door and readied himself for a fight only to find a very startled Cheryl lying in bed, pulled her covers up over her body.

"What are you doing," she shouted in alarm, "Why would you barge into my room in the middle of the night!?"

"I'm sorry," he stuttered. "I heard sounds and thought you were in danger. It was my mistake. I swear it won't happen again."

Cheryl's demeanor changed from fright to what seemed to be sympathy. She slid out of her bed and walked over to him.

"I'm sorry Lucky," she said in a soft tone," She placed her hands on the sides of his arms and looked him in the eyes. "It must be hard to be in a new house."

That's when Lucky noticed that she was wearing a little silky black top with matching panties and nothing else. He had to put the appearance out of his head by looking away. She seemed to notice his lack of comfort and pushed against him in a tight hug.

"You are home," she said through the hug. "You don't need to be uncomfortable."

Her hug pushed the slit of his bathrobe apart and he could feel her tight belly push against his penis, causing it to instinctively grow slightly. She must have noticed the change, for she pulled back and looked him in the eyes again.

"I'm sorry," he managed to spit out before she shut him up by pressing her open mouth to his.

He could feel her hands working the belt of the bathrobe before sliding it entirely off of him and dropping to the floor. She pulled back and looked him up and down, stopping at the sight of his almost fully erect penis.

She slid her panties off and kicked them across the room and then pulled her top off to reveal her small but perky breasts, which was enough to cause Lucky's dick to reach up and begin throbbing.

"Ever do this with your old master," she asked in a whisper.

"No," he answered. She had her pets for the one purpose of sex, but he was never one of those pets.

"Then this will be a first for the both of us," she stated as he could feel her hand wrap around his cock and begin to stroke it gently.

"I thought about paying for the service a few times," she said as she pulled him toward the bed by his dick. "I even went to a sex center once, but backed out at the last second."

Once she reached the bed, she laid on her back and spread her legs as she looked up at him.

"Be gentle," she whispered as he crawled on top of her. Her lips met his once more and he could feel the tip of his dick slightly touch the wetness of her pussy, causing her to gasp in anticipation.

He felt her hand around his dick once more as she pulled it further toward her. He pushed until he could feel her warmth surround the tip of his throbbing cock. She let out a moan similar to the one he heard through the door a few moments earlier.

"Slowly," she whispered as her hands pressed against his chest with a small push. "It's starting to hurt little."

"I'm sorry," he grunted. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

He started to pull away when he felt her legs wrap around his ass and stop him.

"The pain feels good," she moaned "Don't stop, just don't go too fast."

He could feel her legs squeeze him forward and followed with that, pushing his dick a bit deeper inside of her. When her legs stopped squeezing, he stopped pushing. Her moans continued along with the occasional squeeze of encouragement, until his dick was completely submerged by her.

Her legs released him as her eyes stared right into him. Her breathing was deep and her moans were driving him crazy.

"Fuck me gently," she demanded.

He slowly pulled his dick partially out before pushing it back in. Every little bit seemed to cause pleasure to her so he continued going a bit faster with every push to match the intensity of her moans until he was going almost as fast as he could and her moans had turned into screams. He could feel her fingernails digging into his back as she began shaking and screaming "I'm cumming!"

He couldn't last much longer but wasn't sure what he was suppose to do. This was his first time having sex and wasn't sure what he should do with his own orgasm. She must have noticed the confusion on his face because she smiled and wrapped her legs around him once more.

"Cum," she ordered as her hips began to arc back and forth. He could feel the muscles in her pussy close around him tightly as she began orgasming again and he could take any more.

With a groan he released shot after shot of his cum inside of his new master as she screamed into a pillow. Once the last drop of cum had released from his dick, Lucky collapsed onto her bed and rolled over onto his back. They laid there for what felt like an eternity before Cheryl broke the silence.

"I think I found your new job," she said with a laugh.

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someonesGoodBoysomeonesGoodBoy11 months ago

HELLOOOOO YOWSAAA! Thank youuuu :)

If you can't tell, I like it ^_^

DarkMatter23DarkMatter23over 5 years ago
I like the way it starts.

Nice story idea. I’m gonna enjoy reading this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Dumbest shit I ever read.

jane marwoodjane marwoodalmost 7 years ago

I liked that, but far too short.

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