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Luxurious Leather Lady Pt. 15

Story Info
Edward returns to Miss Vera's for further teasing.
3.8k words

Part 15 of the 16 part series

Updated 12/31/2023
Created 08/30/2022
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The Return Visit

I would like to say that, as the days counted down to the appointed time I was expected to return to Miss Vera's estate, that I was calm and reserved. That I faced the ticking hands of the clock as well as what awaited me at the end of the week with a sort of quiet dignity and grace.

Alas, I was rather certain any dignity I may have had was long gone, having drifted away that first moment in which I pressed my eager lips to Miss Vera's leather glove, and it was never coming back.

The truth was, I spent the remainder of that week indulging in a truly hedonistic display of desperate edging, allowing myself to do that which I had been denied the previous seven days. Practically every waking moment in which I was not at work nor on my way there or back, or eating of course, was spent sitting by my computer watching video after video and staring longingly at picture after picture, hand wrapped around my aching cock and stroking it in reverence to my beloved leather Goddess.

If I'd thought I'd been desperate before, I was quite mistaken. As Friday drew ever closer, the yearning I felt for Miss Vera and her lovely leather only grew stronger. By the time I clocked out and started heading towards her estate once more, I was half-mad with lust, my mind really and truly warped with desire. I would do anything and everything she asked of me, especially if it meant I'd have the chance at long last to release all that I had pent up since our first meeting.

I could only be so lucky.

As the grandeur of Miss Vera's home came into view just up ahead, my heart began to beat faster, sending blood pumping down to my desperate erection. The memories of my previous visit immediately flooded the forefront of my mind- good and bad, and I relished remembering all that I'd done and had done to me.

Yet just as I found myself waxing nostalgic for little over a month ago, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Immediately I pulled it out and noticed a message from Miss Vera.

Opening it with bated breath, I read her words as if they were from some holy text. "Apologies my dear Edward, but I shall be a little late this evening. I do hope you'll wait by the door like a good boy until I arrive."

I shook my head with a groan. Of course, I would. And Miss Vera knew it. She simply enjoyed toying with me and, frankly, I'd grown to enjoy it as well. Sliding my phone back into my pocket, I pulled up and parked my car in the same spot as the last time, then headed along the stone path to the front of her estate.

Were I anywhere else, preparing to see anyone else, I would have simply stood there and waited for them. But this was Miss Vera, which meant something else entirely was expected- nay, required, of me.

Without a second thought, I dropped to my knees and waited on the front stoop like a loyal dog waiting for his owner's return.

Which, given the collar still locked around my neck which bore her name, I more or less was.

Minutes passed, the sun on the horizon slowly making its way down for its nightly slumber, and still, I waited. My knees ached a little, but I knew that was nothing compared to the pain which would likely come my way were I to be on my feet when Miss Vera arrived.

After nearly an hour, a car made its way up the path, the headlights illuminating my kneeling form as it stopped in front of the house.

The driver's side door opened, revealing a tall man dressed in a chauffeur's uniform, one which also included a black leather hood which hid the man's features. He did not acknowledge me, simply walked towards the back door of the car, opened it, and offered a band to the Goddess waiting inside.

Miss Vera stepped out of the car dressed to the nines. A fur coat covered much of her, although I could still see the red leather gloves encasing her hands as well as hear the tapping of her red knee-high leather boots as they clicked their way along the path.

It took me a moment to realize I knew each piece of her outfit rather well- I'd bought them for her less than a week ago. They were from the bundle I'd had sent here while she was away, and the fact that Miss Vera was wearing them filled me with pride. She'd liked them, and more than that, she wanted me to know it.

She looked as ravishing as she had the last time I'd been lucky enough to be in her presence, and it took everything I had to keep my head down as she approached the front stoop where I still knelt waiting for her.

The driver brought the car into the garage and then vanished, more than likely heading over to the slave quarters I'd seen during my previous visit. I once more wondered when or if I would find myself blessed enough to join him and all the others there.

Upon reaching the front door, Miss Vera unlocked it and stepped inside, not even offering me as much as a second glance as she passed me by. It was as if I wasn't even there, and such treatment only made my cock grow harder. I longed for her acknowledgement, and would gladly kneel there all night if she wished me to.

Luckily for me, she wasn't that cruel.

"Come along, Edward. We have a busy night ahead..."

Crawling behind her, I felt the cool marble of the floor beneath my hands and, the moment the door was shut and locked behind me, I began to strip off my clothes until I was once again bare naked before my Goddess, save for the leather collar locked tightly around my neck.

Miss Vera slipped off her fur coat and placed it carefully in the hall closet, revealing the black and red leather top and black leather miniskirt she'd been wearing beneath it, then removed a familiar leash from the closer and shut the door. Attaching it to the collar, she gave it a gentle tug and began pulling me forward, down the hallway of the house and towards a door I had not expected to see on this particular visit.

The one which led to her dungeon.

I shuddered at what could possibly await me down there, but I dared not utter a single word in protest. Simply being this close to Miss Vera again after so long was more than enough to silence any intrusive thoughts or worrisome questions. Whatever she had in store for me, I looked forward to it like a child on Christmas morning.

We made our way down the steps and into the darkness of the basement-turned-dungeon in absolute silence, my eyes moving all about just as they had the last time I'd found myself down here. I'd expected a rather harsh punishment then, and had most certainly received one. Could I possibly have incurred yet another one without realizing it?

I hoped not. After the collar, I wasn't sure if I could handle something worse.

Once we reached the bottom, Miss Vera quietly led me towards a room at the back of the dungeon, where she attached the end of my leash to a small hook beside the door. "I need to slip into something a little more fitting for tonight's fun. Don't go anywhere."

She winked at me before slipping into the room and shutting the door behind her. I gulped as my mind reeled with the endless possibilities which could be found in that word, 'fun'. Given where we were, I was quite certain that whatever it was would be more fun for her than me, but then again, Miss Vera's pleasure was all that mattered.

From behind the door, I could hear the sound of her removing her boots, the leather slipping onto the floor as she stepped out of them- a task I wished I could have helped with if only for the opportunity to hold that lovely leather in my hands as well as to be of service.

This was followed by similar sounds, all of which I could only assume were the removal of the rest of her outfit. Much as I loved her chosen attire- both because I had purchased it for her and because it looked amazing on her, I knew whatever she would change into would likely be just as tantalizing. I shivered with anticipation, wondering just what she would be wearing when she stepped back outside.

As I had come to expect by this point, Miss Vera kept me waiting. She knew how badly I longed to gaze upon her beauty, how long I'd waited for the chance to return here. And she was going to keep me waiting as long as she possibly could. That was part of the fun.

After several minutes, I heard bootheels tapping against the floor once more, followed by the turning of the knob as the door opened up. And once it was open, Miss Vera stepped back out into the dungeon in all her glory.

I nearly blew my load right then and there.

Her wondrous curves were covered by a long, tight, black leather dress which ended a little ways past her thighs, although those would barely be seen beneath the pair of thigh-high black leather boots I'd purchased for her during my recent spree. But her arms- her beautiful arms, were bare, practically begging for leather of their own.

Like the pair of gloves she was holding.

"I know how much you love my gloves, Edward. So I thought I'd let you watch me slip these on..."

My eyes widened as Miss Vera held them out- a pair of unlined shoulder-length black leather gloves which practically shimmered in the dim light of the dungeon. I'd known the moment I'd laid eyes on them at the shops that they would look amazing on her, and now I was going to see for myself.

Ever so slowly, Miss Vera slid a hand into one of them, gently pulling the leather along as her fingers slipped inside and stretched outward as the rest of her arm followed suit. The leather practically engulfed her, replacing the pale flesh with black leather, and I knelt there, transfixed, as the first glove finished its journey along her arm.

The other one followed suit, and before I knew it, Miss Vera stood before me in tight black leather, every bit the veritable leather Goddess that I so adored.

"Like what you see, Edward? I do too... Just as I liked seeing them waiting for me when I returned from my travels."

I blushed as Miss Vera slid her leather-clad fingers through my hair. "You truly went above and beyond my expectations... Not only did you manage to make it a week without touching your dicklet or looking at my content, but you gifted me such wonderful things. Such a good boy you are Edward."

And I truly felt like one.

Unhooking the leash, she took it in her gloved hand and led me ever deeper into the dungeon. We passed several implements of torture and punishment, each one reminding me of the countless times I'd seen them used in videos she'd made, as well as filling my mind with the possibilities of them being used on me tonight. Pleased as she was by my gifts, we were still in the dungeon, and I doubted it was for anything pleasant.

Yet Miss Vera never once stopped, never picked one up, and instead brought me to another small room in the furthest corner of the basement.

Flicking on a light, she stepped inside, and I crawled behind her, only to be surprised to find myself in a rather normal-looking room. One which would not have seemed the least bit out of place in the upper levels of this or any other well-furnished home.

Except for the one thing which stood out against the mundanity of the rest of the room.

A throne.

It was black and silver, forged from a metal I could not name, with a black leather seat and back which suited the lady of the house rather well. Miss Vera walked towards it and took a seat, still holding my leash as I knelt there at her feet, waiting to see what came next.

"First things first. I believe it's time we remove this collar, don't you, Edward?"

I was quite taken aback by her question, having not expected such a thing. The idea of the collar being removed had not crossed my mind, even as a part of me had wished for such a thing ever since it had first been placed around my neck. To be freed from that particular punishment should have made me smile.

But it didn't.

Instead, I felt slightly conflicted.

On the one hand, it had certainly served its purpose, and countless strangers were now well aware of the fact that I was owned by Miss Vera. Likewise, once it was removed, I would no longer need to worry about people spotting it or inquiring as to its meaning, something which I had been waiting for.

On the other...

Every morning when I gazed at it in the bathroom mirror, every time I'd proudly shown it off and told anyone who asked about it why I was wearing it, every time I had shown evidence of that to Miss Vera, I had felt pleased with myself. I had done what had been asked of me, and by doing such a thing, I had made my Goddess very happy.

And I wanted nothing more than to make Miss Vera happy.

"I... I don't know," I finally replied, and she looked down at me with curiosity.

"Are you quite certain, Edward? I may never offer to remove it again."

I considered this possibility, yet after weighing it against what keeping it would mean, that didn't seem to matter all that much.

"Yes, Miss Vera. I want to keep it on."

A small smile made its way across her crimson lips, one which sent shivers through me. I couldn't tell if it was a happy one or a cruel one, although where Miss Vera was concerned, those two things tended to be one and the same. "Well, now I'm not sure I want to leave it on you... After all, it was meant as a punishment. I can't leave it on simply because you enjoy wearing it, now can I Edward?"

My eyes widened in fear. "Please Miss Vera, I beg of you. I want to keep it on. For you."

One of her gloved hands moved up to her mouth in a mock gesture of shock, and I went red in the face as Miss Vera suppressed a giggle at my response. "That is very kind of you, Edward. You want to keep showing everyone that you're Miss Vera's lucky little slave, don't you?"

I nodded. "Yes, Miss Vera."

Tugging gently on the leash, Miss Vera beckoned me closer. Her boots were so close now, my mouth watered at the sight of the smooth black leather covering nearly every inch of her legs. I wanted nothing more than to kiss them, lick them, show them the reverence they and she so rightfully deserved, yet I dared not do such a thing without being told to.

"Very well... But I think it's time we get a few things straight Edward..."

Reaching down, Miss Vera took hold of one of my hands, the cool leather sending fresh jolts along my body even as my cock continued reaching out for her boots. "Tell me, who do these hands belong to, Edward?"

The sensation of the leather touching my hand momentarily froze my brain in place, and I struggled to think of a suitable answer for her even as I wasn't sure I understood the question. Yet after a few seconds, the only one which seemed to make sense made itself known.

"You, Miss Vera. To carry your bags and serve you however you desire."

I had no idea where that had come from, yet just as with each time that had come before, it flowed so freely, so honestly, that I knew deep down it was the honest-to-Goddess truth. A truth I would never have been able to understand nor accept without the help of Miss Vera.

"Very good, Edward."

Letting go of my hand, Miss Vera's glove moved up towards my face, stopping at my chin and grasping it in her hand. "Who does this mouth belong to, Edward?"

I could smell the leather now, so strong and so lovely, it crawled its way up towards my nose and around my already weak mind. I'd nearly forgotten what it felt like to have Miss Vera's gloved hand on my face, the sweet scent, the wondrous sensation. It was true bliss.

Yet she still expected an answer. One which I found came just as easily as the first one had. "To you, Miss Vera. To kiss, lick and worship you, your leather, and the ground that you walk upon."

Miss Vera smiled. "Very good Edward..." Her glove moved up a little, letting her fingers rest just below my nose. "And this, Edward? Who does this nose belong to?"

The scent was ever stronger now, and I wanted to melt into the floor as it continued to wash over me. "To you, Miss Vera," I groaned, "To breathe in the scent of your leather... The scent of submission..."

"You've learned so much, Edward," she said softly, giving my nose a pinch between her leather-clad fingers. "But we're far from finished."

Moving her glove to my eyes, she covered them with the leather palm. "These, Edward? Who do they belong to?"

"To you, Miss Vera," I answered without a second thought, the sight of her glove my entire word. "To gaze upon your beauty..."

Her little quiz continued on all over my body, and each time her glove stopped, replied with answers which now seemed almost second nature to me. Ears to listen to her commands, neck to wear the collar which bore her name... It was slightly dehumanizing, having every part of me revealed as little more than something which existed to serve her, yet the truth was that was all I longed to do anymore.

It was only when her glove made its way down my back that I stiffened up, both from the sensation as well as the question likely to follow in its wake. "What about these," Miss Vera continued, her leather-clad hand cupping one of my bare ass cheeks. "Who do they belong to?"

Once more, I considered the question as best I could, knowing part of the answer yet unsure of the rest. I wracked my brain even as her fingers teased my bottom, forcing my aching cock to begin leaking precum onto the floor in front of me.

Suddenly, my mind raced back to my previous visit. More specifically, the time spent in Miss Vera's closet, and what she had done to me there. And right then, I knew the proper answer. "To you, Miss Vera. To punish whenever and however you see fit whenever I step out of line."

Miss Vera smiled and gave my bottom a gentle spank, causing me to jump, much to her amusement. "Very good, Edward..."

Tracing a line around my body with a smooth, leather finger, Miss Vera stopped upon reaching my knee, still pressed against the floor as it had been since I'd first arrived. "And these, Edward? Who do they belong to?"

Sore as they were from kneeling first at her front door, then crawling along the floor and down the steps, and now here, just feeling one of her gloved hands caress me nearly made me forget all of that. This one was easy. "To you, Miss Vera. To kneel before you like the slave that I am."

Without a word, Miss Vera nodded and moved her glove all the way up my body until she reached my forehead. Pressing a leather-clad finger against it, she continued. "And this?"

It took me a moment to realize exactly which part of me she was referring to, given she'd already inquired about my eyes, nose, ears and mouth. But once I understood, I knew precisely what to say. Yet another truth I had recently come to accept. "To you, Miss Vera. To think only of you... My mind is yours."

A warm smile crossed her face, and she traced a line down, past the collar, all the way to the middle of my bare chest. "And what about this?"

Just as with the previous question, I was slow to grasp the meaning, but this time I was much quicker on the uptake. "To you, Miss Vera. My heart is yours and yours alone."

"Very good Edward... We're nearly done. Just one more rather important question..."

Her finger slowly made its way down my chest, the sensation of it only adding further fuel to the flames of desire which had been burning ever since I'd arrived if not longer. Miss Vera was teasing me thoroughly, and I was loving every second of it. There really was only one part of me left to ask about, and I waited to see if it was indeed what I expected,

As her glove passed my stomach and then my waist, I watched until the black leather finger slid along the length of my aching, leaking shaft, then quickly grasped it in her leather-clad hand. "And what about this little dicklet of yours, Edward? Who does it belong to?"

The moment her fingers wrapped around my erection, a mess of precum spurted out and I moaned louder than I had in weeks. Just feeling her gloved hand on my cock was nearly more than I could bear, but I had made it this far. After all my edging for her, there was no way I was going to blow my load now, much as I may have wanted to.


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