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Making a Baby

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Short story about the pleasure of family loving.
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Ok, here goes, I'm fifty years old and married with three grown children. Sadly current medical issues hamper my sexually activities with my wife but we are still going strong thanks to toys and my talented tongue. While that is going on erotica has became a bigger part of our sex life. We read to each other. Which in turn got me wanting to write my own stories. I understand there is no excuse for poor grammar but I'm not a professional writer. I just enjoy writing smutty short stories.

With that said, here is hoping you enjoy my stories and that they get your juices going. I'd love to hear what you think about them beyond my poor grammar.

Making a baby

Back at the beginning of March my sister Joyce, 39, single, and overweight was going on about how she was worried she might never have children of her own. She is the oldest of four and I'm the youngest at 33. I'm also single and had recently gotten out of a three year relationship. I was on the losing end so to speak and decided to have a holiday and visited Joyce to reset.

I arrived late on a Friday and Joyce met me at the airport and took me to her place. We talked for a while and I noticed brochures on IVF and other similar things on her coffee table and that was when she told me that she was thinking of having a baby. But all the legal and medical issues were giving her headaches.

I told her just to go out and do it the old fashioned way, pick some man, bed him and get pregnant that way. No need to have a relationship or see him again.

"If only I could, she said, but I'm not very good at meeting men and as for picking one up.

I said, I will try to help you. we could go out to see if we can get you laid.

We did and I was doing okay with the women but Joyce, she was just sitting in a corner. I knew I had to introduce her to the men. I tried but she couldn't keep things going. Once we got back to her place she was even more dejected than before we went out.

I didn't know what to say to make her feel better and I hated to see her so down.

Then suddenly I said, If you can't find anyone to get you pregnant, I will do it and get you pregnant.

This was shocking at first to her, but then she said, That would solve a lot of her problems.

She said, she would think it over and headed off to her bed and I went to mine.

I was woken up by Joyce a while later, she said that she couldn't sleep, thinking about what I had said.

Then she asked, if I was really willing to get her pregnant?

I wasn't fully awake, and said I was.

Then she said, Ok, I think we should give it a try.

That woke me straight up, I followed her to her bed. It was awkward at first. Joyce didn't want to get naked.

She said, most men are turned off by her fat rolls.

I told her all I cared about was if she had a nice hot wet pussy for my cock and her weight only added more cushion for the pushing.

Finally she agreed to get naked. Like a lot of big women, Joyce had large tits with oval shaped dark areolas topped with fat nipples. When I climbed on the bed I went straight for a tit and sucked hard on her fat nipple. I worked a hand slowly up from her knee massaging as I went until I was at her pussy lips. I pushed two fingers in between her meaty folds and found her clit. With my mouth on her tit and my fingers on her clit it wasn't long before she was wet enough for fucking.

I slid between her legs and with my hands behind her knees I pushed her legs up. I looked down between her ample thighs at her thick pouty pussy lips. For a moment I thought about drop down and munching on her muff, but at that moment I really wanted to fuck.

With a grin I said, here it comes.

Then I rammed my cock to the hilt up my sister's twat. Joyce let out a gasp. I yanked back pulling my cock completely out of my sister and then rammed it back in. She gasped again as I suddenly refilled her cunt. over and over I repeat delivering hard jarring thrusts. Each time her gasp got louder and louder. Then I yanked my cock out and grabbed it around the base. I began slapping her pussy lips with my hard cock. Then I slide my along her slit between those meaty pussy lips. Rubbing my cock hard on her clit.

Joyce gasped loudly which was what I was working for. Then from her honey hole a little fountain of clear liquid gushed out. Having made my sister squirt I slammed my cock into her slippery twat and began treating my sister's sensitive pussy to rapid fucking, she screamed out in pleasure. I continued these rapid fire fucking thrusts until I couldn't hold back any more. I rammed as deeply as possible and unloaded my seed into my sister with a loud grunt.

I rolled off my sister and laid next to her breathing heavily.

Joyce told me that no one had ever fuck her like that.

I grinned and asked, so you liked it?

She didn't answer me but she went to sleep smiling.

In the morning I woke up with a case of morning wood and with Joyce snoring gently next to me. I thought about waking her up first, instead I woke her by mounting her. She woke up gasping as I delivered a hard ramming thrust. I pounded her until I again left my seed in her. Afterwards we showered together then headed out for breakfast and to see the sights of the city.

On getting back to her place, she went to her bedroom and began undressing. As soon as she popped her big tits out of her bra I felt my cock began to harden.

I asked her, Wanted to work on making a baby?

She replied, if you're up for it...

I grabbed her hand and put it on my crotch so she could feel my cock growing harder by the second.

I've never had so much sex in a week. For any guy who has tried to knock up a woman, you know the excitement and enjoyment of filling and refilling your woman with load after load of cum. Every chance I got I would leave my seed inside her. When I left for home she was a lot happier than when I had arrived.

At the end of May I was told by our mother that Joyce was moving back to our home town. She could work anywhere and had already bought her own place.

This was a surprise to me, as she hadn't said anything to me about returning home. I was happy and help her set her new place with others from the family.

When we were alone she told me that I had succeeded in getting her pregnant so she was moving back to be closer to the family and me.

I was happy for her and she asked me, would I like to be the godfather to her baby?

I accepted.

At a family dinner that night she told the family that she had got pregnant from a one night stand and would raise the child alone with help from the family. Everyone was happy for her, the next day she told me that she missed me fucking her and if I wanted to she was ready to spread her legs for me anytime I wanted.

on making a baby?

She replied, if you're up for it...

I grabbed her hand and put it on my crotch so she could feel my cock growing harder by the second.

I've never had so much sex in a week. For any guy who has tried to knock up a woman, you know the excitement and enjoyment of filling and refilling your woman with load after load of cum. Every chance I got I would leave my seed inside her. When I left for home she was a lot happier than when I had arrived.

At the end of May I was told by my mother that Joyce was moving back to our home town. She could work anywhere and had already bought her own place.

This was a surprise to me, as she hadn't said anything to me about returning home. I was happy and help her set her new place with others from the family.

When we were alone she told me that I had succeeded in getting her pregnant and so she moved back to be closer to the family and me.

I was happy for her and she asked me if I would like to be the godfather to her baby and I accepted.

At a family dinner that night she told the family that she was pregnant from a one night stand and would raise the child alone with help from the family. Everyone was happy for her, the next day she told me that she missed me fucking her and she was ready to spread her legs for me anytime I wanted.

I said, how about right now, to that.

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cageysea9725cageysea9725about 3 years ago

Don't listen to the comments that say it's good, not bad, or nice. It's none of that.

Don't waste your time looking for an editor. The only ones who will be willing to edit this garbage are people no better at the English language than you are, and they can't fix it.

LiberatedLoversLiberatedLoversabout 3 years ago

Grat story and yes, needs editing but great flow and theme.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 3 years ago

Not bad but you need an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Yeah, some messed up cut/paste doubled sections, but even without that, still a bit… bland. You managed to make a hot subject like sibcest seem almost boring.

Sparrow69Sparrow69about 3 years ago

Nice and short, but there was a paragraph that was repeated. Aside from that it was good for being new at this. It really could have been a bit longer with more attempts before and after telling the family. This would be a good multiple chapter sibling love story.

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