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Mandy Gets Her Loan

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Mandy has to convince the bank manager to give her the loan.
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'Make sure you dress to impress,' Shaun said as Mandy went about getting ready for her loan appointment at the bank. She was already running late due to her other classes.

I know. I really need to get this, it's my last chance, Mandy thought. 'OK, I'm off, how do I look?'

'You look great Babe, and a bit of cleavage I see. Well a girl has to do what a girl has to do,' he said with a laugh.

'Can't hurt can it. OK, bye and wish me luck,' Mandy said as she ran out the door. She was running late and it was close to closing time at the bank. She was sure it would be OK. Geoff the bank manager was helpful, but a bit young and brash she thought recalling the initial appointment. Not a bad looking sort of guy either she thought. She arrived with a few minutes to spare, hoping it won't take long as she grabbed her papers and forms.

'Hi Mandy, cutting it a bit fine,' Geoff said as he met her at the counter. 'Come on through to the loans department,' he said smiling. They started going over the paperwork, checking figures. Mandy noticed Geoff stealing the odd glance at her cleavage whenever she leant across to check the documents. Pity I wasn't single, or a bit younger she thought for a second. He's a bit young anyway.

After a few minutes the remaining cashier popped into the office. 'I've finished for the day, I'll lock up as I go out since you're busy,' she offered.

'Thanks. Hopefully we won't be too long. See you tomorrow,' Geoff replied. They checked a few more forms, and then Geoff checked his emails. 'Well, your figures look OK, but from the Bank's point of view you're a bit of loan risk being self employed. Just looking at the facts and figures, we are going to need a bit of convincing on your capacity to repay'.

Christ she thought. Another knock back coming up. 'I know it doesn't look great being self employed these days, but as you can see I've got a good regular cash flow, and little debt. I really do need this loan and this is my last chance so I don't want to blow this,' Mandy replied as she leant across identifying the income figures.

Geoff looked up and from where he sat he had a nice view of Mandy's cleavage finely outlined by her black satin bra. 'Yes, good figures indeed,' he said with a smile. After a moment she realised what he was looking at and sat back slightly flustered.

Geoff got up and walked around to the front of the desk and sat on the edge. 'Perhaps I can persuade the approval process, but I'll just need a bit of convincing myself,' he said with a sly wink.

Christ, is he thinking what I think he's thinking she thought? 'So how do I convince you, you already have all my facts and figures in front of you,' Mandy replied, pointing to the forms.

'Well, you certainly don't have to blow this chance for a loan, so you can always save the blowing for something else,' he said looking again at her breasts.

Does he mean...shit she thought. Mandy then remembered what Shaun said just before she left. A girl has to do what a girl has to do. She looked at him smiling, then ran her eyes down his chest, and down to his crotch. Already she could make out the outline of his bulge. I really can't blow this loan, but can I blow...fuck it, she thought. 'So you're suggesting I have an option which will guarantee my loan?' Mandy said as she looked him in the face with a wry smile.

'Sure. There's always options and opportunities for getting what we want in life. Even life's little discrete pleasures that no-one needs to know about,' he replied.

Mandy thought for a few moments. Fuck it, it's only a BJ she thought. 'Sign the approval first,' Mandy said.

Geoff leaned back, grabbed a pen and the form and signed. 'Loan approved,' he said.

Mandy turned in her chair to face him, reached her hands out and rubbed the now building bulge in his trousers. Looks a nice hard cock she thought to herself. Moving in closer, she found his belt, loosened it, pooped the button of his trousers, and reached in. Her fingers found his hard, and already slippery cock. He's been a bit excited about all this she thought. Her fingers wrapped around his cock and she tugged it free. Mmmmm, not so bad. Nice and cut and clean she thought. Mandy looked up at Geoff, then moved her head forward until her lips were almost touching his cock head. Here goes being the good wife she thought as she took his cock into her mouth. She nibbled and licked and sucked his cock, pleased at least that he wasn't some fat middle aged man smelling of bad body odour. He in fact wasn't bad looking, and his cock tasted clean so Mandy gave in to the moment, continuing to suck his cock like she sucked Shaun's. It didn't take long before she felt his balls begin to tighten. Geoff held her head lightly, pulling her in closer. A moment later she could feel and taste his salty sweet cum filling her mouth. As she swallowing his load she thought the deal would be done.

'Your turn,' he said quietly pulling her up and then turning her around so he could kiss and nibble the back of her neck. Doing so he pulled her top up over her shoulders. His hands pulled her bra straps down until her breasts poked free. He cupped each breast in his hands and lightly pinched her nipples until they were pert and hard. Geoff then firmly pushed her forwards over the desk, her arms stretched forwards as she felt the cool desk top on her hard nipples. She felt his hands pull her dress up and pull down her panties. She was now laid forward over his desk, exposed, waiting, and excited.

She felt his tongue bury and probe into her pussy, which she a little surprised to feel already wet and slippery with her juices. He licked and sucked, his tongue flicking slowly and lightly over her clit. Fuck that's good she thought, and she pressed into the desk. His licking stopped, and she felt his cock now pressing against her pussy lips. He poised for a moment as he lubed himself with her juices. He slowy entered her, his thrusts shallow and slow, but as the rythm increased he pressed deeper and firmer into her. Fuck, that is good she thought. With one hand pressing her shoulder, the other grabbed an fistful of hair and pulled her head back just so slighty so she felt subdued and ravaged at the same time.

His pace quicked and Mandy could tell he wasn't far from coming again. She pushed back to meet his thrusts and suddently his grip tightened as she felt his warm sticky cum spurting into her. Too quickly it was over and she was left hot flushed, and needing to cum herself. Shit. Men, she thought to herself as he pulled out.

'Well, Mandy I knew we could help each other out with your loan application,' he said smiling whilst pulling on clothing and buttoning up.

'Yes, but you got the better of the helping each other bit,' she said with a sly smile and rearranged her clothes so she didn't look like what she just did. Grabbing her copy of the approval, Mandy headed for the door.

The things a girl has to do these days she thought to herself as she pulled into her driveway. She could already smell something good cooking. Shaun was great like that.

'Hey Babe, how did it go?' he asked.

'Loan approved! Took some convincing though. Now, follow me to the bedroom. I'm feeling hot, horny, and boy have I got a sticky surprise for you,' she said leading Shaun into the bedroom...

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iammweaseliammweaselover 2 years ago

Holy homo Batman.

This writer went straight (a little humor there) for a ride up and down the Batpole.

Will will never bemoan the loss of his writing skills here.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Whore for money is a prostitute, and sticky surprise husband is a cuck.

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