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Many Lives Ch. 02 The Hub World


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The fae statue took a thudding step into the bedroom, the sound of stone hitting the wooden floor forcing chills down Jess's spine, but she wasn't going to back down. She was the one with the control and power in this world, she wouldn't let some arts and crafts project take that from her. Jess sat up in bed, the blanket falling off of her, revealing her breasts to the cool air, her nipples growing hard from the sudden cold. The fae stood right next to Jess's bed, looking down at her with those lifeless, cold eyes, Jess only able to tremble as she stared up at the statue.

"P-please..." Jess stammered in a soft, shaky whisper. She wasn't sure what she was pleading for, but she certainly knew that she'd never felt fear like this before.

Reaching a slender arm out, the fae shoved Jess backwards onto her pillow, her breasts bouncing as she went back, a soft breath pushing past her lips as she hit the pillows and headboard. It wasn't a hard or aggressive shove, but Jess didn't trust this thing, despite it coming from her own mind. Or, perhaps that's what made Jess so nervous, because she knew what sort of filth and depravity came from the recesses of her mind.

As Jess sat there against her headboard, she realized that her body wouldn't respond to anything her brain was telling her to do. She tried to move, to rub, to get away from the fae, but Jess just continued staring up at the imposing woman, her cheeks bright red, a familiar heat burning hot down below. Jess, propped up on her elbows, watched as the statue grabbed the end of the heavy blanket still draped over her, pulling it fully off of her, leaving Jess completely naked and exposed to the fae woman. It lay one of its cold, hard hands on one of her knees, the shock and sensation of freezing stone against her warm skin, sending chills through her body. The statue seemed to be pulling or tugging against Jess's knee, which confused Jess, but most of her focus and attention was still on the fae's face, unable to break her gaze with the other woman's cold eyes. Then she realized what the statue was doing. She was trying to pull her legs apart.

W-what the... what the hell is happening right now???

But yes, next thing Jess knew, her legs were spread wide open, her pussy now open to the cool air. Her heart was racing, she still didn't entirely know what or why this was happening. She thought for a moment that this must be one of Lastine's Experiences, but, no, it couldn't be. Lastine had said that Jess had to fall asleep in order to receive a dream from her, and she hadn't fully fallen asleep. So why... Then Jess remembered the daydream she'd had. At first, Jess thought that it had simply been a fantasy that had lodged itself into her brain like most of her other fantasies. But now she realized that it was more than that. Jess had manifested this, involuntarily perhaps, but she had done it, and now this statue was here to fulfill her command. Jess felt herself grow wet as the daydream came back to her, remembering the arch of her back, the moan into the silent room, and the fingers...

The statue placed one hand firmly but gently upon one of Jess's breasts, making her suck in a breath, not only from the suddenness of it, but also the coldness of the fae's hand, and before Jess could say or do anything, the statue pushed one of its fingers inside Jess's pussy. The finger had to be at least six inches long, if not longer, so when she pushed in, it went in deep, and Jess couldn't help it as her eyes grew wide, her left arm reaching out to the side and gripping the bedsheets. The finger didn't move for several seconds, just sitting there inside her, the coldness of it sending daggers throughout every nerve in her body, though these daggers weren't necessarily painful, more so shocking. But the true shock came when that finger pulled back some and was pushed completely into her, up to the fae's knuckle. Jess could feel the fae hit a wall inside her, but it still wasn't painful, as a matter of fact, it was a kind of pleasure that Jess had never experienced before. To Jess's curiosity, the finger almost seemed to be trying to enter this wall through some sort of small hole or something. The finger played with the idea of trying more completely to enter whatever hole it was messing with, but clearly decided to change its mind.

The statue, still looking down at Jess with those soulless, lifeless eyes pulled back and pushed in hard, pulling a small, shrieking moan from Jess, whose face was beat red at this point, her nipples harder than she'd ever known them to be, her mouth left hanging open, her eyes locked with the fae's. She began to speed up her arm a little as she continuously pulled back and pushed in, the gravelly feeling of the stone finger more uncomfortable than she'd care to make known, but she slowly realized that feeling of displeasure was already being swept over by feelings of lust and pure pleasure. This was something she'd never experienced before, someone else fingering her pussy. She was used to feeling her own finger, it was all she'd ever had, but she wasn't completely sure if she even counted this as someone else fingering her. This was just a statue, given the imitation of life by Jess's own power.

The fae's pace picked up even more, and Jess let out another moan as she felt her push a second finger inside her. This was more of a shock than just one, because besides the cold of her fingers, the main thing that did it was their girth. Just these two fingers together stretched Jess almost completely open, but she barely had time to recover from this shock when the statue curled her fingers and practically began jabbing her with them, pushing right up against the inside wall of Jess's pussy, the nerve endings in that soft, sensitive area also screaming from pain and discomfort. Jess gripped the bedsheets with her free hand as well and gripped tightly with both hands, her knuckles turning white as her back arched, her head tilted back, and she began moaning incessantly, her moans only growing louder as the fae grew more rough, her arm moving erratically now. Before Jess knew it, she was cumming hard, and all she could do as her voice faltered was smack the bed with one hand, not having much control over it as she released her cum all over the statue's fingers, but she wasn't done after that. Instead of stopping and pulling out, or slowing down while Jess was coming, the statue seemed to take this as a challenge of Jess's endurance, letting her fingers stand straight out now instead of being curled, finger fucking her completely now. Jess's eyes rolled into the back of her head as her back arched more, her body writhing in overwhelming pleasure as she felt those fingers hit her back wall hard and fast, over and over and over and over again.

Suddenly, the statue's free hand shot out and grabbed Jess around the throat, squeezing with just the right amount of pressure as she relentlessly fingered her pussy. Jess was raising herself up on her tiptoes with every thrust, and Jess was not prepared when the statue pushed two more fingers inside her. Jess screamed then, almost certain she was going to hear some sort of tear or feel some sort of blood, but there was none. There was only terrified pleasure which filled Jess's body. She came again as the statue fucked her pussy with all four fingers, and she was practically raising Jess's lower half off the bed now with each thrust, legs, feet, and all fully off the bed.

"F-fuck yes," Jess moaned out loud, more just to what she was feeling rather than to the statue, moving one hand and placing it on the forearm of the hand wrapped around her throat, gripping it tight as she began moving her body downwards against the fingers. She felt herself cum again, her pussy and thighs becoming truly soaked now, so much so that the fae was finally able to push her thumb inside her as well, which Jess realized had been her intention from the beginning. Her entire fist was buried in Jess's pussy, and her lips wrapped tightly around the wrist, opening her mouth and managing only a broken moan, starting as an outcry and dribbling down into whimpering moans as her eyes, still wide, could only stare upward. The statue must have noticed this freeze up because the movements of its arm inside her stopped momentarily, the statue gripping tighter around Jess's throat and squeezing. The statue picked Jess's head up off the pillow by her neck and slammed her back down into it, this allowing Jess to finally move her eyes again, her gaze moving to the statue's eyes and fixating upon them, making direct eye contact. When this happened, the statue didn't hesitate.

The fae picked Jess up completely with the one hand holding her by the throat, putting her against the headboard, her feet now resting on the pillows where her head had just been, her head only inches below the dipping canopy as she visciously began fisting Jess. Every upward thrust into Jess forced her pussy to stretch more and more, making more room inside for the statue's hand to thrust even deeper and deeper. Jess felt like she was being punched in the stomach from the inside out and it was like no other pleasure Jess had experienced up to this point in her life. Between the constant hard, powerful thrusts, and the other hand squeezing her throat, cutting off her air just enough to turn her on that much more, Jess couldn't control or keep up with her own moans, moan after moan being wrenched out of her, and she was cumming so much it was starting to drip out and leak down the statue's arm, dripping off the elbow and forming a small puddle on the bedsheets.

And just when Jess thought she was starting to manage the slow powerful thrusts, she was removed from the headboard, still being held by the throat, but now she was just being held high in the air. The statue, it seemed had stood completely up, moving away from the bed to stand in the middle of the room, the arm holding Jess by the throat raised straight up, while the other began moving so quickly inside her, fisting her so hard and fast that Jess couldn't even tell when she was cumming anymore, all she could hear was the subtle pitter-patter of her cum hitting the wood floor.





Jess glanced down at one point and saw the statue standing at its full impressive seven feet, staring directly into her face, expressionless. Jess was screaming now, unable to help it, unable to stop it, though, she didn't want it to stop because, fuck it felt so good to her. She loved feeling used and just taken, no matter what. She'd always loved the idea of it, and now to actually get a glimpse into what something like that feels like was unbelievable.

Finally, after several more moments of the statue fist fucking Jess's pussy, she came hard one last time, harder than she ever had, the statue pushing deep within her and holding it there, her other hand nearly squeezing the life out of Jess's throat, before the statue yanked its fist out of her pussy with a satisfying pop. It was completely covered in transparent white, the fingertips dripping with the stuff, with her cum, with her juices. Jess came one final time, her release pushing out of her pussy and falling to the floor below, splattering against the wood, her pussy consistently dripping now, stretched wide open, a gaping hole between her thighs.

The statue, still holding Jess by the throat, flung Jess back onto her bed, the girl bouncing onto the mattress and rolling onto her side, one leg lay straight down, the other sprawled to one side, giving a great view of her asss and gaping pussy, still covered in her own cum. The last thing Jess heard before passing out from exhaustion was the sound of a soft click as the statue left her house, shutting the door behind it. Jess lay in a sprawled heap, her chest heaving akd her mind spinning, her body still buzzing with a lustful adrenaline. After several seconds, Jess closed her eyes, her breathing coming to a slow, steady rhythms as she finally drifted fully into a deep sleep, a small smile on her lips as she slept peacefully, brutally exhausted, but deeply satisfied.


In the world of dreams, Jess found herself sitting naked in some sort of hot bath, steam pouring off the water's surface. She could feel the presence of other people in the pool with her, but she was unable to turn her head to look around. Jess felt a faint tightness in her stomach, as if she were nervous about being where she was, as if these pools were off limits and she was a trespasser.

As Jess was pulled from the dream and back into sleep's sweet embrace, she heard an unfamiliar female voice tickle at the back of her mind, the same way a lost memory is just barely in reach. She knew she didn't recognize the voice, but at the same time, she had an overwhelming feeling that she knew this voice intimately.

"Lucine, just promise me you'll stay away from those springs," the voice was saying. They aren't for people like us. Those springs are only for people who have lost their morals, and there is a special place in the afterlife for people like that. But not for someone like you. You are pure, Lusine. Don't let those springs corrupt you. Stay away from them!


As Jess slumbered, her thighs still soaked with her own release, a cloud resembling cotton candy manifested above Jess's bed. Floating down through the bed's canopy, the cloud surrounded Jess, completely encasing her sleeping body within itself. Carrying Jess off the bed, the cloud hovered there, suspending Jess in its fluffy, warm embrace, pushing her slowly into an even deeper sleep, filling her brain with a lucid dream more surreal, powerful, and intoxicating than she'd ever experienced.

And while Jess slept in her own Hub World, another girl's eyes opened in a distant world, her mind, at least for a short while, taken over by another.

End of Chapter Two

Writer's Note:

If you're reading this, thank you so much for reading the second chapter in my story. If you enjoyed what you read, please feel free to leave me your thoughts. I'll hopefully have the third chapter out soon, and in the meantime, thank you again for checking out my story!

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LongTimer2LongTimer229 days ago

Enjoying this. Great job. Proceed.

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