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Mark's Punishment

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Mark gets punished for going to a strip club.
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Mark threw on his pyjamas and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, squinting through the sun of the late morning. He'd had quite a night and managed to sleep it off a little too close to the afternoon. He needed the recovery, at least.

With a growling stomach he made his way downstairs for some coffee and toast. His mouth tasted like cheap kebab and garlic sauce, a memento of last night's debauchery. He tried to piece it all together as he thumped his way down the steps with heavy, flat feet. As he turned to into their newly-renovated kitchen his step-mother was already waiting for him, reading an article on her phone.

Her eyes flicked up to stare at him. Her auburn hair was tied up into a loose ponytail and she was still dressed in her fluffy pink bath robe. It was slightly open, revealing her the cleavage of her perky tits beneath.

"So." She began, taking a sip of her coffee. Mark shuffled behind her and dropped two pieces of bread into the toaster.

"I hear you went to a strip bar." Her eyes dropped back down to the article. He stiffened up with fear of the repercussions of her having found out. "I know you're old enough to drink now, but... I thought we raised you better than that."

Mark wasn't having it. He figured she'd dole out a simple grounding or something, take away his phone for the day maybe.

"Since you like to watch girls serving drinks, I'm going to get you to serve me drinks."

An unusual punishment, he thought, but fitting. She stood and stepped over to him, locking eyes with his. As he stared at her approaching, the toaster popped. She closed the space between them both and brought her face close to his, reaching around him and blocking his exit.

"Completely naked." She whispered in his ear as she leaned over to grab the toast. She stepped back and put a piece in her mouth, still staring at him as she backed away. She crooked a finger to beckon him over, a satisfied grin about her watching his stunned face.

He didn't know if she was just joking, but he followed her nonetheless. She led him down to the basement and dropped herself into an armchair, still munching on his toast.

"You like looking at big tits, huh? You like to see them jiggle while they dance for you?" She questioned, folding one leg over the other. "Girls like to see boys jiggling while they dance too. Take it off." He started removing his top, blushing a deep, burning red. It was all so sudden -- and his step-mother no less. He pulled down his pyjama bottoms and stood there in the boxers that clung to his bulge. He stood there, unsure of what would happen next.

"All of it." She commanded, still chewing a mouthful of toast.

He shuddered and seized up for a moment, unsure of if this was really happening or if it was some strange joke, but she certainly seemed to be serious. He bent down to remove the last of his clothes and as they hit the floor she piped up.

"Look at that hot piece of ass!" She cried out, cheering and pumping her fist in the air. Mark went even redder.

"Now walk over there and grab me a drink." She pointed over to the minifridge in the corner. Reluctantly, he made his way across the room while she stared at his jiggling cheeks.

He held the drink over his dick as he walked back, but she wasn't happy. "I'm supposed to be getting a show here, c'mon! Lemme see that dick." She made swiping motions as if she were making bills fly.

He reached her and handed the drink over to her. The whole time she was staring between his legs, watching as his cock swung from side to side with each step he took.

"Nice coin purse!" she called, pointing at it as obviously as she could. He couldn't even keep eye contact with her.

"That dick is hugeeee!" She cried, cheering again. "I'd love to play around with that, baby. Give mama a spin!"

He spun around, giving her a good view of everything, still making sure not to look her in the eye. "Faster!" He spun again, his dick flying away from his body with the inertia. "Yeah bitch! I love to see a good flying cock!"

"Hey waiter!" She called. "I need some shots over here!" He was right there in front of her... He figured it best to just play along, and asked what she wanted.

"I need a shot of cum over here; hot and fresh! Give me your best stuff!"

He couldn't believe she was making him do this. He toddled back over to where the fridge was and took a little tumbler from the shelf on the wall, bringing it back over to her.

"Yeah, lemme see that dick explode!" His own step-mother... He had a right mind to tell his dad about this. He wouldn't be too happy.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked as he stood there with a gormless expression. He couldn't believe she was being serious.

With unsure movements, he reached down to his cock and tugged it up. Her face curled into a snarling smile at her satisfaction of teaching him a lesson, and of the wonderful view she was getting.

He started pumping away, his dick growing larger and larger as it became turgid and erect. He thumbed at the ridge of his glans, squeezing and tugging at his dick. His knees soon became weak and his legs started to tremble at the sensations running through him. With a squeeze of his prostate and a hungry look about her face, he finally shot heap after heap of steaming, pearly cum into the shot glass. It dribbled down the side and pooled at the bottom into a thick, slimy shot.

He handed it over to her, unsure of if she actually wanted it, and when he saw what she was doing his mouth hung wide open. She actually downed the whole thing -- her step-son's cum... she wiped her mouth on her sleeve and shot him a satisfied, dominant grin.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

My step mom loved me cumming in a cup which she would drink. Then she’d make me make out with her and swish it around in our mouths. One morning as I was taking a piss with my morning wood, she entered the bathroom and just stood there.” Hold that” she said rather firmly. She came over to me, held my cock in her hand her hand gently and stooped to her knees pulling me toward her. “Now go” she said . “Finish in my mouth” It took a few seconds to relax enough and she fondled my balls some more until I pissed all over her tongue and down her throat. “Next time you gotta go, let me know “ she said , and leaned over and cleaned my cock with her tongue and left. I love my step mom.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It asks what I think of this story? I'm really not sure.

It does portray some of what the author thinks might be great fun: which I think it might. It just hasn'the gotten to the fun part(s) yet.

Not that I want longer stories, I really prefer somewhere around 2000 words. The shorter stories require more from the authors to fulfill their objectives without too much rambling.

Undoubtedly Mark will 'forget' to tell his dad and step mom will have opportunities to teach Mark the ways of the world . . .

wandereyewandereyeover 3 years ago

If I was him, I'd be confessing to her that I had gone to the strip club often, whether I had actually been or not.

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