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Marriage Transformation Ch. 08


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"Really, why would I brag about it? I was telling you about how my girlfriend went crazy over the big black dildo and made me buy it. It was true, but I was just helping you select something that a lot of women enjoy."

"Yeah, I know. We, uh, well we wondered if it was really that big, that's all."

"Do you want to see it, Chris?"

"No, well, not actually, just curious. Hey forget about it. Would you like to come by after work one evening and have a drink, maybe?"

"Wow, yeah, how nice of you to invite me. When did you have in mind?"

"Whenever is good for you."

"Anything in particular I can bring?"

"No, just yourself."

"I work Thursday night. Give me your phone number and I will confirm. You live nearby?"

Chris left the boutique. His heart was in his chest. He had done it. He was unsure why, but he had done it. The conversation with Dan left little doubt about why he was being invited over. Dan wondered if Chris knew about the little show and tell game that he and Elizabeth had engaged in. Surely Elizabeth would know ahead of time when he was coming over. Luckily for Dan, his girlfriend was on a late night shift that week. They did not have an absolutely exclusive relationship and his girlfriend, Jill, was quite attractive. She was also pretty open about her sexuality, but just to be safe, he would not mention it just yet. No sense presuming that something would happen.

When Elizabeth got home that evening, Chris was trying to think of a way to bring the subject up. He was sure that Elizabeth would not bring it up. He still was uncertain whether she was not serious about this. She showered and had a quick bite to eat. She was tired from studying and working, so she just wanted to chill for an hour or so. She certainly did not give off any vibes like she wanted to have sex. Chris changed into his guy pajamas and came into the room.

"Oh, what is up with you, prude?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know, those PJs."

"What would you have me wear?"

"Whatever you want, but I think you would look great in pink flutter panties and a spaghetti strap top."

"Really? Okay. Uh, by the way, what we talked about a while back, I, uh, went by the boutique and I, uh, I invited Dan over for a drink Thursday evening."

"Well, what did you have in mind?"

"Oh, I don't know."

"Sure, you don't Chris. You know that I have already seen his big cock. And you know that you have tasted his cum off my body. You surely don't think that was a fantasy story. Also, I did expose my pussy at work and then got almost completely naked and watched my bosses have sex in front of me. This made you so horny when I shared the stories. So, what, Chris, do you have in mind?"

"Well, we are both interested in you experiencing a really large cock. This is so exciting, but I don't want anything to ruin our marriage."

"Our marriage is good and actually better since we started getting kinky. Do you want Dan to fuck your wife? Yes or no?"

"Uh, let's see what happens."

"Yeah, well, what happens will happen. But if something happens are you going to be okay with Dan fucking me and cumming in my pussy? Yes or no?"

"Okay, yes. I just want to make sure you love me."

"Oh, Chris, I have loved you for a long time. We got married so young. In a way I am glad we did, but have you ever thought about sowing some wild oats, so to speak. I love the relationship we have grown into. By the way did you buy yourself some new panties at the boutique?"

"No, I forgot. I was preoccupied."

"Yeah, I guess. That was a big step. Why don't you stop by there on Thursday evening and buy some. I want Dan to know that you will be wearing them that evening. This will help show where our thoughts are before he even gets here. So he is going to call you to confirm?"

"Yes. This is so bad. Are you sure you want to go through this? He might not even be interested."

"Chris, he exposed himself to me and I got naked in front of him. I think there is not much mystery about that."

Thursday came and Chris was almost sick to his stomach. He was almost a zombie all day. Luckily, he was working in his office and had very little conversation with staff or work friends. His imagination was running wild. What if Dan did not want to have drinks? What if Dan wanted Elizabeth for himself and wasn't interested in being with them as a couple?

Elizabeth had made it plain that once he decided to go through with this, there was little chance of backtracking. With this thought to propel him, he was doing everything he could to attract Dan. She had made it plain that Chris was the one who was facilitating this. He supposed that was to make sure he did not have a negative reaction after the fact.

Dan sent him a text around 11:00 am. He said he was on for this evening around eight and asked for the address. Chris thought that this was a good sign that he didn't already know the address. At least Dan had not already been to their house. Or could he be trying to cover his tracks? He had to purge that thought from his mind. Anyway, by the end of the evening, if things worked out, it would not matter what the history was.

Chris was excited, yet dreadful. Could he really go through with this? He was sure that Elizabeth would go through with it. What would it be like afterward? The range of possibilities weighed on him. That afternoon, he texted Elizabeth that Dan had accepted. She responded quickly:

Stop by the boutique and get yourself new panties and stockings.

Get some depilatory cream and do your whole body. No stubble.

I am going to get you a pair of high, high heels for the occasion.

Eat early and chill some wine.

His cock was not hard. Amazingly the nervous tension worked just the opposite of what he felt. It was different now that it was no longer a fantasy. He made it through the rest of the day, but just barely. He planned on stopping by the boutique on his way home. When he got in his car, his hands and legs were trembling. Anticipation or dread? He was not sure. Just the dull feeling in the pit of his stomach. What were they doing?

He made it to the boutique around six o'clock. Dan was stocking shelves. There were only two customers in the store at the time. Chris would have rather left, but his instructions were clear. Elizabeth wanted to commemorate the ceremony with special lingerie. He did not really wish to expose his feminine side to Dan, but his wife insisted. The customers were both browsing and Dan came over.

"Hi, Chris, I didn't expect you in tonight, is everything still on?"

"Uh, yes, yes. I just stopped by to, uh see if, uh, you got the address. Oh, and I would like to look at some panties and stockings."

"Great, well just look around. You know what your wife likes better than anyone."

"Well, uh, they are not exactly for my wife."


"We, uh we, uh have a, kind of a, uh, game, I guess. So we kind of, uh experiment with, you know our, uh clothing."

"Ok, well, I think I get the picture. I sort of guessed when you bought two pair of panties exactly alike. Don't be so secretive; one thing I found out when I started here is we don't judge. They say that sexy lingerie is actually for the man in the relationship. I have found that quite often, it is actually for the man. Not that big a deal now. I am used to it. What is harder to figure out is when they say it is for the wife or girlfriend and they are distinctly different sizes."

"Interesting," said Chris, "Maybe you could pick some panties and stockings for me?"

"Oh, well, yes. I think these baby blue crotchless ones are just the thing for the occasion. And how about these sheer pink stockings? The contrast is stark, yet sexy. How about garters?"

"I think we have that covered."

"Hot. Let me ring these up. By the way, I am going to give you my employee discount on these. Kind of like they are for me in a way. If you know what I mean."

Dan rang up the purchases. He, as always, invited Chris back. He told Chris that he would be there as soon as he could.

Chris went home. Elizabeth was not there yet. He decided to shower and shave to get ready as early as possible. He used the depilatory cream and was completely hairless below his head. Even his underarms were smooth. He put on a robe and waited for Elizabeth. When she came in, she kissed him on the lips and fingered his robe.

"Ready yet, Honey?"

"No. Just in the robe. I was going to wait as long as possible."

"Honey, I tell you what. Let me help you. She took him back into the bedroom and looked at his panties and stockings.

"Good choice. I think your pink garter belt will go with these. It is a beautiful color contrast. Different, but pretty. Put them on and I will give you some highlights. I bought you a sexy pair of high heels and I want you to walk in them before Dan gets here."

Once he had his stockings on, she unboxed a pair of six inch heels. They were white and spiked. They fit perfectly. He was a little wobbly as he followed her to her vanity. She sat him down and looked him in the face.

"Ok, Baby, let's do a little mascara and some eye shadow."

She applied a light line of mascara to set his eyes off. She dusted his eyelids with some pink shadow. It contrasted perfectly with the dark blue hue of the eye liner. She mopped his lips with some light pink lipstick and applied just a touch of rouge on his cheeks.

"Wow, Honey that looks great. You look so pretty. I wish I had gotten you a bralet. Let's get my pink duster for a top. You look so much different than I thought. Once I saw how good the makeup looked on you, I got carried away."

Elizabeth got showered and put on a tiny pink thong. She didn't have baby blue stockings, so she wore pink ones and a pink garter belt. She had purchased a pink bra that just had a half cup. Her breasts, nipples and areola were on perfect display. Her makeup was like Chris' but quite a bit heavier. She looked like a dream. She also had on 6" stilettos. They were as close a match to his as she could get on such short notice. She thought they looked cute together. She made a mental note that if this went well, she might get them complete matching outfits.

There was a knock on the door about eight fifteen. She lay on the couch with her legs up. She nodded to Chris to answer the door. Chris didn't want to answer the door, but her stern smile convinced him to go. He opened the door and Dan's eyes went wide.

"Wow, Chris, what a change. Pretty panties. I am impressed with my selections. Hi, Elizabeth. My, you both look stunning."

Elizabeth got up and ceremoniously glided to the door. She reached her hand out and then followed with a quick kiss on the cheek. She told Chris to pour them some wine while she made Dan at home. Chris went into the kitchen and poured three big glasses of wine. He thought he might need a good amount to settle his nerves. As he served the wine, Dan looked him over again. If he had any revulsion, he did not show it. They sipped their wine and talked aimlessly as the elephant in the room was ignored. She asked about college and Dan shared his degree plan, etc. He asked about her classes and she filled him in on school and her work.

When they had drunk most of their wine, Elizabeth asked Chris to get them some more. She got up and moved over closer to Dan on the couch. When Chris came back, he gave them their glasses and noticed that she had changed positions. There was a slight pause until Elizabeth finally broke the silence.

"So, Chris, why don't you fill Dan in on why he was invited in addition to just wanting to have a drink and visit?"

Dan looked anxiously toward Chris. He noted that Chris was in the crotchless blue panties. He also noticed that his little cock barely protruded past the fringe of the opening. He had suspected that already. Also, Chris buying panties was a pretty good indication that he might be submissive.

Chris started, "Well, Dan, uh, as you can see, we have a little different lifestyle than what we show on the surface. I, uh, well, I am not as well endowed as some guys and we wondered if size mattered that much to mutual sexual fulfillment. As you know we have used dildos and are pretty impressed with the results. We found out a while back that Elizabeth has a gift when she has an orgasm. It is called squirting, as I understand it. Anyway, for whatever reason, she was not able to cum when we first started having sex."

Dan said, "Look, I get the picture. You know Elizabeth has already seen my cock. She is a gorgeous woman and her assets are wonderful. You are a lucky man indeed. And by the way, you are very cute yourself. I was a little surprised that you dressed this way, but like I told you at the store, this is not unusual. At least the lingerie sharing. So how about I make myself more comfortable and let's get to know each other. In a way I wish my girlfriend was here. She would enjoy watching this. She would love to join in also, but she could just sit and watch and be satisfied. If it is okay with both of you, I would like to tell her about my evening, in detail. I don't want to keep secrets."

"Great," Elizabeth said. "Honey why don't you help him with his clothes? And before that, finish asking him what you were going to."

Chris got up and walked a little wobbly toward Dan. "I would like for you to fuck my wife."

With that said he took Dan's shirt and folded it placing it on a chair afterward. Dan removed his shoes and socks. He reached his belt and took it loose. When he slid out of his jeans, Chris folded them and placed them on the chair.

"Chris," Elizabeth said, "Take his boxers down yourself. Face him and pull them down."

Chris kneeled down and took the elastic on both sides and slowly moved the underwear down until his cock popped out. Chris was amazed to see a big white boner so huge. It was uncut and just the tip was showing past the foreskin. He folded his boxers and put them on the chair, also.

"Why don't we all retire to the bedroom, guys?"

They followed Elizabeth. Dan naked with his huge cock pulsing. Chris in his girly things with his hard cock barely showing outside his panties. Elizabeth sat on the bed and held Dan's cock in her hand. She moved his foreskin back and forth exposing the dark pink plum sized head. She slid the foreskin all the way back and leaned forward taking it into her mouth. She licked the smooth head while Dan moaned his approval. She took as much of his length as she could and continued to suck and lick his magnificent cock.

Dan reached for her breasts and massaged the full orbs. She sucked on his cock and winked at Chris in between.

Elizabeth lay back on the bed and said, "Honey, I want you to place his cock into my pussy so we can share this experience. Then I want you to watch as he fucks your wife with his big cock. God, I hope he can make me cum with that thing."

Dan placed his knee between her spread legs and pulled the other leg around until he was lined up. He sank down slowly.

"Chris, take his big cock and place it on my pussy lips."

Chris did as instructed. He felt the huge member in his hand and could not help but compare it to his thin little cock. When he guided Dan's cock to her pussy, he felt the heat and lubrication on her vagina. As the cock touched her lips, Dan moved forward and entered her. She moaned as soon as he slid into her. Chris backed off and heard as Elizabeth exclaimed,"Oh, Honey, I feel so full. Watch his big cock invade my pussy. It feels so good. Oh, yes, Dan, pump that big cock deeper. Yes. Oh, yess, yesss. Oh, fuck me. Chris, watch him fuck your wife. I am so nasty to let him have me. He is so big. God this is so good. Yes, oh, give me more. Oh."

Chris felt himself beyond excited. He did not want to touch himself. The only thing touching him was the lace on the crotchless opening of his panties. Yet he felt his cum bubbling in his balls. The sensation was wonderful. He watched as Dan filled his wife with his big white cock. He could see her pussy and Dan's cock ramming it. Her hips were elevated and Dan was on his knees. This allowed a perfect view of the hammering tool destroying her wet pussy. Chris wondered what it must feel like to her. To be so full of a real cock. Not a dildo, but a very thick cock.

Dan was fucking her with total abandon. She was losing control and began having one orgasm after the other. Dan had unbelievable staying power. Just as Chris was considering how amazing this was, finally seeing his wife take a big cock, he convulsed. He did not touch himself. His cock began shooting cum across the room and onto the couple fucking. A shot hit Dan's ass as he pumped his cock in and out of her sloshing pussy. Chris, just let himself pulse and shoot. His cum was on the bed covers, on his wife and on her new lover. As the spurts subsided, the cum kept flowing over and down his little cock head.

Elizabeth getting the best fucking she had ever dreamed of. Dan's thick cock was stretching her pussy in a way that was much more pleasurable than the huge dildo could ever do. The dildo felt great, but the thrusting of the real thing was indescribable. Her clit was erect both from the big cock stretching her and from her unsurpassed arousal at being fucked by such a man. She could see why Cindy loved big cocks. Secretly, she had thought of having a big cock in her pussy. Now the dream was fulfilled and she was not disappointed. As she talked to Chris, Dan was pounding her into submission.

She had wrapped her legs around Dan's thrusting hips and pulled as he thrust repeatedly.

"Oh, Chris, I am cumming, Honey. He is so deep in your wife, Honey. He is fucking your wife's hot pussy, Honey. God, Chris, can you see how deep he is inside me? He feels so good in me, Baby."

Both Chris and Dan were beyond ecstatic as she provided the sexy sound effects. Chris was shaking from his orgasm. Dan let out a low pitched groan. He lifted her legs to his shoulders and stood on his toes as he thrust deeply into her womb and released his fertile cum into her. He shook and pushed. She could feel the pressure as Dan released a million sperm into her. She hoped her pills were doing their job. She was afraid this virile man might shoot a baby into her as he came so hard.

As his cumming subsided, they both began relaxing. Elizabeth was in a clammy sweat while Dan was still sunk deep into her. His cock slowly softened and he withdrew. He rolled off her and lay beside her. She touched her stretched pussy and felt the unmistakable slimy wetness of his cum starting to ooze out of her.

"Oh, Baby, please taste me. Please make love to me with your mouth. You will love this. He came in me so deep. Take his cum from my pussy, Honey. Taste your wife and see how nasty we have been. Eat our cum."

Knowing how much he now enjoyed slurping his cum from his wife's pussy, Chris was not at all reluctant to taste his wife's creampie. As he kissed her pussy, he surrounded her vaginal lips with his own and licked her clit. She bucked her hips and released a massive flow of Dan's cum into Chris' mouth. She came yet again and begged Chris to eat the cum from her.

"Thanks, Dan, you felt so good," she said, "Honey, give Dan a drink. I will just rest a minute. Keep your pretty clothes on while you serve Dan."

Chris went to the kitchen and got Dan some more wine. He was becoming used to the high heels. He walked back to the bedroom unashamedly and gave Dan another glass of wine.

"Chris," Dan said, "That is a hot woman you have. I love how you worship her."

As they talked somewhat awkwardly, Dan put his clothes back on and soon excused himself. Chris thanked him again for providing them such a wonderful experience. When Dan left, Chris returned to the bedroom, pulled his panties off and made love to his wife. His cock was swallowed whole by her stretched, juicy pussy. She felt like soft velvet to his cock. The lubrication of Dan's cum made him feel strange as his pubic bone bumped into hers, but his cock barely made contact with her vagina. He came in her. They rested again and made love several more times until they both fell asleep exhausted.


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