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Martha's Ransom

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Kidnap and sexual abuse of Daughter to extract ransom.
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Hector left the office early that day. He’d closed a very successful takeover and was feeling pretty damn good for once. Even now, five years on from his wife’s death he rarely really felt happy, he thought, as he searched for the remote to his new Mercedes.

The shadows were getting longer; it was already past seven p.m. as he pulled up on the drive and parked the silver SLK. There was no sign of Martha as he entered the cool of the house, collecting the mail as he went.

There was a small, bubble-wrapped package amongst the letters and bills, which he left on the coffee table before checking the pool and her bedroom for signs of his daughter. Evidently she was not home. Returning to the lounge he poured himself a large bourbon and switched on the TV, flicking through the channels till he settled on SKY news.

It wasn’t until the commercials came on that he noticed the parcel again. He reached over, peeled open the envelope and pulled out a video cassette and a typewritten note. It read;‘We think you will find the video interesting, the contents of which should be viewed without delay. As you will see it is a matter of some urgency’

Intrigued, Hector slipped the video into the VCR and flicked the TV to the right channel.

Initially the screen was blank then faded in to a clock on a wall in a sunlit room. The time showed three p.m. The video was evidently home made with a high quality video camera.

The camera slowly swung down and, to Hectors horror, the terrified face of his daughter Martha came into view, filling the screen. Then the sound of a mans voice; “There, say Hello to Daddy Martha”

“Oh God Daddy, please, they’ve got me, please help me!” she cried as the camera panned out to reveal the full horror of the scene to Hector. There on the screen was his beautiful nineteen year old daughter strapped naked to a bed, her legs spread wide apart and pulled back to her chest. Her legs were secured with a wide strap that passed behind her back so that she was doubled up with her knees beside her breasts. Her arms were secured behind her back with the result that she was held completely helpless with her body totally exposed to him.

“Take a good look Hector and enjoy your daughters body… we’re certainly going to!” the mans voice mocked “What sweet little titties she’s got and the cutest little pussy!”

The camera zoomed in on Martha’s pussy, his daughter’s pussy, which had no hair on it at all. Hector couldn’t help thinking how young she looked like this. Very young, very vulnerable and very exposed.

“Oh my God” Hector moaned out loud as he slumped back in his chair, ashamed at himself as he became aware of the bulge of his erection pressed against the front of his pants. He could not take his eyes off the TV as it showed her pussy in full screen close up detail, the tiny pink lips splayed open slightly by the spread of her legs. Even under these circumstances she was incredibly beautiful.

“So Hector, here’s the deal; we are going to have a party with Martha; she’s going to entertain us, you know what I mean?” he sniggered “And the funs not over till you pay up… Two million dollars!” he paused, letting it sink in.

Hector, already feeling faint, was dumbstruck. ‘How was he going to get hold of that kind of cash in a hurry? Most of his money was tied up in the business or stocks and bonds.’ He thought quickly, how he could achieve it, when the man spoke again.

“If you go to the cops Martha will die, very slowly and very painfully….simple as that. Don’t even think about it. What you are going to do is get the cash in unmarked bills” he growled threateningly. “Make whatever calls you need to and I will tell you where to make the drop once you’ve got the cash. Now turn off the tape and make the calls. Switch it on again when you’ve arranged it”

Hector had no choice. He ‘paused’ the video and quickly called his office. Fortunately his partner was still there.

“Listen Bob, This is an emergency; I need two million in cash, its Martha, she’s been kidnapped….you have to help me!” he said.

“My God, Hector, have you called the cops? Asked his partner, clearly concerned.

“They say they’ll kill her if I do, I just can’t risk it. I need you to sell for me, if necessary sell back the takeover at a loss. Just hurry will you?” Hector said.

“Sure Hector, leave it to me, I’ll call you back” said Bob and hung up.

Hector pressed ‘play’ again and the tape continued. For the first time the man who had been speaking came into view. A skinny tanned hippy-looking guy with long hair and a beard, wearing faded jeans and a black T-shirt.

“Now, I think we should have some fun” he chuckled a he started to run his fingers all over Martha’s body. She flinched at his touch.

Hector sat and stared at the screen. He couldn’t move. He wanted to switch off this nightmare unfolding before his eyes but couldn’t bear the idea of not knowing what was happening to her. Martha spoke again.

“Daddy please, you have to do what they say….they've got a machine that they say they will fuck me with….its got a rubber cock and they're going to put it in me and turn it on” she cried “He says they’ll leave it going until you come up with the money, please hurry Daddy!”

“That’s right Daddy-O” the man smiled. “Little Martha here is gonna get herself fucked silly by my fucking machine. Man that thing just don’t stop!” he sniggered. “Girls gonna have one sore pussy unless you come up with the goods….damn who am I kiddin, she's gonna have a sore pussy anyhow by the time I’ve got this mother up her!”

Hector and Martha saw what he was referring to at exactly the same moment. In his hand the man held the most enormous black rubber dildo! The thing was at least three inches thick and nine inches long!

Martha’s eyes widened in horror, frantically struggling against her restraints….. “Noooooooooh! She screamed. “Oh my God Daddy, help me, no, please!” she cried.

Her struggles were in vain; there was absolutely nothing she could do to prevent him forcing the huge great thing inside her.

“Don’t she look fine with her pretty little cunt on display like this Hector? You sure have a fine lookin’ slut for a daughter! Know what? I bet little Martha even ‘gets off’ on my fucking machines big old cock here…you just see!” he laughed.

Martha had given up her struggles but flinched as he idly ran his fingers across her tits , round and round in circles then down across her belly, tickling ever closer to her hairless pussy lips.

“Get off me you bastard, leave me alone!” she snapped.

“Now, now sugar lips, you wouldn’t want me to just shove that fucker up you without getting’ you all warmed up first, would you?” he chided “What say you Hector? Shall I eat her pussy first or just ram it up there cold?” he smiled to the camera. “Yum, yum, I’m gonna enjoy eating your daughter’s tasty little pussy Hector, maybe make her come a couple of times before she gets fucked!”

Hector watched as the guys fingers roamed lightly over the swell of her silky smooth pubis and down over the equally hairless lips of her pussy. He assumed they must have had her waxed it was so perfectly smooth.

The guys head obscured his vision, going between her legs. The camera panned in on her face, filling the screen as she looked directly at the lens. Imploringly she seemed to look directly at him. It was as if it was only him and her now, together in direct communication, her eyes, her voice, her expressions, telling him what was going on between her legs… Her head rolled from side to side in silent ‘No’, biting her lip as she looked directly into his eyes.

A whimper escaped her lips, her eyes seemingly still fixed on him. Almost imperceptibly her breathing quickened. She gave a low moan, her face flushed and she closed her eyes for a moment. Hector knew she was being aroused by it in spite of herself. He noticed her jerking slightly, her breathing getting ragged.

But he couldn’t take his mind off that horrendous dildo; surely it was impossible for Martha to take that without causing serious damage?

Ten minutes later she still seemed to be looking straight at him. “I’m sorry Daddy…I can’t help it…Oh no, oh no, Noooaaaagh!” she gave a strangled cry as her body convulsed in orgasm, her face contorted as if in pain…

Hector watched as her head started shaking wildly from side to side. “Aaaaaaaghh!, Oh, no, Oh God no, please!” she cried, her eyes wide in despair. “Oh no Daddy, AAaahh!, Aaaaahh!, Oh God he’s hurting me!” she wailed as the camera panned out again to reveal all of her again.

Martha was thrashing about wildly, struggling against the restraints, with most of the guys hand up her pussy. All four fingers and thumb were buried in her dreadfully dilated vagina. “Oh God Daddy he’s really hurting me, I can’t take…AAaagh!, Aaaaagh!, Aaaaah!, Noooooooo!” she cried out loud as ,to his horror, he watched his daughters pussy opening impossibly wide and she engulfed the guys entire hand inside her body.

Hector sat there in shock, numbed at what he was witnessing, transfixed at the sight of her writhing about, her face contorted in pain. She looked panic stricken.

“Oh God Daddy, look what he’s done to me, he’s got his whole hand inside me!” she whimpered pitifully, looking directly at him. “Oh no, he’s fucking me with it!” she groaned in despair as Hector watched the man’s fist go deeper then begin a fucking motion inside his daughter.

The camera zoomed in on her hairless pussy, showing just how stretched she was by the large fist as it ploughed back and forth with ever increasing vigour. The lips of her pussy clung to his hand, her whole vagina bulging out as if she were giving birth each time he retracted his arm. Hector realised he’d bunched his hand into a fist inside her and was now using the extra width to stretch her even further.

Martha was moaning, being jerked back and forth by the thrusting fist that threatened to tear his little girl’s vagina apart.

“OH!, Aaah!, Aaaagh!, Aaaaaaaahh!” she cried out and suddenly his hand popped out of her, the whole clenched fist had passed through the ring of muscles at her entrance, the tiny lips of her pussy stretched to the limit around the huge girth that he held lodged there to keep her as wide as possible.

Martha’s head turned from side to side, her face screwed up in pain as he held her wide like this before plunging it back into her, then out, then back, each time wrenching her little cunt so incredibly wide.

Helpless, she was fucked like this in front of Hectors eyes, the camera zooming out to reveal her futile struggling. It was hopeless; she had quite obviously been securely strapped down. All she could do was take the large fist as it pummelled in and out of her, fucking her mercilessly.

Hector watched mesmerised for several minutes, ashamed that his penis was still painfully erect at the sight of her, his own daughter, being raped. He could see her being jerked back and forth slightly as the fist punched in and out of her ever more vigorously, her taught belly rising and falling each time his hand went in and out.

The camera angle was such that he could see her face and her pussy at the same time, looking up between her legs. As Martha evidently grew more accustomed to the sensation she craned her neck to look down between her legs to see the man’s fist, glistening with her wetness, driving in and out of her.

She whimpered and flopped her head back, as if in shock, seeming to fix her eyes on him again as Hector finally succumbed and released his throbbing cock from his pants. As he slowly began to wank himself he was all too aware that this was frighteningly like making love to her; like fucking his own daughter as she looked at him imploringly, whimpering, panting, moaning, her eyes becoming glazed. It reminded him of Carly, Martha’s mum, just as she was about to come….

And then she was emptied, leaving Martha gasping for air, her chest heaving, clearly in a state of extreme arousal. Hector hadn’t really appreciated till then just how excited she was. It was pretty obvious that if he’d fisted her much longer he would have made her come!

“Now for the big one baby….What say you Hector? Like to see this fucker up your little girls pussy?” he smiled at the camera, holding up the grotesque dildo as Martha started to panic again.

“Oh no, Daddy, I can’t take that, Oh God its huge!” she squealed.

“Shut your mouth and open your cunt you horny little slut!....You’ll love it…besides it’ll give your Daddy a big stiffy when he see’s you getting off on this baby!” he said, and with that he lubricated the massive bulbous head and pressed it into her gaping, hairless pussy. Martha gasped at the shock of the cold rubber as the glistening, slippery black cock entered her.

When the head disappeared the shaft began to bend as it met resistance. Martha lay there with her eyes closed, powerless to resist the inevitable violation as; with short stabbing strokes he forced her open. Martha’s face screwed up in pain, she winced and cried out at each painful thrust that stretched her elastic pussy little by little ever further open until she finally tensed and screamed out loud “Nooooaaaaghhhh! Aaaaahh!, Aaaaahhhhh!” and the massive bulk of the dildo opened her completely sliding slowly up inside her, the massive thickness wedged tightly in the stricture of her opening. Martha gave a wail of despair and then fell silent, breathing heavily, fully impaled.

“Whoaahh!….look at that cunt man!....Fuckin’ stretched or what?” the guy leered at Hector. “Fuck, she's gonna love this baby when I get it hooked up to my fucking machine!..... That mother just doesn’t stop!” he laughed. “You better fuckin’ deliver the goods Hector old pal!”.

Hector could still see Martha, clearly in some pain, the muscles in her belly going into spasm intermittently, her body’s attempt to reject the monster from her vagina. Despite the lubricant her muscles gripped the shaft so tightly she was completely unable to expel it. He could see her vagina bulge out as she ‘bore down on it’ but to no avail; it simply wouldn’t come out.

The blackness of the dildo contrasted with the whiteness of her hairless pussy in this obscene parody of lovemaking taking place before his eyes. The guy had pulled into place a machine that had a thick metal shaft protruding from it which fitted into some kind of attachment at the base of the dildo.

All the while Martha watched with an expression of extreme apprehension on her face, impaled upon the instrument of her impending rape.

She gasped and winced as the guy turned a dial and very slowly the dildo began to re-emerge from her body, the knobbly great shaft rippling against the tiny tightly stretched lips of her pussy then making them disappear as it thrust back inside her.

He turned up the dial and with a louder whirring the dildo began to fuck her in earnest, driving the enormous cock in and out of her pussy like a piston.

“Aaaaaghhh!” Martha cried at the shock of the huge bulky mass plundering her body, mercilessly fucking her faster and faster. There was nothing she could do about it; she was clearly going to be fucked by it no matter what. The only thing question was how soon he could get the cash and have her rape by the monstrosity stopped.

The camera panned right out at this point to show the clock on the wall again; it showed nearly five p.m. As the machine fucked her remorselessly the guy spoke to her.

“Your Daddy’s probably wondering why I haven’t told him what to do with the money….. Well it’s because I’m an evil bastard and I like to see spoilt little rich bitches like you suffer and because I want your Daddy to know that until he delivers you will get fucked by that huge cock. The only thing gonna stop it is the money so he’d better fuckin’ hurry!”

He turned to the camera. “As soon as you get it, drive out to Sausalito and wait by the waterfront. We will make contact. Once you’ve handed over the money drive back across the bridge. When we’re safely away with the money I’ll turn off the machine and let her go. No questions, that’s the deal. If you fuck up Martha gets fucked to death!” he smiled evilly and turned the dial up further, fucking her even faster.

“ Nooooooooooo!, no, no, please Daddy, you’ve got to get the money, please hurry!” she panicked, struggling again as the monster cock relentlessly fucked her.

Hector looked anxiously at the clock; eight-thirty p.m. If the guy was telling the truth Martha would already have been fucked for three and a half hours by now! There was nothing he could do about it but wait for Bob to arrive with the money. Wait and watch his daughter being raped by a machine; watch her take this enormous cock deep inside her beautiful young body.

She looked so small, thinner than he recalled. The dildo looked huge by comparison as it pummelled into her pussy, the girth stretching her so much that her pussy gripped it so tight it threatened to pull her inside out each time it retracted!

However painful it looked to Hector, soon the dildo was evidently having a very different effect on Martha. He was shocked; he found it hard to believe it possible that any woman would find this pleasurable, least of all his sweet innocent daughter. The relentless fucking very quickly had her moaning and whimpering as she fixed her eyes on the camera, seeming to connect with him again…. “Oh Daddy….. Oh Daddy” she moaned, her eyes smouldering with passion, shaking her head in silent ‘no’…. “Oh Daddy, its too big for me, I can’t help it… Oh God!, Nooooaaagghhhh!, Aaahhhhhhh!, Aaaaaghhhhh!” she screamed as she convulsed in orgasm, coming intensely on the massive thrusting rubber cock as it fucked her throughout, on and on, barely giving her time to recover. Within thirty seconds she began to come again, this time even more intense than the last!

That seemed to spur the guy on; he turned the dial up to maximum and the rubber cock almost became a blur as it fucked her like a jackhammer as she writhed and moaned in ecstasy, crying out in delight as she was forced to come time and time again upon its massive thickness!

“OH God please, its too much, I can’t take any more, Oh God its too big; I can’t stop coming!” she cried. It was all too much for Hector. He splattered the T.V. screen with his come at the sight of his beautiful daughter coming on that huge tool!

After about an hour of this she was really desperate, begging for mercy; “Oh God, I can’t take any more, Aaaaaghhhhh!, Aaaaahhhhh!, Noooooohhh!, Oh God I can’t stop coming!, please make it stop, Aaah, Aaaah, Aaaah! She wailed in utter despair as she was fucked to ever increasing heights of pleasure.

Hector could see it was too much to bear, but there was nothing he could do about it; she had no choice. She would have to keep coming on the monster cock for as long as it took!

“Oh God!” she moaned pitifully. “How much longer are you going to do this to me? You’re going to kill me, I’m sure you will!”

“That’s up to Daddy; as soon as he stumps up the cash you go free” the guy said.

“No more please, no more, please I can’t take any more….AAAaaaaaghhhhnnnn!” she came again as the huge thing forced another violently intense orgasm from her.

Hector watched the entire video during which Martha came another fifteen times, begging for mercy, racked with the most intense involuntary orgasms that had her completely exhausted and weak with pleasure.

He put the video away and waited impatiently for Bob to arrive. It wasn’t till eleven- fifteen that he heard the sound of Bob’s car on the gravel outside….

Satisfied that they’d got enough footage of Martha’s fucking Mark had faded it out and turned off the camera. Lance clapped in applause then turned the fucking machine off, the dildo grinding to a halt inside her.


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