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Mary's Fantasy is Overfilled

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Married woman invites another man over while husband watches.
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Hi, my name is Mary. I've been happily married for a number of years to Adam. We get along great and have a lot of fun together, but after years of marriage, our sex life had dried up a bit. It had gotten bad enough that I had actually considered scheduling it. I had heard some advice about making time for each other, but it seemed like that level of planning would make it seem more like a chore. A couple years ago, husband found a way to change that.

Adam had asked me to tell him some of my fantasies while we were making love. I didn't know what to say, and just sort of told him that all I needed was him, that he was my fantasy. As you can probably guess, he didn't believe me, but he dropped it since he could tell I wasn't going to say anything interesting. He asked me a couple more times before I finally told him some of my tamer fantasies. It felt really liberating to share them with my husband, and he reciprocated with some of his own fantasies. We lived out the ones that wouldn't get us arrested, and role-played a couple of the more daring ones as well. Not only did our sex life improve, but the increased level of intimacy and trust extended well beyond the bedroom.

After several sessions of this, I finally got up the courage to tell him that I sometimes fantasized about being with another man. One of our fundamental biological drives is to expand the genetic pool by introducing new partners, so it probably isn't any big revelation that I had this fantasy. Unfortunately, some relationships can't survive admitting it to their partner. Thankfully, Adam was excited about this fantasy of mine and immediately wanted to know details. What kind of man? How would I meet him? Etc. We role-played this one several times, even going as far as having him dress in different clothes and pick me up at a bar. That was a memorable evening.

One day while we were out taking a walk, out of the blue, Adam asked me if I would actually have sex with another man. I grew nervous, thinking that he was jealous and that our role-playing was leaking into our real life; this is what I was afraid of. I assured him that it was just a fantasy and that he was enough for me. He looked me in the eyes, I could tell he was a little nervous, and told me that if I wanted to, he would be alright with it, at least if he could watch.

I just looked at him like he was out of his mind. No way could I have sex with another man. I told him that it was just a fantasy and that I didn't want to have sex with anybody else. Even if I wanted to, I still wouldn't due to how complicated and confusing it could make things afterward. He told me that he understood, but that if I had second thoughts, I could tell him. He then dropped the subject, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Did Adam want me to fuck another guy? Was it something I just wanted to keep a fantasy? I liked the idea of having sex with another man, but it could get so messy. What if Adam got jealous? What if I developed feelings for the new guy? What if the new guy got weird and creepy? It seemed like the only thing in its favor was a night of sex, possibly not even good sex (who knows when it's somebody you haven't been with before). But the downsides were severe. I decided to just put this subject out of my mind. It didn't seem worth it; the fantasy was enough for me.

Unfortunately, the human mind doesn't always do what it's told. That night, Adam and I had sex and I couldn't keep from thinking of having sex with another man. We had a lot of fun that night, and I'm sure Adam understood the reason (he's very perceptive). It had become fairly routine for us to talk about our fantasies while making love, but this night I kept my thoughts to myself.

Soon I had become obsessed with the fantasy of having sex with another man while Adam watched. I had Adam setup a couple of cameras in the bedroom so he could watch me while I fantasized about being with another man and masturbated on the bed. Knowing he was watching, I tried all sorts of sexual positions with Chip (what we had named my vibrator). I even talked dirty to my imaginary sexual partner ("You're so big Chip", "Fuck me harder Chip", "Oh God Chip, I'm going to cum on your hard cock"). That was a fun evening, especially after he came back into the room wearing a wig and nothing else, telling me to call him Chip in a funny accent. I hadn't realized he had bought a wig and thought he looked a little silly at first, but soon realized it did help me visualize being with another man, especially when he went down on me and all I saw was the top of his head.

I still hadn't told Adam how much I was thinking about his offer. I was masturbating far more frequently than I normally do and it was beginning to interfere with other areas of my life. It soon became apparent that the only way I was going to get control of this fantasy was to go through with it, but what would Adam think of me? He hadn't mentioned it again; perhaps he realized it wasn't a good idea?

We were out walking again when Adam brought it up again. He mentioned that he noticed that I seemed to be enjoying the fantasy of other men more recently and wondered if it had to do with what we talked about before. I was embarrassed by his comment causing my face to flush; of course he knew. I had so many thoughts going around in my head, thinking about how to respond, that I didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. Adam took my hand and said that it was OK if I was interested in it, it's human nature to be curious about these kinds of things. He told me that he would love for me to have my fantasy fulfilled, that my happiness was his happiness and my pleasure was his pleasure. He was always a very considerate lover, so I believed him.

My head was still swimming with thoughts, mostly shouting "HELL YES," though there were a few more prudent thoughts banging about up there as well. He pulled us to a stop on our walk and looked directly into my eyes and leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips then asked me directly if I wanted to. I nervously shook my head yes. He kissed me again, longer this time, but not so much as to be inappropriate in this public place. He told me that I should start thinking about who I wanted to have sex with.

Crap, things just got real. Now it was no longer some anonymous guy; I had to find a real man that would have sex with me. How was this going to work? Did I have to use some dating site (please no)? Post a listing on Craigslist (absolutely not). Pick up some random guy in a bar (doesn't sound any better than Craigslist). How does somebody pick up a person for just a one night stand without having to worry about creeps, disease, and any number of other issues? I started looking on the Internet to get some tips. Based on what I could find (and it was hard picking through the icky stuff), it seemed that many women who had done this successfully found somebody they already knew, but weren't all that close to. I started thinking about all the men I knew but nobody came to mind.

Adam would ask me every couple days if I had thought of somebody yet. I appreciated that he was showing interest, but not being too pushy. He made it clear that it was my decision, though I did notice that he started bringing up different men that we knew in casual conversation more frequently (or perhaps I was just noticing it more). When he mentioned that Frank just got a new apartment about twenty minutes away, something lit up.

Frank and Anne were friends of ours from the old neighborhood. They had lived a couple of doors down and we had become good friends, barbecues, going out to drinks, theater, beach, even a couple vacations together. When we moved out of the neighborhood, we still kept in touch, though not as frequently. We enjoyed their company, but we always thought that they made an odd couple. They didn't seem to share the same interests and frequently complained about each other. It wasn't much of a surprise when they told us they were getting divorced.

I always found Frank very attractive. He had a very nice face and deep, soulful eyes. His baritone voice always drove me to distraction. I recalled Anne telling me that Frank was hung and was amazing in bed. I remember being embarrassed at the time (I hadn't shared that kind of personal information since I was in college, and it was weird talking about a friends husband like that), but I did think about it on occasion afterward. I might have even checked out his swim trunks when they were wet and pasted to his form when we would go to the beach together. I could confirm that he was impressive, though I wasn't sure how it compared when it was hard (was he a grower or a shower?).

Frank would do. I know that I caught him on numerous occasions checking me out, especially when I was in my bikini or other revealing clothes, so I figured that he might be willing. I nervously told Adam that I thought Frank might be a good candidate. Adam laughed and told me that he was sure that Frank would be more than willing. Apparently, Frank had made comments before about me to Adam when I wasn't around. He asked me how I wanted to handle getting him to bed.

How does one go about this? I pretty much threw out asking directly. I thought that would just make things awkward and feel more like a job than something sexy. If I was going to have sex with another man, I wanted to be seduced. Adam agreed and said that I should invite him over on some other pretext and then try to get him to seduce me.

After a week or so of plotting, Adam and I came up with a plan. We would unscrew the latch on the slider door for our bedroom that went out to our private balcony so that the door wouldn't lock. Then I would call Frank and tell him that Adam was away on business and ask if he would fix the lock. I would wear something sexy, but not sleazy, and hopefully, encourage him to seduce me. Adam would place cameras around the room and hide out in our finished loft over the garage that he used as an office, watching us from his computer.

The night we decided on arrived and I became very nervous. It was exciting while we were planning it, but now that we were about to set the plan in motion, I became apprehensive about being able to go through with it. What if he doesn't want me? What if I embarrass myself? What if Adam no longer respected me tomorrow? Seeing how excited he was, I chose to keep my feelings to myself, but I think Adam could tell I was worried. He made us a couple of drinks to help take the edge off. I could tell that he gave me a double, but I appreciated the liquid courage. I did want to do this, I could think of nothing else all week (I was not very productive at work). I was sure that once things got started, I would calm down a bit.

Adam setup the cameras around the room in discrete locations (amazing how well they blended in unless you were looking for them) and showed me the view from each and told me he wanted a good show. He handed me the phone and told me it was time. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest and my hand shook while I tapped out Frank's number. When he answered the phone with his deep and sexy voice, I hesitated.

After a moment, Frank asked, "Hello? Is anybody there?"

When I responded, my voice broke. I tried to cover up my nervousness with a cough and then said, "Oh sorry, hi Frank, this is Mary."

"Oh, hi Mary! It's been a long time since I've heard from you guys! How are you and Adam doing?"

"Not bad, but I have a little problem and I was hoping you could help me with it?"

"Sure, whatever you need."

I glanced nervously over at Adam. He nodded his encouragement. "Adam is away on business for the week and the latch on one of our doors is broken." I could feel my voice shaking and hand trembling. I took a moment to take a breath, trying to calm my racing heart. "I was wondering if you could take a look at it? I don't feel comfortable in the house alone without a lock." Another deep breath. I did it; I asked him over.

"Of course I can. I can come over right away if you like. Should I bring my tools? Or can I use Adams?"

"You can use Adams. I've already got a toolbox up here, but not really sure what to do with it."

Frank laughed, "Sure, I just need to finish up a couple of things then I'll come right over. I should be there in under an hour."

I hung up immediately, forgetting to say goodbye. My hands still shook from nerves. I couldn't believe I just asked another guy to come over, intending to have sex with him; this was crazy.

While we waited for Frank to arrive, we had a couple more drinks. The alcohol was helping me relax, though I was still feeling a lot of anticipation. I was both excited and worried about what was going to happen. I put on some sexy lingerie and then my little black dress over it. Adam made some appreciative comments that made me feel sexy and told me that there wasn't any way that Frank could ignore me in that dress. He gave me a few pointers of how to stand (shoulders back, chest out) and what to say that might encourage Frank to seduce me (have you been working out, that shirt fits nice, etc.). Getting tips on how to titillate another man from my husband was a little weird, but it got me even more excited about what was about to happen. I was still worried about him having second thoughts, so I told him if he wanted to stop us, just call the house phone and I'll end it.

When we heard Frank finally pull into the driveway, Adam gave me a quick kiss and rushed into his office. I quickly finished my drink and met Frank at the door. The first words out of his mouth were "Wow! You look great! Are you going out or something?" I didn't know how to answer him. I should have anticipated he would ask why I was dressed like this. I decided just to laugh and told him thanks for the kind words, hoping he didn't press me for an answer. Thankfully he didn't, but I could tell he was enjoying the dress because his eyes kept going up and down my body as he stood in the door. It seemed like the dress was a success.

After a couple of awkward moments, I realized that I hadn't asked him in yet. Dang, I guess I was still nervous. My head was full of worries, fantasies, doubts. I finally asked him if he would like to come in. Once inside, I asked him if he would like a drink. He saw my glass on the counter and laughed about me already starting without him. I laughed with him and told him I could make him a drink if he liked. He just wanted a whiskey and coke, so I poured a couple glasses, one with a little extra for him and another for myself, and we went to the living room to chat. Being the gentleman, he took the chair while I sat on the couch.

We made small talk for a few minutes and he finished his drink, so I asked him if he wanted another. He did so I made him a generous double this time. We talked a little longer, his sexy voice driving me to distraction at times, and I could tell he was getting comfortable, either because of the booze or just because of the conversation. He was having trouble maintaining eye contact, which made me think things were going in the right direction. I was encouraging the behavior by pressing my breasts out as much as I could without being too obvious and stretching a couple of times; I even let my dress hike up a little so it was above my mid-thigh. At one point, I got up the courage to cross my legs in front of him to give him a look up my dress and was rewarded by a not-to-subtle look between my legs with him shifting in his seat a few moments later, trying to adjust his pants.

Of course, I was looking at him as well. He did look like he had been working out, so I mentioned it to him. He said that since the divorce, he had been working out regularly, "trying to be in shape to pick up the ladies," he said with a chuckle. I laughed at his comment and told him that I'm sure it was working out for him, that I would have a hard time keeping my hands off him if I was single. I noticed that the bulge in his pants was starting to get pretty big and was hoping that I would get to find out how right Anne was about his size soon.

When Frank finished his second drink, he asked about the broken door. I told him it was the one in our bedroom. We stood up, neither one of us very steady. Frank appeared to be a little uncomfortable and tried to casually adjust himself which I made sure he saw me notice (another piece of advice from Adam, "make sure he sees you looking at his package"). He did look quite impressive; I could feel myself getting excited. As we walked up the stairs with me in front, I made sure to sway my hips as Adam had suggested. I looked behind me as we were going up the stairs and saw that Frank's eyes were locked on my ass.

When we got into the bedroom, he noticed a pair of my panties that Adam had laid out on the bed for him to notice, all part of his plan to get Frank thinking about sex. I showed him the door and latch and he told me that the problem was just that the screw had come loose. All he needed to do was adjust it and tighten it back up, which he did in just a couple minutes.

I thanked him and asked if he would like another drink. We had a little bar and sitting area in the bedroom which we hardly ever used, but now would be a great time. He agreed, so I fixed him another drink, but this time without as much alcohol. I could tell he was already buzzed and I didn't want him to be so drunk that he couldn't perform if it came to that. We made some small talk and it seemed like the sparks had fizzled. I was beginning to think that nothing was going to happen tonight.

I didn't want to just give up on this though; I was already horny thinking about Frank and what was under his shirt and in his pants. I started trying to think of something I could say or do that would encourage him without being too aggressive or suggestive; this caused the conversation to lag. I caught Frank looking at my body again and decided to give him a little show. I stretched my body, sticking out my breasts, hoping to entice him into doing something inappropriate.

"You are so beautiful, Mary. Adam is a fortunate man."

I blushed, "Thanks." Well, that was something.

"I've always thought you were gorgeous."

"You are too much Frank. But if we are going to be honest with each other, I've always found you to be easy on the eyes as well;" here we go, this is better. My optimism was coming back and I could feel my heart start beating faster in anticipation.

"When Anne left me, I was devastated," Frank suddenly opened up to me. I had thought we were making some progress; now I wasn't sure where this was going. "I know we didn't get along great, but I did love her. I know I've talked a bit of game earlier, but I haven't been with a woman since her."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Frank. I was sad when you guys split. I hate seeing relationships end."

Frank looked depressed, hanging his head and no longer looking at me. I felt the need to comfort him; he was obviously feeling sad about losing Anne. Well, I probably wasn't going to get lucky tonight, but I could at least offer a good friend some solace. I stood up and went over to him and rubbed his shoulder to console him. He put his head on my breast, nothing sexual, just a temporary sanctuary for comfort. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes before I started to feel Frank's hand rubbing along my bottom. A ray of light. I felt a little guilty about using his sorrow for my own personal sexual gratification, but I was ready for something to happen.

I moved my hand up off his shoulder and onto his head, hugging it tighter to my breast and rubbing my fingers through his hair as he continued to lightly run his hand up and down my backside. It felt good to touch him in this slightly more intimate way and to have him touching me as well. I even started thinking that I felt good about where this was headed, he seemed to need this for his own reasons. I started rubbing his chest, feeling the muscles under his shirt. Still nothing especially sexy was happening, but it was definitely more than just "friends".

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