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Mary's Story Ch. 01


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"If you truly want to be my slave you will be whipped tonight. Then you will be fucked. If you are not OK with that gather your belongings and leave now," he stated very calmly.

I remained still on the bed. He reached back into the bag and removed another item that had a strap with a buckle going around it attached to a red rubber ball.

"Do you know what this is?" I shook my head no. "It's called a ball gag. Its purpose is so that we don't disturb any of the other hotel guests. Open your mouth."

I opened my mouth wide so that he could place the ball part in and then stretch the strap around my head and fastened the buckle.

He then told me, "Put your arms behind your back and lean forward resting your head on the pillow facing to the left." The next item from the bag I instantly recognized. The shiny metal object was placed around each of my wrists and then I heard the clicking noise as they closed around them. He put a small key on the nightstand next to the collar. I knew now why he placed me in this position. There directly in front of me was the collar I wanted so desperately to earn. From my position I could not see what he did next but somehow my ankles were secured to the bed. I could wiggle around a bit, but not move. David came back into my line of sight with the crop in his hand.

"I am going to give you a dozen strokes." he stated.

Before I had any time to prepare myself the first stroke landed on my bottom. I have never screamed so loud in my life. If not for the gag I am sure the entire hotel would have heard me. It felt like my ass was suddenly on fire. Then the next five fell again in quick session. A brief pause than six more blows came flying down. The flesh on my ass feeling like it was being torn off. Then it was over.

Before I had any chance at recovering I felt his cock entering my pussy. At first his strokes your short and soft, but quickly became much harder and began to penetrate deep into my vagina. He kept at it for several minutes before I could feel his release within me then with one final hard thrust he pulled his cock out of me. When it was over he stated, "That Mary will be the hardest that I ever whip you. I may give you more strokes at one time than that or use other parts of your body or other instruments but it will never be any harder than what you just received. If you are all right nod your head."

Hesitantly making sure to myself I was still alive I began nodding my head. David began freeing my ankles and then my wrists from the handcuffs and returned everything to the black bag it came out of. Once my arms were free David told me. "You can remove the gag now."

Reaching back I un-buckled the strap and removed the gag from my mouth. It felt good as my jaw unclenched. It was then as a handed him the ball gag back that I saw he had packed up everything including the collar. David set a white bottle on the nightstand. "Analgesic ointment, it helps with the sting and speeds up the healing. Stay as long as you want. The room is yours until morning. A good orgasm also helps with the pain if you feel so inclined."

With that he was quickly out the door before I felt my own legs were even strong enough to stand up on. It took several long minutes before I felt steady enough to make it into the bathroom carrying the bottle of ointment he left. Staring at his handy work in the mirror the marks clearly standing out on my pale white skin I thought to myself. "Hey, look, six evenly spaced marks on each ass cheek. He is definitely well experienced with that whip. And I knew and hoped I would soon be feeling its sting again."

With that I began gingerly spreading the ointment over my abused bottom tenderly working it into the torn flesh. I considered spending the night because the thought of sitting on my inflamed ass for the hour long drive home was way too painful to think about. However I wanted to be home in the morning when Elizabeth came back from her sleep over. We had a big mother/daughter day planned and there was no way I was going to miss it.

The drive home was worse than I thought it could possibly be. My ass burned the entire time during the ride. But I was able to think some about my first encounter on this journey that I had started. David had said that he would be testing me. What was he testing? It took me nearly the entire drive home to figure it out. He was testing my willingness. If I wasn't truly willing why would I have allowed myself to be first whipped and then fucked by an almost complete stranger.

Upon reaching home I climbed out of the car and practically dragged myself up the stairs. Once in my room not bothering to even turn the light on I began shedding my cloths as I walked to the bed. Naked I climbed onto the bed finding the only comfortable position was the same one in which this pain had been inflicted on my body. Head buried into a pillow, my ass up in the air with another pillow under my hips. There trying to find sleep I recalled what David said as he step out the door. "What the heck it couldn't make it hurt anymore." I thought to myself.

Reaching down my hand found that most magical spot between my legs and I began gently caressing it. I had never before made myself cum in this position but was taking a liking to it real quick. The access to my most sensitive area proved too much. I felt my release building inside me as my fingers picked up to a frenzied pace. Soon I climaxed into orgasm and passed out sleeping till morning.

It was not until next Friday morning before I heard from David again. He sent me a text message telling me to meet him for dinner at Travitino's, one of the most expensive and finest restaurants in town, tonight at 7 pm. The rest of the day seemed to drag on forever. Finally I left work about an hour early to get myself ready for the night.

After looking through my closet I finally decide on every woman's standby can't go wrong with it little black dress. Downstairs leaving a note for my daughter that I would be gone for dinner I heard her come in through the back door. When she saw me all dressed up she said, "So we're starting to dress up for dinner now?"

I replied, "I have date tonight. I was just leaving you a note."

Then Elizabeth said, "A date, good for you Mom. It has been a while. Is this a new guy?"

Not really sure what to say, "Yes, first date tonight." I answered her. "I need to be going I don't want to be late. There are some left overs in the refrigerator if you want to fix something or here is some money to order a pizza," setting a twenty dollar bill down on the counter.

Entering the restaurant I saw David waiting for me and walked over and sat down to join him. Our dinner conversation was very typical first date stuff. If he had not already seen me naked, whipped my ass until it was red and burning, then fucked me while bound and gagged it would have been exactly like a first date. We talked about are childhoods, where we grew up. Sports we played in school. He played football in high school and into college before getting injured. I told him I was swimmer in high school. When dinner was over he asked me, "Do you want to go dancing?" I replied, "Yes, of course. I love to dance."

Leaving the restaurant he said, "We will take my car and I will bring you back here later." And I followed him to his car, a black Mercedes sedan. From there we went to a dance club and spent several hours dancing in each others arms as he swung me around the dance floor. He was quite the good dancer and I enjoyed very much having a good night out. It was something that I desperately needed very much.

When we finished dancing we drove back to the restaurant to pick up my car. Instead of pulling up close to my car he parked around back and said, "Take out my cock and give me a blow job."

Surprised by his sudden statement, I replied, "Here, now?"

"Either suck my cock now or get out and walk over to your car," he answered.

Hesitantly I reached over and started unzipping his trousers and took his growing cock out of his pants. Leaning over in my seat I opened my mouth and took just the head of his shaft and moved my tongue over the tip. Being out of practice, I slowly took more of the shaft into my mouth until I felt it hitting the back of my throat. Then I started slowly moving my head up and down the length of his cock. As my mouth began getting more and more use to the feeling my gag reflex diminished and I took more and more of his length into my throat. Soon I had the whole length in my mouth with my nose buried into his pubic hairs.

When he started to tense I knew he was close to coming and then he shouted, "Take all of my come into your mouth and swallow it all." With that he released into my mouth and I eagerly gulped it down.

"Now lick my cock clean," he said.

So I began licking up and down his shaft with my tongue getting it all nice and clean. When I was finished David told me to put his cock back into his pants and zip them up. He then started the car and drove over next to mine. "Mary, you did very well. We are done now for tonight. I will email you tomorrow with my next instructions."

I got out of his car and climbed behind the wheel of mine and sat there for a few moments still trying to decide if I really wanted to go through with this and was I getting in way over my head. I saw David drive off so I started my own car and headed home.

The next evening I received David's email, "To my future slave, You have been doing good so far and have past your two tests. It is time to move on and begin your training. I will contact you when I am ready for this to begin. On another note I sense that you are still somewhat hesitant and unsure of yourself and of what it means to be a true submissive slave. I want for you to explore this more and be sure of yourself before we proceed any further. Also while you are doing your research I want you to start developing a list of personal limits and boundaries that will help define our relationship. I have attached a list of several sources that will help you with this task. And as before you are instructed to bring yourself to orgasm once and only once before going to sleep each night and if you have them use any toys that you own, if not I suggest that you purchase some soon."

Clicking on the attachment I saw that it was a list of readings and links to several websites that provided information about submission and domination. Most of the readings I had never heard of before, but the first one on the list brought back memoirs of my first desires of becoming a submissive. I had read it back when I was in college, The Story of O, by Pauline Reage

Luckily the next day was Sunday and I spent as much of it as could upstairs in my bedroom reading everything I could find. I told my daughter that I was working on a big project for work. I was amazed at all the information that was out there on the internet. I spent much of the time reading about the one aspect of submission that frightened me the most and that I had already learned my potential Master expected of me. The more I read on the subject I came to the realization that the one test of a true submissive is in enduring pain for your Master. The pain you give to your Master is a measure of your submission to him. With that thought in my head I was becoming much surer of myself and that the direction I was headed was what I truly wanted, but I still did not completely understand why.

I spent almost every free moment of time during the following week researching every aspect of domination and submission that I could find. One topic in particular I wanted to explore was the difference between a submissive and slave. During are interview David asked me why I wanted to become a slave, and not a submissive. And again back in the hotel room during our first encounter David had mentioned two qualities, obedience and trust, that he looks for in a slave, not a submissive. And again in his email he used the word slave. With each description of slave verses submissive I read the stated differences between the two could range from being very subtle to clearly distinct. The key difference as far as I could tell was that all slaves are submissives, but not all submissives are slaves. That being referred to as a slave represented a much more deeper level of submission and loss of control than just being a submissive. But most importantly what each had in common was that it is up to those involved to define their own relationship. And the more and more that I thought about it what I was truly looking for was to become not just a submissive, but a slave. Maybe not right away, but definitely headed in that direction.

Another area that I found most intriguing revolved around the aspect of humiliation of a submissive at the hands of their master. This was something else new for me and the more that I looked into it the less sure how I felt about it. That was something I would have to definitely take my time getting use to.

On Friday I received a text message from David, "Are you ready to call me Master? Ready to start your training? If so meet me for a drink after work tonight. The Red Room Lounge."

The End: Chapter One

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jmkuehnjmkuehnalmost 8 years ago

I am very excited to see how this develops. This story has real promise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Jury is still out on Dave. I am of the trust is earned, not blindly given school of thought. So far, I'm not seeing great reasons for bestowing trust upon him. He is definitely challenging Mary to be sure she wants this. The do it or get lost mentality towards a new participant is disheartening. I liked that you addressed the sub vs slave issue as I think the difference is real and important. Mary has had years to work up to this, but more trepidation at taking the actual steps would seem appropriate. Dave isn't giving her time for that though, is he? More chapters are already rewritten, you say. I hope you've been realistic in Mary's limit lists. The angle they both have towards slave over sub tells me it will probably be a blank check on her part and a list of meaningless suggestions to him. What good are limits with a man who ends everything if told no? I hope I'm wrong.

The story is about the journey to M/s (whatever s means). You showed us several examples of Dave in master mode. Gurff, few words, very firm. You only told us a little bit about the vanilla conversation and interaction at dinner. We didn't get to see it. If you have kept up that pattern, Dave will come across as pretty much of a dickwad. Masters are people, too. The relationship will be a power imbalance. For the sake of the story, the characters need some internal balance.

A few typos that interrupt the flow, especially repeated use of 'are' in place of 'our.' Twenty swats with a hairbrush for you. ;) Looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks for putting in the time and effort to revisit this story.

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