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Master and Slave

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The feelings and thoughts of a sub being tested...
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When I came to, I was on my knees with my hands bound above me with silk rope that was tied at perfect length from a steel hook in the ceiling. My shoulders and knees were sore as if I had been there for hours. I imagined I might have actually been there for a good amount of time, but I realized that my arms and shoulders were probably so sore because I was being held up as if I was sitting on my heels while I was out. The only give away for the length of time I had been hanging there was my hair. My hair was wet and the aroma smelled as if I had recently been showered. It was not in tangles, but combed and hanging nicely like silk around my shoulders and face. It was as if I had showered and put my own hair into place. The smells of the soaps and the way my hair was carefully combed gave me the impression a female had done this, but I knew it wasn't me.

I attempted to shift my weight a little onto the other side of my body as I tried to wake a little more and felt the pain course through me. I lifted my head higher to look around and realized I was in a bedroom with dim light. As I scanned the room, I suddenly realized that I was completely nude. The fear and the uncertainty was paralyzing. I was jolted from my panic senses by the sound of a door opening behind me. I was so perfectly tied there that I couldn't move to look behind me to see who was approaching. I felt my heart beat quicken and my breath became shallow and quick. I felt as if anyone around me could hear my heart beating it was so loud in my ears. I squirmed a little and the pain was completely numb compared to the fear I felt. I heard little foot steps behind me that made me think it was a woman. They were light, careful and not heavy or loud. I nearly jumped out of my skin as I felt a small, warm hand touch my right arm. I felt her breath on my ear as she whispered. "Here. Lift up a little if you can, I can help you if you need it. I have a pillow for your knees...the least I could do is make you feel a little more comfortable. Master says I can give this to you, don't be scared, he won't punish you for it."

I was so numb from being there for a while that everything was asleep. I started to tear up a little from the frustration and pain of not being able to move. She walked around in front of me, her smile was so sweet and comforting. She was so beautiful. So...perfectly, naturally beautiful to me. Just the sight of her face made my heart beat slow down. The smell of her surrounded me like a security blanket. I started to take deeper breaths that helped me calm a little. She looked me in the eye and without saying a word she soothed me. Laying the pillow down in front of me, she reached out and started to rub my thighs and calves to wake up the blood flow a little. Suddenly I felt the pins and needles in my limbs and jerked at the pain. She smiled bigger and said "That-a-girl, now...I know it hurts but lift up a little and I'll slide the pillow under your knees. Hurry before he comes, or he won't let me give it to you."

Those words made my heart start beating quickly again. The word "He"...the fear made me hesitate and she encouraged me further again. As I looked down at my knees as I lifted them I suddenly realized that she was nude as well. The only thing she wore was a black steal, round collar around her neck. Her red hair fell around her face as she leaned forward to slide the pillow under me. I finally found the courage to speak to her. "What is he going to do to me?" I said softly, in a very weak voice that surprised me.

She looked up at me so quickly it startled me. "Shhhh!! Don't speak. Don't speak to me or speak to him unless spoken to. Don't speak unless given permission. Do you understand?" I nodded slowly with so much fear in my eyes she touched my face softly and kissed my cheek. "It will be okay. He won't hurt you the way you think he will. He's a good Master. Kind, loving and decent. If you do what you are told he will reward you with kindness, beauty and pleasure."

Suddenly she was gone out of my eye sight, but I could still smell her and hear her around me. After a few moments I drifted out again. I am unsure of how long I was out. It could have been hours or it could have been just moments. I was startled awake by the sound of the door opening behind me again. When I lifted my head, she was already in front of me again. She was kneeling beside the bed on the far wall with her head down, looking at the ground and her hands folded in her lap. I heard the heavy steps behind me coming closer and again the sound of my heart beating in my chest was deafening. I was afraid to look at him, afraid to make eye contact with him. Partially I think because I hoped that this would make him some how not notice me. That some how if I didn't acknowledge him, I would become invisible. I had no idea what would happen to me, and it scared the life out of me.

He walked over to her and I saw his outline in the dim room. He was a solid build, strong. Confident in his movements and the way he held himself. I watched him out of the top of my eyes while still keeping my head down. I watched as he reached out to her face and cupped her chin in his hand. He lifted her face up to look at him and she smiled at him. He brushed her cheek with his finger tips in such a loving way. I heard his voice growl softly. I couldn't understand what he said, but I heard the tone. She smiled again and said, "Yes, Master" in a very soft, but certain tone. Again I heard his growl. She again responded, "Yes, Master". She slowly got up and walked across the room and turned on the small light hidden away in the corner. It wasn't very bright, but blinding to me after being in the dark for so long. She walked slowly back to her spot by the bed and knelt back down on the pillow and put her hands in her lap again.

She watched as he walked slowly to me. My eyes trying to focus on his image. My heart yet again pounding. I had never felt such fear and excitement. I was so confused. I had no idea what was in store for me. I had no idea why I was excited. I finally focused on his chest as he moved closer, he wore no shirt and only pants. I dare not move my eyes up to his face. I tried to do exactly as she did. I thought that was my only safe option as I learned his expectations in the moment. I saw how he treated her and hoped he'd be as gentle with me.

He stood over me like a giant in the position I was in. Just like he did her, he cupped his hand around my chin softly and lifted my face up to him. I kept my eyes to the ground. I heard the deep grunt of laughter in his throat as he looked at my face. One more of amusement and surprise at my lack of eye contact. "Look at me!" He growled aggressively, yet softly. I felt the chills up my spin. I felt the warmth suddenly rush to my lap and the moisture fill every fold and crease. I was surprised at the physical reaction I had to his voice. I was scared of it and confused by it and those feelings only made me more aroused. I slowly brought my eyes up to him. When I saw his face everything I felt intensified. Something so intense, aggressive and stern in his face...but his eyes...they were soft...but piercing. My body both tensed up and relaxed all at the same time. I truly felt like my body and mind were fighting itself and that was even more arousing to me.

Once I made eye contact he smirked very lightly at me and leaned down to my face. Still holding my chin in his hand tightly he spoke to me again softly, yet aggressively with such purpose. "You should know the rules. I shouldn't have to tell them to you...." He paused for a few moments and stared into my eyes as if to study my soul. "Are you going to be a good girl for me?"

I looked down for only a half second afraid to speak, but knew I must. "Yes, sir."

He studied my face again looking at the fear in my eyes. "Don't hesitate. Just answer me when I speak to you."

"Yes, sir."

"Good girl."

He released my face and walked over to the dresser drawers in the room and pulled out more rope and a Hitachi Wand. Slowly he walked over to me and knelt down to my level. He delicately strapped the wand between my legs with the rope, the head of the toy pressed firmly against my clit. I shivered at the thought of what would come and again I saw his smirk. "You will get the toy turned on when you earn it."

"Yes, sir."

He stood up and turned to her. She sat there the entire time unmoved as he walked to her. I heard the sound of a zipper and watched her look up at him and open her mouth to him. I watched with enthrallment as she began to suck him slowly, gently and lovingly. His cock was already hard when she began, but I could see it grow even harder as she licked and sucked. The sound of his breathing and his grunts were beautiful and filled me with such ecstasy. I was still so scared of what would come, but I was still so turned on. After a few minutes he spoke softly to her and she removed his pants completely for him. He walked over to me and as I did everything else so far, I followed her lead and opened my mouth to him. He smiled at me and nodded. "Good girl."

This was the second time he said those words to me and they were already my life line to calm and peace. They gave me comfort that I was doing what he wanted and that I would be rewarded. But it was more than that. It was about the idea that he was happy and that in his eyes and mind I WAS his good girl in that moment. I was doing what pleased him, released him and gave him his peace and calm. That is what gave me my peace and calm. This is what gave me my purpose in that very moment with him.

The taste of him, his fist in my hair guiding me and forcing himself deeper down my throat and the feeling of his cock across my tongue was amazing. I looked up at him and watched his facial expressions, listened to his moans, watched his body language and just found myself engulfed in him as I learned what he liked. I knew I still had some learning to do, but I did everything in my power to focus on every reaction and move he made. He knelt down and smiled at me after a few minutes and reached between my legs and turned on the toy. I jumped and felt my entire body seize up. His face became very serious and his voice became more stern and deep. "Don't!"

I knew immediately he meant for me not to cum. I didn't want to know what would happen if I did without his saying I could. I was again afraid and excited all in one. I lost my calm, my peace. I was in full concentration mode. I needed to do as I was told. I needed to please him. I could only find my own pleasure in his.

He walked over to her and she rose from her position when he gestured to her. He kissed her roughly and grabbed a fist full of her hair. She moaned in his mouth and he shoved her on the bed quickly. I watched them for a few moments as he touched her and kissed her and she did the same to him. I suddenly realized this was about torturing me. This was about testing me to see what I would do with my restraint. This was a test for me to show him I could be his "good girl". If I had enough control to do as I was told in this simple task, maybe...just maybe he would teach me. Let me study him and cherish him.

I squirmed a few times as I felt pressure inside me build. I saw him watching me every time I squirmed out of the corner of his eye...smirking. I think he liked when I squirmed. I made noises as I fought every sense of pleasure come to me. And I would hear him sigh a deep growl every time I did.

He continued to kiss her, touch her. The hardest part wasn't just him. It was her as well. It was watching her movements. Hearing her breath quicken and her moans become louder. She was torture too in the best ways. She was a teacher as well in her own right. She knew him. She served him. But she was her own person as well. She was beautiful and very intriguing to me. I wanted to learn her as well. Please her in any possible way I would be allowed.

I knew when he entered her. I felt it. Everything in the moment changed. He no longer noticed me. He no longer reacted to a single sound or movement I made. I was nothing but a fixture in the room. I was nothing but a toy that got discarded for the moment. This...this excited me more. His focus was on her, she mattered at that moment and I didn't. I was there to observe. I loved watching them together, it was rough, hot and so fucking amazing in ways I can't find words for. He made love to his Slave right in front of me and I felt honored to have witnessed it. I almost lost myself in the moment. I felt myself start to cum...I felt the warmth of a gush coming on and I suddenly came to my senses. I focused on obeying. I stopped myself. I didn't allow it. I kept telling myself that I had not earned it yet. I had not been given permission. That I could not disappoint him.

After they finished he lay there with her, holding her close. Kissing her still. I heard his growl as he spoke to her. I heard his tone in my ears and again I had to stop myself from climax. After a long time, he got up from the bed and walked slowly to me as he watched me squirming. She stay laying on the bed watching us. I kept my eyes on her until he spoke to me. "You haven't come have you? Do you know what I'd do to you if you have?"

I squirmed again and in a stressed voice I said, "No, sir. I haven't cum, sir. I promise, sir."

He smiled and again the words rolled out of his mouth, "Good girl". And again I nearly lost my edge. I nearly let it all go hearing those two little words from him.

He knelt down to me and kept his eyes locked with mine. He snapped his fingers and she got off the bed quickly and came to him. "Untie the wand." She did as she was told. I felt a sudden calm of relief, but I ached. I ached in ways I have never in my life. I wanted both of them so bad that my body ached for them both to touch me.

She took the toy and put it away, along with the rope and came back over to him and knelt beside him directly in front of me. He kept his eyes locked in mine the whole time and reached between my legs to feel my folds. He looked down for a moment and saw a little wet on the floor beneath me. "That's a very wet cunt you have there, are you sure you didn't come without my permission?"

"No, sir. I did not, sir."

He smiled as he found my clit with his thumb and index finger and rolled the bud between his fingers firmly. Pinching it as it slipped in and out of his grasp. I jerked and bit my lip hard. He leaned in and kissed me deeply as he made tiny circles with his finger on my clit faster and faster. My moans filled his mouth. I felt his cock get hard again against my leg. He slapped each inner thigh..."Spread them as far as you can and lift your body."

I did so as he stood and snapped his fingers at her and pointed between my legs. Suddenly she was there. Her mouth on me. Her tongue working my clit. He hovered over me as he took my face in his hand once again. "Do NOT cum unless you ask and I give you permission or unless I demand it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

As soon as the words left my lips his hard cock was pounding into my mouth. Again, I did all I could to focus on him. I worked his cock like it was the last thing that would ever touch my lips and tongue. I wanted to ask to cum so badly many times but I didn't want what I felt to end. I didn't want his cock to leave my lips or her mouth to stray from my clit. I wanted it. I wanted every feeling I had in that moment to just last. I felt the tip of his head expand on my tongue and as it did he growled in a very loud and deep voice, "NOW!!"

I came. I came because he came in my mouth. I came because the sound of his voice. I came because she sucked on my clit. I came because....he told me to....

"Good girl."

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