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Master PC - Selfcest Ch. 01

Story Info
Jessie discovers the mysterious program known as Master PC.
5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/23/2021
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This story is purely fictitious and not suitable for anyone that is below the legal age in their country to view pornographic material. All characters involved in the story are either the age of eighteen or older, and belong to myself. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Reader discretion is advised.


"Hey. What's two plus two?"

Is it a new Master PC story?

"N-no? Why would you ask such a thing?"

Because you kept telling me about an idea you had while I was elsewhere trying to finish the Raygun story mere minutes ago.

"You're here now, though."

So I am.

"... You down?"

Like the clown that I am.

"You're a good man. Or, woman... What are you, anyways?"

We're not going over this again. Go ahead and get started before I change my mind and go back to-

"Sorry that we've neglected the other Master PC tale that we started a year ago, folks!"

It's still a work in progress, but it's the most convoluted thing we've ever done thus far, so bear with us just a bit longer.

"In the meantime, enjoy this mostly non-meta story that we've been itching to do for some time now!"



Master PC: Selfcest


Chapter 1:

"Just Another Night In"


Jessie groaned when she walked through the door of her small apartment, lazily tossing her backpack onto the living room's couch as she shuffled off to the kitchen. In the span of a single minute, the twenty-three-year-old college drop-out had grabbed a plate from an overhead cabinet, thrown down a couple of frozen chimichangas onto it, stuffed it into the microwave to cook for a bit, and then relocated to her room to disrobe. Her work uniform, which consisted of a pair of black slacks and a dark-purple polo T-shirt, was ripe with sweat and body odor that her cheap deodorant wasn't able to fully protect against after enough time had passed.

The day had been long, her job as a telemarketer had been as mentally exhausting as ever, and Jessie had been itching to get back home to relax as soon as she'd walked out of the door that morning. With about three hours left in the evening before she needed to go to sleep and get a solid six-hours of rest, Jessie planned on spending that time winding down with a few beers and some mind-numbing video games, per the usual routine. Her life was as average and dull as they come, and while the scrawny young woman yearned for a more lavish, luxurious lifestyle, she was well-aware that she would need to put forth some serious effort to make that become a reality.

Oh well, she carelessly thought. Her family had never been wealthy, nor did any of them really keep in touch with each other. She came from a long and unimpressive line of loners and shut-ins, but didn't really mind all of that. Even if she were suddenly rich and gorgeous overnight, Jessie couldn't imagine herself going out and being all that sociable with a bunch of strangers. Hell, a few of her work friends often invited her out to a bar or some other related activity, but Jessie would always decline, preferring to keep to herself instead of force a sense of enjoyment around those who expected her to be having a good time with the rest of their strange little clique. Nothing against those guys, or bars in general, Jessie thought to herself; she just valued the time that she could spend in peaceful solitude above all else, and it was cheaper to drink at home, anyway.

Admittedly, she had no real drive, she had no ambitions above maintaining a simple and quiet life, and she viewed intimate relationships as a hassle, at the end of the day. Jessie hadn't had a romantic interest since her brief time at the local college in town, only having been enrolled for about six months before easily giving up on it all, and she didn't miss the headaches that came along with trying to please a pretty boy by pretending that she actually had any sort of drive to make something of her life, nor did she have any desire to play the role of housewife to someone who expected her to clean up after and cook for them in her downtime. After the last guy broke up with her, she didn't see the point in trying to keep someone around that couldn't just accept her for the lazy nerd that she was deep down.

At this point, she had everything he needed for the most part, and was honestly content with her boring lifestyle. After she'd gotten dressed in a pair of thin, black pajama-bottoms and an equally thin, dark-grey, long-sleeved shirt, Jessie exited her room to grab a cold beer from the fridge and the plate of cheap burritos from the microwave, then went off into the living room from the small, attached kitchen and plopped herself down onto the couch. She set the items down on her coffee table around the junk cluttering its surface, then grabbed the small bottle of hot sauce that'd been sitting out on one of its corners and doused her food with it. The spicy, bold aromas that attacked her nostrils caused her to wince for a moment, but before long she was already digging into the quickly made meal she'd prepared. During that time, she opened up the laptop sitting in the table's center and was searching through her extensive list of digital games for something to play and pass the time with.

Nothing looked all that fun or entertaining at the moment, she thought. Sure, there were a few titles in the files that still haven't even been opened or played, but that was mainly because they'd been on sale on the online store at some point and Jessie just figured that she would get to them eventually. Even though she'd saved plenty of money by buying them at the time, the funds were ultimately wasted since she never bothered to actually play most of them even once.

With the plate now half-empty and one beer already finished, Jessie was just about to give up and just watch some TV instead.

As soon as she closed the file and got a good look at her laptop's home screen, a certain program caught her eye, one that she didn't at all recognize.

Its icon was a simple, black square with a glittery, green "M" in its center. The letter appeared to be animated to some degree as it twinkled in Jessie's confused gaze, and even shifted out of place in reality itself on some level whenever she moved her head or slightly altered where her view was focused, as if there was a split-second delay for it to readjust and fall back into where it should be positioned. Underneath the icon, it read:


Jessie furrowed her brow, having no idea what the hell it was for nor any memory of installing any program with that title. The strangeness of its abstract appearance kept her from immediately dismissing it as a strange form of malware or spyware, and Jessie found that she was more curious than anything to find out its purpose. Had she bought another game in one of her drunken stupors and forgotten about it completely?

It was possible, but unlikely, she thought.

Welp, there was only one way to find out. But first, she made a quick run to the kitchen to get herself another cold and tasty beverage. Once that was done, she moved the wireless mouse sitting next to the laptop and aimed the cursor right above the icon, then double-clicked.

The screen went black for a few long seconds, and Jessie's heart thumped hard in her chest as she began to wonder if she'd just been locked out of her own PC by some bizzare and elaborate virus. Just as her index finger quickly shot towards the power button, the screen came back to life, and an empty, green box appeared on screen. The following text that was slowly written out in basic, green letters read:

"Welcome to Master PC's Command Center..."

"The Master allows you to become a virtual god to the people around you."

"You now possess the power to bend their reality to your specifications."

"You are the Master's Representative."

"Wut?" Jessie dumbly asked aloud, just as confused as ever.

After the box and the text inside blinked away, another and more narrow box replaced it, this one having a blinking cursor beside its left border with text written out above it, asking for a "User" name to be entered.

Jessie shrugged and typed out her own name, then pressed the "Enter" key.

After that, the screen went black once more for a short time, then began to fill with small, twinkling dots of light that were moving out and away from the center. In the center itself, a small dot of blue appeared, growing and growing until she was also able to make out vivid colors of green and tan across its detailed surface. It didn't take long at all for Jessie to realize that it was a high-resolution image of the planet Earth being shown, one that continued to zoom in until the sphere's surface couldn't fit within the screen's borders anymore.

Further and further it went, passing through many darkened clouds of the evening sky, eventually reaching a point where the entirety of her country was only visible, then her state, and then... her town, Jessie realized with wide eyes. In the span of maybe half a minute, her screen went from showing her a view of what she guessed to be deep space all the way down to her apartment complex, passing through the roof and three floors above her, entering her living room, then finally stopping in place somewhere near where her TV was mounted on the wall, looking right at her. Now, Jessie's screen displayed her sitting there alone in her apartment, looking down at her and the immediate surroundings from a slight angle.

Panicked, Jessie's eyes darted around the room, trying to pinpoint the source of what could be capturing and tracking her appearance and movements in real-time. There wasn't a camera of any kind magically floating around from where she was being looked at, but it was undeniable that there had to be something there, she thought. Alas, nothing of the sort was making itself visible to her in any capacity.

"What is this?" Jessie mumbled, trying to ignore the ethereal device that was watching her as she focused in on the bizarre program that had infected her computer.

While most of the screen was showing Jessie a vision of herself and the living room, a few other things became immediately apparent. Along the right border of the screen was a smooth, grey bar with a small triangle pointing left at the top of it, while the bottom fifth of the screen displayed a black box with a thin and blinking green cursor similar to the one that had asked her to enter a name in its space. That same space at the bottom had two things at each of its top corners, the one on the right being text that read "Command Center" while the left end simply had a small, green question mark.

Jessie moved her mouse over the small arrow at the top corner of the screen and clicked, and she was in disbelief at first as to what she was looking at.

The grey bar extended outward to the same dimensions as the lower section and presented her with a list of stats, sliders, and other adjustable options with plenty of strange labels over them, while her name was prominently displayed at the top above two tabs that read "Physical" and "Mental".

In that section, and to her dismay, every slight thing about herself was precisely described down to a tee.

It informed Jessie that she had a cup-size of 32B with a less than desirable percentage of sag at her young age; her waist and hips were both thirty-one-inches around; she weighed in at one-hundred-eleven pounds; her height was five-foot-seven-inches; her overall hair length was ten-inches long, unkempt, and was labeled as naturally dark-brown; her eyes were classified as light-brown, while she'd always considered them to be hazel; her skin was fair and was listed as "Imperfect", likely due to several blemishes and light scars she'd accumulated over the years, Jessie figured.

There was an option to view more advanced settings in that regard, but her curiosity drove her to click on the "Mental" tab, and it was just as accurate as the "Physical" one, she found.

Jessie's current state of mind was labeled: "Paranoid and Defensive", understandably so given the circumstances; her mood was accurately stated as "Anxious and Curious"; her overall I.Q. was one-hundred-seven; her self-esteem had a rating of fifty-six on a one to one-hundred scale; her personality was classified as "Reserved and Bashful", while her willpower was rated a forty-nine on the same sort of scale as her self-esteem.

With that, she quickly closed her laptop, grabbed the untouched beer on the table, cracked it open, and chugged the entire thing in just a few seconds. The crisp, icey liquid burned her throat a bit as it was gulped down, two thin streams leaking out from the corners of her mouth and dripping down her chin onto her shirt as she pressed on. Jesse threw the empty can across the room and took a few deep breaths afterwards, just before slapping her face with both hands and keeping them pressed up against her stinging cheeks with notable force.

"Okay." Jessie said, glancing around the room aimlessly as she lowered her hands back to the laptop. "Let's see what your deal is, you weird fuckin' program."

When she opened it back up, the screen flicked to life where she'd left off.

This couldn't be some kind of weird and over-blown prank, could it? It couldn't be, Jessie thought, there's no way someone could know this much about her. Sure, on an off chance that she had a stalker who'd laced her apartment with cameras and recording equipment to figure out everything about her body, the stuff in the mental settings was just too on-point. She'd never told a soul about her irrational fear of pigeons, and nobody in the world could've known how much she absolutely adored having her hair played with, even her last boyfriend, who never bothered to do such a thing in the short time they were together. Sure, that last one likely wasn't uncommon for a lot of people, but it was very correctly rated as her most favorite activity according to Master PC, located at the top of the short list right above napping, and drinking.

If this actually was a joke, then someone must've gone through a lot of trouble and money to code this bizarre program for just that purpose. And then there was the invisible camera, which seemed to be watching her from the very center of her television rather than any of its corners. Also, it appeared as though each of the options and details about herself appeared to be editable.

Wait a second... The opening message, the fact that she could click within those spaces and potentially rewrite and/or adjust the setting presented to her, could it be that this thing could actually change reality? Bullshit, she thought... Still, this program was strange enough on its own. What could be the harm in testing that fact?

Weary of changing anything in her own "Mental" tab, Jesse finally decided to minimize the stats bar altogether and click on the small, green question mark in the top-right corner of the bottom section known as the "Command Center".

A narrow, black box similar to the Command Center appeared in the center of the laptop's screen with green text that read:

"The Command Center is where a User may alter reality using a less specific and generalized method. Just type out what you would like to change, and it shall be done. However, be careful with your wording, as the program will interpret certain commands on its own."

"Just like a genie... Cool." She chuckled, the alcohol she drank finally taking effect in her system. She let out a deep belch, then typed a rather simple line into the Command Center for her test.

[I am holding a cold beer in my left hand.]

When she hit the Enter key, her entire world perspective was flipped upside-down in an instant. The text she had input vanished in the same instant that a can of Million Lite appeared in her elevated left hand. There wasn't any kind of dramatic *poof* or anything of the sort, and Jessie thought for a moment that she'd been holding said can since before she sent off the command.

With wide eyes, she examined the cold, aluminum container closely. It wasn't the brand she normally favored, and it was only twelve ounces instead of the sixteen that she preferred. Still though, it worked! This program was freaking legit! Holy shit!

Without a second thought, she did the same with that beer as she had the previous, cracking it open and guzzling it down without a second thought. It was bitter and a bit watery than she'd prefer, but it was definitely beer, without a doubt! Again, holy shit!

Jessie threw the emptied can over in the same direction the last one had been tossed in, landing behind the living room's second, less comfortable couch. After that, she drew her focus back to the program, her head spinning with the possibilities that came with it entailed. A lifetime's supply of alcohol was one thing, but the things she could do to improve her plain, unattractive body were a completely different story!

Where should she start? Bigger boobs were a must, but not too big, of course. A bigger butt? Absolutely! Jessie's butt had always been boyish and flat, and her hips could certainly use a widening, as well. Not to mention, she was pretty skinny, but her skin wasn't all that tight and didn't look amazing by any stretch when it was on full display in any kind of decent lighting. Her face could use a bit of tweaking too since she'd never really felt like the prettiest girl in the room, but that might just be a byproduct of her low self-esteem, she admittedly thought. Speaking of which, could this thing do her make-up for her? Who was she kidding, it had to be able to!

While her body was very faintly highlighted by an outline on-screen, likely indicating that she was the one selected for the list of stats in the minimized section of the program, Jessie couldn't seem to move the invisible camera around from where it was looking down at her. For a magical, all-powerful computer program, that was a strange limitation for her to come across. She wanted to be able to see her changes up close, and so she decided to get up from the couch and bring the laptop with her into the bathroom.

Jessie watched the screen closely as she relocated from the living room to the hallway, and the camera angle did shift upon walking out of view, gazing down from the end of the hallway's length. Still, it wasn't the most desireable angle for her current intentions, she thought, and again so when she walked into the bathroom. It was looking down at her from one of the lavatory's upper corners, which admittedly had a great view of the shower, if anyone were in there. Oh, well, she thought, this was good enough. In a matter of seconds, Jessie had removed the thin, comfortable clothes off of her plain, skinny frame and was gazing at each of its slight and not-so-slight imperfections.

As the laptop sat next to the sink on the counter, a mildly intoxicated Jessie went back into the command box and typed out:

[My body is completely healthy and my skin is flawless.]

Jessie took a deep nervous breath as she looked up into the mirror at her reflection, then pressed the Enter key.

The changes took place over the course of a few seconds, and the intense, pleasurable sensations that came along with them caused Jessie's knees to buckle and her hands to press down onto the bathroom counter to stay upright. Regardless, she didn't dare look away from the mirror. She wanted to see the magic happen right before her eyes more than anything else in the world at that moment.

Jessie watched as her mildly prominent hip-bones mostly disappeared behind the swelling flesh of her waist; the flabby ponch of her out-of-shape stomach tightened up and became as flat as a board, her small and droopy breasts rose up a bit and obtained a roundness that they had lost in the last five years; her thighs bubbled out and the few pock mark scars dotted around their surface vanished without a trace; the muscles in her arms and torso filled out slightly enough for the change to be noticeable and gave her upper body a more fit and athletic appearance; even her sunken cheeks puffed out just a bit while the acne scars that were spread across her face had been completely removed.


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