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Masters of Lavender Hill Mansion


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"That's a great idea. I'll add that to the dream list and definitely consider that as an option."

"Who wouldn't mind a mani/pedi and massage once a week? I'm in. I'd bust my ass all week to have it."

"I'd make sure it was part of the employee benefit package. Have to have healthy and happy people working here so everyone else is too."

"Got that right, girlfriend. So, I's starving and need some food pronto to stop the rumbling going on."

"I picked up lots of great stuff to eat, so let's dig in and enjoy our first meal here."

They went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, taking everything out and putting it on the counter. Lisa got the paper plates out of her bag, along with utensils and napkins and they dished out what they wanted on their plates. Olivia surprised Lisa by taking a bottle of white wine out of the fridge and used the plastic cups to pour it into. Olivia held her cup up to Lisa who did the same.

"Not exactly fine dining, but here's to our first meal here and I couldn't ask for a better dinner companion than my best friend. Thank you, Lisa."

"It's perfect and I agree, best company ever."

They took a good swallow of wine and dug in happily and hungrily to the meal, savouring each bite. As they talked and laughed enjoying their time together, the scent was always present with them, letting them know Olivia was with them.

The radio continued to play the oldies from the local station they realized during a station break. Despite it being low on their list of music choices, it seemed to fit the mood and evening well.

"They used to have some pretty songs back then. They were all happy and about being in love mostly, not like now and it's all so serious."

"Yeah, it was a time when music was fun to sing along to and dance to. I know so many of these songs from listening to the stuff my mom and dad play. Speaking of parents, have you decided if you'll tell them about our new friend?"

"Yeah, I decided not to, at least not yet. I don't want them getting worried about me and making things difficult for me. They already think I'm in over my head with this place, but they know once I have my mind set on something, I go for it all the way."

"Yes you do, I really admire that about you. No half-assed shit with you. All, or nothing."

"Yup, that's me. I really think I can make this place work. I know it's going to take some serious money to make it in to something, but I really think it has the potential to pay for itself really soon. I have my own money and I already have a mortgage against the place for a couple hundred thousand, I just have to use it the best way I can to get it up and running and keep doing stuff as I go and make more money."

"So what is this place worth?"

"The land and house are estimated at one point three million. If I tore this place down and had it zoned for residential, the land alone is worth two plus or more."

"Oh, don't ever think of doing that. It would be a sin and Olivia would have no where to live."

"Oh, I totally agree. There's no way this place is coming down. I want it to be here long after I'm gone."

"Great. I can see it too. It'll still have that grandness to it. What colour are you painting the outside? It's in real need of some paint."

"I'm not sure. Maybe I'll ask Olivia what she thinks and go with that. She's had more time than us to think of what would look prettiest. Olivia, when it comes time to paint the outside, what do you want it to look like? Would lavender be a colour you'd choose?"

They stood and listened and along with the scent, came a whispered yes that wafted in the air. They looked at each other in awe at hearing it.

"I'm starting to picture the house in my mind and I'm not sure if you're putting that picture, but I'm seeing the whole house in a bright white and all the trim in lavender. Is that what you would like, Olivia?"

A moment later the sound of yes floated around their heads like smoke and disappeared, leaving the scent behind.

"Sweet. I like that look, at least what I imagined it to be. I'll do my best to make it look that way. I pictured a weather vane on top of the peaked roof, is there one that's supposed to be there from before?"

Yes wafted by again and clung to them briefly.

"I am so happy we can talk Olivia. I want to make you happy again. I have no idea how long you've been sad, but it is far too long and you should be happy now. What about the shutters on the windows, are they lavender, or something different? I was just seeing that in my mind, am I right?"

The yes circled about Olivia's head and made her tingle down her back and shiver.

"Oooooh, I felt that one. Gave me tingles up my spine."

"What did she do to you, Ollie?"

"I don't know, it was when she said yes and it was like going around my head and sent tingles along my back. It wasn't bad or anything, just really neat to feel when you're not expecting it."

"Oh yeah, I know what you mean. I like that too, one of those touches that just light you up with sensation from so little a touch."

"Yeah, like that."

"I'm in for some of that Olivia. I like a good tingle now and then."

Olivia laughed hard at that and Lisa looked at her, wondering what the joke was.

"Sorry, didn't mean to laugh so hard, it was just, you know, you said you liked a good tingle now and then and thought of the beast in your drawer you play with and well, it's quite the tingle and you play a bit more than now and then."

"Oh, yeah, well...you know, every woman has to have her little helper to get by right? And hey, there's nothing wrong with my wand. It's served me well each and every time I've called upon it."

"Except when the power is out."

"True, but I have battery back up just in case. They keep talking about emergency preparedness and I'm doing my part. I always have an extra tube of lube, batteries and non powered toys, so I have no worries about facing the apocalypse. I'll be smiling all the way till the end and not giving a shit."

"That's my girl, always glass half full and looking on the bright side of things."

"Well I ain't digging a hole in the ground and hiding my sorry ass in it for who knows how long and come out to nothing but crap. Poke my head out and some freakin' zombie grabs me and starts eating my brain."

"You so have to stop watching those kinds of movies."

"Like it's ever going to happen."

"I know, it just sounds gross, eating someone's brain."

"Yeah, better they have zombies that like eating pussy and go out that way instead."

"I swear, you and your pussy."

"What? Don't like yours for some reason? I love mine and treat it well. Like they say, 'use it or lose it' and I use mine often. I have a great relationship with her. We both keep each other happy and things are great. She's upset, I'm upset. She's satisfied, I'm satisfied. I'd say we get along great."

"Okay, you made your point. And no, before you ask, I have a great relationship with mine too, albeit and little less vigorously done."

"To each their own. Now I almost wish I brought one or two, now that we're talking about toys and playing."

"Oh stop, you are such a slut."

"And you love me for it."

"Yes I do. I wouldn't know half the stuff I do if it wasn't for you."

"Damn straight girl and don't you forget it. I've never steered you wrong once, have I?"

"No, no you haven't. Almost got us in trouble that one time, but both of us were drunk and didn't know better."

"I know. It was fun up till then. I don't think I could handle all of them at once and they were getting pretty insistent on making it happen."

"Yeah, I lost my panties during that. Asshole tore them right off of me and acts like that's my favourite fantasy. I'm just glad we got away and didn't get harassed anymore."

"Well, so much for walking along the beach and meeting a couple of nice guys."

"Yeah, but we stopped at how many pubs along the way for a drink? Five, six I think."

"Come on, even you were wanting another drink because it was hot out."

"Yeah, it was hot and we should have had hats on and we wouldn't have felt so drunk like we were."

"True. Anyway, I think that was the last sleepover we had. You passed out in my bed with me and we slept for hours together, I remember that. You were spooned up behind me and cuddling and it felt so nice just being like that."

"Yeah, I kinda remember that. It was nice. I think I woke up once and just held you closer and went back to sleep. Ten hours I think we were like that, if I have the times right."

"Yup, ten hours it was. Haven't had such a peaceful, relaxing sleep in ages. Paul never liked cuddling when we slept, he said it bothered him if I touched him trying to sleep."

"Yeah, that's just weird. How can you make out and five minutes later not want to touch that person?"

"Yup, that and other shit ended it for us and now I know what else I don't want in a guy."

"I know. I really wanted it to work with Ian, but past his looks and great body, he's just not giving anything to me. Loved fucking him, but there was so much more missing when we weren't. I couldn't be in a relationship like that."

"It sucks, doesn't it? Why can't they see more to us than sex and cooks and cleaning in little maid outfits? I want a life too and maybe I want him doing that stuff for me and I sit back and watch soap operas and game shows and shit. Go play bingo three times a week and weigh three hundred pounds from eating plates of cheese nachos and chocolate bars, but try to watch my weight and have a diet soda. I mean, I want to live the dream too ya know. Big double wide mobile home and a pick up truck. Damn girl, that's living it up right there."

"Between welfare and E.I. and all your bingo winnings, get your hubby working full time and part time on weekends, might even have a place in Florida in a retirement park to live out your days in the lap of luxury."

"Oh yeah, can't you picture me? Permanently tanned and skin like leather, horrid dye job and cut. Big fucking moo moo and slip on shoes, cuz I can't bend over and touch my toes."

"Gorgeous. Plenty of make up to highlight that natural beauty of yours."

"For sure. Scariest fucking clown face you'd ever see. Be like, Santa's mistress or something. Fucker needs a spanking for not bring me my fucking unicorn. Make his ass rosy and red like his cheeks."

"Oooh, I like it when you get all kinky and stuff, it turns me on."

"Oh yeah? Want to be my little bitch sex toy, do you?

Lisa moved up to Olivia and grabbed her hair from behind and pulled it back sharply, looking at her in dominance.

"Oh Baby, yes, I'm yours, take me, make me your sex toy."

Lisa let her go and pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek lovingly.

"I do love you, Ollie. I can do anything with you and you don't take offence and know I'm just playing."

"I know, but I have to admit, I do love when a guy pulls my hair like that and kisses me like he's just filled with lust for me."

"Oh yeah, panty wetter for sure. That's what pissed me off about Paul. That man could kiss me and my nipples would be hard in seconds for him. I just loved letting him take me hard any way he wanted."

"Oh yeah, I know that feeling. Just letting yourself go and hope he finishes you off before he does."

"I solved that issue with Paul. I told him he better make me cum or else I'd play with toys and do it and see if he got in it again to dump his load."

"Yeah, That would about do it."

"It did. I always came before him and sometimes twice if he was doing a good job of it."

"I wish I had said something to Ian and got more of what I wanted out of it. There's more to it than cock, no matter how big and thick it is."

"You never said how big he was. Hung?"

"Yes, nicely too. I knew what being filled was like. If he only took his time and let me get more worked up, it would have been awesome, but he was too eager like you said to make his deposit and do something else."

"Fuck, should have smacked that boy up side his head for him, girl. Do that to me once and it'll be the last. I don't use sex as a weapon, but I won't participate if he won't respect my needs and desires as much as his own. He can't even take care of my needs, let alone hint at the three of us doing it. All I see is you and me having most of the fun and he's just a cock to throw in it when we want it. That's not what he sees. More like we lie there dutifully while he goes back and forth fucking us until he cums and we drop to our knees and worship the goo that spews forth."

"You make it sound so inviting to try."

"I know. Such a turn on for us. Three ways, right, like guys have a clue what to do. All I see it as, is an invitation for two women to have fun and see if they like it. The cock is there to keep us grounded and not go totally lesbian on him."

"Cock is nice, I must admit."

"Yeah, but even I could put a strap on dildo on and fuck you better than a guy if it came down to just a cock. Mine wouldn't cum first and be as hard as long as you wanted and done exactly the way you wanted."

"Now you really are making it sound inviting. I could only imagine a session where it's all about my pussy and not his cock."

"Say the word, girl. I'll order one on line and do you big time."

"You would, wouldn't you?"

"Of course. You know I fantasized about doing it with another woman. Haven't met the right one, but I'd certainly do you if you wanted it."

"Well, that's certainly something to think about. You'd make sure it was big enough, wouldn't you?"

"Fuck yeah. Get one thick enough I can't put my fingers around and no smaller than nine inches. I'll make you feel well fucked. You can play with your toys and shit and I'll just be your cock."

"You're really serious, aren't you?"

"Shit yeah, aren't you?

"No, I was only playing. You'd really do me with one of those things?"

"Why not? Not like I haven't seen you naked before. I mean, I haven't seen you have sex, but how different can it be from me what you do?"

"Wow, that really is quite the offer. You'd really do it?"

"Yes, I really would. You're my best friend and we've shared so much sexual stuff with each other, so just putting it on and waiting until you want it is all I'd really be doing. You call the play by play and I do what you want. It's not like we're lesbians or anything. It's just using another toy that needs someone else to wear so it works."

"You do have a way of making it sound good. I don't know, I'll have to think on that one. I'd have to get over the weirdness of it first."

"Easy, just close your eyes and be any where with anyone doing it. It's just a fantasy right?"

"True. You could be anyone I want you to be. I'd still open my eyes and know it was you doing it."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

"No, just weird like I said."

"I was just wondering. Do you think the other Olivia is listening to us talking about all this stuff?"

"Now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure she is. She could be right here with us and we wouldn't know. I hope we didn't upset her or anything with what we said."

"You think she might be? Not like it was going on back then like we're talking."

"No, but stuff was still going on, just not as openly talked about like we're doing. Olivia, are we upsetting you with what we're talking about?"

A distinct no breezed by them clearly, making sure they understood her.

"Great, we didn't realize you might not care to hear two women talking like this. I don't think girls talked like this back then, did they?"

A distinct sound of giggling was heard echoing about, making the pair smile at hearing it.

"You did talk like that back then?"

Yes came out clearly and swirled about them almost tickling them to laugh.

"So you had a friend you would talk to about things like that?"

Another yes came and wrapped around them, bringing giggles finally from both of them.

"That tickles when you do that. You like doing that, don't you, Olivia?"

The yes came again and brought them to giggles even more.

"Stop it, stop, Olivia. I get that you're happy talking about that stuff."

"Oh my God, that feels so weird when she does that. So our friend is like us and enjoys girl talk, that's cool. I wish you could tell us things you and you're friend talked about."

The soft hiss of the word kiss floated around their heads and brushed over their lips.

"Oh, wow, my lips are tingling."

"Mine too."

They both rubbed their lips at the sensation and looked at each other in wonderment. To feel such an intimate caress by an invisible entity.

"You liked talking about kissing? Lisa and I used to talk about kissing when we were kids. What boys would be like to kiss and which one we'd want to do it with. Did you do that too?"

The tingles on their lips came again and wrapped them in ticklish caress, making them squirm at the sensation. Olivia's spirit was enjoying herself and the echoing giggles came out once again.

"Olivia! You're really playful, aren't you? You like teasing us like that and making us laugh."

The yes was more clearer, more defined in how it came out, instead of a whispered breath.

"I can hear you so much clearer all of a sudden. Are you able to say more now?"

"I heard it very clearly that time, but you know what? I also felt like my energy level dropped at the same time."

"I didn't feel anything like that, I wonder why?"

"Maybe she was able to tap into you somehow and use your energy to talk better.?"

"That could be true. It certainly happened at the same time. Did you use me to talk better Olivia?"

"Yes, Lisa."

"Holy shit, did you hear her say that? She even said my name."

"I did and I think she used me this time. I felt that drain this time."

"Yes Ollie."

"So you can speak better using our energy too?"

"Yes. I am trying to use a little from both of you, is that okay?"

"Yes, yes, Olivia, it's not so bad when you do a little bit at a time."

The excitement level was at a peak at that point, actually talking with a spiritual being.

"Oh my, I have so much I want to ask you about. I don't even know where to begin. What was your friend's name?"

"Jocelyn Cartwright."

"You liked talking about kissing boys with her?"


A giggle came after and it was clearly a young woman's voice.

"How old are you, Olivia? You sound so young."


"I know it was painful for you, but why did you kill yourself?"


"What happened to her? How did she die? Oh wait, you don't have to answer that?"

"She hung herself."

The pair felt a large drain of energy from both of them, as Olivia spoke.

"That took a lot out of me."

"Me too. Sweetie, maybe if you talk softer when you say more than one word, it won't drain our energy too much."


The softer voice was easier to handle on both of them.

"Is it okay if we stop for now, so Lisa and I can close everything up and start a fire and boil some water to wash?"


"Thank you, Olivia. I really love talking with you and getting to know you better. You're sweet and fun too, I really like that."

"I like you too and you too, Lisa."

Olivia whispered it so she didn't drain them to say so much. Olivia turned to Lisa and confirmed her thoughts.

"If you whisper like that, it didn't feel draining at all and I could hear you just fine."

"Okay. I would love to talk more with you too. I like you two, you're funny together. Jocelyn and I were like that as well."

"Sweet. Lisa and I have been best friends since we were nine. We're both twenty six, so seventeen years of friendship."

"I know Josie and I would have been the best of friends forever too."

"Follow us Olivia, while we get the kettle and get the fire going. I don't know if you can smell us right now, but we don't smell like lavender like you do. I love that smell."

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