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Mature Women Love My Big Cock Ch. 02

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Barry Confronts His Mum.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/15/2023
Created 11/17/2023
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All people having sexual activity in this story are eighteen and over.  

I am looking for someone to Edit and Proof Read my works, if you are interested, please contact me through literotica. This story is unedited so there will be errors and I apologise for this, but I hope you enjoy anyway.  

I was genuinely surprised at the look mum gave me when I said this, we clinked our wine glasses and mum said, "Barry, I would hate it if you were not here with me you are a big part of my life and I would hate it if you weren't around me, I think that you're under a lot of pressure because of your finals but remember you've been accepted for university but I wanted you to have an A in maths and I'm sure that you'll get it, that'll make me so happy, please relax and don't think of leaving home at the moment."  

We had dinner, I had two glasses of wine, after dinner I said, "Mum, I've some revision that I want to do, will you still be up at eight-thirty as I need to talk with you?"  

"I'll be here we can have another bottle of this delicious wine."  

I went to my room, there was a message from Sally saying she'd got the job and would start on Monday morning, she'd make sure I'd get an A grade. I replied, saying that I was so happy for her and I'd try to pop in for a cup of tea tomorrow. I then went on to cloud and found out that Rod had been servicing mum for six months. On his first visit Rod had discussed the agency he worked for, he was a gigolo or male escort but mum was only using him for sex so he was a gigolo or male prostitute and looking at the videos soon showed mum was addicted to his big fat cock.  

I found three videos of Rod having a threesome with mum and Aunt Jo these videos showed both of them loved a big fat cock they also loved being fucked in every hole both mum and Aunt Jo joined in enthusiastically in threesome sex both mum and Aunt Jo talked dirty using the fuck word a lot. I thought that I'd make a little video up it would be a naughty video with the things mum and Aunt Jo could get up to, but this would depend on how I got on with mum tonight.   

I went downstairs just before eight-thirty I was wearing a t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms which I usually wore around the house I went into the lounge and mum was wearing a silk dressing gown which was not unusual for her I smiled at her and said, "Mum, would you like some more wine as I definitely need it?"  

Mum smiled back and said, "Why not, how did your revision go?"  

I replied, "Well, a lot of things fell into place which should make it better for me."  

I then went to the kitchen and got the wine put it on a tray with a wine cooler with two glasses I went back into the lounge and poured the wine sitting in the same place where Rod had sat having his cock sucked by mum, mum was sitting beside me on the couch, we clinked glasses I said, "Mum, you're a beautiful woman and I love you will all my heart but tonight I want you to be honest with and it's so important that you are as it could make our relationship stronger or it could kill it completely."  

"Barry, I will be honest with you, please tell me what this is about?"  

I took a deep breath noticing that mum wasn't wearing a bra, which only happened now and again, "Sally, is now the head maths teacher at my school and she starts on Monday, which is good for me."  

Mum looked relieved and said, "Barry, that is fantastic news, I'm so happy for her, we should drink Champagne."  

I put on a serious face and said, "Sally's interview was this afternoon, she had to cancel our session I was here and I would like you to be honest please tell me all about your stallion Rod."  

The shocked look on mum's face I'd never seen before she said, "Barry, I'm so sorry, this is so difficult for me to explain I'm so sorry, how can I make my mistake up to you, I love you, I don't love Rod."  

"Mum, you've been letting a man fuck you in every hole bare back, you've been having unprotected sex, did you not think of that, please tell me how this all came about?"  

Mum was thinking hard, "Barry, I have a very strong sex drive I love sex I have been seeing Rod for six months before that if I found someone, I liked I'd have a one-night stand but I found that none of them satisfied me as I got older, I needed more adventurous sex I always made them wear a condom. Aunt Jo found Rod online on an Escort website, he's very well endowed, that's what Jo and I were looking for. Jo tried him first, he satisfied her completely and he's clean, he always uses condoms with his escort customers."  

"I tried him and all was good he could make me cum so easily, that's was what I was looking for, I know it is not right but using Rod gave me the sex that I need but paying a gigolo is not right, I'm sorry I've let you down but I'll be honest with you and answer questions you want to ask so that you'll understand my situation."  

I felt like saying, 'Mum, be a darling and put on that miniskirt and quarter cup bra you were wearing this afternoon, I'll show you a cock that you're going to fall in love with.' But I didn't I said, "Mum, you're a beautiful, intelligent woman I love sex too but I'm not going to a prostitute twice a week, is it just for the sex that you use Rod?"  

Mum surprised me when she said, "Barry, I think you think that I'm a big cock slut I'll be honest, since I've had Rod I prefer a well-hung man as in my life I've never experienced a loving relationship with anyone, I'm so sorry that you've found out about my secret, you may call foolishness but to me it's very addictive and gives me the pleasure I need, I get satisfied with Rod I try to be discreet with our meetings, sometimes I think that I'm bad shouldn't be doing this then I get the urge I've got to do it, I know that I have a weakness but I love you with all my heart, would you prefer it if I stopped seeing him?"  

I took mum's hand and said, "Mum, thank you for being so honest with me I understand the position, you should do what's best for you, life is a compromise I'm happy we can speak openly as that's how we'll get to know each other better, we both care about each other that allows us to be honest we should go out for a meal at least once a week as that will allow us to spend some quality time together as that's one thing neither of us have in our lives at the moment."  

We finished the wine as we went upstairs mum said, "Barry, thank you for those wise words I think you understand what my problems are tomorrows Friday I'll make a booking at Enzo's tomorrow, you do not know how relieved I am that you know my secret, please give me a cuddle."  

I took mum in my arms and pulled her close to me it surprised me that mum was pulling me close to her I felt the weight of her massive breasts on my chest they felt so good I looked down on her and she looked up and that's when our lips met, she kissed my lips and I kissed hers I thought that these beautiful lips had been wrapped around Rod's cock a few hours ago and I was surprised that didn't affect me at all, as I broke away from our kiss I said, "Mum, I have a weakness too so don't worry about yours."  

We were still in our cuddle and mum said, "Barry, please tell me, what's your weakness?"  

Mum was looking me straight in the eye and still holding me close in our cuddle, I whispered to her, "Mum, my weakness is I love big tits."  

Mum smiled, "Darling, you won't find me lacking in that department."  

Simultaneously, our lips met again as my right hand cupped mum's massive left breast her nipple was huge and rock hard it felt so good but opened her mouth a little giving me the opportunity to slip my tongue deep inside her mouth soon both our tongues were dancing in each other's mouths it was an affectionate kiss that lasted several minutes as we broke away mum said, "Barry, thank you I've never been kissed so passionately in all my life."  

I wanted to kiss her again but mum said, "Breakfast at eight?"  

I had no school as it was revision time now, I said, "That's great mum, I'll be studying in my room all day tomorrow and I'm confident that all will be good."  

Mum smiled, "When's your maths exam?"  

"Tuesday morning at nine-thirty and I'll be happy when it's finished, the good thing is on Monday Sally takes over as the head of the maths department, she's taught me so much."  

Next morning mum was at the cooker preparing breakfast she was wearing a towelling bathrobe I was sure she was naked underneath I went behind her as she was flipping the eggs, I put my hands on her hips and kissed her on the cheek and said, "Good morning mum, did you sleep well?"  

Mum smiled, "I had a lot on my mind but I slept very well, I've a busy day today as I messaged my hairdresser last night to ask if she could fit me in today, she messaged me back telling me she could take me at nine-thirty."  

Over breakfast mum said, "Barry, I've something important to ask, remember at the Easter church service Sally looked fantastic in two inches above the knee miniskirt, Jo and I were both dressed in our usual conservative outfits but I have a lot of risqué outfits I can only wear in private and I'd like today for my date tonight, I'd like to wear something nice that I feel comfortable in so I'm going shopping after the hairdresser."  

I smiled, "Mum, you have a gorgeous figure please show it off a bit but only wear clothes you feel comfortable in, I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight."  

After breakfast I went to my bedroom to start my revision, twenty minutes later mum came in to tell me she was leaving, she looked good in a blouse and skirt I stood up, "Mum, you look gorgeous, you're only wearing a blouse and skirt."  

Mum took me in her arms we were both pulling each other closer to each other our lips met mum and I were tongue kissing so lovingly my hands weren't exploring but the passion in our kisses told me a lot mum broke away, "I'll try to get a table at Enzo's for seven we'll walk then we can enjoy a nice bottle of wine."  

We kissed again and mum left. I had a message from Sally saying that she was so happy about getting her position she needed the weekend to get herself organised she told me not to flirt with her at school our only contact with her by WhatsApp.  

At four in the afternoon, I got a WhatsApp message from mum saying she'd got a table for seven she had also bought several outfits, she would be home at five and suggested that we meet in the lounge for a glass of wine at six-thirty; I replied I would see her then.  

I went into the kitchen at twenty past six to open a bottle of Chablis I poured two glasses I went into the lounge with them sitting on the couch where Rod had sat when mum had sucked his cock I wondered when mum would suck my cock on the couch but was in no hurry to let this happen I had thought of only giving mum pleasure as I had the feeling that apart from being fucked with a big cock mum had never received much pleasure in her life.  

I interrupted my thoughts when mum standing in the lounge doorway said, "What do you think of this outfit? If you don't like it I can quickly change into something else?"  

I looked at mum she was wearing a white cashmere sweater that looked as though it had been moulded on to her body her massive breasts looked gigantic with the bra she was wearing she was wearing a black skirt that came to two inches above her knees and her three-inch heels made her legs look so long she was wearing silk stockings I smiled, "Mum, you look gorgeous please give me a twirl as I want to see everything, you don't need to change anything."  

As mum did her twirl, I noticed she was wearing a deep red lipstick I'd never seen her wear one so red but with her white sweater and black skirt she looked incredible mum said, "I'm so happy that you like the outfit as I feel so comfortable wearing it I'm wearing an open cup bra which doesn't cover my nipples and my nipples love the warmth and softness of the cashmere I hope you don't mind looking at my hard nipples all night because just looking at you makes my nipples hard."  

I wanted to tell mum that just looking at her as she was now dressed made my cock stiff I only said, "Mum, I love your red lipstick it suits you in that outfit I want to kiss you but I don't want to smudge your lipstick as it looks so good."  

Mum smiled and said, "Barry, give me a cuddle we'll do a lot of kissing later as I don't want it smudged as it took me ten minutes to put it on be a darling, give my nipples a squeeze so I know how it feels when I'm wearing cashmere."  

I took both her nipples between my index finger and thumb of each hand and squeezed mum gasped, "Darling, you make mummy feel good I love it when you make mummy feel good, I've been thinking about us, I feel that both of us must be one hundred percent certain that we want to go to the next level I love when we kiss and cuddle I've never felt the passion that you give me when we kiss in my life before, Barry are you comfortable if we don't rush things until we're both sure?"  

I pulled mum closer to me, "Mum, I agree with you how would we both feel if we did it and it didn't work out, I love you with all my heart you excite me, I want to give you pleasure but let us take our time."  

We then drank our wine and made our way to Enzo's over dinner, it surprised how relaxed we both were; I loved mum in her cup less bra as her massive breasts jiggled so beautifully when she moved. We also agreed that we'd only kiss and touch, mum emphasized she wasn't ready for penetrative sex I assured her that this wouldn't happen. Our meal was delicious as mum and I finished our wine mum said, "Barry, I've enjoyed our date tonight I feel so comfortable being with you I'm looking forward to our kisses when we get home, is there anything that you'd like to do when we get home?"  

I smiled and said, "Mum, I'd love to feel and suck on your big hard nipples as they've been hard since you came into the lounge tonight."  

Mum laughed, "You'll be happy to know that the clasp is at the front and you'll be able to free them so easily, my tits are so sensitive that if you fondle them, you could make me cum."  

"Mum, I'd love to make you cum as my biggest wish is to give you pleasure and tonight, I'd also like to taste you, I hope that you're comfortable with that?"  

Mum looked genuinely surprised, "Barry, do you want to taste me down below?"  

I squeezed her hand, "Mum, I want to give you pleasure down there."  

Mum leaned over the table and whispered, "Barry, you'll be the first man ever to go down there you're getting me so excited but we'll only kiss and fondle as I'm not ready to go the whole way until we're both sure and we must go out for meals on a more regular basis, I'm going to give such a passionate kiss when we get home."  

As we walked home, I had my arm around mum; I thought she might not want this, but she put her arm around me, we walked home arm in arm. I was also happy that mum didn't want to go the full way this now it made me feel mum wanted us both to be certain of how we felt before she'd let my cock inside her pussy, my cock was so hard just being around her, I would have to keep the bulge in my trousers well-hidden until we were sure as I kept thinking that mum loves a big fat cock but when she saw mine she was going to adore it."  

As we walked up the driveway to the house my left hand fondled mum's massive left breast and her nipple was huge and rock hard, we were close to the front door mum said, "Barry, I love it when you play with my tits as you're so gentle and I'm not used to that when we get into the house I'm going to get changed into a baby doll negligee that's all I'll be wearing will you get some wine out of the fridge and I'll meet you in the lounge in a couple of minutes so I can give you the most passionate kiss you've ever had in your life."  

We got into the house, mum went straight to her bedroom as I got the wine I went into the lounge, I deliberately put mum's glass on the coffee table opposite the part of the couch where she'd knelt to suck Rod's cock, as I was sure that shortly I'd be kneeling there eating mum's pussy.  

Mum came in and sat beside wearing her negligee she looked stunning, she sat beside me and took me in her arms just before we kissed mum said, "Barry, I've taken the belt off now you've easy access to me."  

When we kissed our tongues were dancing everywhere mum was sucking my top and bottom lips, then she sucked my tongue so suggestively into her mouth we were both being so gentle and loving with each other, I opened mum's negligee and she was right I had perfect access to her gorgeous body her massive tits looked amazing as did her hairless swollen vulva with her thick cunt flaps glistening with her pussy juice, the way she was kissing me told me she was hot, I broke away, "Mum, tonight's yours as I want to get to know your body I'm not going to rush anything as I hope to give you pleasure now please spread your gorgeous thighs open so I can start."  

Mum smiled, "Barry, if we're going to do it here, then let me get a towel as I can get soaked so easily I'm getting excited as you'll be the first man to go down on me."  

Mum left the lounge as she got off the couch, she took her negligee off her naked body looked incredible the way her butt moved; I thought I could look at mum nude all day long and never get tired looking at her.  

Mum came back spreading the towel on the couch where she'd been sitting, as she did this she said, "What are you thinking?"  

I smiled, "I was thinking what a beautiful body you've got mum, it's perfect in every way I can't believe that you're sitting naked on the couch I'm going to be kissing you everywhere."  

Mum sat on the couch pulling me close to her, "I keep thinking that I'm your mum so we shouldn't be doing this but I feel so good being around you I want to do it but you must feel the same way Barry, if you any doubts please stop immediately as the last thing I want is to lose you as a friend."  

I didn't reply, but we tongue kissed so lovingly as I caressed mum's left breast as mum purred with pleasure I said, "Mum, I will rush nothing I just want you to relax and enjoy what I'm going to do to you if there's anything that you enjoy, please tell me as I only want to give you pleasure."  

I started nibbling the meaty part of her massive left breast as I squeezed her rock-hard nipple with my thumb and index finger, I worked my way right around her massive breast when I squeezed her nipple she said, "I love what you're doing to me please don't stop as the sensations that you are giving me are incredible."  

I then did her right breast, and I felt mum spasm she'd just had her first orgasm and her body was trembling she composed herself, "Barry, you've given your mummy her first orgasm it felt so good I love the gentle caring way when you touch me."  

Just before I sucked mum's nipple I said, "Mum, I'm so happy that I've made you cum I'm going to make you cum a lot, I've just inhaled the aroma of your cum it smells so good."  

I then started sucking on mum's nipple mum said as she brought her massive right nipple to her mouth, "Darling, when I play with myself, I like to suck on my nipple like this in fact please try nibbling on my nipple as I've never had that done to me in my life."  

As I moved my hand south over mum's flat stomach mum was sucking and nibbling on her hard nipple in a very sexy way as my fingertips got to her vulva mum spread her thighs wide in anticipation as my fingers spread mum's thick cunt lips open, she was wet as I slid two fingers deep inside her mum gasped, "Baby, this feels so good, you are going to make me cum again can you give me another finger in my pussy as it feels so good but keeping sucking my nipple finger fuck me harder, do you feel comfortable with mummy talking like this to you as you bring mummy off?"  


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