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Melody's Open Invite Gangbang Ch. 10


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He turned and showed her the picture in question, an incredibly degrading and shocking picture of her spread eagle, full body in view, the whole tunnel of her vagina spread wide and lit with an implement. He could see her flushing red, imagining all her old friends and family and acquaintances seeing her like this. She'd probably never get used to it.

"You know, I'm not a doctor, but I have a theory about why you get off so hard to this, even while you hate it. At least why, in part. Some people, women especially, apparently carry their stress in their pelvic muscles without even knowing it. So literally the more stressed you get, the more sensation goes down there. Some women spontaneously orgasm from an overload of stress. It's the body's way of coping with it. The groin just goes into spasm mode. It's called having a hypertonic pelvis. Sounds like you anyway, on top of whatever psychological shit you have going on."

She downed the shot. It got filled back up as soon as she set it down. Apparently these guys preferred it if she were drunk. He guessed he couldn't blame them. There was certainly a tension now.

Still, he powered through it as she took her third shot of the morning. If he was losing her, he was going to make sure she was as broken as possible by the time he was done with her.

"You know, this level of exposure you're at has only been possible in the Internet age. This is sort of unprecedented in human history. For this many people to be able to see this much of a single woman's body, and in such detail, and with such ease. Even ten years ago it wouldn't have been possible on this level. Everyone has a smartphone now, they can see it any time they want. It's so fortunate that your downfall basically went viral the way it did. You're reaching new heights of human degradation, really pushing the limits. You're one of the most exposed female bodies in human history. Hell, maybe the single most. Even most pornstars haven't been as thoroughly documented as you have."

He could see her hands quivering slightly as she looked down at her food. Her breathing was coming slower, shallower and more ragged. She looked to be slowly, so slowly, grinding her bottom against her chair.

He hardened his voice. "It's proper that as many people as possible should be able to see you and feel you for themselves while you're still young and healthy. You have no right to deprive them. Your pussy, your asshole, every part of you. It's a public project now. It belongs to everyone. You need to realize that there's no going back. When we started dating, you thought you could escape it. Well I'm letting you know now that that won't be possible. It wasn't before we met, but it definitely isn't now. I will personally work to make sure your face, your holes, are seen everywhere, that your location and new aliases and looks will be tracked. And so will thousands of your other fans. Give up any hope of being able to outrun this. You have to assume that every second of new footage that's being created right now, along with all your old stuff, will be seen by everyone you've known, and everyone you'll meet in the future. Look into the camera and say hi to your future boyfriend, if you can find some cuck who will have you. You know he'll be seeing this. Say hi to your future coworkers, if you ever get another job. You won't be able to hide this. Half the guys in this room are dedicated to making sure of that. You asked for it. You're going to get it."

She clenched her eyes shut, her mouth hanging open slightly. Her shaking hands gripped the edge of the table, and she moaned loud enough for the whole room to hear, even though she tried in vain to hide it. This continued for several seconds until she collapsed back in the chair, breathing hard and shaking all over, as if she were cold.

Kevin smiled as the others chuckled. "Guess I was right about the pelvic floor," he said. "But it's all true. I've thought about it every time we've gone out in public together. How that any given guy we passed very well could have seen every inch of you. Seen you fucking countless dicks. How it was pointless for you to even wear clothes when anyone in the world could pull out their phone, type in your name, and within seconds be counting the wrinkles around your anus. And now you realize the full extent of it too. You'll never be able to be confident or have dignity in any future situation in your life, because whoever you're interacting with will have immediate access to a catalog of your degradation, forever. You'll have to carry that embarrassment with you everywhere you go, knowing that there's nothing about yourself you'll be able to keep private. There is nothing exclusive left about Melody Ann Ainsley. So don't feel awkward sitting there without clothes. Any shred of modesty for you is long, long gone."

When Melody finally got up from the table, the camera captured where she left a long string of vaginal mucus arcing from her pussy to the seat of the plastic chair. When she stood all the way up it broke and whipped around to cling wet and shimmering in a clear little rope on the back of her thigh. She wobbled slightly on her feet.

"She's leaking again," the cameraman said. "I think it's finally my turn with her. Get some good POV shots."

Soon Melody found herself back on her knees on the floor, on all fours, the bare dick of the obnoxious camera guy sinking effortlessly into her shame-soaked cunt.

Thus began the second wave of her new ordeal. It began slowly at first, but more people began to trickle in as it grew later in the day. For the first three or so hours Melody only fucked three new partners. Most present had already had her the day before, and Kevin was trying to limit it to only newcomers. So between fucks they entertained themselves by taking pictures of Melody in various strange or compromised positions, trying to expand upon the pantheon of offerings already available of her online. If they could think of anything they hadn't seen footage of her doing, they made it happen. Melody, meanwhile, was fed a slow but steady supply of alcohol, now mixed with the occasional bump of cocaine. She accepted them without question.

Around 7 pm the first major wave of new arrivals came. They were greeted with the sight of Melody, naked except for the stripper's heels they'd had her put on, lying on her back with her long, thin legs spread in the air as someone emptied the contents of a seething champagne bottle into her ass. She barely even looked up at them, her head tilted to watch the pressurized alcohol disappear into her rectum, her face flushed red.

When it was emptied, they saw her stand up at the behest of the guys around her, and waddle around the room in the 8-inch tall heels as she attempted to hold the champagne in.

"Some's leaking out!" someone called, "Clench tighter! Keep it in there." Indeed, a couple thin rivulets were coursing out of her anus, running down her inner thighs all the way to her feet. She left a trail of champagne droplets on the floor where she went.

"I can't hold it in much longer," she said, the discomfort plain on her face.

"Alright, now squat here. But don't let it out yet."

They had a large margarita glass on the ground. Melody squatted above it, her asshole positioned about six inches above the mouth of the huge glass.

"Hold it a minute. Just a bit longer. ...Alright. Let it out now."

With a sigh of relief, Melody released her sphincter and felt the champagne surge out of her bowels, shitting the frothy liquid into the glass.

She didn't even wait for their direction on what to do next. She knew what it would have to be. She grabbed the big glass in both hands and raised it to her lips. They all leered at her or cheered as they watched her chug the alcohol that had been deep in her colon only moments before. People held up their phones to record, or just watched in amusement. Many of the newcomers watched with fascination and excitement, the event obviously meeting their expectations already.

She finished the glass, nearly an entire bottle's worth of ass-champagne, at the aggressive prompting of the circle of men around her, with much difficulty. When she'd downed the last of it, she held her stomach and fought the urge to retch, the large volume of alcohol and the mere thought of where it came from making her queasy. Even as the impenetrable circle of increasingly rowdy and drunken men cheered her exploit, she promptly vomited it out on the floor, unable to fight it any longer. A laughing cry of disappointment rose from the crowd. Someone forced her head to the ground to begin the process of licking it up, but as she did so someone took advantage of her raised rear, entering her doggy-style, and soon the vomit cleanup was forgotten, first-timers being eager to get their dicks inside one of her available holes as quickly as possible.

Soon she was air tight again, three new partners in each of her warm wet holes, switching with each other after they'd had their share of each. 433, 434, 435. Someone announced the tally. Can you tell you're the 435th dick in that vagina? Does it still feel like a regular pussy?

The same old story. Slipping into that self-defensive reverie of lust, self-loathing and intoxication. The night went on, people came and went. Drugs and drink were passed. The hour grew later and soon the festivities seemed to have equaled or surpassed the level of the night before. They had her on a paced but steady diet of alcohol, cocaine, and ecstasy. At least that's what she assumed it all was. At a certain point she just began automatically ingesting whatever was offered to her.

People were everywhere around her, guys mostly, but also girls too, dressed up for a night out, looking down at her with disgust and amusement, holding drinks and phones in their hands. Their faces were all a blur to her. She couldn't tell if these were all new people, or some return guests from the night before, or what. Kevin seemed determined to ensure that only new partners fucked her though. His chief purpose was to raise that unique number.

One partner after another she mounted, or spread herself open for, or was tossed around by. One by one they rooted themselves to her, attaching their body to hers, grunting and thrusting until they got their hot, filthy release in or on her. Maybe one in three used a condom. Those that did tied their filled little cumbags off and placed them in the fridge with the ones from the night before, as instructed, a growing and ominous pile.

She rode them passionately again now, a delirious sort of passion, moving her hips, grinding her clit into each guy's pubes, seeking some ever-elusive release for herself. Humping up and down hard on them, letting their dickheads smash into her cervix in a sweet pain, bruising it, trying to fuck her constant nightmare away. 452, someone said. 453.

A carnival of hot, sweaty dicks, in her, on her, all over her. God she was filthy. She was bathing in the sweat and semen of this procession of anonymous men, barely able to focus on a face at a time. She hazily picked up on the fact that she was fucking a few of the staff at the hotel now, some horny bellhops who had got wind of what was going on and sneaked in after their shift, unable to pass up free pussy.

She was lying on her back on the ground now, those famous coltish legs flung wide, someone between them flushing her soiled pussy out with the full weight of his hips between each cock-thrust. The onlookers could see where a small froth was forming around the base of his shaft, building up from the residue of former creampies he was fucking out of her hole. Soon he added his own load and withdrew. He moved his still rigid, bouncing cock up to her mouth as the next guy replaced him in her creamy red cunt. As her body began to shake again from the next man's thrusts, the first guy pressed the base of his shaft against her mouth, his balls slapping her chin, and watched as she instinctively put out her tongue and licked away the ring of anonymous cum-froth that was circled there.

More time, more men. While she was covered in plenty of cum from men, her own creamy ovulation, a thick, sudsy white lather from deep in her uterus, was issuing forth in a slow but voluminous surge, coating her labia and inner thighs as she fucked. What a time for her body to be preparing an egg to be fertilized. It would have plenty of sperm to choose from. The thought that she was so unprotected, off of her birth control now, and so unable to do anything about it, or choose which of these men might impregnate her, served to mentally torture her in the best and worst ways possible. God she had never felt so vulnerable in her life. A fertile vessel for all this seed.

Melody was on all fours, getting double penetrated by one guy below her in her vagina and one guy fucking her ass doggy style. The guy in her ass came and pulled out, leaving the rim of her asshole puckered and gaping slightly. Some people were sitting on the couch within immediate eyesight of this, and pointed out to each other the spectacle of her asshole winking and contracting in an attempt to resume its normal shape and circumference.

"It's like a little mouth!" the girl on the couch slurred drunkenly. Her inebriation was obviously adding to her amusement. Melody recognized her as Meredith, a girl who worked the opposite shift from her at the clothing store. Still, they knew each other well enough, not that Melody had ever liked her. She had always been a condescending bitch to Melody. So now she'd just turned up for the spectacle. How often do you get to see a coworker get gangfucked by dozens of strangers on camera? How much more superior she must feel to her now.

"Let's make it prettier!" she said, pulling out a stick of dark red lipstick. "I don't want this shade anymore anyway."

Melody felt Meredith's hands spreading her ass cheeks wider apart.

"Pucker it out for me, Melody!"

Melody just obeyed, pushing out on her anus, making the ringed ridge of her sphincter protrude slightly above the surrounding flesh. She felt the lipstick make contact as Meredith applied a dark red ring right around her asshole.

"There we go! That'll give everyone a nice target to aim for. Here, give me your lips, too. You could use a touchup. Make you match on both ends."

Meredith came around and gave Melody's lips a thick coating from the lipstick that had just been on her butthole. Melody pressed her lips together instinctively, absurdly assuring an even coat was applied.

"Much prettier!" Meredith said.

Melody's body coursed with a sudden hatred for this girl, even as another cock entered her ass, leaving her to choke down a sudden sob of frustration as she continued to get fucked like a dog for the amusement of this bitch enjoying a front row seat of her degradation.

"Your ass is smearing lipstick on his cock, Melody," Meredith slurred. She had her phone out now, recording the whole thing. "I've got to show this to Marty and Laura. They're not going to believe it."

A new cock was in Melody's throat now, plugging away deep. The lipstick left a dark, reddish brown circle around the base of the guy's cock. Meredith happily recorded her work. The pro camera was up close as well, recording in full detail the way Melody's lips worked over the cock, where the dark red of the lipstick ended in a distinct line where it gave way to the softer pink of her unpainted, inner lips. As she sucked this line became blurred, and you could watch as the lipstick was slowly smeared off of her lips as it was transferred to cock after cock.

Other guys kept switching in and out of her. She had no idea how many there'd been tonight. She knew they were keeping a tally but she didn't even want to look at it yet. Her mind kept switching back and forth between self-destructive lust and anger and humiliation. Meredith in her face mocking her was really doing a number on her. This bitch had always acted like she was better than her, even when she'd had no idea that Melody was the most widely-shamed webslut on the internet. That smug validation on her face.

It didn't help that these cruel fan club weirdos were now saying fucked up shit to her while they fucked her, right where Meredith and her social media friends could hear it all. It stung most of all because the things they were saying were true.

"So you thought you'd be getting engaged to be married this week, huh?" one guy asked while he fucked her hard from behind, no condom. He had two fingers from his right hand deep in her ass, and his left hand in her mouth, pulling her lips open or grabbing her tongue with his fingers.

"Well that was a stupid idea, wasn't it? I knew you were a whore but I didn't know you were such a stupid, clueless whore. But don't worry about it. You get to be married to cock your whole life. Not just one cock, but every cock. The concept of cock. Isn't that really better for an insatiable little whore like you?"

She felt the guy nutting inside of her, and with an involuntary cry she began projectile squirting on the floor right as he pulled out. Her knees gave way and she collapsed to the floor, her body still twitching slightly from the aftershocks.

"God, what a nasty slut," Meredith was narrating. "She loved that shit."

A couple other girls from the shop were on the couch with Meredith now, along with one of her male coworkers. Two of them Melody had thought she was on very friendly terms with, but now they were sitting there, drinks in hand, with a front row seat to her getting bareback fucked by countless strangers. They couldn't look more amused.

She let more cocks enter her. After another guy came in her ass, he pulled out so suddenly that he caused Melody's vacated bowels to make an impromptu sighing, wheezing noise. Her coworkers on the couch laughed uproariously at this.

Kevin was at her ear.

"Fart the rest of the cum out for them," he said.

Melody bit her lip, looking down at the floor. She was on her hands and knees, her spread ass and anus pointed right at her acquaintances on the couch, maybe three feet away from them. With a sigh she bore down through her lower intestines, until a sputtering little fart rippled out of her asshole, bringing forth with it a glob of white semen that rolled down her taint and into her slightly gaped pussy.

"Oh she is SO nasty," one of the girls on the couch, Cassandra, said. She too had her phone out, recording this humiliation in detail.

"Push harder," Kevin said. "That ass is loosened up. Push as hard as you can, show them everything you have."

Melody bit harder on her lower lip to keep herself from openly sobbing. She knew her face was flushed with her pangs of white hot humiliation. Ignoring it, she clenched her fingers against the floor and pushed her anus out as hard as she could. A much louder, wet farting noise ripped out, and she felt another warm wad of cum surge out and slide down into her vagina. A hole that was at this point probably just as filthy as the inside of her colon anyway.

From their vantage point on the couch, Melody's coworkers saw her worn out anus bulge forward along with the broader pelvic floor region, straining out until the actual interior was actually poking out a little - a rippled, darker pink maw, streaks of cum and other fluid flowing out with it.

"Well there you go Cassandra," Melody thought. "That's what my slightly prolapsing anus looks like."

"Keep pushing," Kevin said. "And harder. Hold it there. Don't let it go back in. Try to turn yourself inside out for them."

The faces on the couch were all shock and awe - amused and disgusted. Melody kept pushing, the tears of frustration and humiliation in her eyes now, until her well-fucked asshole did collapse out a bit more, a two-inch wide pink sock billowing out slightly between her asscheeks. A long line of grool hung unbidden out of her unstimulated pussy, until it swung like a pendulum and stuck to the side of her thighs. Pure livewire shame arousal.

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