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Melody's Open Invite Gangbang Ch. 12


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"God you're tighter than I was expecting," he said. She doubted he had much idea what a vagina was supposed to feel like.

His cock was average-sized, but it was big enough and was thrust with enough roughness that it made for a fairly painful experience. He had both hands on her waist and used her hipbones to pull her pussy slamming onto his cock over and over, muttering about what a filthy whore she was between his grunts all the while. She hated how quickly she could feel her cunt getting soaked for him. For this complete troll who she would have never let anywhere near her if her life had stayed anything remotely close to normal. But now here she was, being his worthless cumdump, somehow against all odds.

He took one hand off her hips long enough to take a picture of his cock inside her, then both hands were reaching up her shirt and folding her bra cups under her tits. He pinched both her nipples, incredibly hard. She involuntarily yelped and slapped at his hands, but he maintained the same pressure on them. With a wave of disgust she felt a sudden orgasm building in her loins, and then felt it quickly hit its climax. She did her best to stifle a scream of pleasure so her assailant wouldn't know it was happening, but her knees shook viciously and she nearly fell to the floor, the pads of her fingertips digging into the tile wall to try to keep herself aloft.

He came nearly simultaneously with her. His thrusts became more urgent and violent, and then he stopped, pulled himself as deep into her as he could, and she felt the warmth of semen oozing out of his cockhead and directly onto her cervix.

He pulled out of her and she fell to the floor. She put a hand down and felt the cum spilling out of her. Someone knocked on the door and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Just a minute!" she said.

She got up and grabbed a handful of toilet paper and wiped the grool and cum from between her pussy lips while he smirked at her.

"Lick me clean," he said. "And leave the rest of my cum in you for the rest of your shift."

She sighed and felt fury rise up in her, but she knew she was in his hands. He just had to raise his voice and who knew what trouble what befall her from outside that bathroom door. She folded a piece of toilet paper over a couple times and then placed it in the crotch of her panties as she pulled them up, to catch any cum that dripped out of her before she got to go home. Then she got on her knees, gingerly grabbed his cock with one hand, and proceeded to clean the semen and pussy juice off it with her tongue. He smelled terrible, and his pubic hair was long and unkempt, tickling her nose.

She licked him clean as hastily as she could. His overly-sensitive cock sprang up involuntarily when her tongue ran over his glans. He tucked his cock and balls back into his pants and pinched one of her cheeks while she still knelt before him.

"Thanks, bitch."

He snapped one more picture of her on the floor, glaring up at him, then he walked out of the bathroom. Melody tried to pause and hide the fact that they had been in the bathroom together, but she had only waited about 10 seconds before someone else walked in, thinking the bathroom was empty. Luckily it was a customer and not her boss or a coworker, but the man looked sufficiently surprised.

"Oh," he said. "I'm sorry, I didn't..."

"It's ok," she said, and quickly left. She tried to busy herself in the back of house until the man was gone. Her lucky fan appeared to have left.

When she left that night she walked two blocks away before ordering an Uber to take her to a restaurant 6 blocks away, from where she walked back to her apartment. She couldn't risk her misogynist fan following her home. It was bad enough that he knew where she worked. If he found out her address she would very likely have to move again.

He came back to the restaurant exactly twice in the next month. He seemed to know that if he pushed his luck too far, she would disappear. Both times she had him wait until business had died down, then she would sneak to the bathroom to allow him to quickly fuck her. It never took long for her to get him off. Each time he took pictures, and each time she found where he posted them on her forums. Luckily he never gave further details for anyone else to locate her. He must have thought he could have her to himself for a while. He also surely enjoyed all the jealous comments from others.

Then, just a few days after the last time he showed up for his bathroom sex, she was walking home via her usual circuitous route that took her past several bars popular among the college crowd. A small group of drunk frat dudes exited a doorway right ahead of her on the sidewalk. Six of them. The one who looked the drunkest turned his head toward her and saw her just as a window brightly illuminated her face. He stared at her for several seconds, a dumb and stunned look on his face. She tried not to make eye contact and walked around them.

She had only gone about another 10 feet before she heard him call after her.


She just kept walking without looking back.

"Hey, Melody!" he called again. "Come back here!"

She picked up her pace. She heard the other guys talking to him: "Do you know her, bro?"

They were following her. The one guy took off at a run and caught up to her quickly. He grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her around.

"I knew it was fuckin' you!"

She couldn't do anything but freeze. Unrelated people around the street were looking at them now. His friends looked confused and hesitant but also mildly amused.

"She'll put out to anyone," he said, loudly enough for the whole block to hear.

His friends look alternately embarrassed or amused. One said "She doesn't look like she wants to put out for you, dude."

"No, look, seriously. She has to fuck anybody." He pulled out his phone. "I've got this shit saved."

They all stood there awkwardly glancing between his phone and her. The guy was holding her wrist with his left hand. She knew she should try to break away from him and just run, but she couldn't. Her whole body felt like alternating currents of fire and ice, and her feet were rooted in place.

She heard her own voice coming from his phone speaker. "My name is Melody Ann Ainsley...I will fuck anyone and everyone who wants it for the rest of my life. Don't let me tell you no. This pussy is yours."

They were all staring at her with their mouths wide open.

"I fuckin' told you," he said. "See, it's totally her."

She tried to speak. Her throat was completely dry. Her voice came out as little more than a whisper. "Please, I'm just trying to go home from work. No, I really...don't want to right now."

"That's what the video said you'd say," another of the guys said. "It specifically says 'don't let me say no.' So like, we're obligated not to let you, right? It would be rude not to."

"Here, look at this one," the first guy said.

Her voice again: "My name is Melody Ann Ainsley from Spokane, Washington, and I am the fuck-property of every man who recognizes me and requests my body for the rest of my life. I don't have the ability to say no. If I say the word 'no,' I'm really saying 'yes.'"

A third guy looked at her with a mock apologetic look. "That sounds like consent to me."

Suddenly the six of them were surrounding her and walking her briskly off down the street, three of them with hands on her back or shoulders. She just floated along as if in a dream. Yeah, this was happening. She just finished a 10 hour shift at a shitty service job, she was exhausted, her feet hurt, she felt like she needed a shower, and now she was going to have to go straight into giving every single bit of herself to six douchebag strangers for as long as they wanted. And yet...yep, there was the grool she could already feel sliding between her pussy lips with each step. That lower part of her dumbass brain couldn't help but get excited.

They steered her into an alley while more strangers down the street clapped in drunken encouragement, barely understanding what they had just witnessed.

They had her shirt and bra off in seconds, their hands pawing at her exposed tits. Her skirt and panties went next. She was suddenly completely powerless and exposed in this alley with these six horny bros, wearing nothing but her black, sensible work sneakers. The shoes just made her feel more naked.

They bent her over while still in a standing position. Her hands reached out and grabbed a railing to keep from falling over. They all knelt behind her and admired the rearview of her shapely pussy and ass, her asshole winking above the beautiful arch her perfectly curved asscheeks formed above her glistening slit.

"That is a fucking perfect undercarriage," one of them said.

"You should see what it's capable of," the first guy responded.

One of them took his belt off and lashed her wrists tightly to the railing she was holding, so that she was forced to continue standing there and bending forward.

More strangers watched from the opening of the alleyway as each guy took turns mounting her from behind. Her pussy was soaked to accommodate them sliding right in, thus confirming everything they thought about her.

1,080. 1,081. 1,082. 1,083. 1,084. 1,085. Each number registered in her mind with a resounding ring as the corresponding guy slid his eager cock into her weeping gash, like items being rung up at a store.

Pump and dump. They used her quickly, roughly, one after the other in quick succession, but they were obviously just uncomfortable enough with the situation and their legal standing that they must have wanted to wrap up quickly. Each guy looked uncomfortable after he had taken his turn and come down from the drunken lust, realizing he had just been part of a group to force a girl they'd never met into an alley, and then fucked her bareback. They glanced nervously toward the alley opening as their buddies finished their turns, the sounds of Melody whimpering softly and her sloppy pussy sloshing as they thrust in and out of her. Awed and laughing spectators filmed on their cell phones from a few yards back, amused and scandalized by the random slut who obviously couldn't hold her liquor get a train run on her behind a bar.

Finally the last guy finished, adding his load to the other five already inside of her. Someone took the belt off her wrists. Her hands had gone numb. Sensation came back to her fingertips in a flood of painful pinpricks.

"Thanks," one of the guys laughed nervously at her. They vacated the scene as quickly as possible, in the opposite direction from the small group of people watching.

Melody waddled around and picked up her scattered articles of clothing from the ground, ridiculously holding one arm across her tits to hide her nipples from the people who had just watched her give up everything to strangers without a fight.

She put her clothes back on around the corner and limped the rest of the way home, feeling the collected cum leaking out of her pulsing pussy and leaking down her thighs. She tried not to look anyone she passed in the eye, afraid they would read there the whole truth of her life and take it upon themselves to add more to her disgrace.

She walked in the direction of her apartment and planned to just enter, shower, and lay down to bring on the next endless day of perpetual potential humiliations, when she saw a police station at the end of the next block. A sudden sense of righteous indignation came over her. The law still existed. She was still a human being with rights. Why should she have to suffer the endless assaults and invasions of her autonomy and privacy just because her sexual exposure was ubiquitous and complete? You're not permitted to just rape a pornstar you see on the street, so why should it be different for her?

She turned and strode down the side street, regaining her confidence with every step. Growing anger quickened her. Yes, she acted complicit many times. Yes, her body could not help but indicate it loved her treatment. Yes, she had seemingly encouraged this fate many times. But she still had the right to her own self-determination. Right?

She entered the station and went up to the front desk. As soon as she stood there and looked the receptionist in the eyes she suddenly felt awkward.

"Can I help you?" the woman asked.

"I...I'd like to report a rape."

The woman looked nonplussed.

"Who was raped, sweetheart?"

"I was."


"Just now."

The woman stared at her over the rims of her glasses.

"You came here straight from the rape?"


"Did your attacker use a condom?"

"No. It was...there were several men."

"You're telling me several men just had sex with you against your will?"


Melody suddenly noticed three other people in the waiting room. They were all glancing over at her, obviously hanging on to every word but trying not to make it obvious.

"And the men's semen is still inside of you?"

"Yes, I..." her voice dropped. "Yes it is, I think, for the most part."

The woman stood up and looked over the counter down at Melody's bare legs.

"Just sit down right over there, honey....I'll get you a towel to sit on. I have some paperwork you will have to fill out."

She got the towel and sat on it. The others in the room kept glancing at her out of the corner of their eyes. The woman brought her a clipboard with a couple sheets of paper on it. They wanted her full info, of course. Full name, address, birth date, a copy of her driver's license. She carefully stood and went back up to the woman.

"M' I have to fill all of this out to make a report?"

The woman stared at her, dubious and unimpressed.

"Yes of course you do," she said. "It won't take you long. Don't worry, we protect your information."

Melody went and sat back down. She thought about just getting up and leaving, but finally she gritted her teeth in resolve and put down all of the requested information. She returned the clipboard to the woman, with her ID stuck under the clamp.

The woman took it, made a copy of her ID, and then told her to wait. She sat on the towel for maybe 20 minutes before someone finally came out for her. It was a young, male officer.

"Melody?" he asked. She looked up at him. "Come with me, please."

He led her into a room with a single table and two chairs. It looked like an interrogation room. A single adjoining room connected but had a closed door. He led her in and pulled out one of the chairs for her to sit in. He remained standing.

"Have you had a rape kit done?" he asked.

"No," Melody faltered. "I thought we would maybe do that-"

"We don't do those here. You should have gone to the ER first."

He stared straight into her eyes, barely blinking. Melody swallowed nervously. She suddenly felt a little stupid.

"You understand that rape is a serious accusation, correct? If this is a frivolous claim, it could ruin the lives of whatever men you're bringing this against. You're completely sure this was an encounter that you did not consent to in any way?"

She stared at him stupidly, her mouth hanging open.


"And you're aware that a false accusation of rape is, in itself, a crime?"

She shut her mouth, suddenly feeling as if she had to defend her rationale for coming here. She simply nodded.

The officer clinched his mouth shut, almost as if in disappointment, and then opened the adjoining door and leaned in. The officer muttered something to another man inside. As he came back out and shut the door behind him, Melody caught a momentary glance inside the room. There, on the monitor of the computer in there, she saw what she knew she would: herself, a couple years younger, on her knees, covered in the cum of who knows how many men. The video was paused, but she knew what was happening. She was in the middle of stating her full name and how all men had standing consent with her body forever.

She was going to just stand up and walk out, not even wait for them to tell her to quit wasting their time, but a large, burly older man suddenly emerged from the computer room and stood blocking her exit from the room. He crossed his arms across his chest and looked down at her where she was frozen in her chair. He seemed to be sizing her up. Finally he spoke.

"Miss Ainsley...I'm a firm believer in consequences. For criminals, for politicians, for anyone on God's green earth. If you screw up, you should have to face the consequences of your actions. You should have to learn from your mistakes. Now, I don't know what kind of sick game you're up to here, but I don't like it. We've seen your filth you've put online. Now I can't fathom just what in the hell would possess a young, pretty lady like yourself to do something like that, but the fact is you did. You can't just offer yourself up to men and then say 'just kidding' when they take you up on it. That's called entrapment. Are you trying to ruin some young men's lives? Is that what's doing on here?"

He froze for several seconds as if waiting for her to actually respond, but she couldn't. She tried to speak but she just stared at him with her mouth hanging open again. She could tell her face was beat red. He spoke softer, as if disgusted to have to speak.

"If you didn't want to turn yourself into a public whore, then maybe you should have thought of the consequences before performing this...this spectacle. I cannot help you. Nobody but Jesus can do that."

He shook his head and held open the hallway door for her. She stood up and hurried out, not looking either of them in the face, tears starting to well in her eyes. She was humiliated, horrified by this greater realization of how truly alone and vulnerable and unprotected she was in this world. So why the fuck could she feel that her pussy was absolutely drenched again? It wasn't just the cum inside of her anymore. Her crotch had completely flooded, unbidden, as the man chastised her. She probably left a wet spot on their chair. She rushed out of the lobby, trying to avert her face from everyone there, and ran home.

She stayed in this place for another two weeks before finally having to call it quits. Four days after she went to the police station another guy from the forums recognized her as she walked home from work, and took her into his car and fucked her in the backseat. A week later it happened again with yet another guy. She was just relieved that neither of them drove off with her and kidnapped her, deciding she should be their permanent property. She knew she could be in danger of something like that at any time.

It was after this latest incident that she decided to move again. She was worried her location had been completely given away, even though she had never seen her address or place of work posted on the forums, which she had begun to look at almost every day. Still, she didn't want to risk having 100 horny rapists form the Internet who were obsessed with her showing up at her doorstep one day.

She took a bus to San Diego and again went through the tedious and troublesome process of finding living quarters. At least this time she had a little bit of funds. She found roommates online, places that would let her do month to month rents. She couldn't get bogged down with a lease when she knew she would quite possibly have to move again within a few months.

Four weeks in San Diego before her first street rape. It was two guys at once, big Latino guys, who recognized her. It was a particularly bad time for it, as she had just been having a bout of horrible depression and fear and resentment over her new situation in life, wondering if this would really continue for the rest of her life, when they approached her. She tried to ignore them, desperately not in the mood to let disgusting strangers enter her body, but they followed her. She finally broke into a ran but they followed her down an alley and easily caught up to her. She started to yell but one of the guys smacked her in the face and then put her in a chokehold while his buddy picked her up and forced her legs open, pulling her panties down from under her skirt. She writhed and tried to fight them but she was completely borne aloft and helpless between them.

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