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Mercedes Bends


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"And that my lady is what Scarlett fears." Victoria spoke softly then began tapping her long fingernails on the table. "Also you know how it works. If I tell Scarlett you want a payback or you won't perform that's too big of a fuck you to her."

"One she deserves on this matter."

"But," she went on, "If I go back to her with your displeasure, then you submit a proper video I can show her that despite your anger you are still loyal and bargain in good faith. I will then tell her you need your rightful payback, it is an important rule the reason it was created was as a warning to initiators to not go too far or you will get it in return."

"All my initiation is showing so far is certain members get away with whatever they want." She muttered.

"Mercedes here is my deal. A good tape from you and you'll get a payback I promise."

"And you speak for Scarlett now?" Mercedes grunted, "You have already tried, Felicia. What will happen is I will jump through the hoop make a nice video for the group and still be denied." She sat back disgustedly, "Lady Felicia I would like to speak about my stepping down."

"Oh, come on Mercedes!"

"I no longer need the group. I enjoy it and you and the others are like family to me, but we can keep in touch. I will not submit again, for anyone."

"It's not submitting!" she exclaimed in exasperation. "Tell you what Mercedes, what about just fun?"


"Yes, there is no rule everything has to be a session, find a good looking guy and tape yourself playing and enjoying; no control, no rules just a fun fuck."

"I..." her eyes narrowed. "I have no one that..."

"A one night stand for Christ's sake, hell forget Mercedes, when was the last time Tonya had fun?"

"When she sat holding hands with a boy of the wrong color and was beaten for it. That was the last time Tonya had fun. I am not as excited about sex as the rest of you. My pleasure is control and I show that in my videos, but because there is not a cock buried inside me it is not enough. I..."

"Mercedes I...I don't want to lose you my sister." She took a deep breath. "I promise you, you will have your payback, you have the word of the High Lady."

"You don't know that."

"I...I can make it happen."

"How are you so sure?" Mercedes asked, her interest peeked.

"I cannot say."

"Then no deal." Victoria started to speak, but Mercedes cut her off, "I trusted you with a very private story my sister. Now return the favor. Because if indeed you can guarantee me Mephisto for an evening I will turn in a proper performance."

"I can do it through Lovecraft; he can get Scarlett's permission."

"I know that Lovecraft has contempt for Mephisto as I do and know he fought for my payback or to punish him and he was denied. Why should I think he can..."

"Things have changed."

"What has changed my lady?"

Victoria looked away again and shook her head as if she were telling herself no. She closed her eyes then with a resigned sigh, turned back to her.

"You are not to repeat this. If you do there will be hell to pay."

"Trust me as I have trusted you today my lady."

"Okay what's changed is I have discovered that Scarlett has developed a...shall we say soft spot for Lovecraft."

"He's fucking her?" Mercedes eyes widened.

"She has been using our enforcer to entertain herself of late, yes." Victoria told her softly as if she thought she'd be overheard. "I have faith that he can persuade her. End of the day she knows it's the right thing to do and Lovecraft I'm sure can make it worth her while."

She pointed at her, "Now my lady we have bandied about long enough, you have made a fair point and I am offering a deal. You show good faith you get what you desire. But Scarlett is to get your video no later than this Friday. What is your answer?"

Mercedes sat back and tried to think of who she could use for a tape. Lately the idea of fucking because she had to was nothing short of distasteful. Not to mention if she were faking it, Victoria may say it wasn't good enough.

"Your answer my lady?"

"I...I will do what I can."

Victoria rolled her eyes, "Its only sex Mercedes, but fair enough you have to make the first move." She rose from the table and looking down said, "But a video by week's end and you will get what you want Mercedes."

"After the fact and I still have to give something to get something."

"I'm sorry my lady, but remember what the first rule of the Circle is."

Mercedes nodded and said softly, "Nothing in the Circle is Free"

"Exactly, but we repay our debts. Friday is your deadline to have the biggest debt owed to you repaid."

Mercedes grunted, "Black Friday," she muttered.

"Black Friday, white Friday," Victoria shrugged, "Hell, Asian Friday, just pick a guy and fuck him Mercedes, it's not that tough."

No, fucking never is," Mercedes told her, "Just the consequences are."


Mercedes made her way through the main corridor on the upper level of the Velvet Rope and could feel the eyes of both clients and staff on her. Despite knowing she was being watched, she kept her eyes straight ahead, walking past people as if they didn't exist. This was not because she felt she was above any of them, but the deliberate air of aloofness expected of the club's High Mistress.

Mercedes was always accustomed to some stares as for the most part she never entered the upper suites unless there was an issue or she was holding a session. Either of those instances was enough to draw a lot of interest, but today there was more than usual due to her ensemble. Even in the club Mercedes did not dress to flaunt herself. She would sometimes wear something low cut or a shorter skirt or dress, but nothing overly revealing.

She was a Mistress, not one of the working girls and in order to see what she had to offer a client had to be either extremely wealthy or someone she had decided deserved a reward from her. It was the latter in this instance as Judge Wilson Bennett was currently in session with two of her girls and she needed to provide a special treat to him, to try to enlist his aid on The Lady Lexi's behalf. The first part of that treat was her outfit.

Mercedes was dressed only in a black thong and a pair of knee high black boots with stiletto heels. Her upper body was covered with a fishnet robe with a pattern of metal studs throughout the material. She was topless beneath and her small perfectly shaped tits were on full display through the robe. She had allowed the curl to comeback in her hair and had teased it out even more giving her a wilder appearance.

Two of her male employees approached with a woman who looked to be in her forties between them. She was wearing one of the short red robes that represented her being a pledge and led along by a leash attached to a red dog collar around her neck. Mercedes looked over at them and the younger of the two men immediately bowed his head.

The second man was Marcus, her top male and the one she left in charge when she could not be there. Marcus was the best she'd ever trained and had a long list of clients, many of whom were quite affluent and paid a lot of money to be treated poorly by him. Marcus made the Velvet Rope a lot of money and was fiercely loyal to her.

Because of that loyalty six months ago Mercedes had rewarded him with sixty seconds inside of her. Despite not having been teased at all, he had managed to come within that minute and as he had told her he had fantasized about came all over her hard flat stomach. Marcus bowed to her and whispered, "My beautiful Mistress."

Mercedes bowed her head slightly and then took in the woman between them. She was blonde, tall and a little on the curvy side. As her eyes made it to her face, Mercedes saw she was staring directly at her and with an air of pride that told Mercedes\ she was most likely someone who wielded a lot of power, either through work or wealth.

The woman's blue eyes continued to stare into hers and a slight smile played across her lips. Mercedes wouldn't have needed the red robe to know this was her first time here. She lowered her gaze to the woman's shoulders and saw she was holding herself proudly, her back straight and her rather ample chest puffed out.

"And who is this Marcus?"

"My name is Paula, and I'm..."

"You were not whom I was speaking to." Mercedes told her. "Here, you speak when spoken to and only when spoken to, is that understood?"

The woman stared hard at her and reaching out, Mercedes grabbed the leash from Marcus's hand and yanked down hard on it. The blonde gasped and staggered forwards, directly in front of Mercedes, who moving quickly grabbed a handful of her long blonde hair and twisted it in her grip.

"I asked if that was understood."


"Yes Mistress."

"Y... yes Mistress."

"Your reply reeks of insincerity, just as your entire demeanor stinks of pride and privilege. That is a smell I can do without."

Looking over at Marcus she took a moment to take in his tall dark muscular form and briefly wondered about using him for her video. It was Friday and her video was due by midnight. No, she couldn't reward him again and she would need to allow him to do too much to satisfy the group.

"Marcus, tell me something."

"What is it Mistress?"

"Why is this proud whore clothed?"

"Well..." he looked at her, trying to gage whether or not he was truly in trouble. "The rules my Mistress has provided state that there is to be no public humiliation."

"That's true." She stared into Paula's eyes, "We're going to break that rule however, remove her robe."

"I will not be stripped in front of all of these..."

"Then you will turn and go." Mercedes told her shifting her grip until she had her hand behind Paula's head and had pulled her face to hers. "You make no demands here. You have come here to find pleasure in submission and that starts here and now. So either allow your clothes to be removed or turn and leave like the rich fraud I sense you to be."

Paula stared at her and Mercedes could see her face begin to flush. She also noticed Paula's breathing had started to pick up. Her chest was heaving and her eyes had widened, there was a look in them that had not been there a moment ago. Mercedes nodded;Paula would truly enjoy her session; she just had to overcome her initial pride.

"Raise your hands above your head." Mercedes said softly, releasing her hair, but still holding the leash.

Paula licked her lips, then slowly raised her arms over her head. Mercedes gave Marcus a nod and stepping behind her, he reached around to grab the tie of the robe.

"Wait." Mercedes said, and then raised her voice. "I would like everyone in this corridor to step over here. It seems we have a woman here who is proud and I would like an audience for her losing that pride."

As the dozen clients and employees came over to form a circle around them, Mercedes looked to her left and spotted Shelia, her top female. "Shelia, fetch me your dowel."

There were several murmurs and Mercedes could sense an air of excitement building. She turned back to Paula who was still holding her arms over her head and she noted with satisfaction her hands were shaking. She felt something brush against her hand and looked down to see Sheila had returned and was pushing a three foot black dowel into her hand. Mercedes nodded then bringing the dowel up held it over her head twirling it around with her fingers.

She began spinning it faster and dropping it down wover it in an intricate pattern in front and alongside her. Like a cheerleader with a baton, Mercedes made a show of twirling the dowel around. She enjoyed the sound of the thin wood hissing through the air and with a flourish whipped it out and just past Paula's ear. She cried out and there was the sound of muffled laughter from around her.

"Take her robe off."

Marcus removed the robe and Mercedes took in Paula's naked body beneath. Her large tits were sagging just a bit, but her stomach was still fairly flat and her exposed pussy completely smooth.

"I would think someone with your money would have those lifted." Mercedes said.

Marcus laughed loudly and Mercedes smiled to herself, he was well trained, he knew the game she was playing. A look of anger flashed across Paula's face, but she said quietly, "I'm sorry you disapprove."

"I disapprove of more than just your sagging tits, slut; I disapprove of your haughty stare and proud stance. You came here for sex. You came here to be treated like the fucking pig you are, yet you stand here with an air of pride like that?" she grunted disgustedly, "Hold up those tits, put them where they should be, you know, above your naval?"

There was now laughter from most of the crowd and Paula turned red with anger and embarrassment. Moving slowly she lifted her large breasts and held them up. Mercedes shook her head, "You're nipples aren't hard. That is an insult, after all didn't you come here to be aroused?"

"Shall I make them hard Mistress?" Marcus asked, already sliding his powerful arms around her waist.

"No, I will."

With a practiced flick of her wrist, Mercedes lashed out with the dowel. The tip caught Paula's nipple and she cried out in pain. Turning her wrist over, she sent the dowel across the other nipple and received another yelp of pain. She stared at Paula's now swollen nipples and after a pause sighed, "Not even a thank you for improving the appearance of your flabby tits."


"On your knees, now!" Mercedes snapped.

Paula hesitated and knowing exactly what she wanted, Marcus grabbed Paula's shoulders and roughly spun her to face him. Mercedes stepped closer and sent the dowel across the sensitive skin behind Paula's knee. She yelped in Marcus's face then again as Mercedes struck the other knee.

She hesitated and saw Marcus whispering in her ear. She knew he was telling Paula she could stay and take her punishment or was free to leave; no one here endured anything they didn't want to. Mercedes knew what the answer would be, she'd already seen the tell tale look in her eyes when the dowel had caught her nipple.

Her instincts proved correct when Marcus gave her a barely perceptible nod. Mercedes whipped the dowel around, repeatedly striking the backs of Paula's knees and upper thighs. She went higher and putting more into the swing slashed it across her round and rather plump ass. Mercedes could see everyone around her staring and noticed many were breathing heavier. The air of excitement had increased dramatically as several of the regulars realized what a treat this was.

Paula's ass was covered with long thin welts and she was jerking hard against Marcus who was holding her tightly against him. Mercedes was breathing heavy herself and not from exertion. Her nipples were hard and she noted Marcus's eyes were locked onto them.

She worked the dowel up and down Paula's back, putting some real force into the blows aimed around her shoulders where they were the easiest to withstand. The sound of the dowel followed by Paula's cries were the only sound in the room and after one last strike that caught Paula at the very tip of her ass cheek Mercedes, spoke, "Now, let's try again, on your knees."

Marcus let her go and with a whimper, Paula sank to her knees. She released a high pitched yowl that sent a wave of heat through Mercedes as she struck the soft sole of her foot with the dowel. She spent a few moments going back and forth striking each foot before stopping. She paused and waited, Paula was silent for a moment then realizing what was expected of her blurted out, "Oh, thank you Mistress."

"Better." Mercedes walked around to face her, "So how do you enjoy being naked in front of all these men Paula? Are you enjoying it?"

"I...I don't like it, I...I thought this was private." She whimpered.

"First off, its whatever I want it to be. Second," she laughed, "You're turned on you pig, I know you are."

"No, I..."

"Marcus, check for me please."

Leaning over Marcus, pushed Paula hard in the back causing her to go to her hands and knees. He shoved two fingers between her legs and Mercedes noted with satisfaction how easily they disappeared inside her. Paula moaned loudly and Marcus laughed, "She's soaking wet, the whore!"

"I knew she was." She nodded, "But she does not seem to like public exposure so," she shrugged, "Marcus spread her cheeks open and let's give everyone a look at her pussy."

"As you wish."

Paula cried out and began to squirm, but Shelia stepped up and grabbing her hair, pressed her face to the floor, keeping her ass up as Marcus showed her off.

Mercedes snapped her fingers and gestured for people to come around and stare.

"She's pretty damn wet." One of her male subs declared.

"And take a look at her asshole." Mercedes said, "Looks like she's enjoyed a lot of deliveries in the rear over the years.

There was loud laughter and Mercedes said, "Anyone who wants to give it a feel, help yourself"

She gestured to three of her men and held her palm up to the clients, she would only let her people get involved in something like this, but Paula couldn't see that. She cried out and began moaning and squirming as each of the three took turns sliding their fingers inside her and pumping them several times. Mercedes nodded at Marcus who, with no hesitation, shoved a finger in her ass and held it there while the others fondled her pussy.

As they groped her, Mercedes looked around at the crowd. She saw a woman named Katherine who worked as an aide in the Governor's office leaning against the wall rubbing her pussy through the red panties she was wearing. Her eyes met Mercedes and she mouthed the words "Thank you." Mercedes nodded to her and turned back to watch the last of her men pumping his fingers into Paula's pussy.

She was whimpering pathetically, but her hips were moving and she was no longer struggling against Sheila. Marcus's finger was still in her ass and Mercedes snapped her fingers. Marcus and the other sub removed their fingers and stepping forward; Mercedes reached down and took the leash. Pulling up on it, she said, "Let's go for a walk whore."

Paula rose to her knees, but resisted when Mercedes tugged on the leash.

"Crawl or I will cane you again, this time while it's my men's cocks not their fingers in that loose gash of yours."

Paula was breathing through her mouth and sweating profusely. Her blonde hair was sticking to her face and her blue eyes were wide. Mercedes noted her lip trembling and leaning over, placed her lips to her ear. "Shall we continue with your session, or do you want to go back home and watch porn while playing with yourself?"

Paula took a deep breath and said softly, "I...I'm at your mercy Mistress."

"Then you are in the right place, Paula." Mercedes told her softly, "Here you will learn that complete surrender is better than you ever imagined."

She waited until Paula nodded, then satisfied she was still a willing participant, Mercedes tugged on the leash again. This time Paula reluctantly dropped to her hands and knees and began to crawl as Mercedes led her across the corridor to where one of her subs was standing.

He looked up at her and she gestured to his crotch. He obediently unzipped his jeans and removed his cock which was already well on its way to being hard. Mercedes stopped Paula in front of him and yanked back so that she rose to her knees.

"Suck his cock."

"I...no, please not...oh!"

Mercedes reached around her and pinched both her nipples hard. Still squeezing them she hissed, "Suck his cock like the fucking slut you are, show everyone here how much you want it."

"I...oh." She moaned when Mercedes squeezed harder and reaching out took her subs cock and brought it to her lips.

She paused again, but another squeeze on her swollen flesh caused her to take the cock into her mouth and began sucking it. She was going slowly, barely taking it much past the head and grabbing the sides of her head, Mercedes shoved her face forward.


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