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Mia's Foot Cult Ch. 01

Story Info
A footdom story about Mia, a girl who enslaves her school.
10k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/13/2024
Created 02/01/2024
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Pheromones of Seduction -- Mia's Foot Cult

Plot description (don't read it if you want a completely spoiler-free experience!): A foot fetish story about a young, intelligent and stunning girl named Mia, who one day discovers that her foot sweat and pheromones have irresistible effect on people around her. She decides that she wants to make foot slaves out of her classmates -- and then that she wants to become The Foot Goddess of her entire High School. But her ambitions don't stop there...

Author's note: All the characters in this story are over the age of 18 and all the events described are purely fictional. The narrative contains mature themes, heavily focusing on foot fetish and female domination, sometimes in their extreme forms. If you don't like the sound of that then I'm sorry to say that this story is not for you -- you have been warned. Those of you who are still here: have fun and thank you for reading!

-- Projektant84


Mia heard some weird noises coming from downstairs. Almost like muffled screams or moans, but she couldn't quite make out of what -- or who -- it was.

It was a little bit strange to her but it wasn't the first time. She decided to get up from her chair and exit her room, her petite frame moving nimbly and with grace, she was careful not to make any sound. Mia was skillfully moving on her toes, making her way down the stairs, her short, black hair going up and down with the rest of her smooth body.

She reached the door of the basement and, still trying to not make any unnecessary sound, she put her ear to it. But, as she suspected, she heard nothing. It was not unusual, to be honest. Every time she heard something strange coming out of that door, she tried to check out what it was -- but each time the sounds were disappearing the moment she was closer to their source. And today was no different. She confronted her mother about it three or four times but her only response was to just laugh it off. "You're imagining things", she was always saying.

The young girl just sighed to herself and decided to return to her room, her mission once again unsuccessful. After couple of minutes she decided that it was a time for a quick nap.

Meanwhile Lily, a blue-eyed stunning woman with long, curly, dark hair, was enjoying herself to the fullest. A photograph of her could be placed in the dictionary next to the definition of a word 'alluring' -- her hourglass figure, big, inviting breasts, full ass and long, toned legs could seduce any heterosexual man. And she often used that to her advantage. She was 39 years old but it was impossible to tell that at a glance -- she looked much younger than her real age, perhaps because of her superior genetics.

Right now she wore a dark latex catsuit, which hugged her body tightly, accentuating all of her curves. It was adorned with shiny zippers running down the sides, revealing just enough skin to drive any man wild. She wore elbow-length gloves, matching the catsuit, and her feet were adorned with thigh-high boots made of the same material. The outfit was completed with a leather whip hanging from her belt. Her hair was pinned up in a tight bun, and her face was painted with a subtle makeup. The whole package made her look incredibly sexy... and intimidating.

She could hear John, who was kneeling beneath her, begging her to allow him to lick her feet. After all, he just cleaned her latex boots with his mouth, the material shining from his spit.

She smiled at him. "What would you do to see me take off my boots?" Lily asked him seductively.

John looked up at her, his lustful gaze locked onto her beauty. He had surrendered himself to her, willing to do anything she desired. His heart raced with anticipation.

"I'd lick the floor if you told me to," he confessed, his voice shaking with desperation. "I want to taste you so badly."

Lily smirked, pleased with his answer.

For a moment, she considered making him lick the floor, but there was something much sweeter in store for him. She raised an eyebrow, her gaze piercing into his pleading eyes. "Stand up," she commanded him sternly.

John hesitated for a moment before slowly rising to his feet, his gaze never leaving her enchanting form. Lily stepped closer to him, her catlike movements mesmerizing him. She reached out with one gloved hand, grabbing his chin gently yet firmly.

"I'll grant you your request. But there will be a price and I will be collecting it soon enough. Now, look at me. But you're forbidden to touch -- me... or yourself", Lily ordered him.

John nodded. He could feel himself becoming aroused, his erection growing harder with each passing second. "Now, watch as I take off my boots", Lily commanded.

John felt his pulse quickening as he watched her fingers graze against the zipper on her right boot. Slowly, she pulled it down, revealing her brown pantyhose. The soft material contrasted sharply with the hard, glossy latex of her boot. With another deliberate motion, she slipped her foot out, letting the boot fall to the ground with a soft thud.

Her left boot followed suit, leaving her alluring body in nothing but her catsuit, gloves and pantyhose. A black nail polish on her toes was visible through the material. She took a step back, watching as John's gaze traveled from her face down, over her breasts, flat stomach, shapely legs and, finally, to her enchanting feet.

His pupils dilated, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. He wanted her badly, and she knew it. She allowed him to drink in her beauty for a few moments longer before speaking again.

"You may touch my feet now," she said softly. "But remember, you can only touch them with your hands. No other part of your body." Lily emphasized.

He eagerly complied, moving towards her. Then he knelt again before her and placed his hands on her ankles.


In the quaint, sun-kissed town of Tawilkes Hills, nestled snugly near the glistening shores of San Francisco, a magnificent abode stood out amidst the sea of modest homes. A grand, sprawling estate adorned with intricately carved wooden gates, the house exuded opulence and sophistication.

Mia, an 18-year-old petite beauty with short dark hair and deep blue eyes, resided there with her equally stunning mother, Lily. The loss of her father, a man she never knew, had left a void in Mia's life, but her mother's unconditional love and support had helped her navigate through the shadows of sorrow.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden hue over the town.

Mia had a normal childhood, her mother always giving her what she needed and desired. She also had a best friend, a nerdy, skinny blonde-haired boy named Tom, who was also her neighbor, his house standing next to hers -- although it was much smaller. His family was a lot poorer than Mia's.

Mia and Tom were going to stay in their hometown of Tawilkes Hills just a couple of days longer, as they both decided to move to the other side of the country to attend a prestigious high school in Florida. At first it was only Mia who decided that but after couple of days Tom announced proudly that he would join her. It made her quite happy. She wasn't going to be completely alone in a new place -- and what's more, they soon learned that they were going to attend the same class.

As a dark-haired girl looked at Tom's much more compact house from a window in her room, she started to wonder why her mother was so much richer than anyone else in their neighborhood. She often was speculating on it, truth be told, but anytime she would ask Lily about it she would receive a perfunctory answer from her, almost like it was specifically designed to avoid the truth.

But couple of weeks after Mia's eighteenth birthday, her mother revealed the secret.

Lily prepared her daughter for this day, raising her in such a way that she would become a confident, assertive, sometimes commanding and even domineering young girl, the same traits of character that she herself possessed. But the truth would still be a shock to her, no doubt.

She led Mia downstairs, to the basement of their house, a mysterious part of it that was up until this point forbidden for her daughter to enter. Once they were in front of the basement doors and Lily opened it with a heavy key, Mia couldn't believe her eyes.

In a dark room she saw eight big cages, four on each side, with... naked people in it. They were bound by ropes to the wall. All of them were men -- some younger, in their 20s, but most older, in their 40s or 50s -- all of them with a tape over their mouths that made it impossible for them to speak, as they could only make barely audible, muffled noises through it.

Mia stared at them, trying to comprehend what she was seeing. All these people... Why?

"What... What is this?" she stammered, shocked.

Her mother gave her a smile before answering, "These people have been enslaved by my feminine powers, Mia. They are all here for me. What's more, they *want* to be here. You see, I'm a professional dominatrix. One of the best at my job, if I can say so myself, as you can clearly see the evidence of that."

Lily pointed at the cages with a grin. "It didn't come easy though but I worked hard to achieve this level of mastery over men."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in. "I don't think I ever told you about my secret, Mia. I am capable of controlling men with my feet." As she spoke, Lily took off her shoes, revealing her feet covered in brown pantyhose. "What's more... you have the same power, too. And I want to teach you how to wield it."

After four or five seconds of silence Lily continued calmly: "Look, sweetheart, I love you and I want you to learn how to use your gift. You see the slave stable I've amassed up until this point. I believe that, as my daughter, you could be even better than me in that regard. In no time, you will have devotees left and right, a slave stable of your own, I'm sure of that. But you have to learn first. There's no better time to start teaching you about your hidden potential than now."

Mia was silent at first, processing everything her mother explained to her. She had heard of such things happening, of professional dominatrixes and men who enjoyed being enslaved by them, but she had never thought something like that would happen to her. It seemed surreal.

Although her mind quickly reminded her of a strange situation not long ago, when she was spending time with her friend Tom. When they were hanging out together one day, she caught him sniffing her shoes. It seemed bizarre to her then. She was shocked and almost broke their friendship because of his perversions, but Tom apologized profusely and promised that he would never do something like that again. So she decided to forget about it.

One other time she would catch a boy she didn't know in a girls' locker room, with her gym shoe in his hands, although she didn't explicitly see him smelling it then. When she yelled at him, he quickly turned to her in horror, dropped her shoe and ran away as fast as he could.

Now all of it made sense.

Mia decided to trust her mother. "Okay," she finally murmured softly. "But how does it work? How exactly can I control men with my feet?"

Lily grinned mischievously. "Well, my dear, it's simple really. Just get comfortable, kick off your shoes, and give it a try."

With a puzzled expression, Mia did as her mother instructed. She kicked off her sandals, placing her bare feet on the cold concrete floor. Nothing happened.

"Alright, now, you need to focus on one of those guys, lift your leg a little towards him and imagine your scent reaching his nose. Point your foot in his direction, close your eyes and visualize it," Lily whispered, excitement dancing in her eyes.

Mia reluctantly did as she was told. She lifted her slim right leg a little from the floor, closed her eyes and attempted to concentrate on the men imprisoned within the cages. Despite her initial hesitation, the sensation of her own unique scent began to fill her nostrils. As she inhaled deeply, she couldn't help but notice the tantalizing aroma wafting from her feet. It didn't really turn her on, but in that moment she understood how it could turn on others.

She envisioned her scent reaching the nose of a man in the cage nearest to her. In her mind, she pictured his nostrils flaring, taking in her intoxicating aroma.

"Are you ready, darling?" Lily asked softly, her voice filled with anticipation.

Mia took a deep breath, preparing herself for the unknown. She focused on the man in the nearby cage, imagining her scent enveloping him, drawing him under her spell. Suddenly, she noticed a change; the man appeared to be struggling against the ropes binding him.

His body shook violently, his entire frame trembling uncontrollably. Mia gasped, taken aback by the sight. Had she imagined it? But as she observed him closely, she realized it wasn't mere imagination. The man was writhing in ecstasy, his face contorted in pleasure. His reaction was palpable, and the smell of her feet became overwhelming. It permeated the air around her, filling the space with a bewitching scent.

Mia felt a surge of power coursing through her veins.

She had done it! That man was reacting to her scent, just as her mother had explained. The realization that she possessed the same potent ability stirred feelings of both intrigue and apprehension within her.

"What do I do with that kind of power, mother?" Mia asked.

Lily smiled in response. And then she answered. "Whatever you desire, honey".


Chapter 1: Her beginnings

Summary (don't read it if you want a completely spoiler-free experience!): Mia accidentally lets her powerful foot scent spread throughout the school cafeteria. Some boys near her become entranced, following her every command without question. Later, she makes them her slaves in the school library. This event marks the beginning of Mia's journey as the new Foot Goddess of her High School.

In a small suburban town of Palmwood Heights, Florida, situated between swaying palm trees and picturesque beaches, stood a high school known for its specialized psychology classes. The school, named Westwood Academy, was a unique institution designed to foster the growth of young minds interested in understanding human behavior and mental processes. The academy's sprawling campus featured modern architectural designs, a state-of-the-art library, and a psychology wing dedicated to research and experimentation.

As Mia, the 18-year-old petite beauty, entered the school cafeteria, she was now fully aware of the power her feet held. With their intoxicating scent and sweat, she had the ability to turn anyone into her devoted slave, or at least that was a theory she tested not long before coming to Palmwood Heights. This enigmatic power would soon change her life.

Mia glided through the sunlit cafeteria, her gaze locked on the table ahead. Her presence demanded attention -- she could be a supermodel, her face with a perfect triangular shape and hypnotic deep blue eyes, her short, dark hair only accentuated slim neck and perfect figure. Her breasts were not big, but perky and inviting. The first things a person would notice about Mia, though, were her unbelievably long, slim and slender legs.

Her overall delicate frame, adorned with a pair of well-worn, black combat boots, commanded attention of everyone. But it was her diminutive feet that held the real power. Unbeknownst to most, her toes concealed a tantalizing aroma, a pheromone cocktail that could enslave the minds of those unlucky enough to inhale the intoxicating wisp.

Her classmates chatted around, seemingly oblivious to her, but under that facade there was a definite fascination directed towards the feline grace that oozed from her every movement.

Mia slid into her seat, carefully positioning one booted foot under the table. The scent wafted upwards, mingling with the tangy smell of the food.

The subtle whiff reached the noses of the neighboring tables, sending a shiver down the collective spine of the students. The atmosphere thickened, charged with a palpable sense of anticipation. Mia felt herself blush beneath her oversized sweater, unaware of the commotion about to ensue.

"Hey, did you smell that?" One boy whispered to his friend, raising an eyebrow. His friend merely shrugged, chewing nervously on his sandwich. Mia couldn't help but smirk at how easily she could manipulate the masses with nothing more than a mere hint of her potent secret.

"You guys looking for something?" she quipped, watching the boys who had suddenly appeared at her table gawk like mindless drones.

"Oh, um..." one of them stammered, his face flushing red as he glanced back and forth between his friends. "We just wanted to know what you were having for lunch..."

"Is that so?" Mia chuckled. "Well, I guess you can join me."

Mia replied confidently, watching the three boys eagerly take seats across from her. Their eyes darted around, taking in the sight of the lithe girl before them. They seemed entranced, unable to look away. She started to speak.

"So, what brings you guys here anyway?" Mia asked casually, reaching for a chip. "We just wanted to see if we could get lucky." One of the boys laughed nervously, casting a sidelong glance at his friends. "No way, man. You can't say that to her!" the other one said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Mia rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair. "Whatever floats your boat," she retorted, tossing a chip in her mouth. She watched the trio of eager males out of the corner of her eye, feeling a smug satisfaction course through her veins.

Suddenly, a tall figure emerged from behind a nearby pillar, staring intently at the group huddled around Mia's table. He looked like a football player, with broad shoulders and a muscular build. With his cropped blonde hair to add to that he looked like a typical high school bully. His green eyes sparkled with restrained excitement. He wore a white t-shirt, and his jeans hugged his thighs tightly. The guy walked confidently over to Mia's table, his gaze never leaving her face.

"I heard there was a party tonight at my place," he said nonchalantly, crossing his arms across his chest. "Wanna come along?"

Mia stared at him coolly, her expression impassive. She knew his type well -- and that type didn't impress her. In her mind he looked and behaved almost like a caricature. Unfortunately, he was also in the same class as she was and she knew his name is Patrick.

"Maybe," she drawled, tapping her fingers against the tabletop. "What time does it start?"

"Eight sharp," he replied confidently, flashing her a cocky grin. "But don't worry, I'll pick you up."

"I'm not worried," Mia retorted, arching an eyebrow. "I can find my own way there."

He nodded, seeming undaunted by her response.

"Alright then, I'll meet you there at eight. Don't be late." With that, he turned on his heel and sauntered off, his swagger commanding attention from all corners of the room.

Mia had no intention of going to his cretinous party.

She sighed heavily, casting a quick glance at the other faces surrounding her. They stared back at her, wide-eyed and slack-jawed, as though hypnotized by some unseen force. She shook her head, knowing full well the source of their fascination. It was her fault -- she had let her guard down, allowing too much of her scent to escape.

Mia knew exactly what would happen next; the boys would do anything she told them to do. It was intoxicating, empowering, and slighlty terrifying to her, all at once.

She sat there silently, contemplating her next move. Should she play hard to get? Or should she go straight for the kill? She decided to test the waters first -- to see how far these boys would go to please her.

"Hey, you know what?" she began, turning to the first boy sitting across from her. "I hear that the library is really quiet today. Want to check it out?" Mia purred suggestively, tilting her head slightly. The boy's eyes widened, his heart pounding in his chest. He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether he should agree to such a daring proposition. But Mia's allure was impossible to resist.

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