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Mid Life Crisis Book 02

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The saga continues of the Mid Life Crisis.
4.9k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/11/2009
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Charlie headed 'home', sure he was doing the right thing, but aware his head was full of the hedonistic life he had experienced over the last week.

He had escaped from a boring humdrum marriage after finding his wife in bed with a friend. He found a pub where he spent the next week living fantasies with the landlady, her sister and other guests. He had fulfilled virtually all his sexual fantasies in a matter of days; further more he had witnessed things he couldn't have imagined a week or so ago; - a man being tied up and anally raped with a vibrator, sisters making love, explicit pornographic photography. What had happened to his life?

But, he had enjoyed it. The sex, the company, the experimentation and above all the closeness and intimacy which he didn't believe could co-exist with a hedonistic life style.

As he turned the corner to his house, he wondered what the next instalment of his life would bring.

The house was, as expected, empty. There appeared to be no evidence that his wife had returned.

The note he had screwed up, telling him that she had gone to her mother and asking him to call her was still in the bin.

The fridge still had some beers in it. Looking at his watch, it was after 12 somewhere; he opened a beer and sat down. What should he do? He mentally started a 'to do note'.

Divorce wife

Sell house

Find somewhere else to live

Find a job

He laughed to himself with the last two; he had only this morning left somewhere that could have ticked those two. His thoughts flashed back to Mary. Why had he thought he should leave? She did say I could come back didn't she?

He went to the bin and retrieved the scrap of paper. Yes; it said his wife was at her Mums.

OK let's start the process.

Finding the phone number, he phoned his Mother--in--Law.

He never had the closest relationship with her; sufferance by both parties was the term that sprang to mind.

"Hi, can I speak to the slag that I believe is still my wife," he smiled

"Charlie, please there is no need for that; let me get my daughter."

"Hello?" a timid female voice appeared on the phone.

"Hi," Charlie was going to take charge. "Just thought you should be aware I will be seeing a solicitor this afternoon to start divorce proceedings and then I will be going to an estate agent to put the house on the market."

"But, Charlie."

"Listen to me."

"But Charlie, wont you let me say something?"


"I need to explain."

"What? Why you were shagging our friend, how you were shagging, when you were shagging?"

"No, but we need to talk."

"Ok, go ahead."

"Not over the phone. Can I come over?" she pleaded.

"Tomorrow, 7.00pm" he snarled, "but I am still going to the solicitor and estate agent."

The afternoon was spent as he had said. The solicitor saying it would be quick and relatively painless as there was no dispute as to what happened and there were no children under 18 to take into consideration.

Things with the estate agent were not so good with them preaching to the converted about credit squeezes and slumps and recessions. The bottom line being that he would probably have trouble selling the house.

On his way back home, he stopped off at the local DVD rental store and picked up two hard core porn movies for his evenings entertainment.

A couple of bottles of wine, a take away pizza to be delivered and he was set.

With nearly one bottle of wine finished, the pizza demolished and three quarters of the first film watched, Charlie was fighting to keep awake.

The film was boredom personified. When he couldn't watch these films he wanted to, now he could, he was amazed at the crassness and the boredom of seeing some guy screwing for 15 minutes and not cumming; or was it his male insecurity about staying power again. He cheered himself up thinking about the last week; there had been no complaints there.

He smiled to himself as the picture on the screen showed two women in a '69' and a guy screwing one from behind; done that and have the pictures to prove it he thought.

He wondered if he had a little play, would it make him feel better; but there was hardly any interest from the man below; he could hardly get an erection.

Fed up and tired, he turned everything off, leaving the second film unwatched. He went to bed, but his mind would not switch off and it was still going back to the last week and the sharing of a bed with someone that cared for him; physically and emotionally. The stirrings of an erection started. He stroked himself, his mind replaying the lustful moments he had enjoyed with Mary, Catherine, Sam and even Clive. Eventually he reached a less than satisfactory hardness, stroking himself to a weak and pathetic orgasm.

Falling asleep, he again questioned why he had come home.

Waking up late, he showered and dressed and started to clean the house from top to bottom. If he were lucky enough to get some interest, it might as well look OK.

Snacking during the day, he remembered his wife was due over at 7.00, grabbing a ready meal out of the freezer, he ate that, had a beer and cleared away before 6.45.

At exactly 7.00 the doorbell rang. Charlie opened the door; Jane was standing there, looking sheepish and unsure what to expect in a way of greeting from her husband.

He silently held the door open and gestured her in. He had decided he would be civil and not rant and rave. While there was still a bit of a voyeuristic part of him that wanted to know about Jane and Barry, he would rather she co-operated and made the divorce and house sale easier for both. And, to be fair, after the last week he could hardly take the moral high ground!

Jane gave him a bottle of wine: "I thought it would be more civil if we had a drink while we talked."

"Er, thanks, OK."

She sat down in the lounge, in a way that a first time visitor would. He meanwhile went to get glasses and a corkscrew. Opening the wine and filling the glasses, he handed one to her.

"I'm not sure what we should drink to, but thanks; it's a nice thought," he said.

"It's OK." She raised her glass in a 'silent cheers' sort of way.

"You wanted to talk," Charlie said.

"Yes," she paused before continuing, unable to look at Charlie.

"Look I know what I did was wrong. I am not looking for forgiveness."

"Just as well," he sarcastically interrupted.

"Please, let me finish Charlie."


"As I was saying, I was wrong. We, er, I did something I shouldn't have. It hadn't been going on long, a few weeks, that's all; not that that makes any difference I know," she looked at him now. "Neither you nor I were happy, our sex life was pathetic, we both know that. Someone showed me affection, but I did wrong. It was and is unforgivable. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want you to find out. I didn't want our marriage to finish this way. We both knew it was close to finishing though didn't we?"

"Yes," he nodded truthfully.

Taking a sip of wine and a deep breath, she continued. "I understand your anger and I understand why you forced me to do to you what you did, and I understand about the divorce and all that. I won't contest it by the way, as I say I was wrong in what I did and I will never be able to forgive myself."

She took another sip.

"I haven't told the kids, have you?"


"What shall we do, how should we tell them? Do you think they'll care?" she smiled.

He too smiled, "probably not and probably won't be a surprise either."

"Should we tell them the reason?"

"Not if you don't want to," he said.

"Thanks, it will be easier," she replied.

"Does er, Barry's wife know?"

"No, I don't think so. We have not spoken since."


Charlie topped their glasses up.

"What does your Mother know?"

"That we are getting divorced and I was an idiot and it's my fault. Nothing more and no names. She is not surprised about the split, but surprised and angry that it was me that put the final nail..."

He laughed, "She thought it would be me?"

Smiling, she replied "yes, she always did hold you in such high regard, ever since you got me pregnant!"

He laughed again. "Oh well, at least she got some grand kids out of it!"


They both sat in silence for a few moments.

"What have you been up to, where did you go?" she asked.

He paused, thinking, if only you knew!

"I drove to the West Country and stayed in a BnB pub for a few days, came back here yesterday."

Silence again.

Charlie finished the bottle, filling both glasses, Jane trying to stop him. "I'm driving remember."

"Live dangerously!" he smiled.

Getting a bottle from the kitchen, ironically the same as she had bought, he uncorked it. "No more for me Charlie, I really am driving and the last thing I need now on top of everything else is a drink driving conviction!"

From where he didn't know, but he responded with "Stay here."

She looked at him in amazement.

"In the spare room of course," he added, getting embarrassed.


"Ok, then thanks." She passed her glass to be topped up.

"What do you think you will do?"

"When?" he asked.

"When you are divorced and the house sold."

"Don't know, really don't know. You?"

"Thought I would travel and do things I couldn't or wouldn't do before, start again in some respects."

"Good idea."

They sat in silence again, both deep in thought.

"Will you pick up with Barry again?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. Why screw up two marriages," she smiled weakly.

"Unfortunate turn of phrase," he smiled

"Yes, it is, sorry. But as I said it hadn't been going on long. It was a fling, a release," she paused, "it was stupid and I am so sorry."

He nodded. "Not something we had much of was it?"


"Fun, it must have been fun too. Something naughty, something you weren't supposed to do, something others did. Sex, naughty sex."

She blushed.

"Yes, good description. But wrong, so wrong and something we both knew shouldn't happen but it was fun. Lust, sex, call it what you want. It wasn't love."

"What ever that is." He muttered ruefully. Was it love he had with Mary he wondered to himself?

Filling the glasses and finishing the second bottle between them, Charlie looked at Jane. She wasn't bad looking. She had aged well. She looked after herself. They had had fun in the early days. Lust, sex, call it what you want.

I'm going to bed," she said draining her glass and raising unsteadily to her feet. "Thanks for letting me stay."

She went as if to kiss him, hug him, but thought otherwise, walking up the stairs.

Charlie flicked the TV on and channel hopped for a few minutes as he finished his wine, before pouring a brandy for a night cap.

Turning the lights off, he went upstairs.

Climbing the darkened stairs, he went into 'his room' undressed and get into bed.

He heard a noise outside.



"You OK?"

"No, can I come in?"

"Err, OK"

Turing the bedside light on, he saw Jane approaching him, dressed only in a tee-shirt.

"Can I sit down?"

Totally confused, Charlie moved over and pulled the duvet over him, aware and somehow embarrassed about his nudity underneath the bed covers.

Jane sat down, seemingly uncaring about the show of leg and the rising of her tee-shirt showing her knickers.

Charlie was now totally confused and also conscious of the start of an erection.

"What's up Jane?"

"I need to ask you something. I know our marriage was dead, we both knew that didn't we?"

He nodded.

"But one thing that the 'fling' with Barry showed me was that I could separate sex from love. That sounds awful I know, but please hear me out."

He nodded, still confused and wondering where this was going. He was also aware of his growing erection.

"Also," she continued, "and this is really embarrassing, when you forced yourself on me, you know, made me suck you,"

He nodded again.

"While I was frightened, it still turned me on." She was unable to look at him, but Jane was now very flushed.

"I don't know what to say," stuttered Charlie.

"Charlie, I want to have sex with you! There I have said it," she sighed.

"Oh." Charlie said, "Of all the things to hear from you, that wasn't one of them" he exclaimed.

She went to stand up, took her top off and removed her knickers, standing beside the bed.

"Well?" she said feeling very uncomfortable and unsure of her self.

Charlie pulled the bed covers off, as a sign of silent welcome to join him.

She got in the bed and lay next to him.

He looked at her, a lust for her, that hadn't existed for years, taking over.

He stroked her breast, appreciating the way her nipples hardened. She moaned.

She pulled him down to her and they kissed. Kissed as they hadn't for years and years. She felt his hardness against her leg. She knew she was getting wetter and wetter.

He stopped kissing her and looked at her again, before moving down her body, licking as her progressed.

Her neck, her breasts, stopping to pay homage to her nipples. Down further to her stomach, her pussy and the delights that were to be found there. Exploring her with his tongue and then his fingers, he soon had her bucking against him as she willed him to continue and pleading him to go faster, slower, harder, softer as she directed him to make her cum. She had never shown this type of leadership before and he found it a real turn on.

The inevitable happened and she bucked harder with two fingers inside her and his tongue working hard on her clit. She came with a loud cry and a clasping of muscles.

She eventually relaxed and lay, breathing heavily beside him. As she regained her composure she turned onto her side and started stroking his erect manhood. Then, again for the first time he could recall without prompting or asking, she put his prick inside her warm wet mouth and gently sucked him. He ashamedly remembered the oral delights of Mary and Catherine, and had to admit that Jane was not in their league, but he was still enjoying the sensations.

He was reaching the point of either letting her finish this way or getting her to stop. He did not need to make the decision, she did. Stopping she looked at him; "Charlie I want you to fuck me, it may be the last time, but fuck me."

She lay on her back and he got on top of her, gliding his wet, hard cock into her welcoming hole.

She moaned in ecstasy as he entered her and he thrust, gently at first, but at her bidding, harder and faster.

Knowing he wouldn't last he tried to apologise.

"Stop it, be selfish, I want you to cum" she said through gritted teeth as she pressed per pubic bone to his thrusts, making her clitoris harder as she approached yet another orgasm.

He did as asked and thrust harder and faster, cumming in an instant and flooding her insides with his seed.

He dismounted and lay down, getting his breathing back to normal.

Silently she hugged him and they fell asleep, without a word being exchanged.

In the morning an uncomfortable atmosphere prevailed; a bit like after a drunken one night stand when both parties knew something had happened but were not totally sure and didn't know how to ask the other.

Jane broke the silence.

"Thank you Charlie, thank you for not making yesterday unpleasant and making it easy for me."

Looking sheepishly, she continued. "And thank you for having sex with me. Where the boundary of making love and having sex is I don't know, but thank you. I will leave now and I will do anything you want to get the divorce and so on done. And if you ever need company," she finished letting the last few words hang.

"Um, thanks" Charlie replied. "Thanks"

The rest of his day was spent lounging around the house. Bored and unsure what to do, he went out for a walk and ended up at the tennis club that he was a member of.

Without thinking he entered the club house only to see Barry at a table with his wife Sue.

"Hi Charlie", Sue shouted. Barry hadn't seen Charlie until his wife shouted out and the colour drained from his face as, smiling away, Charlie approached the table.

"Hello Barry, hi Sue," Charlie said as he bent down to kiss Sue on the cheek and held his hand out to shake Barry's hand. Barry reluctantly and with a very concerned look on his face, limply shook Charlie's proffered hand.

"Where's Jane?" Sue asked.

"Oh, spending some time with her Mother."

"Is everything OK?"

"Yes, fine."

"Oh good. Barry don't be so rude, get Charlie a glass, let's have a drink. Looks like we could do with another bottle."

The bottle was virtually empty and Charlie could imagine what was going through Barry's mind as his wife, oblivious to the circumstances involving Barry and Jane, instructed him to get some drink thereby prolonging the agony of putting up with Charlie's company.

Charlie made small talk with Sue as Barry got another bottle and a glass. He was aware that one word out of place could blow what ever stories Barry had told Sue to provide alibi's so he had to be very careful.

"Cheers Barry, cheers Sue, good to see you again."

"Yes, it was a shame you guys had to cancel dinner a week or so ago," Barry said.

"Yes it was, wasn't it," deadpanned Charlie, holding Barry's eye.

"So what brings you here?" Sue asked.

"Oh I fancied a change of scenery and went for walk, and here I am!"

"Yes we all need a change of scenery don't we," agreed Sue.

"Have you had a change of scenery Barry?" Charlie asked, barely keeping a straight face.

"No, not recently," he replied, trying to keep his anger intact.

"You Sue?"

"No, and I need it, I was saying to Barry, I need to find something new to do, some new interests, something to break the monotony."

"So long as it's not a new man, eh Barry?" Charlie laughed.

Barry, looking like he had swallowed a wasp said; "No, exactly."

"But what a good idea" joked Sue. "Where can I start looking?"

Charlie stood up and looked around.

"Nobody here," he laughed.

"What about you Charlie? I'm sure Jane wouldn't mind."

"I'll ask her."

Barry was silently fuming, desperate to change the course of the conversation and get away from Charlie.

"We should be going soon," he said, draining his glass.

"Why, we are having fun for the first time and I am trying to seduce Charlie," she said. Charlie was aware of the slurred voice as the alcohol seemed to be having an effect.

"We are not having fun, you are making a fool of yourself," snapped Barry.

"Lighten up Barry," Charlie said, "We are only joking, Sue wouldn't want me if I was the last man on the planet."

"Don't be so sure" she said with a straight face; quiet enough for Charlie to hear but probably not Barry, given the background noise in the bar.

"Whatever, it's a stupid and infantile discussion; and she's drunk."

"I'm not, and anyway, what's the hurry to get home?"

"I have some gardening to do."

"So bugger off and do it, I'll stay here with Charlie if that's OK with you Charlie?"

Charlie looked at Barry and Sue.

"Whatever!" Barry snatched the car keys off the table and stormed out.

"What's eating him?" enquired Charlie.

"I don't know, he has been in a foul mood for a week or so now," she said, continuing; "Can I confide in you?" touching his arm and leaning towards him, giving him a flash of her cleavage, "I think he has some male problems."

"What makes you say that?"

She looked around to make sure she wasn't being heard.

"He hasn't been near me, hasn't been intimate for ages," and, after taking a sip of wine she continued, "I have feelings and desires too," Charlie nodded, taking another peak at her cleavage, "and a night or so ago, I tried to instigate something."


"And he wasn't interested and I found he couldn't get hard."


"I can't tell you what I did, but he always used to get hard that way."


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