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Military Wife Ch. 01


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Quizzing him on a variety of test answers, and lashing his loins with razor wire if it seemed that he wasn't paying attention.

A slacker of the first order who'd spent a great deal of drilling time slurping Buds in front of the tube, Norbert had begun running and exercising, to avoid the pain of Dee's cane!

Norbert was always required to bring his college tests and quizzes to Deirdre.

If Norb got 90 points or more, which was an A, she'd screw him, 80-89 got him a nice blowjob...

And anything under this resulted in a vicious hairbrush spanking, his pressed West Point uniform pants bunched up around his knees.

Poor Norbert would quiver over Dee's lap and the brush would land...endlessly!

But Norbert adored Dee, and she was very loving to him.

She was a helluva good looking girl, and loved necking and doing neat stuff. His fantasies were being fulfilled,and he was now an A student..

Although he didn't seem to have time for the poker parties and beer blasts that he'd once done.

Norb ended up making Batallion commander of his regiment after three months of dating Dee.

And he served his senior year as the Regimental Personnel Officer for his college regiment.

By graduation, with Dee overseeing athletics, and making him do academics, he graduated with honors.

Now, he looked across the table with some trepidation at his beautiful wife as she played her fingers across the heavy leather of the strop.

"God, it's beautiful" he confessed. "Like in the old movies"

Dee laughed girlishly. "I knew you'd like it. It'll be fun.

You-you said something about razor strops and how horny you got watching some old movie.

You know,where the kid had to go out to the barn and the mom followed with the strop, right?"

"The woodshed" Norb said dreamily. "She took him out to the woodshed."

Norbert, like so many submissive men, had often fantasized about razor strops...

He'd grown up in a "permissive" family, and had never had a spanking in his life until he'd gone to his first dominatrix in his freshman year at West Point.

But Norb had seen many, many movies, often G-rated where the father or mother took the erring teenager out to the woodshed with the "razor strop" to give them their "medicine".

Of course, the camera didn't usually go into the shed, you'd just see the child coming out later, sobbing..but Norb could always imagine what had gone on.

As a child he'd been quite obsessed with these old black-and white movies..and once had gotten quite enthralled during a movie about Winston Churchill.

Winston had been taken into the headmaster's office when he was a small boy.

Before before the door had closed on Winston and the Head, the audience could see the boy's pants down, his bare bottom exposed, and a heavy cane touching the bare bottom.

It had been a tremendous turn-on, and he'd made his parents take him to see the movie two or three times.

But presently, he was unsure...but his wife wasn't!

"It'll be really cool, I think" Dee giggled again, and swung the strop away from the table, nearly grazing a busboy.

"Bet you'll dance." Dee poked Norb's belly with her forefinger and he chuckled, and she kissed his ear, still tenderly fingering the razor strop.

Norb was pleased that Dee was so happy. She had not seemed all that thrilled that they'd been assigned to a German military base, away from all their friends.

But she was in a cheerful mood now, and he had to admit, he was rather aroused at the sight of the damn razor strop himself.

But it was big! Norb was a little frightened, though he'd often jerked off and fantasized about getting a vicious whipping with such a strop.

Dee had already whipped him with canes, hairbrushes, rubber and wooden paddles, and it had all been a tremendous turn-on.

But he'd gotten into the power thing of not crying out, and certainly not blubbing or weeping when she'd hit him!

It was just that whole soldier thing, he guessed. He had to prove he was a man, even if he was her "slave".

And then recently, he'd been breaking down, Dee's canings had been getting harder—two weeks before, he'd forgotten to pick up her dry cleaning on the way home from work.

Oh, and Dee had lashed his bare bottom with a piece of soaking, thick rope as he was bent over the bathtub, and on the fifth lash, he'd heard a howl, and yes, it was Norb's own voice.

Then, just on Monday, they'd gotten in an argument about the brand of coffee she was buying over the breakfast table.

Norb had been trying to quit smoking and had been somewhat irritable, and he'd shouted at Dee, and Dee had responded with a brisk "Don't you raise your voice to me young man."

Norb's fist had hit the table "Are you kidding? Who the hell do you think you are, Dee?"

Norb had been incredulous, after all wasn't this S/M thing just a game?

He'd jumped when Dee had grabbed him by the ear, dragging him to the couch

Jerking down his pajama bottoms, Dee had whacked him forty times with a pancake spatula, one of those evil metal ones.

Yes, and the stinging had been so painful, that Norbert had begun howling once again, he couldn't believe that he'd gotten so wimpy.

When she'd let him off her lap, she'd seen slight tears in his eyes.

"You're turning into a crybaby." Dee had said with some satisfaction as he cowered in front of her, his pajama bottoms still crumpled around his ankles.

"I'll have you sobbing yet, my soldier boy. Go stand in the corner for ten minutes, leave your bottoms down. NOW!"

And Norb had done so, not even being allowed to leave the corner when the mailman had come by, Dee had flirted with the guy,

God, and he'd felt the mailman's eyes on him...on one hand Norb's shame had been intense at the thought of another man seeing his naked bottom on display.

But his cock had never been harder, and when Dee had let him up, they'd screwed like bunny rabbits. But Norb still remembered Dee's desire to make him cry.

He thought the whole perv thing might be getting out of hand, but as it was, Norb had been obsessed with being a submissive his whole life.

He watched Dee toying with the strap, and remembered how early the slave thing had come on him, even before Winston Churchhill movies.

Certainly, from seventh grade on, Norb had been reading the S/M section of magazines like

"Penthouse Variations", sometimes ripping out that section of the magazine as he cowered in the back of the drugstore at age thirteen and fourteen.

For Norb the interest had hit him early....and sneaking the torn bondage sections of the Variations magazine back home to jerk off...

And several stories had mentioned the feared "razor strop" Ooooh! He stared at his beautiful Dee, and wondered if it might not hurt too much...

An Hour Later

Dee talked animatedly about all sorts of things as they drove home, but Norbert's mind never quite left the razor strop in the back seat.

They got in the house and Dee turned to him.

"I want you to get upstairs, strip off your clothes, and lie on the bed." Norb looked at Dee.

What happened to the giggling and all the kissy-face back at the pub? She looked almost venomous now.

"We were going to have dinner at the Tomlinson's tonight, babe maybe we should hold off on playing with..."

Norb was hesitant, and Dee stepped up quite close to him, so that he could stare right down into her heaving, milky white cleavage.

"Our dinner plans are my affair, Norbert.

I don't want to have to ask you again to get your butt upstairs and strip and lie on the bed. Do I make myself clear?"

Norb stared down at Dee, his cock stiffening against his zipper.

Oh God, what have I created, he thought.

They'd started playing very lightly, hell, he'd even spanked her a few times, before he'd finally confessed that he really wanted to be the slave-boy all the time.

But she'd been so gentle with him until recently. "Are you going now?" Dee asked again, and Norb nodded sheepishly. "Yes ma'am."

Norbert went upstairs, his legs shaking as he mounted each step.

He entered the bedroom and took off his military uniform and undergarments, folding it neatly and putting it on the bureau.

Then Norb looked at himself in the full length mirror.

God was he scared. A razor strop! But he could tell that his erection was pulsating, sticking right out there.

It seemed as if there might be some precum at the tip as well.

Poor Norb, he was a born pervert. He heard Dee's light steps on the stairs and lay face down on the bed hurriedly.

Norbert heard the door open swiftly. "Well, you did as I told you to, that's good."

He could smell Dee's perfume, and his cock hardened even more.

Norb heard the bag that had held the razor strop crumple and fall into the wastebasket.

He looked back over his shoulder and there she was, pacing back and forth, doing little practice swings with the strop.

She looked so cute, Dee did, in her tight halter and shorts.

Her boobs were almost poking out of the halter, but Norbert felt humiliated as always.

Embarrassed by the fact that she was dressed and here he was, naked over a bed.

Norbert had learned that there was going to be more and more of that as time went on, it seemed.

Often, after Dee punished him, if neither was leaving the house that evening, she would keep him in a state of nudity.

Standing in the corner or kneeling by her couch as she reclined in her sexy outfits.

Dee had also begun going through short phases where she didn't feel like having sex with poor Norb, usually just two or three weeks at a time.

Sometimes during these times, she'd tell Norbert that he couldn't touch her at all.

And she'd parade around him in revealing lingerie, and other times he was allowed to perform oral sex on her,but that was all.

Dee always required Norb sleep naked next to her, and he would move closer and try and kiss her.

Of course she'd push his head down, and he'd go down on her until she'd orgasmed a number of times, and she'd fall asleep, with her poor husband frustrated.

And then were the worse times when she wouldn't let him touch her at all...which was worse? Did she have a boyfriend during those periods?

Norb didn't know, but he'd remembered one night, after a few weeks of sexual deprivation, talking to Dee in the kitchen, she'd suggested he masturbate to relieve his tension.

"Could-could I do it here, you can watch, and be kind of involved?" Norb had asked her, and Dee had nodded, smiling that little cat-smile.

Norb had been in his bathrobe, and nothing else; he'd removed it right there in the living room.

Then Norb jerked off in front of Dee, who was kneeling and reclining in her bustier, and quite clearly laughing at him.

Norb had fumbled with his penis, and jerked slowly, watching Dee's tongue cross her lips as she snickered at him scornfully, and finally he'd cum all over his handkerchief.

"Can you get me a glass of water?" Dee had asked him. "Don't bother to put your bathrobe on, just go get it as is."

And Norb had walked naked to the bathroom and come back with her water, and the bathrobe had been gone, and he'd knelt by her side as they'd watched the nightly news.

This had been happening more and more, though they still had a healthy sex life...

But it was when Dee chose, and for any irritation, it seemed that she'd suspend "num-nums" until Norbert was weeping and begging for sex to resume.

He wondered what would happen after the whipping tonight, if they made it to dinner...

Would there be sex after? Would he be alive to enjoy it? What a whipping!

Now, Norb lay very still as Dee swished the strop back and forth, and yes, his cock was nearly cement-like.

He was so excited. "Now we're going to see what you're made of , Norbert."

Dee said as she walked back and forth behind the bed, swishing the strap back and forth.

"I heard you screaming at some poor corporal the other day, telling him he needed to be a man or something..

Let's see if you can practice what you preach." Norbert's throat quivered. "Here you go, big boy."

WHACK! WHACK! Norbert's soft white ass screamed as the strop fell. Dee looked excitedly at the huge red marks on his soft white skin.

His buttocks were a bubble-butt variety, and she was getting a kick out of this.

My God, she'd been on the receiving end of the damn thing her whole life, and it was nice being able to dish it out a bit.

WHACK! Norb's buttocks bounced at the third swipe, and Dee thought she could hear a shuddering moan emitting from her unhappy husband.

Dee lifted the strop again and landed it hard on Norb's left cheek, smiling.

"Oooh!" came a sound from the bed, and she realized the strop had gone between her victim's legs a bit.

Did she just hit the poor bastard's balls? Dee was wet with the idea that she was putting poor Norbert through exquisite torture.

Norb was indeed trying to squeeze his legs together so she couldn't get her strap between them, but Dee was thinking...

She'd bought another little toy recently, a spreader bar—long wooden pole with cuffs.

Cuffs that could keep Norb's ankles separated if she wanted to whack those nice little nuggets between his legs.

Whenever Dee went over to the base she had to listen ad nauseum to officers telling her what a tough guy her husband was.

Oh, how he could go through any battlefield they believed, though in this year 1980 there were no battles.

She'd seen Norb screaming at his troops about manhood and toughness.

Dee smiled because she knew Second Lieutenant Vidalia's "toughness" was really pretty much of a façade.

Dee had gotten the strap lots more as a girl and she'd never made this much fuss.

Look at him now, stark naked and quivering on the bed, trembling, really...

And those horrible red marks made him look sissified, even if Dee had put them there. This was ridiculous.

Dee's project now was to get at the tender underside between Norb's buttocks and thighs.

She remembered this from her own thrashings as a girl,but this little area was truly her husband's Achilles heel.

A few nights before, Dee had given Norbert a list of chores to do, a long list that would keep him busy until she'd gone to bed.

The final thing on the list was to get into bed with Dee, and masturbate, but not to orgasm.

Dee had been sure that Norb would fuck that one up, and he certainly had, she could hear the gasping and feel the wetness against her back that night.

Yes, and she'd gotten up and turned Norb over her nightgowned knee and whipped him with one of her slippers for nearly an hour.

God, and the slipper had really scorched the tender crease between his buttocks and thighs. Norb had screamed once, not like he was howling now of course.

And Dee had locked him in the trunk of their car for the rest of the evening, because he was such a "baby"

"Norbert, stick your butt up, now." Norb heard her threatenening voice and moved his buttocks up.

Supporting his body on his knees while still burying his face in the bedspread.

WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Dee's strop found it's mark in the tender crease between buttocks and thighs.

Norbert began crying as he bit into the sheets desperately.

"Oh, I can't take it" he sobbed, as he filled his mouth with the spread and the strop fell again and again.

"Oh I can't take it, Mommie" Dee's voice joined him in falsetto, and Norbert wept real tears of fear and misery.

Dee couldn't believe her good luck, she was finally hearing muffled sobs from Norbert, who seemed absolutely dazed by everything.

Dee wished Colenol Herries, who adored the manly young Second Lieutenant Vidalia, could see this whiny baby now.

He would be violently ill watching his favorite young officer whining and weeping through this little punishment.

WHACK! Dee's strop found once again the tender crevice between his buttocks and thighs, and she could see the strop hitting Norbert's balls.

Hitting them as they hung there, and heard his cry of anguish.

"P-please no more, Miss Dee." This was hilarious.

It had been a point of pride with Norbert that he refused to utter any sounds at all during her whippings.

Ah but in the last month she'd gotten some real screams and cries from him...and now she saw a few tears staining the bedspread.

Norb had met his Waterloo in Mr. Razor Strop, eh?

Dee smiled grimly and lifted the strop over her head, bringing it viciously down on the small of Norbert's back.

Norb, for his part was a haze of incredible agony, and was biting the bedcover.

Norb was trying so desperately not to utter any sounds, but of course now he was openly sobbing. But by God, he wouldn't cry for mercy.

"Mercy" was their ultimate safeword, and Norbert was a Guy guy, and he could keep from uttering it, he thought.

But Dee had heard him beg her to stop and completely ignored that.

Perhaps a cry for mercy might be ignored too, he had looked behind his shoulder and seen the determination in her lovely eyes, her breasts heaving as she swung the strop.

Norbert had to keep quiet now, he couldn't believe he was "blubbing" as boys called it in his prep school.

But the tears were there. Norbert had always been contemptuous of the male slaves crying and whining in various S/M clubs in the U.S. and Europe, and he was no wimp.

He just had to hold out as the blows rained on him. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Norbert finally collapsed.

Norb brought his ass back down to the bed, thus directly disobeying Dee's command that he push it in the air.

"What a loser you are—can't you take it?" Dee's voice came as the strap slammed again, just catching him on the back of his scrotum, and Norbert saw stars.

Norbert's bottom felt as if Dee had been pressing it with an electric iron and he was crying openly now.

"Please oh please ma'am" Yes, Norbert was crying for the first time since he was about twelve years old, no, about nine, actually.

"This is great....listen to you bawling!" Dee laughed wildly as her husband's cries grew louder.

"You are such a wimp. I just love this razor strop, honey." WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK! She'd worked her way from his damaged buttocks down his thighs.

Dee swung five or six lashes on the sensitive spot on the backs of his knees, and been rewarded by more anguished sobbing.

Norbert's teeth were clenched against the pain as he withheld his intense desire to jump out of the window, anything to get away from that horrible razor strop.

He broke down and grabbed his buttocks, screaming, but a lash from the buckle end of the strop nearly sprained Norb's wrist and he re-grabbed the bedspread.

"That's right honey. I want your hands away from your butt. Touch your butt again and I'll hit your hands with a baseball bat."

Norbert would have given a thousand dollars for an ice pack right now, but the blows kept coming.

THWACK WHACK WHACK SMACK! Suddenly Norb couldn't help it, and he screamed "Mercy! Oh please stop!"

Norb's arms and legs bunched upa nd he went into the fetal position, begging and sobbing "Oh, please, Miss Deirdre, please don't hit me any more with that awful thing, oh it's too much!"

Dee's arm was hurting a bit now, and Norbert's buttocks were a mass of bluish welts, red blood stains and scars.

It was really a sight to see, and Dee loved it. This whole macho military officer thing was revolting, she felt.

And it was high time she got to the bottom of the masculine rituals.

Yes sir, this was a glory day for American feminism! Dee felt like calling Gloria Steinem.

Dee laughed. "Don't be such a fucking queer, Norbert. Get into the pain, give in to it, you pathetic worm!"

But every inch of Norb's shoulders, back, buttocks and legs felt as if he'd been in a fire and was covered with first degree burns.

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