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Millville Ch. 05: MUNCH

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Suzie and I meet the Munches and learn more about BDSM.
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Part 5 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/29/2018
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


Chapter 5


(Author's note: The story of Millville is evolving. This chapter, in particular, will be more meaningful if put in the context of earlier chapters. I urge you to read the first chapters, if you haven't already, to set the stage for the action that will follow in subsequent chapters. Otherwise it will be like watching a movie from the middle!)


Suzie and I both overslept Tuesday morning and barely had time to grab a quick bite before leaving for our work. The intense session of bondage and sex we had had the night before left us both totally exhausted. It was our first experience with anything like that and we needed to discuss it, but that would have to wait.

As soon as we sat down to dinner that night, though, it was all that was on our minds.

"So, Suzie," I started. "Tell me how you felt last night. Good? Bad? Indifferent?"

"Indifferent? Are you kidding? You know damn well it wasn't indifferent. I don't scream like that for indifferent. It was so unlike anything I've ever experienced it's hard to explain."

"All right, let me ask you this. How was it being tied up spread-eagled like that? As soon as your hands were tied you wanted me to stop. And when your legs were tied, and pulled apart, you were adamant that I stop, and angry with me for doing it in the first place."

"I know. I know I was. I didn't like the feeling of helplessness. I was worried about what we watched Bob doing to Julie Saturday. I guess I thought you might do that to me. That thought terrified me. But then, when you went down on me and did your magic with your tongue, I got so turned on that I forgot about Bob and Julie. I could only think about how good it was feeling. Until you put your fingers in my pussy. Then all I could think about was cumming. You kept on and on, playing with my clit and my pussy until I was getting desperate to cum. I tried to pull my arms down so I could rub myself and make myself cum, but, of course, I couldn't with the handcuffs."

"I could tell you were getting desperate to cum. I tried to keep you there to build up your climax."

"And you sure did, you bastard! I was dyin' there and you wouldn't let up."

"And one more thing. Just before you came I squeezed and twisted your nipple. It must have been painful, yet you begged me to do it even harder. I'm sure that was more painful than a spanking would have been. Yet when we started you told me that I shouldn't spank you."

"I don't even remember you hurting my nipple. Did I really tell you to do it harder? I can't believe I did that. You know my nipples are sensitive and I don't like you even touching them most of the time."

"I know. That's why I was so surprised."

"I guess there's something to what Julie's been telling me about her enjoying this whole BDSM thing. When I have lunch with her tomorrow I'll find out more."

"Keep me up to date, please," I said as we both got up to clear the table.

The following evening, as was now our custom on Wednesdays, our dinner talk was about Suzie's lunch date with Julie.

I started, simply, with, "Well?"

Susie thought for a moment, then answered. "I actually didn't learn much new from Julie today. We mostly talked about you and me. First, she wanted to know what our reaction was to seeing her tied up and whipped by Bob, Saturday. I told her that both of us were shocked, but interested. Surprised, too, because we've all been such good friends for years now and we didn't have a clue that they were into that stuff. And I told her that both of us were sexually aroused by it all.

"That got her attention. It's like that was the reaction she was looking for."

I asked Suzie, "Did she ask if we acted on any of it?"

"Wait. First I told her that I didn't appreciate Bob giving you those handcuffs. I thought it was presumptuous of him to assume that we were going to follow their lead."

"What did she say?"

"She said not to blame Bob. It was her idea that he do it. She said that she has gotten so much pleasure out of the lifestyle that she hoped that I, her best friend, would try it and maybe get just as much pleasure. Bob was actually against doing it. For one thing, he thought that handcuffs were too uncomfortable, but she felt that they would be good just to get something started between us. And, if we wanted more we could get leather cuffs, like they did."

"Funny," I said. "He did it against his own wishes because she thought it was a good idea. She calls the shots in the household, yet he ties her up and beats the hell out of her. Go figure."

"Then I told her about Monday night. I left out some details cuz I'm not ready to share all the intimate details of our sex life with anyone. Like I didn't tell her you were fingering my G-spot or biting my clit. I did tell her that it was the most powerful orgasm I've ever had.

"She asked if you spanked me. I told her no, but that you apparently gave me some pain that I don't even remember but evidently wanted more at the time. She said that that wasn't unusual. In the throes of severe sexual arousal one might not be aware of even terrible pain being inflicted on fact it often increases the level of arousal and stimulates a stronger orgasmic response. I told her, 'Yeh, I know.'

"That's about it. Lunch was over and we each went our own way."

"Well, you were right. You didn't learn much new. I'm playing golf with Bob Saturday. Maybe I can find out more from him."

"How much more do we want to know, Tom?" Suzie asked. "I'm a little worried about where all this might be leading. I don't want to end up being strung up and beaten like Julie seems to like. It's not me."

"No, and it's not me doing the beating. I can't imagine doing that to anyone. But...let's keep our minds open. Before Monday night did you think you'd ever like being tied up and having your clit bitten and your nipple twisted?"

"No, I guess not," Suzie replied, meekly. "All right, let's see what you can learn from Bob."

Saturday's golf game with Bob was uneventful. We're both mediocre players but we plod along to get through the eighteen holes. As usual, we headed to the "19th Hole" bar in the clubhouse for a beer.

Bob broached the subject of Saturday night. "What'd you and Suzie think the other night? Pretty shocking, no?"

"Pretty shocking, yes," I replied. "We were both stunned. But it did start us thinking. Suzie and I have talked about this whole BDSM thing you're involved with. We're not sure what to make of it. We did try it out, though. Monday night. I tied her up, against her wishes, and made love to her. I did some things she's never let me do before, and she responded with the biggest orgasm I've ever seen her have."

"That's great, Tom. You guys follow up on that and you might end up like Julie and me. We've never had so much fun and pleasure."

I asked, "So, do you guys do more than the bondage thing that we saw Saturday and some spanking and whipping?"

"Oh, Tom, you ain't seen nothin' yet. I'm afraid you'd be really shocked if I told you some of the things that we...and others in the BDSM"

"Others. There are others? I know there are others, but do you actually know others that are into this?"

"Sure. Many more people do this sort of thing than you would believe. Behind closed doors you never can tell what people are up to. You never suspected Julie and me, did you?"

"Hell, no. Never would have believed. Still find it hard to believe, even after seeing with my own eyes."

"OK, Tom, let me ask you something. There's an organization for people into BDSM that Julie and I belong to. It meets the third Thursday of each month in Knoxville. That's this coming Thursday. How about you and Suzie come with us. It's very informal. They meet in a private room of a restaurant. We have dinner. Order off the regular menu and pay your own bill. Nobody knows who we are or what we do. It's just a chance to meet other people who are into the lifestyle. They're just regular people, friendly and willing to share information with others. We only use first names. You might recognize some members, but we keep who they are confidential outside the group. What do you think?"

"It sounds interesting. I'll talk to Suzie about it. She's still skeptical about going down this path, but after Monday night she's definitely more interested. I think she's afraid of the pain thing. I must say, I don't blame her. I would be too. By the way, what's the group called?"



"Munch. M-U-N-C-H, just like it sounds. Munch. Don't ask where the name comes from. I looked it up once but it's complicated. Look it up in Wikipedia."

I'll talk to Suzie and we'll let you know."

Bob and Julie picked us up on Thursday a little after six o'clock. The Munch meeting was at seven in Knoxville, about a 45 minute drive from Millville. On the way Bob and Julie iterated what Bob had told me at the "19th hole". First names only. Privacy and confidentiality. Even the restaurant didn't know the name of the organization, much less what they were about. We should just try to meet people, ask questions, get a feel for the BDSM scene.

When we arrived, there were already about thirty people standing around, chatting, many with a drink or a glass of wine. More people kept coming and by seven o'clock there were almost fifty people there. Someone announced that everyone should find seats at the tables so the wait staff could take their orders. The tables were long, seating five people on each side. There were menus at each place.

Bob and Julie sat at a different table and, at their suggestion, Suzie and I sat across from each other so we would each be next to different people. After a short while, the president of the club called everyone's attention and asked anyone who had brought guests to introduce them. Bob and Julie stood and, when called upon, Bob said, "Julie and I have brought our very good friends Tom and Suzie. Stand up, guys." We did and all the people at our table turned to shake our hands and welcome us. They each said their first names, but I only remembered two or three of them. The man on my right, Henry, noticing that we didn't have wine yet, motioned for a waiter and ordered wine for us, to be put on his tab. Already I liked these people.

"How long have you known Bob and Julie?" he asked me.

"Oh, we've been best friends with them for, I guess, four or five years now."

"Really? Real nice folks, Bob and Julie. My wife Helen here," he said, leaning back and gesturing to the woman next to him, "and I have known them about the same. How is it they haven't brought you to one of our meetings 'til now?"

"Well, and you may think this strange, until two weeks ago we had no idea they were into this, what do you call it? Lifestyle? When they told us about it we were interested in learning more, so Len suggested we come to a meeting. And here we are."

"I'm glad they did. We always welcome new blood to our group. Especially a good-lookin' young couple like you two. Helen here, when she saw you walkin' in, said, 'Look at the good looking stud that just came in. Wouldn't mind strapping him to our cross.'"

"Excuse me. I don't understand," I said.

"What? Oh, you know. Our cross. Our St. Andrew's cross. We have one in our playroom."

"Oh, you have a playroom too?" I asked, ignoring the reference to their 'St. Andrew's cross' about which I had not a clue.

"Sure. So you have one?"

"No. Like I said, we're not really into the BDSM thing. Not yet anyway. We're still processing this whole new idea. But we have seen Bob and Julie's playroom."

"Ah, ain't it somethin' now? That's more than a playroom. We call it their dungeon. He's got more stuff there than any of us, I'll bet."

"Oh, so you and Helen have been there?"

"A couple times. Every once in a while Bob and Julie play host and hostess to a group of us Munches at their place. We all visit and snack a bit and then go down to the dungeon and play. Goes on to the wee hours sometimes. Great times. Guess we'll be seein' you and the misses there soon."

All this time Suzie had been chatting with the man and woman on either side of her. I excused myself to Henry and turned to the woman sitting on my left.

"I'm sorry," I said, to start the conversation. "I've already forgotten your name. I'm Tom."

"Yes, I remembered 'Tom'. Short and sweet. Easy to remember. I'm Leila. Not as short, and not easy to remember. Nice to meet you, Tom." Gesturing toward the man beside her, she added, "This is my husband, Len. Short and easy to remember. Len and Leila. Now, tell me about yourself and your lovely wife. Why haven't we seen you here before? New in town, maybe?"

"Actually, we don't live in Knoxville, although we both went to school here. We live in Millville now. Been there around five years."

"Oh, so that's how you're friends with Bob and Julie."

"Wow. Everybody seems to know Bob and Julie."

"Yep. They're big in this group and the lifestyle. I'm surprised they haven't brought you here before. How long have you known them?"

"Oh, several years. They're our best friends, but somehow they never mentioned their interest in this lifestyle. We just found out a couple of weeks ago."

"Well," Leila went on, "you couldn't have better mentors. They're about as active in the BDSM circles as anyone." She turned to Len. "Did you hear that, Len? Tom and Suzie didn't know about this lifestyle until a couple of weeks ago."

Len said, "No kidding. And you're friends of Bob and Julie? Well then, you must have a lot of questions. Feel free to fire away."

"Gee," I said. "I'm sure glad we came tonight. You guys are all great. I expected an entirely different crowd. Lots of tattoos, all colors of hair, beards and pony tails, gothic know, that kind of people "

Len replied, "We're pretty much just normal people. We look and live just like everyone else. Have jobs, raise kids...although with kids around the house we have to be discreet in what, where, and when we do things. Some people like to play golf, or bridge, or listen to music. We enjoy BDSM. That's the only difference."

"All right," I said. "Let me pick your brains. At the next table there's an elderly couple. The white-haired man and woman. Look like they must be in their seventies. Don't tell me he beats up on her. She's so frail looking."

Leila answered, "That's Charlie and Mildred. They live in a big, old house in the country outside Knoxville. They entertain a lot. Invite several Munch members out for weekends once in a while. We went there one time and it was wild. Their house is secluded so there's nobody to hear all the screams."

But," I interrupted, "how is she able to withstand the physical beating and pain?"

"Oh," Leila replied, "Mildred's the dom."

"The what?"

"Dom. Dominatrix. Charlie's the sub in their relationship and she's the dom. Like me."

"You're the dom? How is that? Len outweighs you by a hundred pounds, I'll bet."

"You're right, he does. But, remember. All that we do is consensual by both parties. It's that way with everyone in this room. In fact, anyone found abusing their partner beyond his consent levels is banned from the Munches. That's what makes this a very safe practice. Now, to answer your question. Len wants me to tie him up or restrain him in some way. That in itself excites him. Gets his adrenalin rushing. Even gives him an erection. Once he's securely restrained, his size or strength doesn't matter. His body is at my mercy. I can do as much or as little as I please. Not knowing what I have in store for him increases his excitement. Sometimes I blindfold him.

"We live here in Knoxville in an apartment on the edge of town. That's a challenge sometimes. We can't attach anything to the walls, so any equipment we use has to be free standing. Len's pretty good at figuring those things out. But we have to keep the noise level down, so I usually have to gag Len when we're playing."

"Gag?" I asked, naively.

Len jumped in here. "You are a beginner, aren't you? She usually puts a ball gag in my mouth. That's a soft, rubbery ball, about two inches in diameter, with straps through it that go around my head. When it's on good and tight I can't push it out of my mouth. So my mouth's held open, which muffles any sound I make. Can't talk that way. My screams are muted. I don't think the neighbors can hear them. Problem is I drool a lot, 'cuz it's hard to swallow. Sometimes she just wads up a pair of her used thong panties and shoves them in my mouth. Keeps them in with duct tape. That really muffles the sound."

"My God!" I gasped. I had no idea. You think Charlie and Mildred do that stuff?"

Len answered. "Absolutely. Seen them in action that time we were at their place, right, Leila?"

"Oh, yeh. Little Mildred really let Charlie have it. She had him hangin' from the ceiling, His feet could barely touch the ground. She was using a bull whip on him like I've never seen. He was screamin' like a banshee."

Len added, "That's not easy, either. Wielding a bull whip like she did is no easy feat. Not many of us have mastered that art. Charlie didn't need a gag, though, 'cuz of where they live. No neighbors. Kind of envy them for that."

Just then the president stood up and announced that it appeared that everyone had finished their meals, and after settling their tabs with the waiters we should leave our tables and mingle. He reminded everyone that the club had paid the restaurant extra to have one waiter for each table, so we should be generous with our tips since each waiter had fewer customers than usual.

I settled Suzie's and my tab and said to my new friends on each side of me, "Come and meet Suzie. She'll really like all of you." We all walked around to Suzie's side of the table where I met the folks with whom she had been talking. The ten of us formed our own little group and we all chatted. It seems that the other eight had already known one another. Suzie and I exchanged phone numbers with the others and soon Bob and Suzie joined us. They knew everyone in the group. It was after ten o'clock and the four of us decided it was time to leave. We said our goodbyes to the others and headed out. As we left the restaurant one of the Munch members handed each of us a flyer of some kind.

When we were settled in Bob's car, Suzie said, "Whew! That was something! What nice people they all are. I'm so glad we came. Aren't you, Tom?

"I am. I would never have guessed that such a group existed."

"And there are hundreds of groups just like that all over the country," Bob added.

"What's this flyer they gave us as we left?" Suzie asked.

Julie answered, "Oh, we were going to talk to you about that. It's an announcement for a fund-raising event coming up in a couple of weeks in Millville. It's the second one they've had, so we know what it's like. It's fancy. Really good dinner. Kind of pricey, though. But it's for a good cause. Look over the flyer at home and talk it over."

"OK, we can do that."

Bob said," Let's get together this weekend. We want to hear all about your time tonight. We noticed you each were talking with two other couples. I'll bet you learned a lot."

I replied, "That sounds good. Saturday night? Our house, this time. Although we can't put on a show like you did."

"That's OK. Although I know you at least have handcuffs." Everyone laughed.

"Seven o'clock? Suzie'll cook up something or other. Maybe hot dogs."

"Then I'll bring some whips and chains to punish the cook." Everyone laughed again, although Suzie and I wondered if he meant it.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Keep Wondering if..

this is going to leave the realms of painfully naive?

I know it can be difficult to write dialogue without it sounding forced. Fingers crossed that it chills out a bit.

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