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Mistress Lock Lays Down the Law


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I heard the scrapping of a chair near my head and then a wet pussy was on my mouth. No words were spoken, but I knew what they wanted. I began to lick lightly at the outer lips before moving onto kissing it. I thought I was doing well as it seemed to open a bit more and I got a whiff of her aroma. A light nibble and then I ran my tongue up her pussy. Her juices were flowing very well and I was getting into it.

There was a loud crack and my ass exploded in pain, "AHHHHHH!!" I screamed into the pussy on my mouth. I grunted several times as the clamps swayed wildly and bit into my nipples.

Keisha whispered into my ear, "I suggest you try another technique. Every 2 minutes that you don't make that pussy cum will earn you another swat with my paddle."

I went to town working furiously on the pussy in my mouth only to be pushed away. Kate berated me, "Slow down their cowboy, I liked your slow buildup." She moved her pussy back to my mouth, "Now try again."

So now I knew the game. Kate wanted her pussy licked nice a slow and Keisha was going to beat my ass if I didn't hurry up. I was going to need to find a way to hurry Kate along before my ass took too much punishment. I tried my best to increase the pace, but Kate was having none of it. I had just suffered my third swat from Keisha when Kate pulled back.

She grabbed my hair, "I don't care if Keisha beats your ass until it bleeds, you're going to lick my pussy the way I want. I'll let you start again after Keisha delivers your next blow."

My voice was a bit frantic, "Please Kate, don't make me wait. Let me eat you out now!"

A hand smacked my face, "Don't you dare be so insolent again. Since you asked to be a slave you must address me as Ms. Kate or Madam. Do you understand?"

"Yes," CRACK!! "MS. KATE!!" Keisha had decided to land a blow in the middle of me talking.

She jammed my head back between her legs and I started all over again. Even though it was going to hurt I knew I would have to take my time and accept the beating. After many blows from the paddle I was finally able to push Kate over the edge for her orgasm. She squeezed her legs around my head and I felt the vibrations as the orgasm washed over her.

After a few moments I felt Kate get up. I just hung there waiting for whatever was next. It wasn't long before I felt an intruder begin to probe my ass. Kim's voice reached my ear, "I won't be as nice to your ass as Keisha was." She wasn't far off either. She rammed the dildo into me in a single motion and began to fuck my ass. I opened my mouth and yelped in pain only to feel the cincher on my collar tighten. "Every sound you make will tighten you collar so scream while you can." I clamped my mouth down and bit my tongue.

It wasn't much use though. Kim had every intention of chocking me out and did whatever it took. First she slapped my ass and a small squeak caused more tightening. Then she drug her fingernails down my back eliciting a grunt that worsened the situation more. All the time she was brutalizing my ass with her strapon. I thought I was in a good place and had managed to keep the collar from tightening for several minutes when I felt the strapon twitch. I though the ordeal was about to end, but instead of cum erupting from the dildo it felt like hot lava inside my ass.

There was no holding this one back. I tensed and jerked at my bindings and screamed as loud as I ever had, but when I tried to breath in I realized the collar had chocked down hard enough to cut off all air flow. Having just expelled all my breath in a scream it was only moments before the room went blank and I passed out.

I don't know how long I was out, but as I came too it didn't appear my situation had improved any. I was spread eagle on the bed and a gag in my mouth. I moved my head a bit and it felt like there was a counter weight on the outside of the gag. I figured it was most likely a dildo gag. With the blindfold still in place I wasn't able to confirm that. I pulled at my bindings a bit causing the bell on my dick to tinkle which alerted my tormentors that I was awake.

I felt the bed shift a bit and then what seemed to be knees came to a rest on either side of my head. I didn't know what to do so I just laid there, but when the blow landed on my balls my head raised up. I must have slid the dildo into her because Keisha moaned, "Very good, now don't stop or I'll crop your ball off your body." She landed a second blow to reinforce her threat.

I couldn't see what I was doing, but I kept moving my head. The only relief I had was that the collar was gone. I worked at creating different angels to see if there was one she preferred. No matter what I did though she would randomly land a blow with her crop. Some landed on my stomach while others on my legs. She landed a rather harsh one on my inner thigh causing me to flinch and pause for a moment. She took that as a chance to rain down blows on my nuts.

I twisted and squirmed as the cropping continued. She finally relented and as I was sucking in air I heard her counting down, "3, 2,..." My eyes were wide and I was low on air but began sliding that dildo in and out of her with gusto. I was rewarded with a deep purr, "Now that's what I expect from now on." I felt her had grab my hair and for a few moments she held me in place and ground her pussy on the dildo. The ache in my balls kept me focused though. As soon as she released my hair I was immediately back to moving it up and down. I did not want a repeat of that.

With no way to see anything I had no idea of how long this went on. She continued to land random blows, but as long I kept the dildo moving my balls were left alone. She was finally getting close and as the climax took her she pressed her pussy down hard and pinned my head to the bed. She howled in pleasure as tremor after tremor swept through her. It seemed like the juice from her eruption was somehow funneled into my mouth by the gag. I greedily sucked it down as it was first liquid I had gotten in quite a while. I felt her begin to relax and then she slid off the dildo and angrily said, "I don't care how little movement you have, when your fucking me with that thing don't ever stop!" My balls exploded in pain as she landed a final blow. "Got it?" I nodded my head vigorously.

It was easy to see they were each taking a turn with me and that left Sarah for last. I felt the gag being removed and knew that I was about to find out what she had in store. I was stretching my jaw a bit when I felt a dildo being attached to my device. Not long after I felt her mounting me and beginning to slowly ride. Several minutes passed and I was surprised that nothing terrible was happening to me. I was slowly losing myself to the rhythm when a searing heat landed on my chest. I screamed out and was rewarded by a hard face slap, "Shut your fucking mouth slave." More drops of heat landed and I gritted my teeth, "That's better. Now fuck me."

She quit moving and it was now me thrusting my hips trying to keep her happy. It was hard to focus as drop after drop landed on me. It must be candle wax, but I couldn't be sure. It really didn't matter, if the pattern held she would quit when I satisfied her. I focused on keeping my hips moving. My muscles were screaming no as I forced them to continue the assault. The toll of the entire ordeal was wearing on me and I was near exhaustion when she finally howled out with her release. A large amount of heat landed on my chest and I howled with her.

She settled down and climbed off me. The dildo was removed and I felt her move the device a bit, "I told you to be quiet, next time you better be." The heat that had been slowly dripping on my chest felt like a waterfall enveloping my balls. I twisted as much as I could, but there was no escape. When it finally ended I heard her walk away and up the stairs.

I waited and there was no sound for a long time. My ass was sore inside and out while my balls ached in a prison of heat. It didn't matter though, I was grateful for the reprieve not matter how momentary it ended up being. I shifted and a low tinkled sounded in the room. Even with no one around my shame filled the room. I laid my head back and drifted off to sleep.

Some gentle slaps to my face brought me back to life. I rolled my head over and the slapping stopped. "Time to wake up!" I didn't recognize the voice, but as the blindfold was removed I saw that Brown, or should I say Pamela, was standing over me. She stepped back and I saw Green and Blue flanking her. I wanted to say something, but I decided silence in my current state would be the best option.

Pamela was definitely the one in charge as she began directing the other two. "Cindy," or green as I knew her, "get the wax off of him." Cindy nodded and approached me and began pealing the wax off. It wasn't super painful but wasn't pleasant either. "Tabitha," and now I knew Blue's name as well, "start removing the restraints. If he gives you any trouble just say so, Auntie gave me the discipline button." I saw her wave it at me and playfully press the button for a moment. The spikes in my cage instantly sprang to life, but went away when she released the button. It was enough to make me yelp and them giggle.

I was a bit worried and dared not resist. I figured Mistress was careful enough to make sure someone was on guard to help these three if things went awry. It didn't take long for Cindy to get the wax off most of me, but then she got my balls. I felt her moving the wax around and looking for an opening.

"Pamela, this won't come off. It's really thick and hard."

Pamela moved closer to look before looking me in the eyes, "She's talking about the wax," she flicked the bell on the end of my cock, "no one will be saying that about your dicklet anytime soon."

The girls giggled again as I blushed.

She looked back at Cindy, "You're a chef, crack it like an egg." She grinned at me to see my reaction.

I was free of the bindings, but I still had a feeling that this was a trap so I did nothing.

Cindy looked delighted as she fetched a thin metal rod about 5 inches long. She returned and cupped my wax covered balls and then smacked it with the rod. The thump was loud, the pain was non-existent. She landed several move blows and I began to relax. When the wax finally cracked though it was like a horse had kicked me in the nuts.

Cindy jumped back a bit as Pamela and Tabitha laughed. Cindy realized what happened and joined in the laughter as she finished removing the wax.

Now that I was basically fee and sitting on the bed I wondered what would happen.

Pamela pointed to the middle of the room where a pair of wrist restrains where hanging down. "Over there please." I just moved to the spot and waited. "Hands up." I raised my hands allowing Tabitha and Cindy to clip the restrains closed. As they stepped back I felt the restraints pull upwards until my feet were about 6 inches off the ground.

Tabitha reach out and pushed on my right shoulder causing me to begin spinning. They began gathering some more straps and a bit or rope before coming back. I watched as they used straps to bind my legs together. Next, they looped some rope around my balls then looped that around a strap below my knees.

I was wondering where this was going as they tightened the rope until I lifted my knees a bit to try to relieve the pressure. I watched with horror as they tied it off realizing how screwed I was.

There was an evil gleam in Pamela's eyes as she looked at me, "Hope you got stamina."

I looked back down and knew that I could only hold my legs up for so long before they tired and my balls were left to hold them up. I looked back up at Pamela, "Ms. Pamela, please don't. Please have mercy. I'm so tired and I don't think I can stand this."

I heard heels on the stairs and looked up to see Mistress entering. She was wearing black heels, black fence net stockings with red tops. My eyes drifted higher to see her red garter belt with black straps holding up those stockings. A bit higher was a black coreset that stopped just under her bust with a red satin bra to top it off. She had a riding crop in her hand and swished it about as made it to the bottom of the steps.

"Good evening slave," considering the day had started early and I had been blindfolded almost the entire time it felt even later than that, "I hope your day has not been too taxing. I was hoping to demonstrate a few techniques to my Niece and her two friends."

"Mistress, I have had a long day..." She lashed out with the riding crop and left a whelp on my left hip.

With a stern voice, "Try that again slave."

I sucked a bit of air in as the sting began to wane, "I would be honored to help Mistress."

She ran the tip of the crop up and down body like it was a feather. "You see girl's men are simple creatures. They seek out pleasure and flea from pain." She slid the tip of the crop to just under my chin, "Ring you bell."

I began to flop around and make the bell ring. It hurt, but nothing like the punishment I would have gotten. Mistress turned back to the girls, "You see his response?" The nodded, "Last night he was slow to respond to that command and I administered a punishment. A single punishment. Now as you can see he responds immediately. Do you notice something else?"

All three looked at me as I continued to gyrate and ring my bell. After a moment the shook their head no.

Mistress looked at me, "He hasn't stopped. You see he has already been trained to do what he is told to and keep doing that until told to stop or do something else." They all watched as I continued my task, "Stop."

I relaxed a bit, but pulled my legs back up when my balls were tugged down. "Thank you, Mistress." I didn't want to mess up at the moment.

She smiled and returned her gaze to the three girls, "That is how they should always respond. Yes or No Mistress. Thank you, Mistress. May I speak Mistress. It reinforces his status of needing my approval."

"Slave," she looked over her shoulder at me, "What you are going to do tomorrow?"

I paused just a second and then responded, "Whatever you tell me too Mistress."

She looked away from me, "Slaves should be conditioned to where they accept whatever you tell them with no question. This one here is new and while he knows in his head that is true it will still be sometime before his heart accepts it."

I listened as she continued her discourse on how to condition a male into a slave. The scary part was that from what I had already experienced I knew her to be right.

As she was drawing to a close she moved over to me and removed the rope around my balls. "Thank you, Mistress."

She smiled, "Your welcome slave."

She turned back to the group, "Go change and be back here in 15 minutes."

They all scampered up the stairs and disappeared leaving me alone with Mistress. She set about removing the straps on my legs, but then fixed a spreader bar between my ankles. I started to speak and she placed a finger to my lips. "Not tonight slave. If you speak a single word before the clock strikes midnight it will impact your entire year. Nod if you understand."

I nodded and then hung there silently as went about her work. After securing the bar she removed the cock ring and laid it on the table. It had been almost a week since it had not had a weight on them and it felt a bit strange to have it gone. Next, she the device melted back into a ring that she removed and placed beside the ball stretcher.

I expected my cock to harden instantly, but it didn't. She stroked my balls, "Come on little fella." She was talking to it like it was a child. She continued to stroke and I felt it begin to stiffen as she looked me in the eyes. "Cocks are easier to tame than men. You see this one already understands that it can only get hard when I want it to. Next, I will teach it to only cum when I command it. Then you won't need the device." My eyes were wide. I had no idea if this possible or not, but she had not failed to live up to everything yet. "Does that scare you?"

I opened my mouth and then closed it. I nodded yes.

She leaned in close to my ear as she slowly slid her hand up and down my shaft, "Don't ever be afraid. Trust me. I know what is best for you." I nodded and she began to sink to her knees. Her warm mouth slipped around my cock and leaned my head back in heaven. She briefly removed her mouth, "You will not cum."

I was lost in a fog of bliss as she blew me long and hard. I kept thinking that at any moment I would climax, but it never happened. She kept me right on the edge for so long. It was just like last night as my need began to overwhelm me and yet I was powerless to do anything about it. I tried to think of anything that would give me that last bit of push needed. Nothing seemed to work.

I snapped my eyes open and raised my head up with every intention of begging only to land my eyes on the three girls. My eyes bulged as I drank them in. Pamela as dressed almost identically to Mistress and she wore it just as well. Tabitha and Cindy were decked out in matching red bodysuits with full length arms, ala Britney Spears.

My mind was whirling with the realization that Mistress had been blowing me for at least 10 minutes with no device stopping me from cumming. The three of them just watched as Mistress played my dick like a fine violin. At no point did she let me off the edge. On and on she kept me right at the edge until she decided to be done.

Her mouth slid off and she stood up to gaze into my eyes. "I own you orgasms more than you will ever know." I just stared back too afraid to do anything.

She held her hand out to the side, "Pamela, the device please."

Pamela passed the device to Mistress who deftly reattached it, but left it in ring mode or whatever. She held her hand back out, "Stretcher."

Pamela handed it and in no time the reassuring tug on my ball sac was back.

She turned back to face the girls, "Being able to edge a man is the most reliable way to mold them. The need to cum will build to a point where they will agree to anything. Last night you saw what a week without a release can make a man do. Now I want you to practice edging. Unlike last night the goal will be keep him between 95% and 99%. As you could see a Mistress that knows what she is doing doesn't need a device to prevent any unwanted orgasms. Just to be safe I have added it back for you all. I expect each of you be able to keep him on edge for at least 5 minutes."

They all nodded and then looked at me like a piece of meat. I guess I wasn't far off from it.

"Very well, Tabitha you are up first."

I looked at Mistress and then at the clock which read 8:00 pm. There was nothing I could say for the next four hours. Then I felt a warmth around my dick. I was quickly back to the edge, then I was back down, then backup up. This continued for several minutes before Mistress began giving tips. I was lost in the fog at this point and couldn't really make it out. Most of it seemed to revolve around being able to read the balls and apply just the right amount of pressure. In the background though I heard Mistress' voice encouraging me to stay strong, to not cum, and reminding me that she hadn't given me permission yet.

Over the next four hours I experienced the edge or orgasm, the shock to prevent orgasm, and the fall back from the edge. Chinese water torture had nothing on the mouths of three hot girls trying to see how close they could get you cumming without allowing it.

When the clock chimed it was midnight I opened my mouth and Mistress laughed as I couldn't form a word. Between the sleep deprivation and the hours of teasing my mind was lost even to me for the time being.

I just hung their limp. I had a vague memory of the girls giggling as they waved goodbye. Also of Mistress moving me to the bed and securing me for the night. It seemed like she kept telling me things or asking questions or something, but I couldn't think straight. When the blindfold was placed on me I was glad of not having to try and figure out what I was looking at.

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