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Mobile Suit Royal Gundam Pt. 01

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The College Girl.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/14/2020
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Grail, Earth Republic December 2097

"Wheat! Wheat!"

"Huh?" She awakens with drool hanging off her lips and the laugher of some of her classmates.

"Ms. Wheat, late shift or do you find my class boring because if that's the case then I can find new ways to motivate you!"

"It's the former, Professor Kirstein, I won't do it again."

"See that you don't!"

The lecture drags on and but she ends up falling asleep again.

"Wheat! Wheat!"

"Huh?" She awakens with drool hanging off her lips but this time there was no laugher.

"Ms. Wheat, you know your final exam is coming and your grade average is terrible. If you don't pass then you'll have to take the class again next semester."

"Well that means I get to spend more time with my favorite professor," she says playfully.

"Don't get cute with me!" He says sternly.

"What can I do to make it up, l'll do anything, anything!"

"Anything?" He gazes at her up and down. "Anything?"

"Yes sir, anything," she gulps.


She sighs and comes out in a elf outfit.

"You look so cute in that elf outfit," Professor Kirstein complements.

"I look ridiculous!"

"It's Christmas!"

She rolls her eyes. "Couldn't you just use me for sex?"

"You want me to get fired?"

"Using students for slave labor isn't exactly better."

"Oh please, compared to what went on in third world countries back in the old world this is nothing so stop complaining and get that Christmas tree up!"

"Yes sir," she says flatly and salutes.

Once the tree was up, she makes her way to a supply closet. On her way back she spots her boyfriend Alex. "Hey babe."

"Hey, you look cute in your elf outfit."

"Ah thanks," she blushes and then they kiss.

"I see you're working hard."

"Um yes, you know me, volunteer work," she lied. "But enough about me, what are you planning to get me for Christmas?"

"Oh you'll see. You know after Christmas it's the New Year/Victory Day. I hear your grandpa is working on something big."

"Oh you'll see," she smiles and they kiss again.

"Alright enough! Get to work Wheat!" Professor Kirstein barks.

She glares at him.

"Don't get me that look, your grades remember!"

She hurries off.

"As for you Mr. Bonaparte, you should head to your next class, unless you want your mom to think you're skipping classes again."

A trickle of sweat pops from his brow and he leaves.


"Finally I'm done," she sighs and goes outside. Her smartphone rings. "Hey Adriana."

"Hey Bern! Look to your right." She looks sees a humvee and standing next to it was a woman in a blue and silver Earth Republic Space Force dress uniform.

"Adriana!" Bern races to her and embrace.

"When are you going to kiss me on the lips?"


"How's my favorite girl? Staying out of trouble?"

"You know me," Bern laughs.

"So how's your grandpa?"

"He's doing great. Can't believe you drove here in a humvee."

"Hey it's my personal now, perks of being a warrant officer. I'm on leave till the second week in January. Are you going anywhere?"

"I'm going over to my granddad's house."

"Well hop in I'll give you a ride but only on the condition you let me crash at your place."

"Like I was going to let my BF stay at a dusty motel!"

"You think I can't afford five star? And don't you mean girlfriend?"

"I was referring to best friend. But BF is for boyfriend as well."

Adriana starts up the humvee and drives off.

"Aren't you going to ask how Alex is doing?"


"Ha! That's a good one," Bern laughs.

"Yes it was," Adriana lies.

"He's doing good, in fact I'm thinking about moving in with him."

Adriana slams on the brakes. "Wha, what?!"

"What's the problem?"

"I think it's too soon."

"I'm going to be 20 next year.

"But still..."

"We have to know if we're compatible, we've been dating since My first year, he'll be graduating and I'll still have a year to go."

"Do what you want," Adriana sighs.

"We're still gonna be best friends and you'll be my made of honor."


"Not now later on."

For the moment there was silence between them.

"So are we still going to drink tonight?"

"You're not 21," Adriana says sternly.

"Fake ID."

"Listen Bernkastel...."

"Alright, alright, we can just drink my place," she relents.


"Grandpa I'm here."

"Hello Mr. Cheź."

"Hello you two, how was your classes, Bernkastel?"

"Good, I have one final exam on Tuesday and then I am done."

"I hope you pass," he says sternly.

"Don't worry I will."

"So how are things going in the Space Force?"

"Everything is going well, sir."

"Are you planning to stay at Bernkastel's place?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, you can keep her out of trouble."


"I'm telling the truth. So Adriana, I heard they unveiled the new Pterodactyl fighter."

"Yes I've test piloted it, I tell you it's about the most exciting thing I do but who knows how many they will roll out."

"Probably not that many with the way the Chief of State has blackballed everything military related," Mr. Cheź says bitterly.

"I'll be lucky if I get to have one."

"So I take it they still haven't given you a Templar."

"Nope, there's only 500, 100 here and the rest are on Luna. Courtesy of Chief of State Bonaparte," Adriana rolls her eyes. "I think I should go commercial air lining instead of military.

"Well I for one think she's doing a great job," Bernkastel says coolly. "There's nothing wrong with pacifism. We need welfare not warfare. How many years has been since World War III ended huh? Why can't we just have peace?"

"I'm not saying we can't have peace, we just shouldn't let our guard down."

"The war ended in 2070 and in two weeks it will be 2098, what does that tell you?"

"Adriana is right, we can't afford to be complacent even if so much time has passed."

"You're always taking her side!" Bernkastel snaps.

"Oh come on you know that's not true."

"I know what you think about Alex."

"I don't have a problem with the young man, it's his mother and the rest of the politicians."

"You were chosen to become one, why didn't you?"

"Yes I would like to know that myself," Adriana adds.

"You have a test to study for, you don't any distractions. Now come, I made a brownie and bought vanilla ice cream."

"Yay!" Bernkastel says happily.

"But before that dinner."

"Nay," she pouts.

"And you wonder why I depend on Adriana to look after you."


December 31, 2097

"My report card is here!"

He reads it, "Tennis C+ Math C-, English C+, History C-." He looks at her and shakes his head.

"I still passed," she protests.

"Yeah just barely."

"But I passed."

"Adriana told me you wanna move in with Alex."

She glares him.

"Don't look at me that way! I'm not against it, but understand, you're an adult, Alex has a possible political career in his future, he will need a smart and strong woman by his side not a woman who gets by on her looks, do you understand me, Bernkastel?"

"I understand and will do better next semester, I'm promise, I will make all As and the next two semesters as well, even if I have to go to summer school I will make better grades."

"Ok I will hold you to it. Bernkastel, I am proud that you seek the peaceful path, but I'm entrusting the Royal key to Adriana. I've already spoken to her about it. As for Alexander I like him but his mom is.... well even though she leads our pacifist Earth Republic there are people within her inner circle who do not see eye to eye with her."

"You still could have become one."

Mr. Cheź turns his head away. "You remember what I did in my former life?"

"Of course."

"You understand why I do what I do now?"

"Those who do not remember their history are doomed to repeat it."

"Exactly. Make sure you are here tomorrow at 9am sharp."

She nods. "I'll see you later grandpa."


Bernkastel was at her apartment getting ready for a New Year's Eve party. She puts on a blue skirt complete with black stockings and heels, matching her natural blue black hair She makes a final round. "Keys check, phone checked, phone charger check and purse check. Alright time to go."

She and Adriana head out.

"So tomorrow we'll see the Royal key in action?" Bernkastel questions.

"Yes, he entrusted it to me, are you upset about it?"

"Of course not, I can't think of anyone more worthy than you. Someone who has earned the right," Bernkastel answers proudly.

"The Royal key is a historical symbol of peace and freedom nothing more nothing less. Just look at our flag, red, white and blue with the letters ER on it."

"Emergency Room?"

"No you simpleton, Earth Republic."

"Oh yeah silly me."

Adriana shakes her head.

The two arrive at a club that was hosting a New Years Eve party. They didn't have to wait in line for they were VIP.

"Hey babe, hey Adriana."

"Hello Alexander."

"Hey Alex, you like my outfit?"

"Like it? I love it. Let me get you girls a drink."

The two start mingling with others, Adriana was receiving a lot of attention from men and rightfully so, she was a tall redhead with amber eyes, even though she had a muscular appearance she was incredibly sexy but she wasn't interested.

"How is everyone doing tonight?" Alex spoke from a microphone. The people started cheering. "We've made it to another year, there have been 0 deaths this year, no accidents, no dying of old age no nothing, let's see if we can go for next year with this record!" The people clapped and cheered. "Let us thank our brave police for keeping the peace, our firefighters, paramedics and our brave men and women of the Earth Republic Military, such as...." The spotlight shines on Adriana. "This is my good friend Warrant Officer Adriana Rin, she's on leave but make no mistake she ready at anytime. She's part of the Space Force branch protecting what remains of Earth outside." The people clap and cheer and Adriana half smiles and waves. "That jackass, trying to score points with me," she thought. "Alright the countdown is here!"

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!

"Happy New Year!" Everyone cheers.

"Good speech," Bernkastel says happily.

"It was hardly a speech, I just said what I really thought."

"What did you think of it?" Bernkastel asks Adriana.

"It was....nice."

Two hours later

"What's wrong, babe?" Alex asks.

"I'm starting to get bored, can we just go to your place already?"

"Sure," he says delightfully. "Let me grab my coat."

A few minutes later she catches up to Adriana. "I'm leaving with Alexander so don't wait up," she smirks.

Adriana shakes her head and then she notices a brunette eying her. She smiles back, "time for me to try my luck."


Bernkastel and Alexander make their way to his condo. "It's been a while since I've been here," Bernkastel says.

"Yeah all the traveling and studying really kept us apart."

"But we're here now. And soon I'll be here everyday."

"Come I want to show you something. I made a little addition." They walk to a book case and he pulls out a book and the book case opens up. "This is the sex dungeon where I keep all the important equipment." She smiles. There were a few whips, paddles, floggers, handcuffs, dildos, butt plugs of several types and other obscene objects.

"Before we get started how about a show," Bernkastel suggests. "Let's go to the bathroom."

He smiles.

She takes off her black heels first and then her black nylons revealing her sexy legs. She removes blue skirt revealing her blue bra which was the same color as her top and her black lace panties. "Looking good," he tells her. She unhooks her bra and removes her panties.

She gives him her clothing. Her tits were perfect and he gazes downward to her sexy stomach and down to her crotch. He watches her turn, giving him an amazing view of her sexy ass.

She sits on the toilet and opens her purse and takes out a razor and shaving cream. His eyes widen in delight for she had never done this for him. "Normally I don't do this but I figured since its been so long you wouldn't want hair in your food," she smirks spreads her legs.

She slowly and carefully shaves herself. His cock was stirring but he tells himself to be patient, there would be plenty of time to take her but right now she was much too delicate. She sprays a bit more shaving cream, to get the rest of her pubic hair.

When she was done, he nods in approval and approaches her for a closer look. He touches her pussy lips which causes her to shudder and then pokes her clit. He nods again. "You can clean up your mess later." They exit the bathroom.

She sits on the large sofa and waits. She looks around, his condo was truly a nice place, the kinda place she wanted one day. He returns with a medicine box. He opens it and takes out a vial and syringe. "Is that what I think it is?" She asks.

"Sterilization serum. It will last you 30 days so you won't get pregnant, at least not yet."

"Thank goodness, with condoms and pills being hard to find these days with the expeditions my grandpa sends out this is lifesaver, he'll be non the wiser."

"My mother won't find out either, as you know anything I mess up will reflect on her."

They enter his bedroom. "Check out the closet on the left." She opens it to find it fully stocked with French Maid dresses. "I won't mind if you decide to clean nude."

She smiles at him and she begins to try one on. "Don't leave," she commands. She opens a drawer and finds bras of different colors, she chooses a white one and opens the next one and finds underwear. She decides on a white thong. She finds many pairs of stocking and decides on a white fishnet one. Next was a white garter belt with suspenders. "You know me well."

"Of course I do." They head into the kitchen where Alex opens a champagne bottle and pours a glass for himself and Bernkastel. "A toast to 2098."

She gulps it down in one setting. "Delicious!"

"Adriana hates me."

"No she doesn't, she's just been looking after me."

"And your grandpa?"

"He likes you, not your mother though."

"Oh I can live with that," he smiles. "Clean up your mess in the bathroom and once you're done, join me in the bedroom for the main event."

She nods and looks at the time, it was almost 5:00am. "I'll be there in time," she thought.


She enters the bedroom. "Alex, Alex I am here." She walks further in but there was no sign of him. "Maybe he changed his mind," she thought sadly. Suddenly she feels hands groping her tits and heavy breathing. She was caught off but liked it all the same. She feels his hot breath and wet lips on her neck.

"You're so beautiful," he breathes. "I'm glad you're here, truly."

"And I'm glad to be here, truly," she replies happily and feels his semi erect cock against her thigh.

He lets her go and she turns to face him. He was already in his underwear and she gazes at his well built tone and short blond hair. She could feel heat rushing from her freshly shaved pussy. "Remove your clothes but keep your stockings and garter belt on," he instructs.

Once she was done she slowly crawls to him and grabs hold of his underwear and slowly pulls down and gazes at his semi hard on as he ordered. He smiles and guides her hands to it. She kisses the tip and shaft and puts it in her mouth. He moans as she bobs her head back and forward. She certainly wasn't a virgin when it came to this. Her left hand plays with his balls and her right hand wanks his shaft. He takes hold of her hair and rams his cock down her throat. His balls were hitting her chin with every stroke and she enjoyed every bit of the rough treatment. He groans as he releases his load down her throat and she takes it all without gagging. A second later he pulls out and hits her face with his cock.

She licks the remains off her lips. "Permission to clean my face?"

"No, we've just begun. Go lie on your back on the bed. Once she was on the bed he stares at her. "Perfect just perfect."

He climbs on the bed and spreads her legs apart. He circles her pussy with his tongue and then he dives in with his tongue. Bernkastel was starting to breath hard. He stops and licks her clit. She lets out a moan and he begins sucking on it. Her clit was starting to get hard. He starts working on her right breast, squeezing and thumbing the nipple. He sticks a finger inside her pussy, working her slowly and then he inserts two and then all five fingers inside. A second later he takes his hand out of her squirming body and licks her juice.

He switches hands and begins to lick her pink areola before going directly for the nipple. His right hand went for her left breast. "Oh god I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" She cried out. He stops. "No!" She screams.

"You have to get permission from me to cum."

"Please Alex, I need it, I need it so badly."

"Good girl." He resumes pleasuring her pussy while fondling her tits. A second later she cries out and her juice came gushing out and he drinks as much of it as he could. She sighs happily but he wasn't done with her yet. He straddles her waist and places his cock between her tits. He squeezes them together and begins thrusting. He starts slow and with each second he slowly picks up the pace "Oh yes. Stick your tongue out." He goes faster and faster and then he ejaculates on her neck and tongue. They were both panting. He climbs off of her.

"Do you want my cock inside of you?"


"You can't, that's your punishment for your all C report card." He could see her disappointed look but he didn't care. "Let's get ready for bed, the festival begins at 11am.

"Yes Alex," she says sadly.


Bernkastel wakes up around 8, she knows she should be getting ready but she was still quite horny. She rolls back the covers and finds what she's looking for, it was time for revenge. She pauses for a second before putting her lips around his cock. She bobs her head up and down and he begins to stir. She cups his balls with her right hand while wanking his shaft with her left. His eyes open and knew she suffered enough.

She stops for wasn't going to let him cum but as she exits the bed he swiftly gets out of bed grabs her arm and swings her back in the bed. As she raises her head he presses down, "Brace yourself," he whispers into her ear. He positions his cock inside of her and begins to thrust into her roughly doggiestyle. He left hand squeezes her left boob hard, she had tears of joy coming out of her eyes. He wasn't making love to her he was dominating her. She do would better. He now has one hand around her throat and the other was pulling her hair roughly into him. He smiles as he watches her asscheeks jiggle. He slows for a minute and release her hair which gave Bernkastel comfort but then he thrust hard again causing her to scream in ecstasy. He smacks her ass hard. "Yeah take it!"

He pulls out and turns her on her back. He resumes his hard and sudden thrust. He puts one hand around her throat again and his other hand smacks her tits. A few minutes later Alex lets out a cry and his load erupts into her infertile pussy. "Alright let's get ready," he sighs happily.


"Fuck I'm gonna be late!"

"Relax, the parade doesn't start till 11.

"I have to be at my grandpa's for 9 to help with the Royal key."

"So we finally get to see what your grandpa has been working on."

She nods and then her smartphone rings. "Oh fuck!" She answers it.

Adriana: "Are you still at his place?!"

Bernkastel: [pause] "Yes. I know what you're going to say but please just wait for me."

Adriana: "You do realize it's a thirty minute drive from his condo to your apartment, right?!"

Bernkastel: "Please! Tell my grandpa that we're stuck in traffic or we're women it's takes us a long time to get ready!"

Adriana: "Oh for fuck's sake you can tell him yourself!"


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