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Mom's Bed Ch. 02

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Lisa feels left out.
10.6k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 11/21/2009
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"Hey little brother," Lisa said as she flopped down on the couch cushion next to my head with a grin. "What are you doing sleeping out here?"

"Who said anything about sleeping?" I groaned as I sat up. "This couch sucks! I'm exhausted."

"Weren't you going to sleep in your mom's room?" her boyfriend Ted asked.

"That was the plan," I sighed. "Until mom came home early."

"Mom's home?" Lisa asked, no longer smiling.

"Yeah," I replied as I stood and stretched.

"Oh shit!" Ted cried. "She hates me as it is, and this isn't going to help!"

I fought off a smile. Mom didn't hate Ted. She didn't hate anyone, but then again he wasn't her favorite person. Mine either for that matter.

"Does she know about the party?" he asked.

"Of course she does," Lisa said, answering for me. "She's mom."

"Don't worry," I said to my sister. "I told her it was all Ted's idea. You should be okay." I then turned to Ted and added, "Although, she did say something about wanting to talk to you this morning."

"What?" he asked nervously.

"Relax," my sister sighed. "Brian is just joking."

"Very funny man!" he said angrily. I shrugged.

"Ted, I think you'd better be going," my sister said. "Mom's an early riser and I don't think you want to be here when she gets up."

"I'm gone," he said, giving my sister a quick kiss and making for the door. I frowned. Was it fair to be annoyed at him for bailing without even offering to stay and face the music?

"Think we should wake up Gloria and Francis?" Lisa asked.

"Probably," I answered, forgetting about Ted for the moment. "It will give them a chance to prepare."

"Like you can prepare for one of mom's lectures," Lisa sighed, but then added, "On the other hand, maybe they can slip out too. There's no reason for everyone to have to face the music."

"I'll wake them," I said.

I climbed the stairs quickly as memories of the night before drifted through my head. My hangover was bad and my head throbbed. Thinking was almost painful. I was also exhausted from trying to sleep on the couch. Had it happened? Did I really sleep with my mother? And what did it mean for us today?

The last question was the one that concerned me the most. I had no idea how to react, but I figured I'd work through it eventually. On the other hand, I was seriously worried about mom. I was afraid that there was a good chance she wouldn't handle it at all. And then what?

I pushed open the guest bedroom door and forced the thoughts of the night before out of my head for the moment. My cousin Gloria and her boyfriend Bobby were asleep in the bed. She was short and shapely, with long red hair, pale skin and freckles. Gloria took after her mother's side. Bobby wasn't much taller with blond hair and a wrestler's built. They made a nice couple. They met at the local community college two years ago and were bound for an altar ever since.

"Wake up you two!" I said, shaking the bed. Bobby didn't budge, but my cousin opened her eyes.

"For God's sake, why?" Gloria groaned.

"Because my mom's home," I replied.

"Aunt Deb? Oh no!" Gloria cried, and then started shaking Bobby.

I left the room and moved on to my bedroom. I pulled my shirt off as I went. I needed something to get me going. A shower was just the thing. I'd grab some clothes while I woke Francis and his girl up. Maybe it would help with my hangover.

I threw open the door to find Rhonda riding my cousin on my bed. The room smelled of sex. Rhonda looked at me and smiled. I shook my head. She didn't even pause in what she was doing.

"You two better hurry," I said. "Because my mom is home and she's bound to wake up soon."

"Damn!" Francis cried and pushed his girl off of him. Rhonda clearly wanted to finish. I shook my head and went to my dresser.

Francis's hair was light brown and he was average height with a slim built. Rhonda's hair was darker and she had a sexy smile when she chose to show it. You wouldn't know it based on the way she dressed, but her body was amazing. I'd gotten a chance to see it twice now and neither time had been a disappointment.

I grinned to myself, remembering last night when I thought I was going to get a chance to do much more than just look. That hadn't worked out, but something much different had.

"Brian, what the hell happened to your back?" Francis cried as he stood and threw on his clothes. Rhonda did as well, but she was moving slower.

"Looks like someone played with a tigress," she grinned. It took me a second to realize what they were talking about.

"Yeah," I said, thinking as quickly as I could. "I met a girl a couple of nights ago. She was wild."

"Man!" Francis laughed. "She must have been."

"You'd better get downstairs," I prompted. "Mom will be up soon."

"Right!" my cousin said. "I don't want to face her from in a bedroom."

"I'm right behind you," Rhonda said when Francis looked at her impatiently. He nodded and left. I moved to leave and take my shower, but she stopped me by placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I asked. She was looking at me oddly.

"Those scratches are new," she said. "There's no way they happened before last night." I'm sure I blushed. My mind raced.

"No..." I began, but she covered my mouth with her hand briefly to silence my protests.

"Maybe I was wrong about you," she smiled sexily. "Maybe you can handle Megan."

"You're older sister?" I asked. She nodded, getting very close.

"You must be wilder than Francis describes," she said. Rhonda was so close that if I moved at all our bodies would touch. "Because those scratches are new and I'm the only girl not related to you in the house."

"That's sick! I..." I began, but she covered my mouth with her hand again.

"I know," she smiled, her eyes burning into mine. "But that doesn't mean I'm wrong. It also doesn't mean that it doesn't get to me, on a purely sexual level."

I wasn't sure how to answer that. It didn't matter. Rhonda removed her hand from my mouth and barely brushed her lips against mine before turning and moving toward the door.

"I'm looking forward to introducing you to Megan," she said as she left the room. "It's been a while since she and I double dated."

I swallowed hard. It was such an innocent statement, but I thought there was more to it. She didn't seem shocked at all by her discovery that I had an incestuous affair, only enticed.

"I'm sure it will be some double date," I mumbled to myself, and then thought, 'I think it's time Francis and I had a talk. I want to make sure he knows what Rhonda is hinting at before I meet her sister.'

The shower felt good. My back stung as the water hit the scratches and I let myself dwell on how I got them for the first time since waking up. If nothing else, they were proof that the night before wasn't a dream. I really had sex with my mother, and the sweet woman who cared for and raised me to be a gentleman had scratched the hell out of my back.

"Wow!" I said, shaking my head as the truth tried to sink it.

The whole situation from the night before was impossible, but it had happened. I knew that, and now I'd have to deal with the repercussions. I finished my shower, dried and got dressed. I even took the time to brush my teeth and dry my hair. I almost felt human again by the time I left the bathroom.

I could hear voices being raised downstairs. My mom was obviously awake and it sounded like Lisa and her were going at it. I also heard other voices. I guess my cousins hadn't gotten away before mom woke up.

'This should be fun,' I sighed.

"'s bad enough you had a party while I was away," my mother was saying. "But for you all to sleep over with your dates is too much!"

"You're not going to tell our father, are you aunt Deb?" Gloria asked as I walked down the stairs. Bobby and Rhonda were gone. It was only mom, my sister and cousins in the room. I guess Francis and Gloria figured that it was better to face my mom rather than their father. They were probably right.

"Don't worry, she won't do that," I said. My mother looked at me and frowned. I met her eyes until she looked away. That was something new. Last night had clearly changed the dynamic of our relationship. I frowned to myself, but couldn't help admit that it felt oddly satisfying.

'Oh grow up!' I snapped at myself. 'And don't be a jerk. Mom is still mom and whatever else, you don't want to hurt her.'

"No, I'm not going to tell your father," my mother said to Gloria.

"Why not?" Francis asked in annoyance. "It's time dad loosened up anyway. He's ridiculous!"

"Maybe," my mother surprised me by saying. "But James is James and he's not about to change anytime soon."

"Mom, you're right," I said before Francis could continue. "We shouldn't have had the party while you were away. We're sorry." Lisa looked at me in surprise, but quickly agreed.

"Truthfully," our mother sighed. "I'm less concerned about the party than what happened afterward."

"It's no big deal," Lisa argued, but my mom was looking at me. I knew what she meant.

"We were all drunk," I said carefully. "It happens."

"But not again," mom replied meaningfully. "Not in my house."

"I can't promise that," I said honestly.

"Brian!" Lisa snapped, having no idea what the real conversation my mother and I were having. I was glad Rhonda left. She'd have picked up on it instantly.

"Let me make you all some breakfast before you two go home," my mother said, changing the subject. Poor Lisa looked totally confused.

"That would be great aunt Deb," Gloria smiled. "I'll help." The two went into the kitchen.

"What's up with mom?" Lisa frowned once they were gone.

"Aunt Deb did seem a bit odd," Francis added.

"Ease up on her today Lisa," I said softly. "Mom quit her job last night."

"She what?" my sister cried, but then added, "Let me guess. It was Mr. Barston? He hit on her, didn't he?"

"You knew about him?" I asked in surprise.

"No, but I guessed," my sister sighed. "He had jerk written all over him. I'd better go in and make sure she's alright."

"Okay, but don't push her," I said. "She'll tell you about it when she's ready."

"Little brother, mom's not the only one acting weird today," my sister said, but then thankfully left the room before I could think of how to respond.

"Sorry to hear about what happened," Francis said once we were alone.

"We'll be fine," I said in a tone that let my cousin know I didn't want to talk about it. He nodded slowly and then changed the subject.

"Mind if I take a shower?" Francis asked.

"Not at all," I replied, leading him back upstairs to my room for some clothes. I threw open the door and the sight and smell made me shake my head and add, "Right after you air out my room and change my sheets."

"No problem," he laughed.

"You are one lucky man," I said as we entered. "That Rhonda is something else."

"She is, isn't she?" he laughed, pulling the sheets off my bed.

"Have you met her older sister?" I asked.

"Megan? Sure," he smiled. "She's even hotter than Rhonda!"

"No way," I argued. He laughed.

"Seriously," he said. "They look a lot alike, only Megan has bigger tits."

"Now that sounds interesting," I said, handing him a clean set of sheets as I opened the window. "Because Rhonda said she wanted to set me up with Megan."

"Really?" he asked in surprised. "You lucky dog! If she's half as wild as Rhonda, you won't be able to walk straight for a week."

"You sound jealous," I teased.

"I am," he laughed, making my bed. I helped. "What I wouldn't do to get into Megan's pants!"

"And chance screwing up what you have with Rhonda?" I asked.

"We're not that serious," he shrugged. "We like each other and the sex is amazing, but I don't think either one of us is expecting what we have to last forever. In some ways it's really nice, because we're not afraid of trying things or saying what we want."

"Rhonda doesn't strike me as the type to be afraid to say or do anything," I said, shaking my head.

"You may be right," he smiled.

"Maybe?" I asked. "She didn't even pause when I burst in on you two this morning!"

"True," he said, his smile turning into a grin. "And I couldn't believe what she said last night!"

"What?" I asked.

"You remember. About letting me play with Megan while she took care of you," he answered. "She was just teasing you, but man!"

"What if she wasn't?" I asked. "Would you go for it?" Francis looked at me and if possible, his grin grew wider.

"In a heartbeat," he replied.

"Me too," I said. "Just in case it ever comes up."

"Just in case," he agreed, laughing again. "But you won't want to switch once you meet Megan. She is something else!"

"I don't know," I argued. "Rhonda is one of the hottest girls I've ever met."

"She is that," my cousin agreed.

"I'm just wondering how a guy like you got her," I joked.

"Dumb luck," Francis replied, finally finished with cleaning my room. "Now give me some clothes. I really do need a shower."

"You're telling me?" I teased, handing over something that would fit him.

I moved on to the guest bedroom and clean it while he was in the shower. It didn't take long and I had plenty to think about.

"Breakfast!" I heard Lisa call up the stairs. I left and bumped into Francis in the hall. He was just getting out of the shower.

"Tell them I'll be there in two minutes," he said. I nodded and went down the stairs.

The meal ended up being surprisingly good considering that everyone at the table had a hang over to one degree or another. Mom seemed to be relaxing and I made sure not to do or saying anything to upset her. We were all laughing at one point when the phone rang. Mom picked it up.

"James!" she said in surprise. "Yes, they're both here."

"Oh brother," Francis said. "Dad is checking up on us."

"Can you blame him?" his sister asked. They exchanged a grin.

"Yes James, mom was right," mom said. "I was on a business trip."

"Ut oh!" Gloria groaned.

"I got home last night," mom continued, and then paused again. "It was pretty late." Everyone could hear uncle James's yelling through the phone.

"Oh relax!" mom snapped at her older brother, surprising us all. "They're fine and that what matter most."

"Here is comes," Francis sighed, guessing at his father's next question.

"I didn't see Bobby or Francis's girlfriend," mom replied, eying us all briefly before grinning and adding, "But I got home pretty late and for all I know they were all in their bedrooms having mad passionate sex."

"Aunt Deb!" Gloria whispered in horror, but she had the decency to blush as well, after all, it was the truth.

"Oh come on James!" mom sighed. "You have to admit it was a little funny." Again, more yelling from my uncle.

"He really needs to get laid," Francis sighed, but then looked at my mom and added, "Sorry." My mother covered the receiver.

"You're not wrong," she said, shaking her head.

"Mom!" Lisa cried in shock.

"Oh please!" my mother retorted. "If nothing else, what happened last night has made me realize I can't treat you as kids forever. Besides, James is being ridiculous!"

"That's dad," Francis sighed.

"You know it's because he loves you, right?" my mom asked him, switching from anger to defense in a flash. You have to love siblings.

"Yeah, but it gets old," my cousin replied.

"Yes, it does," mom said knowingly. "I remember how he was when I started dating. What a pain!"

"He hasn't changed much," Gloria put in.

"Hold on," mom said to us and took her hand off of the phone receiver. "James, I have to go. Breakfast is getting cold. The kids will be home shortly." She hung up right afterward.

"You didn't just hang up on dad, did you?" Francis grinned.

"I said goodbye," mom shrugged, causing us all to laugh.

"Thanks aunt Deb," Gloria said.

"I didn't lie," mom shrugged. "And you shouldn't either."

"He doesn't make it easy," Francis put in.

"I know," mom said, and then looked at Lisa and me. "I guess I don't either. I'm sorry. Things are going to change around here."

"Really?" Lisa said in surprise.

"A little," mom replied. "I mean, this is still my house and I don't want it becoming party central or where you and Brian have your booty calls."

"Booty call?" Francis asked in surprise. "Where in the world did you hear that?"

"I'm old," my mother sighed. "Not dead!"

"Who are you and what have you done with my mother?" Lisa asked.

"Very funny," mom sighed, glancing my way briefly. I'd intentionally remained quiet. "I guess last night opened my eyes up to a lot of things. It wasn't just your party and sleep over."

"I know," Lisa said. "Brian told me."

"I heard too," Francis added.

"Heard what?" my mom asked, clearly stunned. I knew what she was thinking.

"I'm sorry mom," I said quickly. "I guess I should have let you tell Lisa that you quit your job."

"My job," mom said, shaking her head. "Right."

"Are you okay aunt Deb?" Gloria asked.

"I will be," mom answered honestly. "It's just a lot to take in all at once."

"Don't worry mom," Lisa said. "Brian and I will help."

"We'll be fine," my mom smiled. "I've got enough saved to last for at least sixth months and I'll have another job well before then."

"I still think you should sue Mr. Barston," I grumbled. "Or better yet, let me pay him a visit."

"I'm willing to tag along," Francis said quickly.

"No!" my mother snapped. "I can take of him myself."

We changed the subject and went back to finishing breakfast. It didn't take long. Everyone helped clean the kitchen afterward. It went quickly.

"I guess it's time to go home and face the music," Gloria sighed.

"Yeah," Francis said, shaking his head. I could see that he was brewing for a fight already. Mom took one look and sighed. She could see it too.

"I think maybe I'd better come with you two," she said. "I haven't visited with your father in a long time anyway."

"Thanks aunt Deb," Gloria said. The three of them disappeared not long afterward.

"I'm wiped," I sighed once they all were gone.

"I guess that means I can't convince you to help me clean?" my sister Lisa asked.

"You clean?" I joked. "It will never happen! Do you even know how to wash a dish?"

"Very funny," my sister said. "You jerk."

Lisa really wasn't much of a cleaner. She could do it when she put her mind to it, but that wasn't very often. I wasn't much better, but I'd been known to throw a load of laundry on every so often. I even vacuumed upon rare occasions.

"You aren't serious, are you?" I asked.

"Yes I am," she replied. "Mom's had a tough few days." I frowned and nodded. I was very tired, but Lisa was right. On the other hand, cleaning could wait a little while.

"How about we take a nap first?" I asked. "Mom will be over uncle James's all day. I really am wiped."

"Hmm," my sister said thoughtfully. "That does sound good, but I need a shower first."

"Enjoy," I shrugged. "Bed time for me."

Lisa was first to the stairs. She climbed them and it actually took me a moment to realize I was staring at her ass.

'Pervert!' I snapped to myself, but then I shrugged. After what happened with mom, did it really matter? I took a few moments to think about my sister and her appearance. 'Shit, Lisa's pretty hot!'

It wasn't that I didn't know what she looked like or that I thought she wasn't attractive before, but I'd never truly looked at her as a girl. No, that's not right. I'd never looked at her in a sexual way, and I was now. I couldn't help myself.

Lisa had mom's blond hair and was built athletically. Her ass was small, but rounded nicely from all the sports she played in high school and college. She was a gym teacher and it showed. Her breasts weren't nearly as big as mom's, but they were still pretty amazing on her tight body.

"What?" Lisa asked when we reached the top of the stairs. She obviously noticed the attention I was giving her.

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