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Mom's Dirty Dancing

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Mother's flirtation with son goes too far.
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When I got home late Saturday night, Mom was sitting at the kitchen table. I said to her "Geez, Mom I'm 25 years old now, you don't have to wait up for me."

"I know, son," she said. "I went to bed, but I had trouble sleeping. I couldn't relax"

Judging from the half empty bottle of scotch in front of her, she was probably good and relaxed now. Mom looked sexy sitting there in her Chinese silk pajamas. The fabric was thin and as she stood up her large breasts swayed, causing the material to move. "I guess I'll go to bed now." she said.

Mom was 46 years old but still quite attractive. She had put on a few pounds but not much. Her ass was a little bit bigger than it used to be, but then again so were her tits. I would often catch my friends checking her out when they thought I wasn't looking.

Mom had been divorced ever since I was a kid. She'd had a number of boyfriends over the years. The last guy moved out about six months ago. It was then that I moved back home temporarily.

I had a little bit of a buzz on from the bar and it made me feel like talking. I told her that I had come up with an idea and that I wanted her opinion. She sat back down, poured herself another drink and asked me to tell her about it.

I told her that a guy I knew had started working at Danny's. Danny's was a bar with male dancers that catered to women. He was making a couple hundred bucks a night.

"Some of the girls at the bar tonight told me that I should try it too." I said. "What do you think/"

I was expecting her to tell me that it was a dumb idea. Instead she thought about it for a minute and said, "Well, you've certainly got the looks for it, honey, but wouldn't it bother you taking off your clothes in front of a crowd?"

"That wouldn't bother me, Mom, the only thing I'm worried about is whether I can dance well enough." .

At this, her face lit up and she said: "I've been to Danny's and watched them dance. I can teach you how."

She went into the living room, started the CD player, and came back into the kitchen.

"You mean now?" I asked laughing.

"Absolutely." she said enthusiastically. "I've always wanted to dance like that but I was too chicken when I was younger, and now I'm too old.

"Mom," I said, "You're still beautiful enough to be a dancer." She blushed and gave me a big smile and said: "Thank you, honey, you're sweet." She was slurring her words a bit now. "Jus' for that I'm gonna give you a great show."

The song she had picked was Prince's "Cream." I turned my chair around to face her as she started to dance. She was wearing her silk pajamas and as her body swayed I could see the outline of her big breasts as they pushed against her top. As she bent over at the waist in front of me, I looked down the opening of her blouse and saw her tits hanging down. She quickly straightened up and laughed, obviously getting a kick out of being a tease.

I said to her, "This isn't right, Ma. In a bar you wouldn't be wearing a big blouse like that."

She pretended to be shocked and said, "What are you suggesting, young man? I'm showing you how to dance, not giving an anatomy lesson."

I didn't want her to stop, so I backed off a bit, "I just mean couldn't you tie your shirt instead of having it buttoned?"

She seemed to like this idea and turned her back to me while she unbuttoned her pajama top and tied the ends in a knot under her breasts. When she turned back I could see her stomach - not flat, but not big either. Just round and soft and sexy. Tying the shirt also created more cleavage, giving me a better view of her breasts. Best of all, her pajama bottoms were slung low on her hips and I could detect some wisps of pubic hair at the top of her bush.

Mom was really getting into her dancing now and I was responding. I was wearing jockey shorts and my hardening cock was caught in an uncomfortable bind. Mom noticed my problem and instead of being offended, she acted flattered. She smiled a slightly tipsy smile at me and said, "Looks like you need to make an adjustment, son."

At this I blushed, but my discomfort overcame my embarrassment and I reached down and straightened out my cock so that it lay against my stomach. "You're doing great, Mom." I said.

"I can tell that you mean it" she said laughingly as she continued to stare at my crotch.

Her words made me bolder and I decided to see how far I could push things. "In a bar you wouldn't be wearing pants." I said.

"That's true, honey, but I don't have a G-string." she said in a soft, sexy voice.

"Well," I said "You do have panties."

At this Mom gave my face a very light, playful slap. "Stay right there." she said. The song was ending and she went back in the living room and started it again. It took her a few extra moments to come back, and when did I saw that she had changed out of her pajama bottoms and into some panties. They were a light cotton material and cut high at the hips. The panties were tight and I could see the outline of her pubic mound. She looked so sexy I thought I would come in my pants right then.

"How's this, Mr. Critic?" she said.

"Wow!" was all I could think to say, but it must have been the right response because Mom smiled from ear to ear, then turned around and bent over, tossing her long hair back and forth to the beat. The cotton fabric strained against her mound and I could see that her pussy lips were swollen - just like my cock. She obviously enjoyed putting on this show.

When she turned around to face me, she moved in close and put her hands on my shoulders while she rolled her hips. She was breathing hard and I could smell the scotch on her breath. I reached out my hands to take her around the waist but at this point she moved her hips back out of reach and teasingly said, "No, no, no! The customers aren't allowed to touch the dancers."

"They are if they tip them." I said. Then I pulled a dollar bill out of my pocket. I reached forward and tucked it into the side of her panties. I didn't stick it down the front in her bush like I would with a real topless dancer because I thought Mom might object.

"I like this!" Mom laughed. "How do I get more?"

When Mom had moved her hips back while keeping her hands on my shoulders, it had caused her to bend over more at the waist. From my seat I could look directly down the cleavage of her knotted blouse. Her tits were swaying back and forth. Either the friction against the silk or the sexual charge of the situation must have gotten to her because I could clearly see her nipples sticking straight out where her breasts strained against the fabric.

I took another dollar bill and creased it lengthwise. Before Mom could object, I slid it in between her breasts. The knotted blouse held her tits together and the dollar bill now stuck out from between them.

"You little devil" she said. But she continued to sway to the music and she now moved in closer, in between my spread legs. She was standing right up against the front of my chair and her breasts were just above eye level. She started to massage my shoulders as she danced.

I put my hands around her waist and pulled her close, resting my head on her stomach just below her breasts. I could feel the weight of her tits as they rested on top of my head.

"You expect a lot for two measly dollars" she said teasingly. But she didn't move away. In fact, she snuggled in closer against me.

"I could give you a dancer's tail." I said.

"What's that?" she asked.

I too another dollar, creased it lengthwise and told her to turn around. When she did, I said, "This really works best with a G-string, but I think I can make the necessary adjustment."

With that I grabbed the sides of her panties and pulled them up as high as they could go. The effect was to give Mom a wedgie in the back as the material of her panty disappeared into the crack of her ass. She let out a moan. Pulling up her panties had also put more pressure on her pussy in front and the way she was clenching her ass cheeks told me that she liked it.

I then slid the dollar sideways into the back of her panties and pulled it down the crack in her ass so that it stuck out on either side like a little tail.

Mom looked over her shoulder at what I had done and said, "I look like a Playboy bunny."

"You look like the Playmate of the Year" I replied.

She turned around and said "You sure know how to sweet talk your old mother. Is there anything else you'd like me to do, Big Shooter?"

I looked at the front of her panties and they were so wet and tight that I could see the crack between her pussy lips. I knew she was as turned on as I was and decided to take a chance. "How about a lap dance?" I said.

"How do I do that?" she asked.

"Like this" I said gently pulling her onto my lap so that her legs straddled me on either side of the chair. Her breasts were right against my face and her crotch was pressed against mine.

"What am I supposed to do now?" she asked dubiously.

"Just keep dancing." I said.

Tentatively at first, but then with increasing passion she rolled her hips against me. I had on a light pair of cotton pants and I could feel her crotch against my cock. I knew she could feel how hard I was. She was intentionally grinding my cock into the crack between her pussy lips, especially up near the top where her clitoris was. She was giving soft little grunts each time that she put her full weight against me.

I started to brush my face lightly against her silk blouse, especially the part where her nipples stuck through. She responded by moving her upper torso back and forth to increase the friction. At this point I started to kiss her nipples through the fabric of her pajama top. She started to moan loudly, and then suddenly she moaned, "I can't stand it!" and pulled her blouse open.

Her large beautiful tits swung free. Her thick red nipples stuck out from aureolas the size of half dollars. I wasted no time in sucking one into my mouth before she could come to her senses. I rolled the nipple around with my tongue. When I bit it with my lips and pulled on it, she started to thrash around.

She was no longer even making any pretense of moving with the music. We both knew we weren't dancing. We were engaging in sexual foreplay. The only question was how far she would let me take it.

I reached down and pulled the front of her panties up. This caused the material to slide into the crack in her pussy. She gave out an involuntary "Oh, God!" as the wet material strained taut against her clitoris. She started to seesaw her hips backward and forward. It was at this point that I first began to believe that my mother might actually let me fuck her.

I reached down and cupping my hand under her pussy lifter her up a few inches. With my other hand I pulled down my zipper. The sound of it seemed to shake her out of her sexual frenzy and in a small, pleading voice she said "No." But it was more of a request than an order.

I said, "Mom, we've both been drinking. In the morning neither of us will even remember what happened."

This rationalization must have been sufficient to let her go ahead and do what she wanted, because she said nothing as I pulled my pants and shorts down around my knees. Next I pulled her panties down over her hips and she let her pajama top drop off her shoulders to the floor. My mother was completely naked as she straddled me and prepared to lower herself onto my cock.

She went very slowly as she impaled herself on my cock. Once again she seemed to be enjoying the teasing aspect. She would get me part way in her and then raise her self up a little before sliding down even farther. Her pussy felt wonderful - wet and warm. I had my hands on her big beautiful ass and my mouth on her tits. Finally she dropped all the way down on me and let out a gasp as my cock went completely up inside of her. She ground her clitoris into my pubic bone and she was shuddering into orgasm just as I felt my cock explode inside of her. We both rocked back and forth as I continued to pump hot come into my mother's pussy.

After a few minutes she gingerly got up off of me. Without saying a word she picked up the bottle of scotch and went into her bedroom.

She never said anything about it the next morning and, taking my cue from her, neither did I. But I know that if it happened once it can happen again.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago
You're dead right buddy

If you get to fuck your mom once, unless you screw it up, it will definitely happen again. Trust me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

although I know that it's fiction, I think that it would work on a real mother. I am not sure how much a mother would be as forward. maybe if she was in her 60's she might be that inhiation

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story man; Ignored all negative comments. This could happen in real life too. Mom saw his hardon, and

she didn't stop. She old enough to knows, and she must saw in his eyes what he wanted to do her, and she crossed the line with him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I don't know how you fucking morons mess these great stories up.. Maybe its because you all write like virgins, this one goes into the stupidity colum. How many wedgies is he going to give her. And she likes it Women? Wouldn't it be simpler for her to co.e out in a thong or lingerie? Pretty sure attomic wedgies aren't turn on for many women, or any. Dumb, dumb, dumb. It's call realism.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
My Mom wasn't sexy but our neighbor was.

One night when I was nineteen, I backed my van into our driveway around midnight, (windowless Dodge pussy van w/mattress) shut the lights and engine off and sat there eating the Whopper and Large Fries that I'd just picked up. I was just finishing the Whopper when the light came on in our next door neighbor's kitchen. My van was parked where my driver's window was about 12' away from the kitchen window and aligned to the hallway from the main house into the now well lighted kitchen. I almost choked on the last bite of my Whopper when I saw our neighbor's beautiful and sexy wife, Cheryl, walk into her kitchen stark naked. Her long, thick black hair was tousled, looking as if she'd been in bed and couldn't sleep or had gone to bed earlier and had woken up to use the bathroom.

As she moved through the kitchen, what I was seeing confirmed that her body was flawless. She was 28 yrs. old, 5'4" and built like Elizabeth Taylor was, when she was in her prime ... except for the firm cheeks of her ass being more pronounced. She was easily as beautiful as Taylor was and her husband was understandably jealous but my parents and I also knew that he was verbally abusive to her. We'd overheard quite a lot of it, during the two years since they'd bought the Lee's house and moved in. I'd overheard him berating her for being friendly toward me. Afterward, when she kept her distance, I just looked at her and nodded in understanding. I think she understood that I'd love to fuck her brains out. I don't know if her husband understood it, too, or if he was just being his usual possessive and domineering self. What I do know is that my parents and I didn't like him and most of our other neighbors didn't either.

As she moved around the kitchen, making a small plate of snacks, my eyes were locked onto the beautiful black V between her legs. I knew that Cheryl couldn't see me sitting in my van so when I saw her looking through the kitchen window toward our house, I made the brash conclusion that she was thinking of the young man next door who'd love to fuck her brains out.

I'd had several beers and a couple of tequila shots but I wasn't smashed so my reasoning power may have been affected but not impaired. My thought process was... "He's a night shift supervisor at the power company so he has to be there until his replacement show up to relieve him. He gets home at around 7:30 and sleeps during the day... so if I was to go over and fuck Cheryl a couple of times, she's never going to tell anyone about it because she knows how Ed is and that he'll end up blaming her for causing it. I just need to point that out to her while I'm fucking her and promise that I'll never breathe a word to anyone that I'm fucking her so that she can just relax and enjoy what's going to happen anyway and what she knows is going to happen again because she's not going to tell anyone."

The sliding glass door from their patio into the area between their kitchen and dining room wasn't locked. Cheryl makes great snacks and she turned out to be an excellent meal. Her pussy was swollen and leaking come when I slipped out through the sliding glass doors at 4:45 in the morning with no prayer of getting a hard on. For the next two years that I continued to live at home, their sliding glass door was never locked and it was never locked for the six years that followed before I got a promotion and transfer. I tried to get Cheryl to come with me but she was afraid I'd change my mind when time started to catch up with her because she was 9 yrs. older than me. I must have fucked her 7- 8,000 times and that moron never accused her of cheating or wondered whose 3" longer and thicker dick had caused her pussy to be so much looser. She clung to me, fucked my brains out and cried her heart out the night before I left. It was 6:30 am and daylight when I walked out her side door and over to Mom and Dad's house for breakfast. Mom had seen me come out the door and had already told Dad so, when I came in, he was grinning his approval and doing a mental a re-evaluation.

Mom was just looking at me. "How long?" she quietly asked. I had tears in my eyes as I told her, "Eight years and she won't come with me. She's worried that I'll trade her in because she's too old. I don't get it. Ed treats her like shit. He's more likely to leave her than me."

....... During the months when she was balking about coming with me, I should have replaced her birth control pills with placebos. If she'd come up pregnant, he'd have thrown her out in a second because he'd had a vasectomy. She was a good woman, a sweet lover, an excellent fuck partner and would have been a fantastic mother.

I've had a few pretty good pieces since moving here but none of them compare to the neighbor's wife I left behind. She's 57 now and I still fuck her every time I go home. Cheryl wishes she'd come with me but it's too late. I'm married... with four kids that could have and would have been ours.

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