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Mom's Huge Tits Ch. 01

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Growing up to love big breasts and... Mom.
5.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/17/2024
Created 06/14/2024
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Growing up with my mother was not easy. She worked as an executive secretary at a lawyer's office. Due to her seniority and efficiency, her salary was higher than average in her position. However, she spent many hours in the office and didn't have much time for me. Mom returned home exhausted and had little strength left to make decent dinners or help me with homework.

I ate mostly junk food or ready meals we bought at the grocery store. Fortunately, in school, I acquired several friends who helped me with my studies, and we used to play together.

I felt sorry for Mom. I knew she tried her best, but without a husband, it was tough. I recall asking her who my father was and why he wasn't with us. I was about 8 years old at the time, and Mom said, "Adam, it's a long story. When you grow up, I'll tell you. The most important thing is, unlike him, I love you and never leave you." Like most children my age, something else caught my attention, and I did not ask that question again.

When I turned 16, my growth spurt began. I participated in sports activities, mainly basketball, middle distance running, and... weight lifting. The first 2 I did because I loved running, and becoming taller helped me play basketball. I started lifting weights due to my appearance: The taller I became, the skinnier I looked, and it bothered me, so I was determined to gain muscle strength by working with weights.

About a year later, the results of my strenuous workouts were noticeable. My basketball buddies selected me first for their teams; in each 400-1500 race, I was always in the top 3, and my muscles showed.

My buddies used to joke girls found me attractive. I noticed certain girls stared at me and turned away when our gaze met, but I was too shy to talk to them.

I turned 18 as a senior in high school. The birthday party included 20 of my friends and classmates, with a couple of girls. I still remember Edna watching me from the corner and not taking her eyes off me. I approached her and asked if everything was OK. She said shyly, "Yes. You've grown a lot since I first met you. You are tall, strong, and handsome. How come you have no girlfriend? Are you gay?"

I laughed, "Not really. I admire certain guys, like Michel Jordan and Sebastian Coe, but I never thought of them in terms of attraction."

She arched her back, pushing forward her chest, "Are you fascinated by tits like other guys?"

I hesitated, "Why do you ask?"

"Because I can show you mine."

"Why would you do it?"

"Because you don't date another girl, I like you, and it's your birthday."

I had never seen breasts in real life before and was curious, "Sure."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. In a shaded, secluded area, she unbuttoned her blouse and lifted her bra. I glanced at her perky boobs, hypnotized by their appearance: Two lumps of beautiful flesh ending with dark nipples. They weren't big, in retrospect probably B cup, but they were nice, and... forbidden fruits. My mouth dried, and instinctively, I licked my lips. She giggled, "You can touch my girls and even kiss them." I was trembling as I first cupped these amazing things. I got hooked! She let me play with them for 10 minutes, and then she covered her chest and said, "If we date, you can touch them whenever you want." I wanted to rub her tits but was reluctant to commit and said, "Edna, we need to return to the party. After all, it's MY birthday party. Your breasts are awesome. Let me think about going on a date."

When I was back at the party, Johnny, my best friend, pulled me aside and said, "Adam, be more careful next time. Other people saw you leaving with Edna. Did you fuck her?"

"Of course not! She just wanted to see me in private to give me a birthday present."

"Good for you. You are a nice boy but very naive. She is the school slut and bedded half the guys in this room."

"Do you think I didn't know? I would never dream of sleeping with her!"

The party continued for another hour, but the only things I remembered later were Edna's tits and the warning I received from Johnny. However, the party had one long-lasting effect on me: I began thinking about the other gender.

Until that time, my mind was busy thinking about 3 things: 1. I needed to take care of our home. We had a cleaning lady who showed up once a week for an hour and a half, but she wasn't very thorough. I did the rest as well as taking care of the bills and everything that needed fixing inside the house and outside in the yard. 2. I wanted to become a cardiovascular surgeon and knew that unless my scores were very high, my chances would be slim. 3. Every free minute I had, I invested in my sports activities.

After the encounter with Edna, my eyes opened. There was more to life than what I had been doing until then. I started noticing other girls' chests, and my penis began reacting too. It's not that I didn't care about attractive girls before, but it was more about their pretty faces, the way their hair looked, their clothes, and their walk. After Edna, boobs turned upside down my view of the other sex.

I was still very shy in the presence of girls, but unbeknownst to them, I peeked at their chests and tried to guess what the boobs looked like. All of a sudden, during class and basketball games, I became distracted by big tits. One time, We were playing our enemies, and I was alone in front of the basket. Every other day, I'd easily score with my eyes closed. But in the audience, a pretty girl with huge tits raised her hands, and her blouse exposed her toned tummy with the bottom part of her bra... and I lost it. My buddies didn't understand what happened, and I was too embarrassed to explain. Luckily, we still won the game, but that girl's massive chest haunted me for weeks and was the subject of my wet dreams and masturbation.


Three months later, Mom was promoted at her job. This meant she had more responsibilities and earned more money, but her hours diminished. As a result, I saw her at home more often, and she appeared less tired.

One day, our teacher was sick, and I arrived home 2 hours early. I entered the house and sat in the living room, watching idly the outdoors through the large glass door. Then the bathroom door opened, and Mom, naked, with a towel wrapped around her hair, came out and nonchalantly strolled toward her bedroom. I gasped, and she heard me. In an instant, her hands moved to cover her boobs and groin area. She ran into her bedroom and shouted from there. "Adam, what are you doing home so early?"

"We had a sick professor, so they sent us home."

"Sorry to appear like that. You must be shocked to see your old mother naked."

I was still stunned by the unexpected sight. Until that moment, Mom was just a mother to me. I heard about Oedipus complex and even knew 2 guys on our team who confessed they ogled their mothers, but not me.

The notion she was 'just a mother' was instantly shuttered: She was GORGEOUS! At 44, she was 5'4", 130 pounds, and had huge tits that sat proudly high on her chest with much darker large nipples pointing straight ahead. Her tummy was flat, and her legs were muscular and in good shape. Her bush was nicely trimmed. Her body was amazing, but my mind was focused on the breasts I was looking for in school and found at home...

Ten minutes later, Mom came out of her room wearing a long robe and smiled, "Honey, I am sorry. I see you are still alive - That's good. Seeing your face, I thought I caused you a heart attack."

"You are right. Mom, until recently, you were hardly at home, and I never noticed how beautiful you are..."

"Adam, dear, stop mocking me, please."

I was surprised, "Why do you think I mock you?"

"Because I look like a cow, and you saw me with nothing to cover my flaws."

"I still don't understand why you think of yourself as a cow. In my book, you look more attractive than anybody I know or those models you can see in dirty magazines."

She chuckled, "Honey, you are trying to be nice, but I can take it. When I was young, I was hurt by comments about me, but these days, I developed a thicker skin."

"Mom, may I tell you what I really think?"

"Of course. If there is ANYBODY I can trust, it's you. But be frank. I know you love me despite my drawbacks."

"I think you are nuts! Your body is every man's dream. If you refer to your tits as 'a cow,' I have news for you: They are simply perfect."

I saw tears in her eyes, "Adam, I wish I could believe you, but I don't..."

"This explains a lot: You always dress in loose clothes and refuse to go out with other men. But I still don't get it. Who the hell gave you this stupid idea?"

She started crying, and her body crumbled before my eyes. I sat her on the sofa, hugged her, and caressed her hair, "Mom, what is wrong? I tell you you are beautiful, and you start crying. What did I do wrong?..."

She hugged my waist, and her head leaned on my chest. As her tears continued pouring, she whispered, "When you were a child, you once asked me about your Dad. I think you are mature enough to hear the truth. I was an orphan and grew up with a couple that adopted me. They are both dead now. My adoptive parents went to church every Sunday, and I was always with them. Your father first saw me in church and claimed he was immediately smitten by me. He said I was pretty and asked me on a date. He was tall and handsome, much like you. I liked him, and we started going out together. I was surprised that he only kissed me but never tried to touch my intimate parts. Before dating him, I heard boys were harassing girls and push from first base to a homerun as soon as possible. He was sweet and never tried anything. He bought me flowers and chocolate and later we married in the same church. It was the first time I saw his parents. They were dressed conservatively and seemed very serious. After our wedding, we lived in a small house in the suburb of Charleston, South Carolina. Samuel, your father, worked in a printing shop and refused to let me look for work, saying a woman had to stay at home and take care of the family and the house. I wasn't happy, but I loved him and agreed. And then I got pregnant with you. The day I found out about the pregnancy was the happiest day of both our lives. He kissed me and called me his queen. He said if the baby turned out to be a boy, his name should be Adam, and if it was a girl - Eve. Of course, I agreed. Here, the story gets darker. Before my pregnancy, my bust was small, and most times, I wore B cup bras. During the pregnancy, my breasts began growing. We were both happy, thinking it meant I'd have enough milk for you. When you were born, my bra size was already bigger than C. I was happy, thinking after I'd finished breastfeeding you, they'd return to my pre-pregnancy size. Unfortunately, my breasts did not read the book and continued to grow further. They became DD about 6 months after I stopped nursing you. Samuel used to love my old figure and could not stand my big breasts. We lived in a conservative neighborhood, and everybody knew everything about others. Seeing me appear with a huge rack shocked our neighbors, and they started gossiping. Among the rumors I heard was that I had surgery with silicon implants in my chest. It hurt me but I did nothing because Samuel loved his job and the area we lived. However, one day, he came home and said, 'Rachel, I tried, but I cannot take it anymore. I want a divorce.' I started crying, 'Samuel, I love you, and we have a new baby...' He looked at me with disgust and mumbled, 'I married a pretty girl, and now I find out I live with a cow. I can't.' To cut the story short, we divorced, and he wanted nothing to do with us. He offered to pay a small amount of money monthly to help raise you, but I refused. I left and moved here to Seattle, which is the farthest from him I could go. Our beginning was tough because I had no profession, no money, and you were very young. Bless god, it's much better now."

She gazed at me with drying tears in her eyes, "So your mother the cow may not be the devoted Mom, but she loves you and tries to do the best she can."

"Mom, I may look like Dad, but apparently, I have different ideas about you. You are smart, hard working and I love you. But irrespectively, I think your body is as attractive as I've ever seen."

She grinned, "Adam, love blinds people. You are biased, and you are trying to console me. Thank you for being the best child a mother can ever have."

I hesitated but was unable to take her BS anymore and burst, "Mother, my mouth can lie, but my body cannot." Next, I stood in front of her eyes and displayed the bulge in my pants.

Her eyes widened, "Whaat is iit?"

"It's my penis, MOM. I saw your terrific body, and my testosterone level shot like a rocket. Don't you get it? Mother or not, your figure is super sexy!"

"Adam, I aam your mooother..."

"I know that, but my cock doesn't care! I suspect from now on, you'll appear in my wet dreams."

"Honey, I am your mother!..."

"I told you what I think. I don't know what else to say. I am going to the library. I have a project I need to work on. It's due next week, but I suspect I'll be distracted; better start early."


After working for 2 hours in the library, I stayed out, trying to settle down, but it was futile. I returned home at 10:30 pm. Mom's bedroom door was closed. I went to sleep and, as I predicted, dreamt about her gorgeous body. That night, I slept barely 3 hours.

The next day, I was supposed to be in class early. I didn't see Mom. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and left.

The whole day, my mind was elsewhere. I loved Mom and suddenly found myself attracted to her physically. Sexually... I wondered what would happen next. Mom was clearly distraught and didn't want to see me. Would she ask me to leave the house the same way her husband got rid of her?

I arrived home at 5 pm expecting the worst. I didn't see Mom, but there was a note on the table, "Be back soon, and then we need to talk." I just sat there, staring blankly at the ceiling. I couldn't even concentrate on a simple TV show.

Mom arrived 15 minutes later. Her eyes were reddish, suggesting she cried before.

She glanced at me and blurted, "I'll be with you shortly," and entered the bathroom.

Mom exited wearing her usual robe and sat by me. We stared at each other without saying a word for very long. I broke first, "Mom, I am REALLY sorry. I love you and behaved like a moron. What can I do to make it up?"

She spoke softly, "Honey, you didn't do anything wrong. I was so hurt by your father's behavior that I never bothered to check what others thought about the subject. Remember, I grew up in a conservative family, a conservative neighborhood, and was not allowed to work until my divorce. I had no doubt I was defective. When people at work stared at me, it enforced my belief that people looked at me the same way they stared at midgets and hunchbacks - Like I was a freak of nature. You talked very convincingly, but I had to check it out for myself. I looked online, and credible research suggested twice as many men would rather have their women with large or extra large breasts than smaller ones. Next, I put on a summery dress, that I always dreaded because it emphasized my cleavage, and went shopping downtown. I couldn't care less about buying anything. I glimpsed at the men around me when I sat at a table in the food area and when I strolled. Their faces showed appreciation and not revulsion. After noticing the expression on the first 3 faces, I almost started dancing: I am not ugly! And it's all because of you."

I smiled, "So you won't throw me out of the house?"

She hugged me, "Now you tell me who's the nuts around here?"

I whispered, "Mom, feeling your boobs against me caused me to have an erection again."

She gazed at my groin and mumbled, "Sorry, darling. Are you saying I am not allowed to hug my favorite child anymore?"

"What would you answer if you were me? Do you realize that after seeing you naked, your sexy figure haunts me? Every time you touch me, I get aroused and need to relieve myself in the bathroom."

I saw tears in her eyes again, and she whispered, "It's unacceptable. Who else do I have in this world? Adam, what can I do?..."

"Mom, I think you know what I mean, but you cannot express it in words..."

"You are not saying..."

"Yes, Mom, I do!"

"But honey, how can you even think about it? With your own mother?..."

"I do not see any other way. The facts are - You do not go out with other men. I love you, and after seeing your breathtaking body, your mere presence arouses me. I look exactly like the man you fell in love with, but he deserted you for the same reason I am attracted to you. Unlike him, I'll never leave you."

"Adam, please, you are young. You saw big breasts and became horny. I've read about it. It is more common than I knew before. Let's think about it before jumping into something we'll both regret later. Remember, once we cross the line, we will both know we did the unthinkable, and there is no way to undo it again."

"OK, Mom, as you wish. It will be tough, but I won't push you any longer. But, please, no more hugging. It kills me..." As I walked back to my room, I saw her starting to cry."


The following week was tough for both of us. Mom was either crying silently or walking with reddish eyes due to crying minutes earlier. I attempted to distract myself by thinking about another girl in my class who liked me and had big tits. However, she only cared about her appearance and chatting on the phone. I could not imagine myself with a brainless bimbo, even if her boobs looked impressive. Every free time, I busied myself with sports, but when I returned home, one look at my mother brought the same issue to life. It started affecting my studies as well: Three days later, in the biology exam, I got a B-. This was my lowest score in many years. And worse; it was in a subject that was very important to my future getting accepted into medicine. Mom saw me upset and asked me if something happened in school. I left the paper copy on the kitchen table, walked to my room, and slammed the door behind me. She didn't try to stop me or knock on my door.

For the next 2 days, we hardly talked. I arrived from school, ate dinner, and stayed in my room. The door was always ajar. Most of the time, I used my computer and occasionally read in bed. I saw Mom peeking at random times, but she did not say anything.

On Friday night, we ate dinner together. She asked me If I was planning to go out.

I said, "I could have but I am not in the mood. Johnny wanted us to go to a bar and double date, but I said I wasn't interested. He tried to convince me, telling me the girl was very sexy. I told him I was in love with another lady. He inquired about her identity, but I didn't answer. In the end, he said, "Adam, that's your loss. I think by the end of the evening, you would have thanked me - She was the one who suggested to invite you, and you know what it means." I answered, "Tell her I like her, but my heart is already occupied."

Mom glanced at me for a long time, and for the first time in several days, I did not see signs of crying. It seemed like she was determined to do something. But I had no idea what she planned.


I closed my lights at 10 pm and was ready to go to sleep. Five minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door. "Mom, unless it's urgent, I want to sleep."

"Honey, please let me in, but keep the light off, please."

"You can come in now."

The door opened, and due to the soft light in the living room, I could see her. Mom wore a short, sheer lingerie, through which I could easily see the details of her body. Her humongous tits swayed, and my pecker jolted up and hardened in seconds.

She approached my bed and whispered, "May I get in?"


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