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Monsters in the Mountains Ch. 03


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"I can think of only one tribe where I can count on the alpha not to harm him. We'd like for you and your girls to take him in." Dr. Stein paused, waiting for that to sink in.

"Um... How... when would we need to decide?" Jordan asked.

"Not for another 2 weeks." Dr. Stein said with a confident smile. "Like I said, he was at death's door when we got to him. Malnourished, injured and dehydrated. He's not healing as fast as Jane, so he's going to need a little more time before he's ready to be placed with a new family."

"What's your long-term plan for him?" Jordan asked.

Dr. Stein smiled again. "I find you can't keep most long term plans where Bigfoot are concerned. Protecting the species is our mission, and that means saving every individual we can.

"In a perfect world, we could re-introduce him back into the wild when he enters musk, and hope that he finds a tribe of his own, somewhere out east. Unfortunately the habitat they occupy is shrinking, and the remaining land, with food resources and isolation that the species requires is being fought over, often to the death.

"All we are asking of you is to help keep him alive and healthy. He's going to need to finish his Bigfoot upbringing before we can start looking for a territory that's a good fit for him."

"I'd like to talk to Megan and Kaitlin about it before I make a decision." Jordan said.

"I understand. He's there in the hospital with you and Jane if you'd like to meet him." Dr. Stein offered.

"Why here?" Jordan asked.

"We secured the services of Dr. Bond and his hospital when we first found out that Jill and Ginger were pregnant. It was deemed better to limit the contracted medical services we employ for Bigfoot emergencies, and so it was our go-to hospital when we accepted the adolescent male." Jim said.

"Does this happen often? Recovering wounded Bigfoot and nursing them back to health?" Jordan asked.

"We've attempted it in the past, but the stress of captivity plus lack of rehabilitation opportunities has always led to poor outcomes for the subjects." Dr. Stein said sadly.

"You can't keep them and can't let them go?" Jordan summarized.

"Pretty much. We're happy with our protocols in place with the hospital you're in, keeping them in a medically induced coma until they're healed. We hope you'll agree to take in the first rehabilitated subject and complete the formula." Dr. Stein continued the pressure.

"Alright, I'll meet him. But I'm worried about too many changes too fast for my girls." Jordan admitted. "Between the loss of an alpha, three new humans added do their family, horses, and Jane's traumas, I'm just afraid that it's going to be too much for them to add a new male to the group."

"They're a resilient species. It doesn't always seem that way when they're hiding from humans in remote and seemingly inhospitable places, but change isn't all bad, and some change is needed for their survival." Dr. Stein argued.

"How do you think the females in my group will respond to a new adolescent male?" Jordan asked.

"I think you know the answer to that better than I do." Dr. Stein responded. "Their acceptance of him is going to be based on your acceptance of him, as well as his attitude towards the group. I'm not asking you to save him at all costs, simply give the kid a chance."

Jordan had to fight several times against the urge to agree. He knew that Dr. Stein would eventually win, but Jordan would try to hold out for as long as he could. He was afraid of becoming a lackey or a 'yes' man.

"I said I'll meet him and consider it." Jordan said calmly. "Is there anything else we need to discuss?"

"Actually, yes. One more thing." Dr. Stein said. "We've asked several experts on self-defense to review the fight footage of you and the males who had kidnapped Jane.

"The consensus is that in an honest fight there's no way you could have defeated the male without Missy's intervention.

"That said, there are a lot of things that they would recommend that you learn in preparation for another fight, which we hope never happens. Fighting dirty and that sort of thing.

"We would like for you to train with an instructor once your shoulder has healed enough. Would you be willing to learn?" Dr. Stein asked.

Jordan had always wanted to learn a martial art, but had never had the opportunity. He was as excited to learn to fight as Megan had been to learn how to deliver a baby.

"Yeah, I'm willing to learn what you're willing to teach me." Jordan admitted enthusiastically.

Dr. Stein's expression grew slightly amused, but also concerned. "This could save your life in an emergency, but it's not an invitation to go picking fights. You've survived two fights to the death. We trust your judgement and value your life. That's why we're offering this to you."

"I'm honored and grateful." Jordan said earnestly.

"Alright, I think that's everything for now. I'm sure we'll be talking again soon." Dr. Stein said.

"How much of this am I allowed to share with Megan and Kaitlin?" Jordan asked.

"I assumed that by telling you, I was telling them." Dr. Stein replied. "Megan hasn't been forthcoming about details of your relationships in her reports, but it sounds as though Kaitlin might be a romantic interest of yours as well?" Dr. Stein asked.

Jordan nodded, looking at the television screen to confirm that Dr. Stein could see him.

"I'm not one to gossip or judge, but I do ask that you exercise caution. We worked hard to find two candidates for the mine inspector positions, and would hate to lose one or both because they can't work together due to a bad breakup." Dr. Stein cautioned.

"I understand your concern." Jordan said. "Believe it or not, Kaitlin and I have had the same conversation. I guess we could always have issues in the future, but we've agreed to remain professional where it's required, regardless of the status of our relationship."

"I'm glad to hear it." Dr. Stein said. "Out of curiosity does Megan know about your relationship with Kaitlin?"

Jordan had to chuckle. "Yes, believe it or not, when I first met Kaitlin, I was going to let the awkward sexual tension lie between us. It was Megan who decided to push the three of us together."

Dr. Stein laughed at that. "I don't know how many anthropologists you've known, but that sounds exactly like something that she would do. I think they spend the so much time thinking about taboos and the unwritten rules of other societies that they start to forget the rules of our own civilization.

"At any rate, I'm happy for you as long as you can keep in mind the goals we have set. I know I tell you this a lot, but the Bigfoot on your land, and our project to study them is easily the greatest opportunity our organization has ever had to reach its goals of saving the species and offering good PR to the general public.

"I'm not worried about Megan. She likes to have fun, but when it counts she is the consummate professional. I just wanted to make sure that your relationship with Kaitlin won't jeopardize our research and preparations for the future." Dr. Stein seemed to be asking for reassurance as much as he was stating his concern.

"I'll have another conversation with Kaitlin and Megan, but I don't think you have anything to worry about. Even if our relationships don't have a long term future, we have all agreed to remain professional in our work together." Jordan offered.

"Thank you." Dr. Stein said. "Enjoy your visit with Jane. I promise to keep you updated as soon as we have any information about the paternity of Jane's baby, and whatever repercussions that may bring."

Jordan and Dr. Stein said their goodbyes, and Dr. Bond ended the call. When the television screen went blank, Jordan turned to the chief of surgery.

There was a look of slight disapproval on the doctor's face.

"I'm sorry you had to hear all of that." Jordan told him.

The doctor's look of disapproval was replaced by a practiced smile. "Not at all. I assure you that discretion is in my job description. Your secrets do not leave this room." He said paternally.

"But you still don't approve." Jordan said.

"Your love life is none of my business. Would you like me to take you to the other patient?" The doctor responded in a level tone, neither friendly not challenging.

Jordan followed him out into the hall and across to the room directly across the hall. The room was similarly decorated, though the bed was much smaller.

Lying on the bed with all of the same medical tubes that Jane had was a man-sized figure covered in black fur. Jordan estimated his height to be about five and a half feet. He was stocky, though, like a gorilla.

"Do we know how old he is?" Jordan asked, crossing the room to sit by the little male on the bed.

"Jim Stein put his age between 12 and 14." Dr. Bond answered.

Up close, the little male had a distinctive odor, similar to the big males, but far less strong. Jordan remembered what Dr. Stein had said about him not yet entering musk, which must be like puberty for male Bigfoot.

Jordan could see several cuts in the black skin on the male's face. His thick arms were bandaged in places, and Jordan saw that the fur had been shaved in places to help with stitches and bandages. There didn't appear to be any broken bones, judging by the lack of casts.

"Can you tell me the extent of his injuries?" Jordan asked Dr. Bond.

"Severe dehydration when we received him. Lacerations on the face and arms. Concussion, and apparent malnourishment that has lasted most of his adolescent life." The doctor said clinically. "He's responding well to treatment, having put on 27 pounds since he arrived here."

There was silence in the room for several minutes while Jordan studied the creature.

"Are... Are you going to accept him? Take him when he's well enough for treatment?" Dr. Bond asked Jordan.

"Of course." Jordan said. The doctor was once again silent, and Jordan looked over his shoulder to see the expression on his face. "What's the matter?" Jordan asked.

"No, nothing." Dr. Bond said.

"I know you must have questions, go ahead. Ask them." Jordan said.

The chief of surgery straightened up. "Like I said, discretion is in my job description. That's the nature of concierge medicine. If a celebrity overdoses, or a CEO needs us to treat his VD without his wife finding out, we treat them with no questions asked and a guarantee of silence."

"I understand and appreciate that." Jordan said. "But I can see on your face that the curiosity is killing you. Spit it out."

"It's just that... are you really the alpha of a Bigfoot group?" He asked.


"But... I read the reports. How did they accept you? You're human, and as a species they survive by running and hiding from humans. That's like... accepting your greatest phobia as your leader and mate. Snakes, spiders, bats: We are scared of them because we have ancient instincts knowing that they can kill us. It would be like accepting an African lion as the patriarch of your family." The doctor was searching for the words to explain his question.

"You're wondering how they got over their fears?" Jordan asked. Dr. Bond nodded. "First of all, Jane and the others aren't like normal Bigfoot. We don't yet know why, but there is something about them that gives them a little more courage where humans are concerned.

"Second, they were scared of me when they first met me, but I saved Jane and she saved me. She accepted me as her alpha, and with a little food for bribery, I'm part of the family. I'm not the leader, like an alpha traditionally would be, but I'm accepted, and as long as I keep providing for them, I'm their alpha male."

"And the other humans? Your... girlfriends?" Dr. Bond asked.

"Megan is the one who wrote the report you read." Jordan said. "She's an expert on Bigfoot, and she's there to do research. Kaitlin is going to school to become a mine inspector, like me, in areas where Bigfoot are known to make their homes in the abandoned mines."

"And you sleep with both of them? And the Bigfoot? I'm sorry... that really is none of my business." Dr. Bond said.

"It's okay. I'm not ashamed." Jordan told him. "I'm lucky enough to have a relationship with both of them, as well as all of the Bigfoot adults."

"But how did the Bigfoot go from accepting one human to accepting three?"

"When I became alpha, I earned the right to take additional 'mates'." Jordan made air quotes with his fingers. "As long as I vouch for them, the human women can become part of the Bigfoot family."

"So what happens when you want to invite a male into the family?" The doctor asked.

Jordan looked down at the black-furred male lying on the bed. He gently stroked his arm fur. "I don't know. I just hoped that if I accept him and don't fight or run him off that the rest of the group will let him stick around until he's one of us."

"I need to get back to some phone calls." Dr. Bond told Jordan. "A nurse will come by to check on Jane within the next hour, but feel free to visit for as long as you like."

Both men stood and Jordan crossed the hall back to Jane's room. He crawled up next to her on the bed, and lay his head on her shoulder, taking in her scent and her steady breathing.


He was awoken a short time later by his phone alerting him that he had a text.

'How is she? Can you send us a selfie of the two of you?" Megan wrote.

Jordan turned on the camera and held it out, snapping a picture of himself laying on Jane's shoulder. He sent Megan the picture followed by a text of his own:

'Lots to tell you about. Do you have time to talk?'

'Busy now. Call later? Look forward to hearing about it.' Megan responded.

Jordan put his phone away. He looked across the room and saw that a bouquet of flowers he had thought were fake were actually real, and came with a card.

He rose and walked around the bed to open the card.


Wishing you a speedy recovery and swift justice.

-The White Family'

Jordan realized that his mother must have been responsible for sending the flowers. He pulled out his phone and called her.

"Good afternoon Jordan!" His mother answered. "I'm going to fry some chicken, that's still your favorite home-cooked meal, right? You're not done at the hospital already, are you?" She asked without waiting for a response to the first question.

"Chicken sounds great, and no, I'll be here a little while longer. I just wanted to call and ask you about the flowers." Jordan said.

"Oh, I'm glad they arrived. I wanted to make sure that she had some."

"Mom, you didn't have a last name or hospital name. How did you manage to find her?" Jordan asked.

"Actually, I found her on the first call. I just asked for a woman named Jane that was the victim of a kidnapping and beating, and they told me that she was staying there and they could accept flowers for her. They said that she wasn't able to accept visitors, though, so you must be someone special to her if they're letting you visit her in the hospital."

Jordan could smell Dr. Stein's handiwork at pacifying his mother. He was annoyed that she was being such a busybody.

"Yeah, she's a close friend." Jordan admitted.

"If she's such a close friend, how come we haven't met her yet?" Jordan's mom asked.

"Mom! If she was a serious girlfriend, I would have brought her over. I know you're looking out for me, but I would appreciate some privacy in my social life." Jordan snapped.

"Jordan!" She scolded. "You're twenty-six years old. When I was your age, I was married and pregnant with you. Is it too much to ask that I want grandchildren before I'm too old to enjoy them? I know people these days wait until they're in their thirties, and men sometimes even wait until their forties.

"I know that little tart that you were seeing hurt you, but you need to get back out there. There are other fish in the sea."

Jordan's mind was scrambling for something to tell his mother. He was standing next to a Bigfoot that may be pregnant with his child, one of eight women he was seeing, and one of three pregnant Bigfoot whose child he would help raise as their father, regardless of paternity. He had to give her something just to get her to back off.

"I know, mom." Jordan said. "I am kind of seeing someone in Gunnison, but it's early. Like I said, if it gets serious, I'll make sure you and dad get to meet her."

There was a gasp followed by silence on the other end of the phone.


"I'm so glad honey. I can't wait to hear all about her." His mother said.

"Mom, what happened to privacy?" Jordan asked.

"I know, can I at least know her name?" She asked.

Jordan was silent for a moment, trying to think. She would never approve of two girlfriends at the same time, and Jordan couldn't tell her about the Bigfoot.

"Megan." Slipped out before Jordan could really think about it.

"Was that so hard?" His mother asked. "Take your time, but we can't wait to meet this Megan."

"Thanks mom, I'll call when I leave." Jordan said. They said their goodbyes and hung up.

Several minutes later, Jordan had settled back into Jane's side when the door opened. A beautiful brunette nurse came in the door.

"Oh, you must be the visitor. Hi, I'm Nicole, Jane's nurse." She said, extending her hand for Jordan to shake.

"Jordan." He introduced himself.

Jordan was suddenly conscious of the scent of Jane's musk on his clothing. He mentality brushed aside what the nurse must think, but remembered that he was going to his parents' house after this visit. He remembered his change of clothing in his backpack in the car.

"I need to run out to my car to get something, how do I get back in when I'm finished?" Jordan asked Nicole.

"Oh, we can have someone retrieve whatever you need." She said sweetly. She pressed a call button. "Can we get a concierge in here to retrieve an item from a client's car?" She asked into a hidden speaker.

In seconds, a man walked through the door in a suit, wearing a name tag that identified him as Francisco. Jordan handed him the key to his truck and explained where he had parked it and what he needed. The man rushed out of the room.

"So, you're the only human visitor she's had all week." Nicole told him while changing out Jane's diaper and checking the IV and food bags. "You don't look like you're here for professional reasons, is she a friend of yours?"

"Yes." Jordan replied, sitting on Jane's bed opposite Nicole.

"She's our easiest patient." Nicole said. "Doesn't wake up, doesn't need anything." She was quiet for a moment while she changed out one of the bags. "Do you live here in town?" She asked.

"I just moved away a week ago." Jordan told her. "I moved to Gunnison. I'll be going to Mesa State this fall for my master's degree."

"Cool! I was going to go back for my Bachelor's in Nursing before I got offered the job here. They pay well enough that it made better financial sense to keep working." She said.

Jordan figured that the private concierge hospital worked to maintain a certain aesthetic. Attractive nurses would probably be important to most conscious patients with money. He wondered why they had Nicole working on two comatose Bigfoot.

"What would a BN have done for you?" Jordan asked her.

"More money. I could have done some more certifications for certain procedures. It was just about money for me, though, so when Dr. Bond offered me a raise, I decided to stay." Nicole said.

Jordan watched her work, admiring her beauty. Her scrubs were just a little more form-fitting than any he had ever seen before, and she had meticulously applied her make-up and curled her hair.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Nicole asked out of the blue, and Jordan realized he had been caught checking her out. She dropped the tube she had just connected, and turned to face Jordan.


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