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Mood Slime: Panties

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The slime bonds to a pair of panties.
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This takes place after Awakening and is series 6


Felicity sat at the local laundry mat, getting her clothes washed before heading back home. She was here for school and lived in an apartment near the campus despite hearing about all the strange things that had been going on in New York in recent years.

She had heard stories about some sort of pink slime that had been causing problems around town. She knew about the Ghostbusters and the strange events that had been reported, but this was different. It was some sort of pink ooze that was causing strange sexual paranormal events.

She didn't give it too much thought and figured it was just some sort of crazy story people were making up who just wanted to have sex with a ghost. It had been months since anything like that had happened in it was contained to an area outside the city so even if it was true, it wasn't something on Felicity's mind at the moment as she stared into her phone.

She adjusted her glasses before she heard the buzzer go off on the dryer. "Finally, she said before getting up and unloading her clothing into the bag.

She didn't have much, so it didn't take long for her to unload before she slipped a little and dropped one of her pairs of underwear on the floor. She looked down and saw a pink puddle on the floor as her panties were lying in it.

"What the fuck, nobody can clean up their soap anymore?" She said thinking someone had spilled detergent and left it there. "Fuck, that's my favorite pair too. Fuck it," she said before she looked around and grabbed a plastic bag, picking up the panties and throwing them in. "I'll just wash them in the sink when I get home."

Felicity bundled up her stuff and headed out, catching the subway home with her clean clothes.


It had been a couple of days since her trip to the laundry mat. She had cleaned her panties the moment she got home as it ended up being much easier than she thought it would be. She still figured it was soap that had gotten all over them because when she was done cleaning them, they seemed even better than usual. The underwear was already pink and the soap had brought back their natural color before she folded them up and placed them in her drawer.

She had just gotten home after a long day of school and work. She was exhausted and her clothes were soaking wet because of the rain outside. She was very uncomfortable so she decided to strip down and climb into the shower to get cleaned off and warmed up.

The warm water felt nice on her skin as she slid the elastic out of her brunette hair, letting it fall to her shoulders as she rinsed herself off. She lost her train of thought as she just stood there and enjoyed the warmth on her skin.

When she finally finished she grabbed a towel and headed to her bedroom. "Shit, those are soaked too," she said referring to the underwear she had been wearing before.

She opened up her drawer and saw her bright pink pair sitting on top waiting for her as she took them out. They felt different like they were softer than usual before she dropped the towel and slid them on. They hugged very nicely as she glanced over at the mirror admiring herself a little before throwing a t-shirt on.

"Damn I look good tonight," she said feeling very confident all of a sudden before she climbed into bed.

She had her TV on as she read through a history book trying to study for tomorrow's test. She knew she was prepared for it but she still wanted to look over her notes one more time and make sure she was as prepared as she could be.

It wasn't long until she had fallen asleep with the TV still on and her book on her chest. She was snoring as her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose and her comforter was on the floor. It was a rather peaceful sleep for most of the night until right around midnight when the TV began to show some late-night programming. It was softcore porn with a ridiculous plot but it didn't matter as Felicity was asleep. Her panties, though, had started to react to the moaning and sexual talk that was filling the room.

The slime had come from a leftover sample from way back when Doll was passing them out at the sex toy shop. It had fallen out of someone's pocket and rolled under the washing machine at the laundry mat where Felicity had gotten her clothes washed and over time being shaken by the machines it had finally sprung open and had poured all over the floor.

The ooze began to spring to life, warming up as the small amounts that were attached to the cotton cloth had begun to melt back into their liquid state and expand throughout the fabric. It could feel the warmth of Felicity's slit as the sexual charge in the ooze began to react to the situation it was in, wanting the pleasures that only sex an orgasm could provide.

Felicity let out a soft moan as the fabric of her panties gently tightened near her clit. As the slime regained its strength it started with gentle touches, feeling her pussy's lips and deciding what pleasures it would inflict upon her as it continued to gently rub her clit, getting her juices to start to flow.

"Hmm," Felicity moaned out as she squirmed a little in bed, causing the book to slide off of her as she began to writhe, having erotic dreams fill her head. "Oh..... yeah!"

Her panties squeezed around her love button, gently rubbing it as she began to grind her legs together enjoying the sensation but still asleep, not knowing what was happening. As her pussy began to dampen, the slime used her fluids to expand even more as her underwear began to change form, becoming slimier as the goo massaged her whole pelvic region.

"Oh....... oh my........ oh........ GOD!" She yelled out as she was starting to awaken but still enjoying the sensations. "Oh yeah..... oh yeah.......... Oh....." she paused as she opened her eyes and saw what was happening between her legs.

Her underwear was shining like it was wet, but more than that it looked like it was made of some sort of pink slime hugging her pussy. Little tendrils were wiggling off of it like it was a living creature and soon she began to feel little wiggling tendrils start to slither inside her as well.

"What the....... FUCK!" She yelled in a panic as the slime tried to pleasure her so she would resist but she was so freaked out that she sat up and grabbed at the slimy invader. "Oh shit..... Stop it......... let....... me......... GO!"

Felicity pulled on the underwear as it was still solid enough, stretching it away from her pelvis. She could see long pink tendrils stretching from the panties inside her pussy doing something strange inside her that felt amazing but she still wanted it to stop. She pulled even harder as the tendril slid out of her making her eyes roll in her head with pleasure until she was finally able to yank the creature off of her.

"Fuck! What...... what is......" she said in a panic as this pink blob wiggled in her hands before she saw a small empty plastic tote on the floor.

She quickly threw the creature in the tote and placed the cover on it, clipping it into place. The creature wiggled around trying to get free but it didn't seem to be able to do so and after a moment it began to calm down and stop moving. As she looked through the foggy plastic, she watched as it returned to what looked like a normal pair of pink underwear.

"What the........ Holy shit," she said as she was in a bit of a panic but slid her hand over her pussy to see if everything was okay, but she was still in an intense state of arousal. "What did that thing do to me?" She asked as her finger gently touched her slit causing her to quickly orgasm, squirting all over her hands as she curled up in the fetal position on the floor and moaned wildly as she had never cum that hard before in her life. "Fuck......... FUCK!" She yelled as her pussy squirted over and over again in what felt like a never-ending orgasm until she moaned louder and louder until she finally passed out on her bedroom floor.


The sound of the alarm was annoying as Felicity let out a moan and slammed her hand on the floor trying to stop it. She kept placing her hand down and hitting nothing but her hardwood floor before she opened her eyes and realized where she was.

"What...... what the?" She said as she sat up and looked around realizing she was sitting on the floor. "Wait, did that really happen?" She asked herself as she saw a stain on the floor between her legs from when she came. she looked over at the plastic tote with her underwear still inside, not moving and looking normal. "What the fuck? Holy shit, I'm late!" She yelled out as she got up and ran to the bathroom quickly cleaning herself up and trying to get ready for school. "Shit shit shit!"

Felicity was able to quickly get dressed before stopping for a moment to look down at the plastic tote. "Shit, what about you?" She said before she took a pile of textbooks and placed them on top of it, making it more difficult for the top to come off. "I'll deal with that later."

She managed to get to school with only a minute to spare, but she made it. She sat down at her desk, and the teacher began to hand out the test to her and the other students. It was only then, after sitting and relaxing, for a moment that Felicity realized something seemed weird.

After she was handed the test, she felt a strange sensation between her legs. As she moved, even the slightest touch on her clit felt really good. She was very aroused at the moment and she wasn't even sure why. The orgasm she had last night was very intense it was the best she ever had but somehow she wanted more.

"Shit," she said under her breath as she tried to concentrate on the test in front of her.

She began filling out the answers before she started to think about the panties and what they were doing to her last night. She thought about the sensation of those slimy tentacles within her, touching areas inside her that nobody had ever touched before. She thought about the way it made her clit feel and even how amazing it felt when she was trying to yank the thing off of herself. The feeling of those tendrils sliding out of her, including the one that was pulling on her clit, like a frog's tongue sticking to it and not wanting to let go.

"Fuck!" She whispered as she was starting to sweat and feel a little dampness between her legs.

"Everything alright Ms. Channing?" The teacher said, noticing her struggling.

"Sorry, yes, I'm fine," Felicity said before returning her attention to the test and doing her best to get through it quickly.

It felt like forever because all Felicity could think about was the creature, and the pleasure it was inflicting upon her. It was Friday and once she was done with the test she was free all weekend. She thought about taking it to the Ghostbusters for safety because she knew it could be dangerous, especially if it was what she thought it was.

Felicity finally finished the test and handed it in before exiting the classroom. Her friend Beth was a few steps behind her and followed her out into the hallway.

"Wow, that was tough," Beth said with a sigh of relief. "You okay there Felicity?"

"Huh?" She said not paying attention. "Oh, yeah, I'm good," she said trying to shake off what was on her mind.

"Okay, you just look a bit shaken."

"I'm fine, really," she said with a smile. "Wanna get some lunch?"

"Yeah, I could eat," Beth said as they headed outside and went to a local Sushi place off campus that they liked. Beth had just finished hers when she asked: "So, seeing anyone?"

"What? No, why do you ask?"

"Just the way you arrived today. Like you were rushing, and hadn't had a lot of time to get dressed. Sort of a walk of shame look on your face?" She said with a smile.

"Oh stop it. It was nothing like that. Just was up late studying and overslept."

"Really? I was hoping for something juicy," Beth said before taking a sip of her drink. "What about Dean? I think he likes you."

"Are you seriously trying to set me up?"

"I just think you should get the full college experience."

"Yeah well, that has a different meaning in this town."

"What does that mean?" Beth asked with a curious look on her face.

"Um," Felicity said before looking around and leaning in close to her friend. "Have you heard the stories, about the pink slime?"

"Oh yeah, everyone has. Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious. I keep hearing things about it."

"My cousin went to one of the schools where it happened. Doesn't like to talk about it but...."

"But what?" Felicity asked wanting some details.

"He said it was the best sex he ever had. But he refused to give any details."

"Is he okay?"

"Oh yeah, he's fine. He told me the effects were only temporary, at least for him."

"Wait, did others......"

"Why are you so curious about the slime all of a sudden? Did you find some?"

"No, oh no, I was just........ maybe you're right, maybe I just need to get laid," she lied before taking a sip of her drink.

"Maybe you do if you're thinking about getting your jolly's from slime," Beth said with a laugh, teasing her friend.


Felicity got home a little while later and walked into her bedroom. She glanced down at the plastic tote and e everything was just as she left it. She stepped closer and got down on the floor, tapping the plastic box with her finger but nothing happened.

"Huh, maybe I just dreamed it?" She said to herself thinking she was still half asleep when it happened. She walked over to her bed and took out her laptop and started searching for the pink slime. "Pink slime, maybe this one?" She said before clicking a link labeled 'Mood Slime'

As she read the article, she saw comments from people who have claimed to come into contact with the strange pink ooze. She saw a few people talk about how they had sex with their partner but the slime wouldn't let them stop for hours. Despite taking days to recover there were no lasting effects.

Another person claimed his genitals were possessed by a strange ghostlike creature making him cum over and over again. It transformed his penis in supernatural ways, but he still said that despite how frightening it was, it was the best feeling he had ever felt and his penis was normal and healthy today.

There were many other anonymous comments about people's experiences. Most of them ended the same way, saying how it started as a very frightening experience but quickly became the best sexual experience of their life, and they were all back to their normal self's now. It took a few days for some effects to wear off it seems but they all said their lives were back to normal.

"Huh, this is so fucked up," she said before suddenly slamming her laptop shut. "Why the fuck am I even thinking about this? Am I that desperate for sex?" She said as she began to pace back and forth in her room. "I mean, it didn't feel that good, it was just......" she said as her mind began to fog, thinking about what had happened last night. "I mean..... it won't be permanent, right?"

She glanced down at the tote again as her heart raced in her chest. She began to wonder what it would have been like if she had let the slime finish what it was doing to her. The ideas flooded her mind and she began to squirm as she stood there thinking about it, feeling a tingle between her legs like her pussy wanted her to put the panties back on.

She stepped over to the tote and lifted the books off of it. She took a deep breath and removed the plastic cover, ready to put it back quickly if need be, but all she saw was a plain pair of pink underwear.

"Hmm, maybe it was just a dream?" She said to herself as she picked up to tote and shook it a little. Her panties slid back and forth but that was it. "Oh, I think I got my hopes up for nothing," she said with a giggle as she reached in and touched them. "Feels like cotton. Son of a bitch!" She said feeling a little disappointed that it was just a dream until she felt something strange. The fabric suddenly seemed to gently squeeze the tip of her finger. "Fuck!" She yelled before pulling her hand away and dropping the tote. "Holy shit, is it......." she said as she stepped closer and looked into the tote. "Hello?" She said as the panties suddenly moved a little, lifting their edge and moving as if it was waving at her. "Oh, my God!" She said backing away.

She began to feel her heart race again and she knew she should open the door and run but she found herself getting aroused. The panties pulled themselves up and seemed to be peaking over the edge but it was not climbing out of the box. She felt like she was being stared at by a puppy or something that just wanted to play.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" She said to herself as she rubbed her legs together, feeling the arousal building between them. "You want to play?" She asked as the panties seemed to shake what could be their head. "Are you gonna hurt me?" She asked as it shook its head no. "Fuck me!"

She quickly locked her bedroom door, unsure why considering she lived alone but felt she should. She unbuttoned her pants and unzipped them, slowly sliding them down her legs as she could see the excitement in the panties which was just very strange to her. She was getting more and more turned on and began to question her sanity but after taking off her jeans she walked over to the bed and slid off the panties she was wearing, rather seductively like she was showing off for a sex partner, and tossed them aside before climbing into bed.

"Okay, uh, not sure what to do now, but remember, you said you wouldn't hurt me," she said feeling foolish talking to her underwear.

The panties suddenly jumped out of the tote and onto her bed, walking over as it used part of the fabric as legs. She almost giggled watching it as it got closer, not exactly sure what to expect from this thing and was even still nervous about what it could do to her if it wanted to.

The pink fabric panties suddenly began to change, becoming slimy before taking the form of a pink blob and lunging at her crotch rather quickly. Felicity let out a gasp of shock as this warm slime hit her pelvis and wrapped around it, taking the shape of panties again but remaining in liquid form.

"Oh shit, this is insane," she said as he heart raced a mile a minute knowing there was no turning back now. She felt a gentle rubbing on her clit which felt nice as she let out a slight moan. "That feels nice," she said complimenting the goo as it felt like a tongue teasing her. "Oh yeah, I like that. Fuck, that feels good," she said as she writhed and moaned on her bed.

She spread her legs and lay back against her pillow as her hands slid under her shirt and began massaging her breasts. The sensation of her fingers on her nipples added to the pleasure between her legs as she moaned even louder and quickly pulled off her shirt leaving her naked in the bed.

"This feels so good," she said moaning still. "Hope my tiny tits aren't disappointing," she said in a joking manner about her A-cup size breasts. As she looked down she saw two tendrils begin to form from the panties and slither up toward her before lunging and connecting with both her nipples. "Wha..... what are you......." she started to ask before her nipples began to feel strange.

The slime felt like little tongues licking her nipples but there was something else happening as well. She could feel something sliding into her breasts. It didn't hurt but it felt strange as her mounds suddenly began to expand, growing to about a C-cup as they were filled with slime and the tendrils were still pleasuring her nipples which had become much more sensitive.

Little tendrils had slithered out of the goo everywhere and were dancing along her skin. It felt like hundreds of little fingers caressing her and she loved it. She bucked her hips wanting the slime to do whatever it wanted to her pussy as all these strange sensations inside and out made her feel incredible.


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