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Moonshadows Ch. 04

Story Info
They take advantage of their new levels of intimacy.
7.8k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/09/2006
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I woke to a warm, steady thumping under my ear and the perfect sensation of being surrounded by something equally warm and solid. A pleasant heaviness was spread throughout my limbs and a familiar, musky smell filled my nose. As consciousness filtered in, I realized it was Rafe's heartbeat I was hearing; his arms were still wrapped protectively around me, our touching skin slightly sticky from where one or both of us had sweated during the night, and his firm chest rose and fell to the accompaniment of faint snores.

I smiled softly. I hadn't known Rafe snored. What other interesting trivia would I learn about him now that this new world of interaction had been introduced?

Opening my eyes, I lifted my head to gaze at his sleeping face then winced as all the dormant aches incurred by last night's activity flared to sudden life at the movement.

Wow... and ouch,I thought. Given my inexperience and the intensity of our physical interactions, I had expected some tenderness today, but I was surprised at just how global it seemed to be. Even my neck and shoulders hurt to some degree. And Rafe had done most of the work! Sheesh. Moving around promised to be pretty interesting for a while.

Time for a shower,I thought to myself, hoping that the warm water would ease some of my soreness.

I looked up at him again before moving away though, admiring the handsome planes of his face. He really was something amazing. Even asleep his features were somehow wild, powerful, proud, without seeming coarse or frightening. His almost-black hair tumbled across his forehead in happy disarray and dark eyelashes hid those unusual topaz eyes that fascinated me so. I had the sudden urge to kiss him on his sexy, slightly open mouth, but I didn't want to wake him, so I refrained.

Instead, I carefully moved his arm from where it was still wrapped around my small waist, and levered myself gingerly to a sitting position, wincing again as new parts of my body were aggravated by the movement. I scooted slowly to the edge of my bed, partly to ease some of the stiffness in my muscles and in part to keep from disturbing Rafe. Goosebumps rose all over my fair skin as I swung my legs over the edge and felt the cool air of my room and the smooth cold of the wooden floor under my toes.

Stifling a groan, I stood up awkwardly then looked back quickly to make sure I hadn't woken him. Rafe stirred momentarily, moving his now-free hand to rest on his perfectly muscled stomach, then let out a huge, shuddering sigh and stilled, just like a large dog. I almost laughed at the concept, but pressed my lips together and merely smiled instead.

This wasn't the first time he'd reminded me of a giant canine. Maybe it was the honest-to-God yellow of his eyes, or maybe it was something about his mannerisms, but on more than one occasion I'd found myself making that sort of comparison. You know, like the silly "if you were an animal, what would you be?" question. In Rafe's case, it was definitely dog. Or wolf. I grinned to myself.


A shiver reminded me that I was standing naked in my room and that I had a shower waiting for me. I resisted another urge to lean down and kiss him and started walking towards the bathroom.

Walking was enough of an experience that it temporarily pushed thoughts of Rafe's naked, glorious body from my mind as I tried to just focus on making my unreasonably sore limbs get me to the hot water. That morning, I gained a new understanding of the expression "fucked bow-legged."

The hot water was a blessing. For a while, I just stood under the heated spray, letting it massage my skin and slowly loosen joints and muscles unfamiliar with such rigorous exercise. I washed my hair next, working shampoo through the silky strands and feeling the excess suds slide down over my shoulders, in between my breasts and down my flat stomach.

With the shampoo still in my hair, I then began the task of gently washing my groin area. I worked around the tender flesh very carefully, and at first the water came away slightly darkened with dried blood, proof that my virginity was no more. That made me pause a moment.

You're not a virgin anymore,I thought to myself, assessing how it felt when put so plainly. Sore, I ultimately concluded, but otherwise not all that different from before.

I turned off the water after I'd finished washing and rinsing, and once most of the worst aches had mellowed a bit. While I dried myself and brushed my teeth, I kept an ear cocked for any movement coming from my bedroom, but heard nothing, so I wrapped the towel around myself and padded softly back to check.

Rafe lay on the bed in the same position I had left him, still snoring softly, the sheets tangled around his long body. I grinned and restrained myself from laying back down with him and curling into his welcoming heat; an intermittent grumbling in my stomach told me that I was in need of some breakfast.

After throwing on some panties, pajama pants and a tanktop and giving my wet hair a fast brush, I slipped back out into the hall, then over to the kitchen. I quickly settled on bacon and the improbably delicious corn pancakes my grandmother enjoyed making, figuring they were the most likely of any of the things I had available to lure my sleeping lover out of bed.

I found myself humming as I went about my task. The enticing smell of frying bacon filled the room and my soft melody was accompanied by the staccato popping and sizzling of grease.

Before long, I heard shuffling footsteps enter the room. A warm presence loomed behind me and I felt a pair of large, strong hands creep up from where they brushed my elbows to gently squeeze my shoulders.

"Mmm," Rafe rumbled as he bent down to nuzzle my neck, inhaling. "Smells good."

I giggled. "I thought bacon might tempt you out here."

"That too." He answered, then breathed in deeply again. "But I was talking aboutyou." His hands slid from my shoulders and slowly down my chest. He squeezed one of my breasts in a massive palm and my breath caught in my throat.

"Didn't you get enough last night?" I asked somewhat breathlessly.

I could hear his grin as he replied. "Never." He nipped playfully at my neck.

I laughed and squirmed in his grip. My sore body was responding to his touch just as intensely as it always did, but I was feeling sassy and not ready to let him have his way just yet. Besides, I was hungry. I batted at the hand that was still rubbing my breast through the thin tanktop, ignoring my hardened nipple and the swirls of pleasure.

"Hey, you'll make me burn the bacon!"

Rafe grumbled for a second, but reluctantly released me and stepped back. I half-turned to look at him adoringly over my shoulder. His dark hair was wild and stood up in odd shapes from where he had slept on it and his strong features were still vaguely dazed with sleep as were his glorious golden eyes. A shadow of whiskers darkened the lower half of his face. He was shirtless so I was able to admire the perfectly toned musculature of his torso and shoulders, but he had apparently managed to pull on his jeans before joining me in the kitchen. I beamed at him.

"You sit and I will feed you. It's almost ready." He followed my pointing spatula and slumped heavily in one of the chairs at the small kitchen table. A wide yawn flashed white teeth. I went back to my task, smiling and shaking my head in amusement.

After turning the bacon over once more, I set it aside on a plate and gave the first batch of corn pancakes a last flip. Frequent glances over my shoulder showed that Rafe's attention seemed to be pretty evenly divided between me and the bacon, but he listened and remained seated until I slid the pancakes onto another large plate and brought the two items over to the table. I slipped into the seat next to him and pointed to the food.

"Since the pancakes are small, I thought we could just use our fingers." I told him and demonstrated by picking one up carefully with my fingernails, watching the steam rise from it. "Owie. Hot."

Rafe chose a slice of bacon and crunched it while eyeing the pancakes warily. "Is thatcorn?" His tone was accusatory.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, it is. But it's good." He raised an eyebrow and I had to fight back another surge of giggles at the adorable contradiction his superior expression made with his sleep-tousled hair. I nudged his shin under the table with my bare foot. "Just try it, you beast."

Still wary, Rafe polished off the bacon he was holding and lifted a pancake so that it could cool. While he did so, I took a bite out of my own and savored the unlikely combination of flavors: the slight sweetness of the corn, the starchy salt of the pancake mix with the underlying bonus of just enough grease. More dense than what I considered normal for pancakes, the corn kernels added a random moisture and pop to the otherwise neutral batter.


I think it was the happy noises I made that decided it for him, but Rafe finally took a bite of his own. I watched his features closely to assess his reaction, and after a moment of chewing, he grudgingly nodded.

"Okay, you're right. They're good. Weird, but good." He took another bite and I smiled, triumphant.

"You want something to drink?" I rose and started for the fridge.

"Coffee," was his single-word reply before adding belatedly around a bite of bacon. "If you have it. Please."

"I can make some."

The coffee-maker issued its customary bubbling and hissing sounds while I poured myself a glass of cranberry juice. I couldn't remember feeling so content. So comfortably happy. Before returning to my seat I set my glass on the table and leaned down to kiss Rafe at last.

As far as our kisses went, this one was pretty chaste; since his mouth was full of pancake, both our lips remained pressed closed, and the strange angle of my approach made maintaining the position awkward. But even so, my body flushed with heat and my heartbeat quickened. My tender pussy tingled with desire both remembered and anticipated.

As I pulled away, I could see his face frozen with indecision. The pancake was still in his hand, but he looked at me like he was ready to throw me on the table and fuck me right there. I laughed and kissed him again quickly before sitting back down in my own seat.

"You eat. I'll stop distracting you."

His dissatisfaction was evident, but hunger seemed to win out and he went back to making the bacon and pancakes disappear with speedy efficiency. Between the two of us, I ended up cooking two more batches of pancakes before we were both satisfied. Afterwards, we sat sipping our coffee and gazing at each other silently. I found myself in awe, both of just how damnbeautifulhe was while still being unquestionably masculine, and of the fact that he was sitting, shirtless, in my kitchen staring back at me just as intently as I studied him.

He grinned suddenly and beckoned to me with a finger. Curiously, I scooted closer then squeaked in surprise as he lifted me easily onto his lap.

"Hey, baby." He said, still grinning. I could feel his voice rumbling in his chest.

"Hey, you." I returned and then blushed as I felt the erection through his jeans. His grin turned a little feral. I swallowed, my pulse speeding up.

"You don't work until tonight, right?"

"Uh huh."

"And when does Cara get home?" His breath was hot and sensual at my ear, making it hard to think.

"Um... she... she comes home tomorrow."

"Perfect." I felt his teeth nip playfully at my earlobe and quivered at the tingles of his moist breath on my skin.

His large hands slid from where they rested casually on my hips and up along my torso, dragging my tanktop with them. His rough, warm palms rubbed delightfully against my soft skin. When he lifted my shirt up over my breasts and rubbed his hands over my hard nipples, I shivered again and let out a soft sigh.

"I want you," he growled.

"I can tell," was my whispered response.

His growl intensified at my reply and his hands tightened on my breasts, sudden and possessive. My breath hitched and shuddered out of my throat.

"I want younow."

Before I could do so much as agree, he lifted me right up and set me down again on the edge of the table, none-too careful not to knock over the empty dishes. He attacked my breasts without delay, suckling and nibbling my sensitive flesh hungrily as I moaned and writhed my hips on the tabletop. This seemed to spur him on, as the next thing I knew, his mouth had moved to my neck to bite and lick, and his hands were on my hips, his strong fingers hooking into the waistband of my pajama pants and underwear together. I let out a whimpering moan at the assault of sensations and the surge of desire that flooded my body.

Rafe pulled me to standing again, and with a quick motion, he tugged my pants off my hips until they slid the rest of the way down my legs to the floor. Had his mouth not risen to cover mine just then, I would have gasped at the rush of cool air on my skin. Our tongues pushed and slipped against each other, my teeth catching and nipping at his bottom lip.

He stood and my head tipped back extremely to maintain our ravenous kiss. I felt his knuckles brushing against my stomach as he quickly unfastened his jeans and pushed them down, his hard cock springing free to rub against my skin. An appreciative rumble issued from his chest.

Then his hands were on my shoulders, gently, steadily laying me back onto the table. A chill rushed over my body as my naked ass and back pressed against the cool wood, followed by a flare of heat when I felt his long fingers probe the slick, and still very tender flesh of my pussy. I know I sucked in a sharp breath, but I must have also flinched or something, because Rafe pulled back suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Concern tempered the molten desire in his golden eyes.

"I'm just sore, is all. But I'm okay. Don't stop." My fingers twined in his tussled hair, pulling him back to my kiss. "Don't stop..." His mouth, his taste, his touch was so good I never wanted him to stop.

He had other plans, however. I got a glimpse of his dark brows furrowed in consideration before he slid his arms under me and scooped me to his chest. Rafe settled the both of us back into the chair again, this time with my legs straddling his bare hips. He nipped at my neck as he settled my hips more securely against him. Particularly the hard cock rubbing against my very wet pussy.

"Try it like this." That hot breath on my neck made my whole body shudder.

Obediently, I started rocking my hips against him, sliding his cock along my folds, coating it with my juices. At first, the discomfort of my soreness distracted me, so I went slowly. But the more I moved, the more turned on I got, until in a moment of impulse, I pushed myself up enough to place his cock head at my entrance. Rafe growled his approval. His eyes were hot on my face as I sank down to sheathe the head of him inside me.

"Oh... Oh, my," I breathed.

"Yes," he hissed, his golden eyes fierce with concentration. "Ride me, baby."

I did. My sore muscles made it hard for me to go slowly, so I ended up sinking down faster than I'd intended. I squeaked as his cock pushed up inside me in a rush, stretching my pussy again, making its claim on me. But once past that first tenderness, oh, God, it felt so good. I moaned and my head fell back slightly. How could I have forgotten so quickly how amazing his dick felt filling me?

His fingers gripping my hips insistently and his hot breath on my neck spurred me to further movement. He guided me in a slow rocking, bouncing motion, sliding his huge cock in and out of my willing hole. I caught on quickly, catching his face between my hands to kiss him hard. This time it was he who caught my lip between his teeth and the sudden, small pain made me gasp and clench my pussy muscles as it added to my arousal.

He groaned into my mouth, and bucked up into me harder, eliciting a moan of my own. I shuddered and ground down on him, loving the intensity, the bliss, even the underlying pain of being stretched so extremely around him, then moaned again as I realized the movement ground my clit against his pubic bone in a way that was almost overwhelmingly good. I felt one of his hands shift to grip my right breast, squeezing the nipple between his fingers and I whimpered and wriggled even harder on top of him.

"Fuuuuuuuck," I moaned and shifted my arms to wrap around his neck.

Growling, he put his lips to my shoulder as he thrust into me hard, wrenching a cry from my throat. He was getting rougher now as his passion started slipping out of control. His fingers on my nipple were less-than gentle and as I felt his teeth bite into the skin of my shoulder I grunted and quivered as I felt a mini-orgasm flood my senses with pleasure.

"Fuck, oh, Rafe, fuck!" Every nerve was alive, every part of my body delighting in and yearning for more of his thick tool fucking in and out of my little pussy. I loved the way he felt, tasted, sounded as he took me. As the wildness from last night came out again and he fucked me with abandon, bouncing me on his cock like a man possessed. As he made me his in the most primal way possible.

My clit kept grinding against him every time he'd plunge me down, his cock filling me to capacity, pushing hard against my cervix, making me quake and whimper. Hard on the heels of my mini-climax, I felt another, much more powerful one rising. Each time he slammed into me, each tug on my nipple, every hot lash of his tongue on the bruised skin of my neck drove me closer to that peak.

"Rafe," I breathed, "Oh, God, yes..."

His hand released my breast and rose to twine in the hair at the back of my head. He kissed me hard, driving his tongue into my mouth while he fucked me. My head reeled and I felt myself close, so close to cumming. His mouth on mine and his cock pounding my cunt had me breathless, almost crying with longing. Suddenly Rafe pulled back from the kiss and, opening my dazed eyes, I saw him staring at me fiercely.

"Selene," he grunted, punctuating my name by shoving his cock into me deeply, "Cum for me."

That was all it took. Shivering, shaking, nearly sobbing, I came hard. My pussy clenched tight around him, my fingernails bit into his skin and I sank down all the way on his dick so that my spasming cunt was massaging his entire length. A growl-like rumble preceded his own release and as I felt his semen hit my inner walls, pleasure, like heat flowed through my whole body.

In its wake, I was left dazed and languorous and highly sensitive. Rafe continued to thrust into me powerfully, hard even after the last of his cum was spent. My every nerve sang right on the edge of overstimulation as he pressed his lips to mine passionately, still thrusting. Shivering, I kissed him back until his lips softened, the kiss mellowed and he at last began to relax. I felt his fingers trail along my my temple, brushing my sweaty hair back from my face as the aftershocks of both our orgasms subsided.

Sighing, I let my head drop to rest on my arms and closed my eyes. Nestled between my left one and his neck, I inhaled his rich scent, felt his long arms easy around me, listened to the gradual slowing of his heartbeat until it had returned to the steady rhythm I'd awoken to earlier. My body melted into his, right on the edge of dozing, contentment in every part of me. Thoughts floated to the surface of my consciousness and away again gently.

"I love you."

It was only when I felt his body tense that I realized I had spoken the words aloud. I sucked in a short breath, leaning back hurriedly to see his face. My throat clenched in anxiety.

Shit, shit, shit.

It was absurd, almost comical, how quickly I shifted from utter bliss to stomach-churning angst. What the hell was wrong with me? Here we were, the day after he took my virginity and I was dropping the "L-word" on him. Talk about a red flag. I might as well wear a damn label on my forehead that read, "Insecure, Hyper-Clingy Female."

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