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Mothers and Daughters Ch. 06


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As for Adam Webster, he was simply thrilled that his dad had given him the ticket to the Pamela Rose concert at MSG. He was an ardent fan of Pamela's music and to be able to attend her concert was a dream come true. He was pleasantly surprised that the logistics of the box seat ticket provided a limousine ride from his house to the arena. He even had a special usher to escort him to the luxury box and Pamela Rose's own mother greeted him on his arrival. Mrs Rose was very nice and friendly to him; she did not at all betray any squeamishness about his face when she made eye contact. She even insisted that he address her as Hannah. This was as good as it gets thought Adam; little did he know that it was going to get even a hell of a lot better.

Pamela's concert was a gigantic success. A measure of how popular Pamela had become was indicated by the fact that all tickets for the three nightly performances of her concert at MSG were sold within fifteen minutes upon becoming available for sale to the general public. At the concert scalpers were able to sell all of their tickets despite charging three times or more than the face value. This was truly remarkable considering that the concerts were held on the least desirable nights of the week for going out: i.e. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Given the schedule of the Knicks and the Rangers, the principal attractions to MSG, Hannah on behalf of Pamela had to settle for such undesirable nights in scheduling this special New York City concert. Pamela's eclectic musical talent transcended various music genres and hence she had a much broader fan base than her contemporary music vocalists. Her voice was powerful and provoked reaction of spine tingling pleasure to her listeners. She always gave great performances, and that night was no exception.

Pamela had become a prolific song writer and her concert contained at least three quarters of her own music. In addition, she had recorded a new album of twenty new songs that had not yet been released. Pamela was not stingy with her fans, and they appreciated that her albums invariably contained more than the usual ten or twelve cuts. She performed ten of these new songs and one of them was an outstanding instant hit. That song had a Latin sound which showcased Pamela's full sultry voice. Pamela's singing was like an erotic bellow mixed in with hair raising screaming but nevertheless still in an exotic tune producing an electrifying reaction to her listeners. Everyone in the building was affected emotionally, no one could be blasé. The beat was exceptionally motivating inducing spontaneous rhythmic clapping from the audience to keep up with Pamela's feverish singing.

The crowd was swaying and cheering throughout Pamela's singing. The atmosphere was replete of intoxicating excitement creating a supreme euphoria; everyone sensed something magically was happening. The place went wild at the end of the song with spontaneous applause and cheering so vociferous, the like of which everyone there had not previously experienced. The noise of the jubilation was deafening. Even the most jaded music critic was stunned by Pamela's performance. As the concert was filmed the subsequent video performance of this song became legendary in entertainment history. Regret at not having been there was the predominant feeling of everyone seeing the video.

The audience was continuously enthusiastically enthralled throughout the concert. Each song was greeted with such long lasting cheering that the concert continued at least an hour longer than what was originally planned for. Every member of the audience was overcome with the desire to possess the new album featuring the wonderfully highlighted song. Consequently 30,000 copies, an unbelievably high figure, of this yet to be released album in stores were bought by the audience throughout the three performances. The audience in Hannah's box was likewise thrilled and entertained. Adam declared that he needed to purchase a copy of the album, but Hannah assured him that he would receive a complimentary copy suitably autographed by Pamela. Adam could not contain his pleasure at that information.

At the end of the concert, Hannah led Adam and Larry to Pamela's super size dressing room where an impromptu party was going on. The party consisted of the members of the band and various hangers-on. Consistent with similar celebrations there was lots of drugs available, and everyone was getting high except Pamela, Larry, Adam and Hannah. Pamela liked to portray to the world that her show business success was driven by her mother's ambitions and her Svengali like influence. Although her mother's contribution undoubtedly was a factor, it was Pamela's own desires that paved the way for her success. Pamela had developed a goal to establish herself as a unique legend in show business history. Thus, she refrained from drugs not because of any moral strictures from her mother on the point, but from her own realization that drug usage would hinder her ambitions.

Although sex was very important to Pamela and she felt like she needed to be fucked constantly, nevertheless her career was more important. As she had already made her mind up and agreed with her mother that it was important to her career that she marry and marry spectacularly, she was willing to put up with Larry Grant even though he did not spark any sexual desire in her. Larry likewise was attracted to Pamela for mercenary reasons even though he truly did not passionately love her. He was not particular in his sexual appetites; almost any female would do to satisfy his carnal lusts. Thus, when Pamela and Larry left the party to fuck at the room Hannah had initially engaged, neither one had the eagerness of anticipating spectacular sex.

Adam Webster did not do drugs despite his low self esteem brought on by his off-putting physical appearance. It was the one source of pride whereby he felt good about himself. At this party he was getting a nice buzz from the available champagne. To have met Pamela Rose in person after her concert had to be the highlight of his life to date, and her mother, Hannah, was being extra super nice to him. He realized that he was going to remember and cherish this night forever. He was to learn that he was going to have even more reason to cherish this night.

Hannah had never developed any interest in indulging in drugs so at the party she was merely sipping her champagne devising a strategy to seduce Adam into her bed. As he was a truly devoted fan of Pamela she knew that this fact could be exploited to secure the success she was seeking. So at a good opportunity she lured Adam by cooing, "Oh Adam would you like to come with me to the hotel suite Pamela and I share? In addition to the new album, I can give you some really nice 8x10 glossy pictures of Pamela which she has already autographed? I can have the limo take you home afterwards."

"Really? Oh gosh! This is too much! Oh, I would love to have autographed pictures of Pamela Rose. I would be the envy of all my classmates."

Adam had informed Hannah in earlier conversation that he was a senior at Columbia's School of Journalism. He expected to start work at his father's magazine after graduation. The limousine ride from MSG to the hotel to Adam's mind completed a magical night. He was to experience even more magic that night. When Hannah and Adam arrived at the hotel suite, he was naturally impressed by the opulence.

Hannah motioning Adam to sit down at the couch asked, "While I am getting out Pamela's photos would you like me to make you a man's drink? Would you like a Scotch on the rocks?"

"Yes, thank you Hannah. Wow this is really superb. I don't think I'll ever forget this night."

"I'm sure you won't." smiled Hannah in response.

Hannah fixed a Glenffidich for him and a rum and coke for herself. As she went to the bedroom to get the photos, she removed her bra and tossed it in the closet. Then she returned to the common area to sit beside Adam and presented him with several delightful glossies of Pamela, all autographed specifically for Adam, which Pamela had previously signed for just this purpose. He was suitably overjoyed and thrilled to have the photos so personally acknowledged.

He exclaimed: "Wow! Awesome! These pictures are just great! And Pamela has personally signed them addressed to me!"

"Yes Adam, as your father told me you would be coming instead of him and he told me that you were a special fan, so I had Pamela sign them just for you."

"Oh Hannah what a great gift! I'll treasure it forever. I could just kiss you!"

Hannah smiled coyly, and as she turned to him to be directly in his face replied saucily, "Oh Adam what a wonderful reward for my troubles! I accept and claim it."

Before Adam could say anything or react at all to Hannah's words, she placed a hand at the back of his head and thereby gently pulled his lips towards hers. She planted a lusciously closed mouth kiss, and as he felt her super soft lips on his, he opened his mouth on reflex. Her tongue darted in as a pleasant tingling sensation was forming at the bottom of his spine. He then returned her kiss and their tongues soon were engaged in an erotic duel. In reality this was his very first sexually provocative kiss deliberatively and freely given to him. That realization alone caused his cock to harden as his brain was savoring the experience.

He had closed his eyes while enjoying the sweetest kiss he could ever have imagined. After a while, they mutually broke their kiss and just stared at each other momentarily. To Adam's genuine wonder, he could see that there was no hint of revulsion in Hannah's eyes; only surprise, surprise: desire. He smiled in gratitude as he usually only saw pity or disgust when he made eye contact. Hannah returned his smile, and then with her hands she slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders to expose her ample boobs to him. Adam gasped as he froze on the spot as he stared at her gorgeous tits.

Now it was true as Hannah despaired, that she had cellulite, crow's feet and wrinkles, but notwithstanding these physical blemishes she still was an extremely attractive woman who had no trouble in obtaining fuck buddies whenever she made the effort. These blemishes only served to give her a mature look but did not diminish the natural beauty of her face. She was in effect just as alluring now at forty-one years of age as when she was in her twenties. Although most men might find her cellulite off putting, for Adam, who was cursed with his red-purple splotches, could not even think of seeing that as a minus to her appearance. Instead, he found her body endearing and those magnificent boobs as, well magnificent.

As he continued to leer, Hannah cupped her tits and gushed, "Do you like my titties, Adam?"

"Oh yes!"

"You can touch them. Squeeze them. Fondle them. Play with them. I would like that. You can kiss my nipples. Suck them. Even bite them. I would like that!".

Adam was mesmerized by her breasts. Hannah's boobs were substantial and were shaped perfectly. They did not sag and were without a doubt her best physical feature. His mouth was now watering, almost drooling as he reached and tentatively caressed her tits. Hannah with an absolutely beatific smile and in a lusty sultry voice urged, "Oh yeah Adam that is so good. Your touch is so soothing. Don't be afraid to squeeze them. You won't hurt me."

Adam was becoming delirious in ecstasy. He had never had a woman give of herself so freely and it was very apparent the difference to his previous experience with whores. The professional prostitutes were always impatient in the fucking. Throughout the sex they were always urging him to hurry and to cum. He knew intellectually the reason for such attitude on their part, but it sure made the sex meaningless. Hannah, on the other hand, was in no hurry as she was savoring the bliss as much as he. Suddenly he felt her hand on his pants covered cock and he gasped in surprise. Then he became cognizant that she must have unzipped his pants as he now felt her hand stroking the bare flesh of his cock. The feel of her hand on his cock and then on his balls was soothing and he groaned in appreciation.

She cooed, "You like, Adam?"

"Oh yeah! I like!"

"I sure like what you are doing to me as well."


"Why don't we get naked and take this to the bedroom?"

"What about Pamela? Won't she be coming here and see us?"

"Don't you worry about a thing. I have it on good authority that Pamela will be spending the night elsewhere."

They both got up. Following Hannah's lead, who had gotten naked in a hurry, Adam undressed himself. Once he was totally naked, Hannah smiled and took him by hand to the bedroom. Once there they stared at each other's nakedness. As Hannah was now smiling lasciviously at him presumably in admiration of his body, Adam lost all of his inhibitions and bashfulness of how his body with its imperfections must look to her. He concentrated on admiring Hannah's feminine beauty which he found very appealing.

He could not help but exclaim, "Oh my God Hannah! You are gorgeous!"

Hannah giggled and replied, "So sweet of you to say so my dear Adam! You are a fine specimen of man. I know I'm going to enjoy being fucked by that magnificent cock of yours. I'm already wet just thinking of it. Here feel for yourself."

Hannah grabbed Adam's hand and directed it to her cunt. On his own he inserted a finger inside her vagina and scooped out some of her female juices. He brought the finger to his mouth to taste. Once he licked his finger clean, he slipped another finger into her cunt and scooped out some more of her juices.

He offered this finger to Hannah saying, "Here Hannah perhaps you would like to taste yourself."

Smiling again, Hannah sucked his finger dry and replied, "Hmm yes! I haven't tasted myself in quite some time. So kiss me big boy and we can share my essence."

They embarked on a truly passionate kiss, tonguing each other ferociously; reveling in the taste of Hannah's juices. Hannah was pleased that Adam was not squeamish at a little kinkiness in sex, and it boded well for some ensuing fantastic sex. The two of them then tumbled onto the bed and were rolling backwards and forwards as they were mutually masturbating each other.

They stopped with her on top and they started kissing each other seriously, slowly and deeply. Hannah was caressing his hair while Adam was caressing her back and buttocks. Finally, they turned over with him on top. Both were aware the foreplay was over as they were both ready and well prepared for some vaginal penetration. Without either Hannah or Adam touching his cock and guiding it, Adam's cock magically found Hannah's cunt on its own and entered it by its own volition. Hannah let out a gasp; not a gasp of pain nor a gasp of surprise. It was just a gasp of acknowledgment to telegraph to him that he was in her. Of course, he needed no such acknowledgment as her wet vagina enveloping his cock produced a sensation that was unmistakable in deciphering what was happening.

Adam started pumping slowly and she returned his thrusts with counter thrusts of her hips at the same pace. She was combing his hair with one of her hands and rubbing his back with her other hand. She had automatically wrapped her legs behind him with her heels resting on the back of his thighs to allow her some leverage for her movements. Hannah gave out a very high pitched and very feminine grunt at each thrust. The sound of her grunts excited him as his brain assessed it as evidence of high agitation and intense pleasure. Hannah's grunts were in sharp contrast to the artificial noises the whores made.

The realization of her unbridled joy to his fucking compelled him to increase the tempo of his fucking. As the tempo of his thrusts increased so did her counter thrusts. Thus, they were soon perspiring profusely from their exertions.

Hannah was now squeaking instead of grunting and the new sound enflamed him even more. He was now grunting himself where previously he had been more or less silent. His emotions were on overload and the pleasure sensations were in his blood stream coursing throughout his body. He lost all control of his libido, so the natural consequence was a gargantuan eruption of sperm from his testes and flooding her vagina with copious amounts of sperm.

During his ejaculation he could not help but blurt out truly inane shouts of glee, "EEH YA! YOW WEE! HEE HAW!

It was certainly silly sounding that would disturb the sensibilities of a sophisticated man. Hannah was also screaming out her orgasm. At least her exclamations consisted of discernable words, "Oh fuck! Oh Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck! Oh shit!"

Not much better but neither one had any real control of their vocal cords and so hence these utterings. When they disengaged, they were each laughing at their banalities. They gazed at each other lovingly as each was completely satisfied as they were calming down from their intense orgasms.

Finally Adam spoke out, "I'm sorry Hannah. I did not use a condom. I did not have one with me in any case."

"Oh, you need not worry Adam. Yes, I have had a lot of sex partners, but I am clean and in excellent health. I can assure you that you won't contract any STDs from me."

Adam was a little shocked by Hannah's frankness. Actually, the horror of possible STDs had not occurred to him. So he replied, "No! No! That's not what I am concerned about. I am worried about the possibility of pregnancy."

Hannah laughed as she replied, "Oh how sweet of you, Adam. Most guys your age don't give a dam about it, figuring it is their female partner's problem; nothing to do with them. On this score you don't have to worry either as I had my tubes died shortly after the death of my husband. I figured Pamela was enough for me to handle."

"Well, I guess that's a relief. Although were you able to get pregnant I want you to know I would support the child to the best of my abilities. When I started fucking you that was my initial thought and that is why I continued as I was prepared to accept the responsibility."

"Oh my gosh! Bless you. I can see you are not bull shitting me. I am gratified for your noble thoughts. I believe this calls for a special reward. Mind you it is a reward for me as well since I need to do it."

Without further ado, Hannah slid down so she could comfortably suck his cock. She popped his limp cock in her mouth and started tentatively licking and slurping it. She used one hand to stroke that part of his rod not in her mouth and the other hand to gently caress his balls. As he started to harden, she was able to slide up and down on his rod coaxing it to its ultimate stiffness. As she was giving head, she was moaning leaving no doubt to Adam as to the pleasure she was personally deriving from her activity. Adam was astonished at how sexy Hannah was. She genuinely enjoyed having sex with him notwithstanding the ugliness of his skin disorder. His mind exploded again in euphoria, and he sensed that he seemed to have expelled more sperm this time than in the vaginal copulation.

Hannah did not swallow and despite her mouth full of cum with some of it dripping out of her lips, she managed to ask if he wanted a taste. As he nodded in affirmation, she immediately started French kissing him initiating a sexual snowball activity. To Hannah's pleasure, Adam offered no resistance to the cum swapping and ingested his fair share of the available cum. Hannah thought Adam showed great promise as a lover rivaling his father although Hannah knew enough not to articulate the comparison. When Hannah finished swallowing all the cum she could, she let out a lady like burp that Adam giggled at.

Completely pleased with Adam, Hannah opined, "I hope you don't mind my saying so but I believe you are overly self conscious of your skin problems. Yes, I am sure a lot of females will shirk from you, but the worthwhile girls won't. I envy the lucky girl that will catch you. She will be pleasantly rewarded by the fantastic sex she will enjoy with you. I suspect you will have someone soon to keep your cock busy."

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