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Mother's Confliciton Pt. 08


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Michelle's heart thunders in her chest as she can feel the mix of emotions that hit her that day; Ryan watched her. She looks back over her shoulder to see if Ryan was following her, part of her hopes he is while at the same time, the mother feels grateful she does not see him giving chase. The emotional mother hurries into the master bedroom as she drops the half-full laundry basket to the floor. "Fuck...fuck...fuck...Why did I say that?" Michelle says as she shakes her hands nervously. "Because you want him to know. Because you are a whore." The evil urges within Michelle scream at her as she leans against the closed door to her bedroom. The tormented mother shakes her head back and forth, almost as if trying to shake the urges away, when the ring of her phone snaps her back to reality.


Michelle deeply inhales and slowly exhales, looking at the phone, trying to steady her breathing before hitting the answer button. "Hey, Jason!"

"Hey babe, how are you this morning?"

"I'm good, I'm good, Everything is really good," Michelle says as her eyes frantically scan the room. The almost frantic woman worrying that someone her husband could see her.

"You don't sound good; sounds like you been running or something," Jason says as the overuse of the word good has him slightly puzzled.

"I was downstairs when I heard the phone, so I jogged up to our bedroom. I guess I need more cardio than I realized." Michelle clenches her eyes tightly as she hates lying to Jason but, at the same time, does not want to admit the real reason for her racing pulse. "You don't sound the same, either." She says, trying to divert the conversation.

"I downed a shit load of caffeine. I have been up since like four."

"Got to be careful babe. That shit is not good for you. What time is it there?"

"Same as it is at home little after seven. We are still in the same time zone."

"Oh, okay. Are Marc and Celeste enjoying the trip?"

Jason can tell something is off with his wife as she seems to be making unneeded small talk one her many tells when she's got something heavily weighing on her. "We only got here last night, so I don't think so, at least not yet. I am going to go to dinner with them tonight, so I won't be back in the room until late, I think."

"It's cool. I want you to enjoy these trips as much as possible. Lord knows you likely need a break from my craziness."

"It's been all good, don't worry about it. I hope the Joseph thing did not freak you out too much."

"Oh, it did, but I liked it a lot. He is a pretty good actor; I have to give him credit." Michelle says with a nervous laugh as she can feel the soreness in her body almost amplify as she thinks about the man from last night.

"I was just trying to give you an experience that you wouldn't forget and trying to help with this new lifestyle you have embraced," Jason says as he gathers a few things and throws them into his laptop bag. "I got to thinking, and I have enjoyed it a lot, but I think it does need to be more of a two-way street like we talked about."

"I guess so, sweetie." Michelle nervously replies as she wonders how far down a two-way street does sexual activities with her own kids go.

A beating on the hotel door interrupts Jason as he drops his wallet into his pocket. "Well, Marc is beating the hell out of my door, so our car must be here to go to the conference. I will be unavailable for a while, and I just wanted to say hi, and I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie, and thank you again."

"Thank me? For what?"

"Everything, I guess I am not sure really. Just thanks for all you do for us and what you've been so open to for me, just thank you."

"Well, you're welcome; it's not like it's killing me to participate in some of this. Okay, got to run before Marc beats down my door, love you bye." Jason says with a chuckle as he ends his call and trots over to the door to greet Marc.

"Dude, what the hell? I am not paying for door damages." Jason laughs as he shakes his head at his friend.

"Sorry, it's just that the car is waiting, and we got to go."


Michelle can feel a lot of the anxiety that was plaguing her start to fade away. The sound of Jason's voice a semi calming influence over the edgy mother as she looks at herself in the mirror. For a moment, Michelle thinks about changing her clothes to something normal. She believes that would maybe clue Ryan not to pursue any questions about what she said to him previously. Michelle looks at the spot on her dresser, where she lays out her clothes; she picks up the more motherly attire she has lying there. The button down blouse and conservative mom jeans. "I am not this person anymore." She says aloud as she drops the outfit back to where it has sat for quite some time. She steps in front of her full-length mirror and looks over her clothes, they were far from the sluttiest thing she has worn at home, but they also far from the clothes she just sat down.

"Whatever I am who I am." She speaks aloud to the empty bedroom as her thoughts soon begin to wander back to the day she saw her son spying on her in this very same mirror. "I should not have done that. I should have closed the door. I can be Jason's, and I can be with other men, but I got to stop this with my kids. I don't think there is a spot on Jason's two-way street for what I have done with Gwen and thought about with Ryan." Michelle lectures herself as she reaches over and clicks on her radio, similar to how she did the day Ryan saw her.

The small radio picking up where it left off that day playing the remaining few minutes of the MP3 as the sound of the song brings her memories to a new level. The almost vague imagery of that day starts becoming more lucid and vibrant as she can now vividly remember how she felt masturbating in front of her own son. "I should not have done that," Michelle says aloud again, but this time the tone is not the same. The mother is not saying it as if it is an unquestionable fact but almost as if she is trying to convince herself that the actions were wrong despite deep down feeling conflicted about it.

"Why does it matter now? You are who you are, right? So you did what you did." The inner voice the proverbial devil on her shoulder questions her as she hits the repeat button on the radio to hear the song again.

"Being a slut or whore is one thing, but these are my kids. There has to be a line."

"Does there? They are legally adults and capable of making their choices. Your daughter wants her daddy, so what is so bad about you wanting your son?"

"I...well...I...I just..." Michelle starts and stops, tears form in her pale blue eyes as she tries to find her words while arguing with her devilish side.

"I do not hear a good argument against it."

Michelle laughs a little as she wonders if she is indeed going crazy arguing with herself. "I always thought in the conscience arguments in movies, there was an angel on the other shoulder. I guess mine left." She states as she gazes into the mirror while pulling off her shirt and bottoms.

The thirty-seven-year-old auburn-haired mother caresses her natural double D breasts. She pauses to take a small moment to tweak her already erect nipples. A shiver runs down her spine as she hears the part of the song from that day Ryan spied on her, the same line that she heard when she plunged her fingers inside herself for her son to see.

Ryan White lay on his bed, his cock still in hand hard as a rock but unable to cum as he strokes himself feverishly. The nineteen-year-old tries to use any imagery he can, from his mom to his sister to his girlfriend Maddie, but all fail to bring him to where he craves to be. The sexually frustrated teenager almost growls as he crawls off his bed and heads towards his dresser to retrieve one of his many porn DVDs from his stash. The sexually driven young man pauses as he stands in front of his dresser next to his closed bedroom door; he can hear the song coming from outside his room. The classic rock music having a similar effect on him as it did his mother as the thoughts and imagery of that day become as vibrant as the day they happened. The young man's long thick piece of abused meat begins to twitch and leak pre-cum just at the sound of the music and the newly reinvigorated thoughts of that day watching his mom masturbating. Ryan reaches down and gives his cock a tug, the feeling more intense now than it was moments earlier. He grunts slightly as he finds thinking of her masturbating is now turning him on more than his thoughts of her fucking the stranger the night before. "She put on that show for me." He grins as he thinks about the revelation his mother Michelle made to him only a short time ago. "Fuck it, she wants to be a whore."

Ryan excitedly grasps the doorknob and jerks his door open with authority as he steps into the hallway. The well-endowed teenager's cock serving almost as a guide pointing out straight ahead as he makes a beeline to his mother's bedroom. The music's sound increases as Ryan reaches for the knob. He slowly twists it trying quietly to enter his parents' bedroom. The teen pauses as he is greeted by a sight that he simultaneously wants to see but is still not fully prepared to see.

Michelle white has her fingers deep inside herself, probing her craving pussy. She pleasures herself with one hand while clutching the edge of her dresser for support with the other hand. The mother has no idea her son has entered into the room as she thinks about him and that first day in front of the mirror. "Oh fuck...yes..." Michelle moans out softly as her fingernails dig into the dresser. The lust-driven woman adds a third finger to her hungry opening as she pushes further into herself than she ever has before.

"Am I going to do this?" Ryan questions himself as he clutches his throbbing cock in his hand. "Gwen is one thing, but this is mom," Ryan states to himself; despite a feeling of apprehension, he continues to walk towards his masturbating mother. As the apprehensive young man gets closer, he can hear his mother's soft moans over the familiar music. The son can smell the musk radiating from her soaking wet pussy. Ryan's rigid piece of meat twitches as he inhales deeply, reveling in his mother's scent.

Michelle nearly screams out in pleasure and shock as she pushes herself to orgasm just as she feels someone from behind grab her. "What the fuck?" She instinctively yells out as she quickly pulls her fingers out.

Ryan's grip near vise-like as he holds onto his mother. "You're a whore mom." The teenager angrily growls.

"Ryan, you're kind of hurting me," Michelle says as she feels her son's powerful arms locking around her. The grip is painful, but, at the same time, exhilarating as Michelle does nothing to attempt to free herself. She bites her bottom lip softly as she realizes it is her son's bare cock pressed firmly against her bare buttocks.

"You acting this way hurt me. I thought you were good; I looked up to you."

"Ryan, sweetie, I can't be this person you thought I was. I don't belong n some type of pedestal."

"I know mother, so I am going to finally treat you like the person you want to be," Ryan says in an almost creepy tone. The young man picks his mother up off the floor and effortlessly tosses her to the nearby bed. "Is this what you wanted that day mother?"

The use of the word mother something Ryan only called Michelle on a few occasions, and now coupled with her son's tone, sends a chill down Michelle's spine. Ryan, her eldest child, seems almost possessed by his urges as he walks towards the bed, his raging hard-on still in his grasp. Michelle feels her body trembling but does not know if it is fear or excitement fueling the adrenaline rush that is overtaking her body.

"Ryan, I am not who you want me to be, but...but...I am not sure I am ready to be this person either." Michelle states as her voice trembles and breaks.

Ryan just gives a small grin at his mother's words, as they do not deter him from progressing forward towards his target. "I think you are ready, mother," Ryan says as he climbs onto the marital bed of Jason and Michelle.

Michelle's eyes clench tightly as she hears her all too familiar inner voice yelling out at her. "This is what you wanted; you've already been with your daughter...Why are you scared of this?" Michelle's internal monologue echoes in her head as she opens her eyes, fixating them on her son's engorged cock. The trembling woman gulps as she watches her son move closer to her on the bed.

"You are going to be this person. You are going to let me fuck you; if you don't, I am just going to take it just like the guy did last night." Ryan states with almost no emotion in his voice.

Michelle's eyes shoot open as wide as saucers as she hears the revelation that Ryan knows about what she did with the stranger Joseph. "Oh, no baby, that was something between your dad and me. It is a long story." Michelle says, trying to halfway explain and defend the night before.

"I don't care about dad or the guy last night. I am done blaming dad for you being like this."

"But..." Michelle's thoughts cut short as the touch of her son's hand on her body creates a rush of goosebumps all over her.

Ryan's hands now on Michelle's smooth waxed legs, the temperature of her flesh feeling as if it could burn the young man's hand. Ryan's near mushroom-like head leaking pre-cum across the fresh cotton sheets as his cock twitches. Michelle's nervous trembling begins to transition to an almost sexually fueled quiver as she knows what Ryan said was true. The mother knows if Ryan wants her, he can easily take her; she could not stop him even if she wanted to. The powerless feeling washing over Michelle, raising her body temperature even higher as she feels beads of sweat forming on her forehead. The auburn-haired beauty parts her lips to speak, she does not know if she wants to consent or protest, but in the end, it does not matter as no words come out.

Even though Michelle is typically never at a loss for words, whether it be inner voices, monologues, or conversations with herself, at this moment, she has nothing she can think to say. Her son's large masculine hands sliding up her smooth toned and tan legs have her head spinning. That is when it happened, all the jumbled thoughts suddenly came into focus on one thing. Michelle's mind locks in on the rush of pain and pleasure that is ripping through her thirty-seven-year-old body. Ryan roughly forces his mother's previously crossed legs open.

Michelle's face goes almost cherry red as she is on display for her son and not like before when it was from across the room; she is on display up close and personal. Ryan's large, powerful hand crashes down with a slap across his mom's freshly shaven vagina. Michelle unleashes a howl of pleasure and pain as the sting of the slap reverberates throughout her body.

"Can't be that person? You're soaking fucking wet." Ryan growls as he slaps down, repeatedly spanking his mother's hot wet slit.

"Please baby, stop..." Michelle moans out as her body is flooded with waves of pain and pleasure.

"Okay, yes mother, I will stop," Ryan says as he places his wet hand to his mother's full red lips.

Michelle's chest heaves up and down as she fights to take in enough air as she instinctively begins tonguing her son's wet hand, lapping all her juices off it. As Michelle slowly sucks each of her son's long thick fingers, Ryan has other ideas as he pushes the head of his bare cock into his mother's hungry pussy. The sexually crazed teen fights his urge to go balls deep instead fucking his mother with just the head of his cock for a few moments.

The realization of what is inside her hits Michelle like a lightning bolt snapping her back to a moment of clarity not clouded by lust. "Ryan, I don't think we should do this. I know what I did was wrong, but we just can't do this." Michelle says as she already has enough on her plate with her daughter Gwen wanting Jason. The sexually conflicted mother has zero ideas of how she could even broach the subject of that, let alone explaining to her husband how she ended up fucking their son.

"It is too late to worry now." Ryan groans as he ignores his mother's words, and instead of withdrawing himself, he pushes deeper. The young man's engorged flesh sliding balls deep into his own mother. Ryan, unprepared for how intense the taboo sensation would be, has to pause, taking a moment to center himself as he rests on his knees. As his mother's legs rest over his shoulders, Ryan inhales and exhales a few times deeply before pulling himself back out slightly.

"Oh fuck baby... You're big." Michelle purrs as her face slightly contorts as she feels her sore pussy slightly stretching to accommodate her son's thick cock. "I need it, baby; mommy wants you and needs you." Michelle's own words taking her by surprise as she calls herself mommy and admits to wanting what is happening.

"It is because my mommy is a fucking whore!" Ryan exclaims as his slow, gradual movement, rapidly graduate into hard fast thrusts. The young man almost completely withdrawing his shaft before forcibly ramming it back inside his mother. The teenager looking down at Michelle, his mind muddled with a plethora of thoughts as he unleashes his pent up aggression on his mother.

"Oh my god, this feels so good." an overwhelmed Ryan says to himself. The young man feels shocked at the sensations his mother's taboo pussy is sending throughout his teenage body. He grunts hard as he thrusts deep and hard into the woman under him, the boy almost not looking at her as his mother anymore but just a whore that is there to pleasure him.

Michelle's face contorts more as she winces in pain; her son is pounding deep inside her his cock not as long as her rendezvous with the man Jason sent over but somehow feels as if it is going deeper and hitting hard inside of her. The mother's mind swirls, as she did not know what to expect if she did this with Ryan. However, at the same time, Michelle did not expect to be so violently fucked by her first-born. ", are you trying to hurt mommy?" Michelle manages to breathlessly moan out as her pale blue eyes lock on to her son's face.

Ryan stares into his mother's eyes, the same one he sees when he looks into the mirror every day. The shared shape and color of their eyes seemingly the only trait the young man inherited from his mother. He grunts and groans as sweat runs off his brow. The animalistic teen finally manages to respond to the question posed to him, but only after many more powerful thrusts into the hot wet pussy. "Yes, I want to hurt; you like that, don't you?" Ryan growls, as his pace is unrelenting.

The rush of yet another orgasm hits Michelle. The sexually deviant mother is flooding her bed with her own juices, as it is not just her son's cock fueling her but also his words. "Yes baby, call mommy a whore."

"Fucking whore!"

"More please, more," Michelle pleads as she drags her nails down the back of her son. The salacious mother's aching body screaming out as she is abused for the second time in less than twenty-four hours.

"Slutty fucking whore!" Ryan exclaims again as the pain of his mother's nails cause him to bark out his words at her, his saliva escaping his lips as he barks at his mom, splashing down on her face and melon-like breasts.

The feeling of the salvia hitting Michelle ignites an even hotter flame inside the wanton woman. "Oh my god, yes, spit on your whore. I am a cheap slut. I love you being momma's dirty boy." Michelle says with a devious smile.

The words "momma's dirty boy" echo into the teenager's head, the exact same words Gwen said to him the day in the bathroom. The phrase almost serving as a trigger setting the boy's thought's back to how he felt that day with Gwen collapsed on the floor breathless, yelling at him. "I didn't want to be this way; you all made me do this," Ryan growls as the angst-filled son pulls his wet cock out of his mother's abused pussy. The young teen's nostrils flare as he feels a mix of anger and desire coursing throughout his body.

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